Embiggen: all dice, or just dice on checks?

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

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An observant player noticed that Embiggen doesn't specify dice on checks. Just dice, period.

That's the intention?

So Cure + Embiggen = heal 1d8+1 cards?

And if you take 1d6+1 ranged damage, you take 1d10+1 instead?

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But Embiggen clearly states "Character's Dice". So anything that isn't written on the character card isn't affected.

So if you are talking about the Cure spell, it isn't affected. Same if you are talking about a damage written on a monster that the character will suffer.

That said, what you could have asked is :
The way it is written, it doen't seems to be limited to the SKILLS of the character, but includes all dice mentionned on a "character", which raises 2 questions :

1) If a character has a POWER (written on his character card) that adds for example 1d4 to a check or heals 1d4 card, that power becomes 1d8?

2) (This one for naughty Rulelawyers - I wouldn't be THAT guy) Is this limited to the CHARACTER card, so the 1d4 would stay a 1d4 as soon as you get a ROLE card?

Funny isn't it?

OK I keep this one for the never dying weekly can'o'worms contestant.


BTW don't use Embiggen, that spell is WAY broken (too powerful).
Unless you are a goblin...

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Frencois wrote:

But Embiggen clearly states "Character's Dice". So anything that isn't written on the character card isn't affected.

Actually, "character's dice" is nowhere specified to mean what Frencois implies (dice printed on a Character card) - or as anything else for that matter. Personally, I'd assume it means "dice rolled by a character" - which is still just as vague and imprecise (Is it the character or the "player" rolling dice? If a bane requires you to roll a 1d4 to determine its random effect - is it still the *character* rolling...?) - and it leaves just the same issueas as in Frencois' 1) - so, intent should be obvious that it doesn't just affect any rolled die.

It can be argued that "Character's dice" are just the dice collected in the "Assemble YOUR dice" step of a check - but, again, it seem intuitive that a Bard's added d4, or the d4 from a Crossbow assist should NOT be affected.

So, I'd usually go with my gut that it only replaces your SKILL dice, but I admit I'm unclear if it should also affect dice that would *thematically* make sense (like a die from a Barbarian's rage, etc..)

Frencois wrote:
BTW don't use Embiggen, that spell is WAY broken (too powerful).

This is a pretty bold statement. In MOST cases - a MORE powerful version of this spell would read "Add 1 to all your checks." And at least in mid-to-big party size, this would be a patently ridiculous waste of a spell slot.

The above would be untrue only when played on a character with a primary d12 skill - where the jump to a d20 could be somewhat considerable. It would be like a weaker version of a "All your checks with skill X are blessed for the turn" power - which IS worthy to consider, but again - in a mid-to-big party size won't come into play nearly often enough to be considered overpowered (bar any shenanigans that would let you use it every turn - but that would be a problem with the specific combo, not the card itself).

I understood it to mean your skill dice, as Frencois mentioned, but I can't find a RAW support... though I do feel it is a natural extension of the wording of Enlarge, which clearly indicates that you're switching specific character skill dice. Regardless, there is no precedent for cards being able to manipulate non-check dice you roll (such as for healing or damage), so I would not play it in such a way.

An aside - Power Level:
I would, as an aside, agree that the spell is too powerful relative to other spells in Core/Curse of the same nature and level, if not in general. It compares extremely favorably to the same-level Enlarge spell for the majority of uses, in my opinion, due to its more flexible impact, its much easier recharge check (since it always applies its power to the caster for the recharge), that it's Freely, that it adds an average of +2 to +4 to your checks due to the die changes (unless you roll 1d10 naturally, which no Core/Curse caster do for spellcasting), and enhances the effectiveness of blessings.

But I wouldn't say it's too powerful in general, since there's AD0 spells I would tend to prefer over it, including Good Omen, False Life or potentially Enhance. I think it just shows how Enlarge is a super niche and weak card, more than anything else.

