Roll20 macros for Pathfinder 2e


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Can someone please direct me to a great source for sample macros Pathfinder 2e, or for learning how to make new macros?

I'm really wanting to make relatively complex things like a Flurry of Blows attack routine that takes into account iterative attack penalties and stances, or a Recovery Check that dynamically compares the flat check result against the Recovery Check DC (10 + dying value) and then adjusts your dying value by -1, -2, +1, or +2 dying value depending on whether you made a critical success, success, failure, or critical failure, respectively.

I've poured over the Roll20 wiki, watched several YouTube videos, and have experimented with a few basic macros, but I've been getting mixed results and have only been able to produce very simple macros.

Any help you guys can provide would be very appreciated.

In order for your macros to affect character traits (such as a custom dying trait) you'll need to have a paid account. Apart from that I cant be of any help. (I dont have a paid account and I came upon this answer when trying to do something for Starfinder vis a vis automatic ammo tracking.)

For things like Flurry with a rather constrained set of variables you could use a query that presents a drop down selection for MAP.

For things that are preset (Ex 1 action 2 strikes) you can probably hard code MAP. Would still have the problem from multiple actions spent to strike.

Alternatively, you can add a query and add MAP manually.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Ravingdork wrote:
I'm really wanting to make relatively complex things like a Flurry of Blows attack routine that takes into account iterative attack penalties and stances, or a Recovery Check that dynamically compares the flat check result against the Recovery Check DC (10 + dying value) and then adjusts your dying value by -1, -2, +1, or +2 dying value depending on whether you made a critical success, success, failure, or critical failure, respectively.

I am still wrapping my head around macros myself so I can't give you the best answer, but here is one I wrote for a player's Flurry of Blows, taking into account MAP on the 2nd attack.

&{template:default} {{name=Flurry of Blows}} {{1st attack=[[1d20+8]]}} {{1st damage=[[1d6+2]]}} {{2nd attack=[[1d20+8-4]]}} {{2nd damage=[[1d6+2]]}}

End result looks like this: 04.01.57%20PM.png?dl=0

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
coyotegospel wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
I'm really wanting to make relatively complex things like a Flurry of Blows attack routine that takes into account iterative attack penalties and stances, or a Recovery Check that dynamically compares the flat check result against the Recovery Check DC (10 + dying value) and then adjusts your dying value by -1, -2, +1, or +2 dying value depending on whether you made a critical success, success, failure, or critical failure, respectively.

I am still wrapping my head around macros myself so I can't give you the best answer, but here is one I wrote for a player's Flurry of Blows, taking into account MAP on the 2nd attack.

&{template:default} {{name=Flurry of Blows}} {{1st attack=[[1d20+8]]}} {{1st damage=[[1d6+2]]}} {{2nd attack=[[1d20+8-4]]}} {{2nd damage=[[1d6+2]]}}

End result looks like this: 04.01.57%20PM.png?dl=0

Is there a way to have it directly reference the character's character sheet stats, rather than being hard coded?

That way I don't have to change it too much every time the character levels up, or I give the code to another monk?

I know you said you've looked on the wiki, but this page makes a lot of use of "selected" rolls that require you to have the token tied to the sheet selected. Have you tried that?

You can also use the name of the character to reference things. Which lets you avoid the need for a token.
Ex: @{example|attribute} (obviously the attribute changes with the sheet).

You can also referense the target's attributes using @{target|attribute}. Which is useful to calculate the +/- 10; but has the problem of revealing the numbers if done incorrectly (something that some people really don't like).

Another way to speed things up is to add the macros to the macro bar or set them up as token macro by adding them to the character sheet. Its very useful for strikes, perception, and saves which are very common rolls.

Ravingdork, what you've been told so far is pretty much correct.

There's currently no way to just do MAP without having a macro that literally "rolls" multiple times and applies the penalties. Or, you can enable an option on the sheet that asks before each roll for a modifier. I find that much more flexible when things like inspire courage are coming and going along with various conditions.

