Which one shot for a first 2E game?


So just after Christmas there may be a slot for 3 out of 4 of my main group to give 2E a try

We haven't been able to convert due to being in the middle of a 1E AP where the current characters are unlikely to be satisfactorily convertible (potentially more on this in another post)

So given the potential opportunity of some extra time at Christmas and not having a full group compliment I would like to give 2E a whirl

What module should I use?
I am currently considering a conversion of We Be Heroes from the playtest rules to the final ones as it looks like a case of updating 3 (I think monsters) and some minor updates to the pregens

Are their any others that are a good shout? The quests (based on description and listening to a couple of actual plays of the first one) don't seem to really grab my interest.

I looked a Absalom Initiation but it looked like a lot more material than I would have expected for a PFS module (have I misinterpreted this?)

(I have Plaguestone but that is too long and from everything I have read and listened too quite brutal)

Does anyone have suggestions?

What about the free demo adventure? I haven't looked at it myself but it seems to be designed with this in mind.

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I ran the Mosquito Witch (a PFS adventure), which worked really well. The reviews on the product page go into more detail about the adventure, but it's got a reasonable amount of investigation/roleplay, and a few fights.

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The Moskito Witch is a great adventure, but it's not finished (and it's clear that there's something more to it).
I can't wait for the sequel.

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Captain Morgan wrote:
What about the free demo adventure? I haven't looked at it myself but it seems to be designed with this in mind.

It shows off the mechanics well enough, but the story isn’t great.


Envoy's Alliance

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The Society scenarios seem like very good candidates. I've run the Mosquito Witch multiple times and it is a very good one. The combats are not deadly but still a good challenge, and there's plenty of investigation and roleplaying.

How do you all feel about goblins not always being crazy, evil psychopaths? Because another scenario I can recommend is 1-07 Flooded King's Court. Some really fun roleplaying in the beginning, some dungeon exploration with a couple fun fights, and then an unexpected moral choice at the end.

Whatever you choose, good luck! I hope your group enjoys 2e. I'm loving it.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Mosquito Witch is an excellent choice.

We be heroes was a good choice to convert.

The intro adventure is garbage imo, both the chosen combat and the story, it needed to be a little longer and against something that doesn't have a +11 to hit.
If anyone wants something that bare bones, it would be easier to make your own and just not down notes.

Mosquito witch is a good option, I would ditch the crashing carriage mechanics for people new to the system though and just use it as a simple combat encounter after narrating the crash.
It does suffer from "3 paragraphs of description for every one sentence it needed issue (we be heroes too, I give it more leeway since it is a free product)

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

You might try using the first chapter "The Lost Star" from Doomsday Down's playtest adventure. It was designed to be a decent how does the game play test, as opposed to a how long does it take to kill all the characters test, so I think would be a nice run through.

Only a couple hazards to convert. Mostly looking up monsters in the bestiary for their updated stats. The 'big bad' is the primary thing there isn't a bestiary entry for.

Let me know if you want my initial conversion info I've come up with.

Thanks for the suggestions. I am having another read of the Absalom Initiation. I didn't realise most of the page count was artwork which shows how closely I looked at it first time!

I have no problem with the goblin point and think my players might quite like the idea of playing goblins for that matter

Time will tell. I will keep my options open

I am no perusing the PFS manual. It is larger than I was expecting!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

We Be Heroes is lots of fun, and if your players can get behind playing goblins, it's great. The problem there is that you'd need to convert the pregenerated goblins to 2E, since it was a Playtest adventure.
The Mosquito Witch was my favorite among the scenarios that came out at GenCon, and is a good choice. The Absalom Initiation is really good for what it is (an introduction to the Pathfinder Society in 2E), but if you want to have a one-shot with a cohesive story instead of mini-missions, I'd go with one of the other options.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Try Pirates and Plunder, One Night at the Crooked Hand, on DrivethruRPG.

Well, you did ask. <g>

Lanathar wrote:

Thanks for the suggestions. I am having another read of the Absalom Initiation. I didn't realise most of the page count was artwork which shows how closely I looked at it first time!

I have no problem with the goblin point and think my players might quite like the idea of playing goblins for that matter

Time will tell. I will keep my options open

I am no perusing the PFS manual. It is larger than I was expecting!

You don't need to follow the PFS rules only because you're playing a PFS adventure, I think?

You are right but I like to see what the PFS rules assume such as a free consumable for example

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