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Agents of Edgewatch

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Hey, didn't see one up, so here it goes.

No precinct map yet, but I wanted one, so here it is. Probably not right/missing stuff. I made it before I read very much.

Precinct Map

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Bast L. wrote:

Hey, didn't see one up, so here it goes.

No precinct map yet, but I wanted one, so here it is. Probably not right/missing stuff. I made it before I read very much.

Precinct Map

Nice! But looks very new construction and well planned and funded.

The way they talk about the Edgewatch as only half funded, and with all the fast construction and repair on existing buildings going on, I always pictured the watch headquarters shoehorned into some existing, half repaired building.

My imagining puts in the shell of what was once a grand hotel, now with half the rooms collapsed and just boarded off, and holding cells being old rooms, just with a cell door repalacing the old door. Of course, I haven't got around to drawing it, so you're ahead of me.

Hmm, based on page 5, it's newly constructed, but I should remove the living quarters from the offices. Can shrink it up too. Probably should make the armory a bit better "guarded" with less easy access. (I should probably read the whole module first :)

Also, from the description on page 68, it sounds like they leveled the district, and built everything anew.

Either way, making it smaller would be better. Thanks for the feedback.

Version 2 of Precinct HQ, tightened up a bit (still too big, probably).

Nice work Bast L.

I came here to post what I had made to find yours! I guess it is the first part the group comes across.

- Central Book Area in front
- 7x Holding Cells
- Cafeteria with Kitchen
- Storage for Supplies
- Hygiene Facilities
- Training Courtyard
- Quartermaster / Armoury
- Station Commander Office
- Station Briefing Room
- Small Gardens
- 2x Barracks that hold total 18 beds

Pixel Grid Width: 128px
Agents of Edgewatch - Precipice Quarter Station v1.0

Feedback welcome and I will update the Map as I update it.

Using Assets purchased from: Tom Cartos

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Updated: Found that there was a door missing between Briefing Room and Quatermaster / Armoury area.

Precipice Quarter Station v1.01

But what about the Wardrobe?

"The precinct’s impressive collection of clothes and costumes kept for precisely this purpose. All manner of disguises, from chic cocktail dresses to garish jester outfits, hang from over a dozen racks that line the walls of the vast walk-in closet."

I imagine it having this super nondescript entrance with a simple plaque saying "Wardrobe" and then you enter to find racks and racks of eclectic outfits.

Haha, I should really read the whole thing first (only prepared through chapter 2). Thanks for the info.

Updated with wardrobe

(though not exactly a closet, unless a closet can have front and back entrance).

Wish I could edit old posts, so I don't fill the thread with updates.

Liberty's Edge

Sovaka wrote:

Nice work Bast L.

I came here to post what I had made to find yours! I guess it is the first part the group comes across.

- Central Book Area in front
- 7x Holding Cells
- Cafeteria with Kitchen
- Storage for Supplies
- Hygiene Facilities
- Training Courtyard
- Quartermaster / Armoury
- Station Commander Office
- Station Briefing Room
- Small Gardens
- 2x Barracks that hold total 18 beds

Pixel Grid Width: 128px
Agents of Edgewatch - Precipice Quarter Station v1.0

Feedback welcome and I will update the Map as I update it.

Using Assets purchased from: Tom Cartos

In addition to the Wardrobe, I would probably suggest adding some kind of workroom for paperwork, lockers for personal storage to be used by officers who don't stay in the barracks, and possibly a handful of smaller offices for the detectives.

Shisumo wrote:

In addition to the Wardrobe, I would probably suggest adding some kind of workroom for paperwork, lockers for personal storage to be used by officers who don't stay in the barracks, and possibly a handful of smaller offices for the detectives.

Yeah I will definitely look at adding these.

I certainly missed the whole plerb about the room filled with copious amounts of outfits.

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Updated - Edgewatch Station
Version 1.4

- Wardrobe for Undercover work and Disguises
- Detectives Offices + waiting benches
- 3x Interrogation Rooms
- Locker Storage for Guards that don't stay at the Barracks

- Added Door from Armoury to Wardrobe
- Moved Door from Book to past Detective Offices
- Lightened Floor / Walls
- ReArranged dressing at front of Station to accommodate Detective Offices

Edgewatch Station v1.4 via PostImg

I'm not entirely familiar with what is and is not allowed for remakes of maps, but based on what I've seen in other CCC threads I think these should be acceptable.