You can absolutely reference character sheet content. If you hover your mouse of a field in the sheet, it shows you that variable name. So something like [[d20]]+ @{strength_modifier} would give you what you expect it would.

The brace brackets coyotegospel was showing you create separate rows in a the chat window's output.

Before you ask, there's no way - without the full $10/mo subscription - to modify values on the sheet via a macro. I was experimenting with having a "rage" macro which would put the temp hit points onto the character sheet, as well as modify my melee attacks (I'm using a bastard sword, so I have two different attacks; one for one-handed and one for two-handed) as well as lowering AC. No can do without the API. Worse, the person who created the campaign has to have the subscription, not the player. So despite me having a full subscription (for a campaign I run), I can't use API access in my player campaign.

Overall we're finding Roll20 is very powerful, but quite a bit of the documentation is sort of advanced only. I'd describe it as a manual for an aircraft explaining precisely how to navigate and fly, but doesn't cover starting the engines or retracting landing gear. So you need to hit a lot of forum posts to learn the basics before the advanced documentation makes any sense. It's all written so it looks like documentation designed to teach you things, but it only works if you already understand the topic.

For applying multiple attack penalties, I've previously used a drop down menu in the macro to say which attack # it is and apply the appropriate MAP. Adding something like this for example into the attack roll:

-?{Attack# | 1st , 0 | 2nd , 5 | 3rd+ , 10 }

In full, a (very) basic attack roll that applied MAP could look like this:

[[d20 + 0 [Atk Mod] - ?{Attack# | 1st , 0 | 2nd , 5 | 3rd+ , 10 } [MAP] ]]


If you just want the macro to ask for a modifier before each roll, you can just add something like this:

+ ?{Misc Bonus? | 0 }


If you need a macro to ask if something is being applied, I'd generally use this template. Replace the bold with whatever you need:

+ ?{Question? | No , 0 | Yes , modifier }

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Salamileg wrote:
I know you said you've looked on the wiki, but this page makes a lot of use of "selected" rolls that require you to have the token tied to the sheet selected. Have you tried that?

Yes, I have tried that (and I've read that very page many times).

I can do simple one step things, such as roll an attack, or damage, or make a save. I can do all that and more, even with modifiers, even with static text. I can create targeted effects, where you need to click a token, or reference aspects of the character sheet (and I even already knew about hovering over the fields to get the attribute names).

But everything seems to break down when I attempt to do multiple things, or nested things.

I feel like the instructions are missing steps, that I'm missing out on something fundamental. That airplane analogy is a good one I feel.

I feel I just haven't seen enough (or really, any) examples of the more complicated lines of macro code. Before I was a graphic designer, I created and maintained websites. As I work for a software company, I'm constantly surrounded by programmers. I'm not a programmer, but I've picked up on a fair bit about how it works and the general lingo that is used.

As of last night I am a subscriber, but I still can't seem to find anything on how to modify something on a character sheet, only to reference it, and output something in the Chat sidebar.

Shadow Lodge

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FYI- You can make custom character sheets, but that requires being a pro subscriber, the plus level subscription does not give access to that feature.

I guess I'm not entirely clear what you're after. If you are looking to make one macro with multiple options, you can do something like this:

/em casts Heal
?{Heal Spell|
One action, **single action Heal** Target touched Regains [[1d8]] HP. |
Two actions, **two action Heal** Target in 30ft Regains [[1d8+8]] HP. |
Three actions, **three action Heal** all in 30ft emanation Regain [[1d8]] HP.

This pulls up a window with a drop down letting you select between the three lines, then outputting only the line you selected.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm aware I can make my own character sheet, but since that requires a lot of additional formatting, I'm inclined to just use the official Roll20 sheet for Pathfinder 2E.

gnoams wrote:

FYI- You can make custom character sheets, but that requires being a pro subscriber, the plus level subscription does not give access to that feature.

