Warpriest Whip Build


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Hello all first time posting, I'm working on a Whip build for my Warpriest of Calistria. I will post my stats and my feat progression I would like to you what you think and if you have any ideas that might make the build better.

Name: Calidin Greenbriar
CLass: Warpriest
God: Calistria
Blessing: Luck, Trickery
Favorite Weapon: Whip
Race: Human
Weapon Focus: Whip
Alignment: CG
Trait Bred for War

Str 16
Dex 14
Con 15
Int 14
Wis 16
Cha 13

LVL 1- Weapon Focus Wips, Improved Trip, Combat experience
LVL 3- Whip Mastery, dodge
LVL 5- Weapon Specialization Whips
LVL 6- Improved Whip Mastery, Combat Reflexes
LVL 7- Mobility
LVL 9- Spring Attack
LVL 11- Whirlwind Attack
LVL 12- Lunge, Greater Trip
LVL 15- Storm Of Blades

This looks sweet. I had never heard of Storm of Blades, does it work with the same action as Whirlwind attack? Also, consider the Fate's Favored trait carefully. It's a huge boon to spells like Divine Favor and Divine Power, which make for incredible self-buffs with Fervor.

Grand Lodge

Fates Favored is almost a mandatory trait for Warpriest, give you an extra +1 with your default buff Divine Favor.

Other than that, looks pretty solid...first few levels are gonna suck, but once you get whip mastery at level 3 it should pick up nicely.

Those are some seriously nice stats. If they can be changed at all I'd consider swapping Dex & Con, since it'd be annoying to drink a potion of enlarge person for the reach bonus then find you'd turned off every feat which requires Dex 13. If you can't then just remember to make sure your magic belt includes a dex bonus.

Warpriests only get to treat their level as BAB and fighter level for their bonus feats. Weapon spec can't be your L5 feat.

avr wrote:

Those are some seriously nice stats. If they can be changed at all I'd consider swapping Dex & Con, since it'd be annoying to drink a potion of enlarge person for the reach bonus then find you'd turned off every feat which requires Dex 13. If you can't then just remember to make sure your magic belt includes a dex bonus.

Warpriests only get to treat their level as BAB and fighter level for their bonus feats. Weapon spec can't be your L5 feat.

Ability score damage and penalties from spells (which are treated like ability score damage) don't actually lower the stat, so you don't lose access to feats that require that amount of ability score. Its only drain that actually lowers the ability.

SRD wrote:

Diseases, poisons, spells, and other abilities can all deal damage directly to your ability scores. This damage does not actually reduce an ability, but it does apply a penalty to the skills and statistics that are based on that ability.

Some spells and abilities cause you to take an ability penalty for a limited amount of time. While in effect, these penalties function just like ability damage, but they cannot cause you to fall unconscious or die. In essence, penalties cannot decrease your ability score to less than 1.

15 levels of nothing but combat feats is rough.

Given that Trip is going to run out of usefulness by the time you have Greater Trip, why not just forego Trip entirely?

That would free up three of your feats for other things, like Wasp familiars, or any number of other fun things that aren't necessarily tied to killing things with a whip.

UncleExpendable wrote:
This looks sweet. I had never heard of Storm of Blades, does it work with the same action as Whirlwind attack?

Storm of Blades takes a specific standard action to use, Whirlwind Attack triggers on using the full-attack action. For that reason, I don't see much good in Storm of Blades.

Derklord wrote:
UncleExpendable wrote:
This looks sweet. I had never heard of Storm of Blades, does it work with the same action as Whirlwind attack?
Storm of Blades takes a specific standard action to use, Whirlwind Attack triggers on using the full-attack action. For that reason, I don't see much good in Storm of Blades.

Another standard action option for heritor knight play

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