Chapter 1 tavern
Chapter 1 tavern with 100px grid

The zoo from chapter 1, no grid

Sovaka wrote:

Updated - Edgewatch Station

Version 1.4

Edgewatch Station v1.4 via PostImg

@Sovaka - I really like your version, however at 800x800 I had to zoom in quite a bit to get the grid to line up in Foundry. This caused the entire map quality to suffer. Would you consider posting a larger render... say double the size (1600x1600)? That would be awesome.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Valdacil wrote:

@Sovaka - I really like your version, however at 800x800 I had to zoom in quite a bit to get the grid to line up in Foundry. This caused the entire map quality to suffer. Would you consider posting a larger render... say double the size (1600x1600)? That would be awesome.

Hey, when you click the link, you should be able to "magnify" by clicking again.

Then you can right click that image and save as or open in new tab and save.

Elsewise; here is a direct link... It is much larger than 1600x1600 :D

Sovaka wrote:

Updated - Edgewatch Station

Version 1.4

- Wardrobe for Undercover work and Disguises
- Detectives Offices + waiting benches
- 3x Interrogation Rooms
- Locker Storage for Guards that don't stay at the Barracks

- Added Door from Armoury to Wardrobe
- Moved Door from Book to past Detective Offices
- Lightened Floor / Walls
- ReArranged dressing at front of Station to accommodate Detective Offices

Edgewatch Station v1.4 via PostImg

the pic is great, but in the future could you keep the size under 10MB, the plus limit on r20? trying to reduce the size to the correct amount requires a lot of trial an error - thx

Not sure if anyone in here takes requests (or if that's how we should use this thread), but I am about to start this adventure and would love to have a decent-resolution map of just the Precipice Quarter so that I could show my roll20 group roughly where they are/the route of their beat.

I have found a lot of maps of Absalom, but none that are high resolution enough to not be blurry/distorted looking when zoomed. If someone has such a map and I just couldn't find it, that would be awesome too!

fevian wrote:

Not sure if anyone in here takes requests (or if that's how we should use this thread), but I am about to start this adventure and would love to have a decent-resolution map of just the Precipice Quarter so that I could show my roll20 group roughly where they are/the route of their beat.

I have found a lot of maps of Absalom, but none that are high resolution enough to not be blurry/distorted looking when zoomed. If someone has such a map and I just couldn't find it, that would be awesome too!

I created a somewhat higher res version of the old Precipice Quarter, but if you read the text in the first AP book, it seems as tho the Fairground map IS the new Precipice Quarter.

And if you compare shore line features, it does somewhat fit, especially with the wall on the East.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

is there any scale for the city of absalom? the Festival can be measured using the Heroes fountain as a scale, but I don't know about absalom itself

Sovaka wrote:

I created a somewhat higher res version of the old Precipice Quarter, but if you read the text in the first AP book, it seems as tho the Fairground map IS the new Precipice Quarter.

And if you compare shore line features, it does somewhat fit, especially with the wall on the East.

In another thread, James (I think it was anyway) discussed how the scale presented in the book was distorted. He suggested that it might be twice as large as it really should be, so the festival should only take about 1/4 of the entire quarter. All this being said, if you would please share your old Precipice Quarter image, I would be greatly appreciative!

Made House of the Planes in Dungeondraft. Nothing amazing, as I'm not a pro DD user and don't have a lot of assets, but it works.

- main floor with ten rooms (no corridors between the central and the corner ones, because of reasons)
- basement that leads into the caverns (w/ storage, kitchen and toilets)
- simple main entrance

Valdacil wrote:

Sovaka wrote:

Updated - Edgewatch Station

Version 1.4
Edgewatch Station v1.4 via PostImg

@Sovaka - I really like your version, however at 800x800 I had to zoom in quite a bit to get the grid to line up in Foundry. This caused the entire map quality to suffer. Would you consider posting a larger render... say double the size (1600x1600)? That would be awesome.