I guess I'm not entirely clear what you're after. If you are looking to make one macro with multiple options, you can do something like this:

/em casts Heal
?{Heal Spell|
One action, **single action Heal** Target touched Regains [[1d8]] HP. |
Two actions, **two action Heal** Target in 30ft Regains [[1d8+8]] HP. |
Three actions, **three action Heal** all in 30ft emanation Regain [[1d8]] HP.

This pulls up a window with a drop down letting you select between the three lines, then outputting only the line you selected.

That's much closer to the kind of thing I'm looking for, and is probably the most comprehensive/complete example I've seen, gnoams. (Other examples I've come across only show a portion of the code at a time it seems, so my brain can't piece it together without seeing the larger image. Trial and error seem to always end in error.)

Now, if we can just have the 1d8/1d8+8 dynamically adjust to match the spell's level, then apply the result to a character sheet, that'd be right about where I want to be in terms of complexity/practical function.

Does anyone know how to do if than statements and similar things in this language?

This appears to be the macro for the template:


&{template:rolls}{{header=@{selected|token_name} Attacks}}

/w gm &{template:rolls} {{header=@{selected|token_name}}} {{subheader=}} {{roll01=Bite [[1d20cs20+11]] Dmg[[1d6+2]] + [[1d4]] Acid}}{{roll02=Bite [[1d20cs20+11]] Dmg[[1d6+2]] + [[1d4]] Acid}}

So multiple rolls is gotten via {{roll0X=name [[[[1d20cs20+11]] name[[dice]] type + [[dice]] type}}.

For flurry of blows wrote:

&{template:rolls}{{header=@{seleted|token_name} Attacks}}

/w gm &{template:rolls} {{header=@{selected|token_name}}} {{subheader=}}{{roll01=Punch [[1d20cs20+11]] Dmg[[1d6+2]] Bludgeoning}}{{{{roll02=Kick [[1d20cs20+6]] Dmg[[1d6+2]] Bludgeoning}}

Adjusting based on level would require you get the level attribute.

As for If/Else I found this: conditional statements (math only)


Edit: Here is an example using 5e of a pseudo if statement

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

That's awesome Temperans! Thanks!

It's going to take me a bit to study that before I grasp it more fully. :P

If using the official sheet, cant the player just fill in the appropriate slots and then they have the macros? My barb for example has Axe1, Axe2, Axe3 and RageAxe1, RageAxe2 and RageAxe3 as melee attacks.

Malk_Content wrote:
If using the official sheet, cant the player just fill in the appropriate slots and then they have the macros? My barb for example has Axe1, Axe2, Axe3 and RageAxe1, RageAxe2 and RageAxe3 as melee attacks.

Yes, but that gets old fast. Having 12+ attacks on your sheet is frustrating.

Aratorin wrote:
Malk_Content wrote:
If using the official sheet, cant the player just fill in the appropriate slots and then they have the macros? My barb for example has Axe1, Axe2, Axe3 and RageAxe1, RageAxe2 and RageAxe3 as melee attacks.
Yes, but that gets old fast. Having 12+ attacks on your sheet is frustrating.

I cant imagine why you would need 12+ attacks. I guess maybe a monk with 4 different styles?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Malk_Content wrote:
If using the official sheet, cant the player just fill in the appropriate slots and then they have the macros? My barb for example has Axe1, Axe2, Axe3 and RageAxe1, RageAxe2 and RageAxe3 as melee attacks.

The established sheets are real nice, but being able to create custom macros can be a real time saver in various situations, Malk_Content.

A fine example would be a macro that allows the GM to roll secret checks for the whole party. A prompt asks "Which skill?" then rolls that skill for everyone in the entire party, pulling the appropriate modifier from their character stats, and whispering the answers back to the GM.

gnoams wrote:

FYI- You can make custom character sheets, but that requires being a pro subscriber, the plus level subscription does not give access to that feature.