Longshot11 wrote:
Frencois wrote:
BTW don't use Embiggen, that spell is WAY broken (too powerful).
This is a pretty bold statement. In MOST cases - a MORE powerful version of this spell would read "Add 1 to all your checks." And at least in mid-to-big party size, this would be a patently ridiculous waste of a spell slot.

You mean "Add 1 for each die you roll on your checks." That's a big difference, and that's hugely powerful. Simoun only adds 1 for each die she rolls while attacking with knives, and already that was a very powerful feat. When I bumped it up to 2, it had trivialized nearly every henchman and villain she ran into.

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This has been a great discussion. Thanks.

Cloud Puff previously held the record for the card that the most number of people had played incorrectly, but we may now have a new contender.

Taking a simple example, Radovan with a pre-Core rapier rolls 1d8+2d4. Embiggen possibilities:

Option 1: Radovan rolls 1d12+2d4. (skill only is affected)

Option 2: Radovan rolls 1d12+2d8. (all dice are affected)

I've seen a decent number of people play Embiggen (online and IRL), and I've only ever seen Option #2.

If Option #1 is the intent, a FAQ entry might be warranted.

Yewstance wrote:
An aside - Power Level



Wow... I looked over Embiggen again, to see where Yewstance is pulling those +2 - +4 average values from... and I just realized I was always glancing over the numbers on the card and assuming the progression just goes d4->d6, d6->d8...

I stand corrected. This IS a pretty damn decent L0 spell after all. Still, I stand by my *overpowerness* (or lack thereof) assessment - as Yewstance points out, there are far more preferable boost spells (with a stabilizing "flat bonus" factor) - which (on my table) would always get picked over a "chance" at a better roll on all checks. This seems to be *particularly* true in Core, where the "one bless per check" is hitting our 6-size party pretty hard.

Was my point: the spell is really powerful. "Too" powerful was a bit pushing it but the truth is, at least for large groups, we always keep it when we have it because it pretty much ensures you gonna succeed at all your checks during you turn (acquire, defeat, bya, aya, guard, close, recover...).

Typical strategy when you have scryied you location and know the Big Bad Guy is there after 5 or 6 cards, and your all team is with you and you are the last to play and someone has the Embiggen spell:

- During his turn, friend X who has the spell gives it to you and move to some place where he can guard.
- During their turn, all other friends give you an ally, move to some place where he can guard, then reset hand to get maximum Blessings and other stuff to help you from afar (arrows....), just in case some checks could have been failed...

Embiggen on you at the start of your turn. Hand full of allies to reexplore, game over.

OK my example is pushing it, but you get the idea.

Longshot11 wrote:

I stand corrected. This IS a pretty damn decent L0 spell after all.


it's level 2... It would definitely be overpowered at level 0.
(As it is, it's powerful enough that I personally would be uncomfortable including it in a non-Society vault, but OK if it's only a random pickup.)

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OK, I swear I searched the FAQ exhaustively for Embiggen, but I guess not. Because I found a FAQ entry for Embiggen dated A Long Time Ago.

Embiggen says to exchange all of a character’s dice. Does that include dice added by other players? And does it work for all dice rolls?

It should only work on checks, and it should work on all dice on those checks.

Resolution: On the spell Embiggen, change "Exchange all of that character’s dice for dice of these sizes" to "On that character’s checks, replace all dice as follows".

So yes, all dice are replaced - and it only works on checks.

As a comment, I'll add that IMHO Embiggen is a campaign-changing card. It's really fun, and a blast to play. But it is quite powerful.

If you're playing Crimson Throne with Embiggen, I do think you're playing a different campaign than those who play without. Particularly if you're running a character like Hakon or Varian who can use it every other turn (and sometimes every turn).

And a separate clarification. The We Be Heroes? 2-scenario adventure has the following reward:

Each player may add to any of their Class Decks the promo spell Embiggen and/or the promo blessing The Real Rabbit Prince.

To be clear, this means you can put Embiggen in every single class deck you own - right?

P.S. I'm playing Mother Myrtle in Year 6, and she's quite a doozy with Embiggen - even with post-Core Recovery nerfing her degenerate combos.