Mind sharing your config for the 1600x1600 map in Foundry for best grid mapping?

If you're using that 1600x1600 in Foundry VTT, I've created walls and lights. You can find the json to import here:

Feel free to DM me with questions, or find me on Discord mirkoRainer#3102

Nice work all. Some nice maps. Super helpful.

Thanks for the maps everyone!
Is there a map of the Precipice Quarter anywhere?

Hey all,

anyone tempted in making a map of starwatch keep? or at least the room where they lodge at starwatch keep?

I've used the precinct map so far for their rest time on Foundry VTT, but now that they got promoted in book 3 i'm looking to maybe make the change last by not reusing the same map.

AlastarOG wrote:

Hey all,

anyone tempted in making a map of starwatch keep? or at least the room where they lodge at starwatch keep?

I've used the precinct map so far for their rest time on Foundry VTT, but now that they got promoted in book 3 i'm looking to maybe make the change last by not reusing the same map.

I'll be using this one:

edwinmamuszko wrote:
AlastarOG wrote:

Hey all,

anyone tempted in making a map of starwatch keep? or at least the room where they lodge at starwatch keep?

I've used the precinct map so far for their rest time on Foundry VTT, but now that they got promoted in book 3 i'm looking to maybe make the change last by not reusing the same map.

I'll be using this one:


2 people marked this as a favorite.

I forgot to post it here so here we go, an updated version of House of the Planes using the layout from AP5, but less sad artwork.


An awesome job. These maps really are more agrable to the eye than the official ones, and your versions of the House of the Planes brings much needed life & colour into it.

and here's my version of the catacombs (seriously who thought having two levels on the same map is a good idea).
it's made specifically for foundry and its multilevel tokens module, but I suppose it can be used with anything if you move tokens manually.
the cave walls on lower and upper levels do not align perfectly, but I can't be arsed to do that since f+!! dungeondraft cave walls.


edwinmamuszko wrote:

and here's my version of the catacombs (seriously who thought having two levels on the same map is a good idea).

it's made specifically for foundry and its multilevel tokens module, but I suppose it can be used with anything if you move tokens manually.
the cave walls on lower and upper levels do not align perfectly, but I can't be arsed to do that since f*&~ dungeondraft cave walls.


Great JOB! now i'm just sad I already ran the catacombs as the mess they are ! :P

I can't stress enough how I'm appreciative of detailed maps like these. It can sometimes feel a bit barren, on official maps, when you are playing on a VTT and not around a table.

I really don't want to sound ungrateful or entitled, but the openings on the chasm around the Starstone Cathedral look a lot like lava. Is it just me?

On a more trivial note would there happen to be a gridless version of your map? As a VTT GM, I prefer to use hexes, and try to avoid putting the hex grid on top of squares when possible.

EdwinM wrote:

and here's my version of the catacombs (seriously who thought having two levels on the same map is a good idea).

it's made specifically for foundry and its multilevel tokens module, but I suppose it can be used with anything if you move tokens manually.
the cave walls on lower and upper levels do not align perfectly, but I can't be arsed to do that since f~+% dungeondraft cave walls.


this is excellent. i made the end area here but i think you've outdone me. ill share anyway -

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
EdwinM wrote:

and here's my version of the catacombs (seriously who thought having two levels on the same map is a good idea).

it's made specifically for foundry and its multilevel tokens module, but I suppose it can be used with anything if you move tokens manually.
the cave walls on lower and upper levels do not align perfectly, but I can't be arsed to do that since f$~+ dungeondraft cave walls.


This is brilliant. Would you be willing to share a JSON of Foundry wall/lighting metadata?

If anyone is interested, there is a nice map of a City Watch HQ available for purchase on Drivethru RPG: r-Lane-City-Watch-House?term=horse+lane

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Does anyone here have a straight graphic of the Edgewatch badge, either made themselves or found somewhere? I'm having the hardest time finding a good example of it. Asides the one at the top of every page but they're so small!!!

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Made a map for the Copper Hand Hideout, I hope the links are stable.