I guess I'm not entirely clear what you're after. If you are looking to make one macro with multiple options, you can do something like this:

/em casts Heal
?{Heal Spell|
One action, **single action Heal** Target touched Regains [[1d8]] HP. |
Two actions, **two action Heal** Target in 30ft Regains [[1d8+8]] HP. |
Three actions, **three action Heal** all in 30ft emanation Regain [[1d8]] HP.

This pulls up a window with a drop down letting you select between the three lines, then outputting only the line you selected.

Is there a way to nest options within options?

Ravingdork wrote:
Malk_Content wrote:
If using the official sheet, cant the player just fill in the appropriate slots and then they have the macros? My barb for example has Axe1, Axe2, Axe3 and RageAxe1, RageAxe2 and RageAxe3 as melee attacks.

The established sheets are real nice, but being able to create custom macros can be a real time saver in various situations, Malk_Content.

A fine example would be a macro that allows the GM to roll secret checks for the whole party. A prompt asks "Which skill?" then rolls that skill for everyone in the entire party, pulling the appropriate modifier from their character stats, and whispering the answers back to the GM.

Oh I have a narrator character whose sheet does exactly that. When people level up all I have to change is the narrators level and any skill notes that a player improved proficiency with (so 5 things to change every level up)

Charon Onozuka wrote:

For applying multiple attack penalties, I've previously used a drop down menu in the macro to say which attack # it is and apply the appropriate MAP. Adding something like this for example into the attack roll:

-?{Attack# | 1st , 0 | 2nd , 5 | 3rd+ , 10 }

Sorry for the simple question but where would I put this on the character sheet to implement it?

I'm only just starting to run P2e on roll20 and get easily lost in the details of what you have to put where.

Thanks in advance.

Malk_Content wrote:
Aratorin wrote:
Malk_Content wrote:
If using the official sheet, cant the player just fill in the appropriate slots and then they have the macros? My barb for example has Axe1, Axe2, Axe3 and RageAxe1, RageAxe2 and RageAxe3 as melee attacks.
Yes, but that gets old fast. Having 12+ attacks on your sheet is frustrating.
I cant imagine why you would need 12+ attacks. I guess maybe a monk with 4 different styles?

Composite Shortbow Attack 1

Composite Shortbow Attack 2
Composite Shortbow Attack 3
Composite Shortbow Attack 4
Composite Shortbow Attack 1 w/ Precision Damage
Composite Shortbow Attack 2 w/ Precision Damage
Composite Shortbow Attack 1 w/ Sneak Attack Damage
Composite Shortbow Attack 2 w/ Sneak Attack Damage
Composite Shortbow Attack 3 w/ Sneak Attack Damage
Composite Shortbow Attack 4 w/ Sneak Attack Damage
Composite Shortbow Attack 1 w/ Precision Damage + Sneak Attack Damage
Composite Shortbow Attack 2 w/ Precision Damage + Sneak Attack Damage

Repeat all of those for Silver Light Mace and Cold Iron Shifting weapon.

Bear Assist Damage


Making a single Macro that does all of them is way easier.

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whew wrote:
Is there a way to nest options within options?

You can nest 1 deep, and it gets pretty messy since you have to do a variety of replacements. Here's notes I made for my group way back in PF1 when I first started getting into macro making:

Nested Macros:

In order to allow macro functions to work within another macro, the characters ‘ & ’, ‘ | ‘, ‘ , ‘, and ‘ } ‘ must be substituted within a macro according to the table below. Additionally, some of the macro templates presented in this document are already nested - allowing the player to easily add the macro into another macro.

Important Note 1: Only use character replacements within another macro (nesting), they will cause a macro to not function if used alone.
Important Note 2: In normal macros, character substitutions will be automatically converted by Roll20 into the appropriate characters within the macro box as soon as you save/close it. This will cause the macro to break if you attempt to save any later adjustments to it.
Important Note 3: Character replacements in macros created under the ‘Abilities’ section of a character handout do not automatically convert, allowing ability macros to be safely edited without breaking the macro.