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It works on all rolled dice on checks, not just your "character's skill dice", which I inferred Character Dice to mean?

In that case I take back my previous assessment about it being "better than Enlarge, arguably worse than several AD0 spells", and replace it with an assessment matching more of other perspectives in this thread of "probably overpowered".

Off-topic, regarding Varian and Hakon's use of it:
I'll note that I think the 'synergy' with Hakon and Varian doesn't faze me much, though. The latter I already considered one of the two strongest Core/Curse characters, so an individual powerful boon doesn't do much either way to affect my opinion of him. Meanwhile, Hakon's "card re-use/replacement" power is the strongest thing about him, but it's strictly once-a-turn and potentially carries much more powerful targets depending on what you want out of him. "What you want out of him" is especially important to consider because his tiny hand size (the smallest in Core/Curse) means he's not a great target for Embiggen as he won't take many explorations in a turn, meaning he'd usually have to exchange a spell for it, then keep it in his hand for the entire turn (sacrificing a potential new card draw due to the slot in his hand being filled already) in order to cast it on someone off-turn.

Personally, if you're playing in Organised Play I would say the strongest use of Hakon's start-of-turn power is Ultimate Equipment's Robe of Items (which also gets my vote for one of the top 3 strongest cards in PACG), every turn, every time. Personally, I'd use it with two items that you can discard to explore with, such as Wayfinder and Compass, and a third item with some relevant power on reveal or reload, such as the Belt of Physical Might, all three of which are in Ultimate Equipment and/or the Warpriest Class Deck which Hakon uses.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

If Embiggen only worked on a single check and wasn't able to be recharged in recovery, I wouldn't call it overpowered. It is most certainly overpowered for a level 2 card as-written however, and would fit right in with a lot of level 5/6 boons in Wrath of the Righteous (known for an inflated power curve).

On a check you suck at and don't have any other support, sure it only adds +2 on average. Most combat checks will see you adding +4 to +5 on average (+6 to +9 on average for weapons which can additionally discard for more dice) without any other support.

Add in a blessing? Add another +2. Someone can provide some small die as free support? Add another +2. With correct party composition, it is very easy to make Embiggen add +9 or more to combat checks by only using powers which reveal, recharge, or reload cards. For non-combat, it's more like +6 as an easy to attain rate.

If you really go all out (bless twice, discard stuff for more dice), it can easily add +15 or more to combat and +10 or more to non-combat. And I'm talking averages here, not maximums.

That's just nuts.

skizzerz wrote:
That's just nuts.

My point exactly. I guess it may be difficult to see if you aren't used to play with 6 players and really collaborate. But with 6 players preCore, you could easily have everyone throw a couple of dice on a very critical check (typically to finish a villain ou close a critical location). Giving a +2/+3 to each of these dice is pretty much adding +20 to the check.

As said, if only it was just for one check, but it goes on for the full turn.

How do Embiggen and mythic paths interact?

Embiggen wrote:

Freely display next to a local character. While displayed:

* On that character’s checks, replace all dice as follows: d4->d8, d6->d10, d8->12, d10->d12, d12->d20 (if you have one).
Mythic Path wrote:
Add your number of mythic charges to your [...] check. Then you may expend 1 or more charges. If you do, [...] when you assemble your dice, for each charge expended, replace 1 of your highest non-d20 dice with a d20.

For example, what would happen if a Embiggened character uses 1 mythic charge on a check which they normally would be rolling 1d12+1d4 for?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

You choose the ordering since they are both happening when you assemble your dice, so I'd recommend choosing Embiggen before choosing the Mythic path replacement. Doing it in that ordering lets you roll 2d20.


wkover wrote:

And a separate clarification. The We Be Heroes? 2-scenario adventure has the following reward:

Each player may add to any of their Class Decks the promo spell Embiggen and/or the promo blessing The Real Rabbit Prince.

To be clear, this means you can put Embiggen in every single class deck you own - right?......

I think so, however I would love to hear confirmation from some of the VOs

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