Grid version
No Grid Version

has anyone considered what pic they're gonna use for the humanoid form of the stabbing beast? someone could create one because trying to find a good one online seems impossible!

I also made a map for the Copper Hand Hideout. It's gridless - - and the grid is 75 pixels.

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Hey Folks!

My AoE party has made it to the Dreaming Palace, and in preparation I considered jazzing up the map a little. This has turned in to completely replacing all the map assets, and some minor changes to the layout (mostly the basement).

Ground Floor, First Floor, Basement and Rookery here!.

It's not perfect, but I feel like it has a bit more of a "horror" feel to it than the original map did.

All the assets are from the wonderful, with a little bit of Photoshop and Illustrator work from myself. :)

Let me know what you think!

Greetings all,

I have created an elaborate stream of article ''pump'' pieces for agents of edgewatch.

These are heavily geared towards my party, obviously, but I'm thinking you guys can probably either inspire yourself from them or delete name of my PC's and replace with yours.


Let me know if it helps !

GreatGraySkwid wrote:
EdwinM wrote:

and here's my version of the catacombs (seriously who thought having two levels on the same map is a good idea).

it's made specifically for foundry and its multilevel tokens module, but I suppose it can be used with anything if you move tokens manually.
the cave walls on lower and upper levels do not align perfectly, but I can't be arsed to do that since f$~+ dungeondraft cave walls.


This is brilliant. Would you be willing to share a JSON of Foundry wall/lighting metadata?

Sorry, I forgot about this and then I couldn't log in (and then I forgot again).

Here's the exported pack you can import using the importer module:

You'll still have to fix some of the walls since, you know, dungeondraft cave walls, but it should save a lot of time.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
EdwinM wrote:
GreatGraySkwid wrote:
This is brilliant. Would you be willing to share a JSON of Foundry wall/lighting metadata?

Sorry, I forgot about this and then I couldn't log in (and then I forgot again).

Here's the exported pack you can import using the importer module:

You'll still have to fix some of the walls since, you know, dungeondraft cave walls, but it should save a lot of time.

Not to sound like an unappreciative horse dentist, but is there anywhere you could upload this to that doesn't seem like downloading from it would immediately pwn my machine to Russian script-kiddies?

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I have updated the Dreaming Palace maps I made slightly, but for some reason I can't seem to edit my original post.

High res version 1.2 available here on Google Drive.


Dreaming Palace ground floor
Dreaming Palace upstairs
Dreaming Palace attic
Dreaming Palace basement

Silver Crusade

You can only edit posts for up to 1 hour, after that they’re locked.

GreatGraySkwid wrote:
EdwinM wrote:
GreatGraySkwid wrote:
This is brilliant. Would you be willing to share a JSON of Foundry wall/lighting metadata?

Sorry, I forgot about this and then I couldn't log in (and then I forgot again).

Here's the exported pack you can import using the importer module:

You'll still have to fix some of the walls since, you know, dungeondraft cave walls, but it should save a lot of time.

Not to sound like an unappreciative horse dentist, but is there anywhere you could upload this to that doesn't seem like downloading from it would immediately pwn my machine to Russian script-kiddies?

what do you propose then?

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I made my party a little video to celebrate their exploits in Book 1!

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Hey, I'm pretty new to the mapmaking game but I whipped together a Drive link with the maps I've made for Book 2. I see that most people drop links to images and I realize now that since I only exported them as dd2vtt files that they might not be as useful for everyone. Basically all of them were made before I updated to the newest versions of the Forgotten Adventures assets so I'm no longer able to go back in and make edits as far as I can tell. Hopefully though this link can help a few that use some form of dungeondraft importer like with Foundry VTT. Please let me know if this link helps, I want to try to contribute more as one of these threads helped me a ton with Age of Ashes when I ran that. Next time I'll be sure to save my maps as images too.

Sixty Feet Under Complete Maps

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I've remade the Catacombs Map!

The full version, with all three areas on the same image can be found here.

Alternatively, all the separate parts or the upper/lower overlayed layour as per the book can be found here

I am preparing to run this, so I may have misinterpreted a few things. If anyone can spot any glaring omissions, please let me know and I will update.

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