Character Replacement:
"|" = |
"," = ,
"}" = }
"&" = &

WARNING: Make sure not to use the characters ‘ & ’, ‘ | ‘, ‘ , ‘, or ‘ } ‘ in macros outside of character replacement or it could cause a macro to break.


Henai_37 wrote:
Charon Onozuka wrote:

For applying multiple attack penalties, I've previously used a drop down menu in the macro to say which attack # it is and apply the appropriate MAP. Adding something like this for example into the attack roll:

-?{Attack# | 1st , 0 | 2nd , 5 | 3rd+ , 10 }

Sorry for the simple question but where would I put this on the character sheet to implement it?

I'm only just starting to run P2e on roll20 and get easily lost in the details of what you have to put where.

Thanks in advance.

These would be put inside the double brackets of a roll macro [[]], typically something like [[d20+0]]. As for the macro itself, I'd recommend putting in in the Abilities section on the Character Handout (third tab after the character sheet) and selecting "show as token action" so a little button will pop up on the top left of the screen whenever you click on the linked token. (Alt: "show in macro bar" will always set the macro to display in a row near the bottom of your screen, which is fine if you only have one character to control.)

I've only just started looking at the Roll20 PF2 Sheet, but referencing something like an attack bonus seems to use a repeated section reference based on the number of attacks put into the character sheet - for example, the bonus of your first listed melee attack would get added to a d20 roll with a macro like this:

Attack: [[d20 + @{Name|repeating_melee-strikes_$0_weapon_strike}]]

Replace "Name" with the name of the character sheet/handout and increase the "0" by one for every melee attack listed after the first. Swap "melee" for "ranged" will then let you do the same with any ranged attacks you create. Combining this with my MAP macro template would result in something like this:

Attack: [[d20 + @{Name|repeating_melee-strikes_$0_weapon_strike} - ?{Attack# | 1st , 0 | 2nd , 5 | 3rd+ , 10 } ]]

Now selecting the macro will make a pop up window with a drop down to select which attack# you are on, and apply the appropriate MAP along with the weapon's attack bonus from the character sheet.

Aratorin wrote:

Composite Shortbow Attack 1
Composite Shortbow Attack 2
Composite Shortbow Attack 3
Composite Shortbow Attack 4
Composite Shortbow Attack 1 w/ Precision Damage
Composite Shortbow Attack 2 w/ Precision Damage
Composite Shortbow Attack 1 w/ Sneak Attack Damage
Composite Shortbow Attack 2 w/ Sneak Attack Damage
Composite Shortbow Attack 3 w/ Sneak Attack Damage
Composite Shortbow Attack 4 w/ Sneak Attack Damage
Composite Shortbow Attack 1 w/ Precision Damage + Sneak Attack Damage
Composite Shortbow Attack 2 w/ Precision Damage + Sneak Attack Damage

Just as a test... let's try a quick macro to demonstrate + collapse all of these into a single macro, assuming Composite Shortbow is the first ranged weapon listed in the character sheet named "Name", Precision damage when applied is an extra 2 damage, and Sneak Attack is an extra 1d6 damage. Not gonna make a fancy template because I don't think it's helpful to focus on those if you're still learning macros.

/me shoots an arrow!
Attack: [[d20 + @{Name|repeating_ranged-strikes_$0_weapon_strike} [MODIFIER] - ?{Attack# | 1st , 0 | 2nd , 5 | 3rd+ , 10 } [MAP] ]] ( @{Name|repeating_ranged-strikes_$0_weapon_traits} )
Damage: [[ @{Name|repeating_ranged-strikes_$0_damage_dice}@{Name|repeating_ranged-strikes_$0_damage_dice_size} + @{Name|repeating_ranged-strikes_$0_damage_ability} [Ability] + @{Name|repeating_ranged-strikes_$0_damage_weapon_specialization} [WSPEC] + @{Name|repeating_ranged-strikes_$0_damage_temporary} [TEMP] + @{Name|repeating_ranged-strikes_$0_damage_other} [OTHER] + ?{Precision Damage? | No , 0 | Yes , 2 } [Precision] + ?{Sneak Attack? | No , 0 | Yes , 1d6 } [Sneak Attack] ]]

Macro makes 3 drop down pop up windows after starting. 1st asks what # attack for MAP. 2nd ask if precision damage applies and 3rd asks if sneak attack damage applies. Damage section ended up being a bit more complex to reference the character sheet, because I didn't see any nice total for damage and ended up referencing each part individually while skipping the additional damage section.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

How does one reference a Lore skill total modifier from the official Roll20 PF2 character sheet?

I think I just about got my Secret roller to work (pick a skill from a drop down and it secretly rolls that check for the whole party), but it seems to break with the Lore skill. @{character-name|lore} just isn't enough it seems.

Ravingdork wrote:

How does one reference a Lore skill total modifier from the official Roll20 PF2 character sheet?

I think I just about got my Secret roller to work (pick a skill from a drop down and it secretly rolls that check for the whole party), but it seems to break with the Lore skill. @{character-name|lore} just isn't enough it seems.

If you click the button to roll that lore skill on the sheet, then go into chat and hit the Up arrow, it will show you the code it used to make the roll. You can extract what you need from that.

Although, the sheet doesn't seem to reference Lores. It just hard codes the modifier into the button.

Lore is also not listed as an Attribute on the Attributes and Abilities page, so it may not be possible to call Lore by name.

For lore its:


replacing id with 0 should give you the first lore. And incrementing by 1 should give you the next one.

All the general calls are in the roll20 PF2e character sheet documentation. Aka not the individual attributes that goes into a roll: For those you need to hover over the boxed that filled it, or as Aratorin said, "hit up arrow on chat after roll to get its code".


Lore has the problem of being freeform so its not as easy to code for. Unless ofcourse you only use it as a general case.

Paizo Employee Developer

One thing I recently learned which helped me quite a bit is that you can drag buttons from the character sheet down to the Macro bar in the bottom left corner of the screen. You may need to right-click it to rename it something that works better for you, mind.

The dragged buttons just click the button on the sheet, so any changes you make on the sheet will be reflected when using the Macro button you create. :)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Here's my Secret Checks macro so far. Still haven't incorporated lore skills yet, nor is it terribly pretty, but it works. Hopefully, Temperans' advice will help with that.

Full Party Secret Rolls:

?{What are you rolling?|
/w GM PC1's Perception Check [[1d20 + @{PC1|perception}]]
/w GM PC2's Perception Check [[1d20 + @{PC2|perception}]]
/w GM PC3's Perception Check [[1d20 + @{PC3|perception}]]
/w GM PC4's Perception Check [[1d20 + @{PC4|perception}]]|
Fortitude Save,
/w GM PC1's Fort Save [[1d20 + @{PC1|saving_throws_fortitude}]]
/w GM PC2's Fort Save [[1d20 + @{PC2|saving_throws_fortitude}]]
/w GM PC3's Fort Save [[1d20 + @{PC3|saving_throws_fortitude}]]
/w GM PC4's Fort Save [[1d20 + @{PC4|saving_throws_fortitude}]]|
Reflex Save,
/w GM PC1's Reflex Save [[1d20 + @{PC1|saving_throws_reflex}]]
/w GM PC2's Reflex Save [[1d20 + @{PC2|saving_throws_reflex}]]
/w GM PC3's Reflex Save [[1d20 + @{PC3|saving_throws_reflex}]]
/w GM PC4's Reflex Save [[1d20 + @{PC4|saving_throws_reflex}]]|
Will Save,
/w GM PC1's Will Save [[1d20 + @{PC1|saving_throws_will}]]
/w GM PC2's Will Save [[1d20 + @{PC2|saving_throws_will}]]
/w GM PC3's Will Save [[1d20 + @{PC3|saving_throws_will}]]
/w GM PC4's Will Save [[1d20 + @{PC4|saving_throws_will}]]|
/w GM PC1's Acrobatics Check [[1d20 + @{PC1|acrobatics}]]
/w GM PC2's Acrobatics Check [[1d20 + @{PC2|acrobatics}]]
/w GM PC3's Acrobatics Check [[1d20 + @{PC3|acrobatics}]]
/w GM PC4's Acrobatics Check [[1d20 + @{PC4|acrobatics}]]|
/w GM PC1's Arcana Check [[1d20 + @{PC1|arcana}]]
/w GM PC2's Arcana Check [[1d20 + @{PC2|arcana}]]
/w GM PC3's Arcana Check [[1d20 + @{PC3|arcana}]]
/w GM PC4's Arcana Check [[1d20 + @{PC4|arcana}]]|
/w GM PC1's Athletics Check [[1d20 + @{PC1|athletics}]]
/w GM PC2's Athletics Check [[1d20 + @{PC2|athletics}]]
/w GM PC3's Athletics Check [[1d20 + @{PC3|athletics}]]
/w GM PC4's Athletics Check [[1d20 + @{PC4|athletics}]]|
/w GM PC1's Crafting Check [[1d20 + @{PC1|crafting}]]
/w GM PC2's Crafting Check [[1d20 + @{PC2|crafting}]]
/w GM PC3's Crafting Check [[1d20 + @{PC3|crafting}]]
/w GM PC4's Crafting Check [[1d20 + @{PC4|crafting}]]|
/w GM PC1's Deception Check [[1d20 + @{PC1|deception}]]
/w GM PC2's Deception Check [[1d20 + @{PC2|deception}]]
/w GM PC3's Deception Check [[1d20 + @{PC3|deception}]]
/w GM PC4's Deception Check [[1d20 + @{PC4|deception}]]|
/w GM PC1's Diplomacy Check [[1d20 + @{PC1|diplomacy}]]
/w GM PC2's Diplomacy Check [[1d20 + @{PC2|diplomacy}]]
/w GM PC3's Diplomacy Check [[1d20 + @{PC3|diplomacy}]]
/w GM PC4's Diplomacy Check [[1d20 + @{PC4|diplomacy}]]|
/w GM PC1's Intimidaton Check [[1d20 + @{PC1|intimidation}]]
/w GM PC2's Intimidaton Check [[1d20 + @{PC2|intimidation}]]
/w GM PC3's Intimidaton Check [[1d20 + @{PC3|intimidation}]]
/w GM PC4's Intimidaton Check [[1d20 + @{PC4|intimidation}]]|
/w GM PC1's Medicine Check [[1d20 + @{PC1|medicine}]]
/w GM PC2's Medicine Check [[1d20 + @{PC2|medicine}]]
/w GM PC3's Medicine Check [[1d20 + @{PC3|medicine}]]
/w GM PC4's Medicine Check [[1d20 + @{PC4|medicine}]]|
/w GM PC1's Nature Check [[1d20 + @{PC1|nature}]]
/w GM PC2's Nature Check [[1d20 + @{PC2|nature}]]
/w GM PC3's Nature Check [[1d20 + @{PC3|nature}]]
/w GM PC4's Nature Check [[1d20 + @{PC4|nature}]]|
/w GM PC1's Occultism Check [[1d20 + @{PC1|occultism}]]
/w GM PC2's Occultism Check [[1d20 + @{PC2|occultism}]]
/w GM PC3's Occultism Check [[1d20 + @{PC3|occultism}]]
/w GM PC4's Occultism Check [[1d20 + @{PC4|occultism}]]|
/w GM PC1's Performance Check [[1d20 + @{PC1|performance}]]
/w GM PC2's Performance Check [[1d20 + @{PC2|performance}]]
/w GM PC3's Performance Check [[1d20 + @{PC3|performance}]]
/w GM PC4's Performance Check [[1d20 + @{PC4|performance}]]|
/w GM PC1's Religion Check [[1d20 + @{PC1|religion}]]
/w GM PC2's Religion Check [[1d20 + @{PC2|religion}]]
/w GM PC3's Religion Check [[1d20 + @{PC3|religion}]]
/w GM PC4's Religion Check [[1d20 + @{PC4|religion}]]|
/w GM PC1's Society Check [[1d20 + @{PC1|society}]]
/w GM PC2's Society Check [[1d20 + @{PC2|society}]]
/w GM PC3's Society Check [[1d20 + @{PC3|society}]]
/w GM PC4's Society Check [[1d20 + @{PC4|society}]]|
/w GM PC1's Stealth Check [[1d20 + @{PC1|stealth}]]
/w GM PC2's Stealth Check [[1d20 + @{PC2|stealth}]]
/w GM PC3's Stealth Check [[1d20 + @{PC3|stealth}]]
/w GM PC4's Stealth Check [[1d20 + @{PC4|stealth}]]|
/w GM PC1's Survival Check [[1d20 + @{PC1|survival}]]
/w GM PC2's Survival Check [[1d20 + @{PC2|survival}]]
/w GM PC3's Survival Check [[1d20 + @{PC3|survival}]]
/w GM PC4's Survival Check [[1d20 + @{PC4|survival}]]|
/w GM PC1's Thievery Check [[1d20 + @{PC1|thievery}]]
/w GM PC2's Thievery Check [[1d20 + @{PC2|thievery}]]
/w GM PC3's Thievery Check [[1d20 + @{PC3|thievery}]]
/w GM PC4's Thievery Check [[1d20 + @{PC4|thievery}]]}

Just replace PC1-4 with the relevant character names.

Luis Loza wrote:

One thing I recently learned which helped me quite a bit is that you can drag buttons from the character sheet down to the Macro bar in the bottom left corner of the screen. You may need to right-click it to rename it something that works better for you, mind.

The dragged buttons just click the button on the sheet, so any changes you make on the sheet will be reflected when using the Macro button you create. :)

SUPER COOL, Luis! I will definitely be sharing that one with my fellow players, so they don't have to keep re-opening their character sheets for basic oft-repeated rolls.

EDIT: Now, how do I REMOVE them from the bar afterwards???

Paizo Employee Developer

To remove them, you have to mouse just to the right of the button. The button will grow an extra little gray bit you can use to click and drag the button away. It may take a few tries to get it right. The buttons tend to be persistent little buggers.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

For the GMs: here's secret checks.

Secret skills:
/w gm @{selected|token_name} secretly rolls [[1d20+?{Select check|perception, @{selected|perception}|deception, @{selected|deception}|diplomacy, @{selected|diplomacy}|stealth, @{selected|stealth}|survival, @{selected|survival}}]]

Secret recalls:
/w gm @{selected|token_name} secret rolls [[1d20+?{Select check|crafting, @{selected|crafting}|arcana, @{selected|arcana}|nature, @{selected|nature}|occultism, @{selected|occultism}|religion, @{selected|religion}|society, @{selected|society}}]]

click a character, click the macro, pick the skill, done!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Anybody know of a good way to whisper to the GM, but ALSO keep the results secret from the person clicking the button? It'd be kind of cool to give players the ability to make their own secret rolls, but not have them know the results.

I've seen a lot of complaints about GMs being overburdened with too many rolls, or players feeling like too many rolls are being taken out of their hands. I thought this might be an interesting way of resolving it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Now that is a feature I could get behind. Not found out if it's possible in the last few years, unfortunately.

One person in my group has vehemently hoped for such a feature, but neither of us found a way to do that.

From my quick search, there are 2 ways to do it:

1) You roll using /gmroll, but that takes away some of the fun of rolling from the player.


2) You use an API as discussed in this thread

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks! I'll look into it.

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