Blood Hunter Archetype (based on Matt Mercer's homebrew for 5e)

Homebrew and House Rules

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Second try posting this, didn't seem to go through the first time. Any critique is appreciated!

Blood Hunter Dedication -- FEAT 2
(Uncommon, Archetype, Dedication)
Prerequisites Wisdom 14, trained in Occultism and martial weapons

You have taught yourself blood magics, and have begun to use them to enhance your weapon attacks with occult energies. You gain access to the Activate Crimson Rite action.

Activate Crimson Rite (2 actions)
(Uncommon, Occult, Necromancy)
You cut into your own skin and enhance your weapon with the power of your blood. You suffer from drained 2, which reduces to 0 as soon as your crimson rite ends but otherwise cannot be reduced in any way. Up to two weapons you are holding gain additional cold, fire, or lightning damage equal to half your level + your number of class feats from the Blood Hunter archetype (you choose the damage type when you activate this ability). This action also has the trait of whichever damage type you pick. This effect lasts on a weapon for 1 minute or if the weapon is not in your hand at the end of your turn.

Special You cannot select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the blood hunter archetype.

Blood Maledict -- FEAT 4
Prerequisite Blood Hunter Dedication

You invoke the powers of your own blood to affect someone else’s. You gain one of the following focus spells: Blood Curse of Binding, Blood Curse of the Eyeless, or Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet.

Special You can select this feat multiple times, choosing a different option each time.

Dark Velocity -- FEAT 6
(Archetype, Divination)
Prerequisites Blood Hunter Dedication

You become adept at maneuvering in the darkness. You gain darkvision, and if you already have darkvision then you gain greater darkvision. You gain a +5 status bonus to your Speed while in dim light or darkness.

Grim Psychometry -- FEAT 6
(Archetype, Divination)
Prerequisite Blood Hunter Dedication

Your affinity to the dark arts allows you to sense when an object has been used for such things. You can cast the Object Reading spell without expending a spell slot, however the casting time is 10 minutes. You can spend additional time casting the spell to heighten it, taking an additional 10 minutes per spell level, up to half of your level. The spell does not work if the object is untouched by evil.

Esoteric Rites -- FEAT 8
(Archetype, Necromancy)
Prerequisite Blood Hunter Dedication

You expand the powers of your crimson rites beyond the basic elements. You can choose to deal sonic, mental, positive, or negative damage with your crimson rite rather than the damage types listed.

Hallowed Veins -- FEAT 8
Prerequisite Blood Maledict

Your blood curses assault the very being of a creature, rather than just their blood. Your blood curse focus spells can now affect creatures even if they are immune to bleed.

Quick Crimson Rite (Free Action) -- FEAT 12
(Archetype, Necromancy, Occult)
Prerequisite Blood Hunter Dedication
Trigger initiative is rolled, you have weapons drawn, and you can observe at least one opponent

You can quickly activate your rite at the slightest hint of danger. You can immediately Activate Crimson Rite.

Focus Spells

Blood Curse of Binding -- FOCUS 2
(Uncommon, Blood Hunter, Necromancy)
Cast (2 actions) somatic, verbal
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 creature
Saving Throw Fortitude; Duration 1 round

You restrict your opponent’s movement by slowing the blood around their muscles. The effect is determined by the target’s Fortitude save. A creature immune to bleed automatically critically succeeds.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target takes a 5 ft. circumstance penalty to their speed.
Failure The target is grabbed.
Critical Failure The target is restrained.

Blood Curse of the Eyeless -- FOCUS 2
(Uncommon, Blood Hunter, Incapacitation, Necromancy)
Cast (Reaction) somatic, verbal; Trigger A foe you can see Strikes.
Range 30 feet; Targets the triggering creature
Saving Throw Fortitude

You take control of your opponents blood to conceal their vision and make their attacks less likely to hit. The effect is determined by the target’s Fortitude save. A creature immune to bleed automatically critically succeeds.

Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target takes a -1 circumstance penalty to its attack roll.
Failure The target takes a -4 circumstance penalty to its attack roll.
Critical Failure As failure, and the target is also blind until the end of its turn.

Blood Curse of the Fallen Puppet -- FOCUS 2
(Uncommon, Blood Hunter, Necromancy)
Cast (Reaction) somatic, verbal; Trigger A creature falls unconscious or dies.
Range 30 feet; Targets the triggering creature

As a creature falls unconscious or dies, you briefly take control of its body to attack. That creature immediately makes a Strike against a target of your choice within its attack range. This happens before the target drops their weapons. After the attack, the creature returns to being unconscious or dead. A creature that is immune to bleed cannot be puppeted.

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This is really cool, very well done! I don't know about the flavor behind it, so this critique is probably invalid, but elemental damage on your weapons as a primary shtick doesn't strike me as blood magic-y, even if you do gain drained as well. I absolutely love the focus spells however. For the Blood Curse of the Eyeless, is the intent that you force the save before knowing the result of their attack, or you can know the result of the attack before triggering it? I think it might benefit from being spelled out either way.

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BellyBeard wrote:
This is really cool, very well done! I don't know about the flavor behind it, so this critique is probably invalid, but elemental damage on your weapons as a primary shtick doesn't strike me as blood magic-y, even if you do gain drained as well. I absolutely love the focus spells however. For the Blood Curse of the Eyeless, is the intent that you force the save before knowing the result of their attack, or you can know the result of the attack before triggering it? I think it might benefit from being spelled out either way.

The way it works in 5E is that before the roll, the opponent gets screwed over. Also the wording is "Opponent Strikes" otherwise known as "Makes a Strike", which is the declaration of the attack, before the roll is made, so I imagine it's before the attack roll is made, similar to Glimpse of Redemption. FANTASTIC WORK OP! The Blood Hunter is quite an imaginative class, and you converted it so smoothly as an archetype that I'm incredibly impressed. I might bring this before my GM to see if he might allow it at our table

I liked a lot!

This is pretty cool and seems like it is reasonably balanced. Good job, internet person.

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BellyBeard wrote:
This is really cool, very well done! I don't know about the flavor behind it, so this critique is probably invalid, but elemental damage on your weapons as a primary shtick doesn't strike me as blood magic-y, even if you do gain drained as well. I absolutely love the focus spells however. For the Blood Curse of the Eyeless, is the intent that you force the save before knowing the result of their attack, or you can know the result of the attack before triggering it? I think it might benefit from being spelled out either way.

You know, I never actually realized that the flavor doesn't make a whole lot of sense from that standpoint. But the flavor of it is that it's a monster hunter who turned to evil arts in order to fight them better, so I like to think of it as an always having the right tool for the job sort of thing (which is a change I made from 5e, where you had a limited list of elements and got to pick new ones at higher levels). And as nick1wasd said, you do indeed activate it before knowing the result.

Thanks for the kind words, everyone!

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Really like this idea. Small style nitpick - Blood Maledict should state that it gives you an additional focus point up to 3 points in your pool, otherwise as written you get focus spells with no way to cast them.

Up to two weapons you are holding gain additional cold, fire, or lightning damage equal to half your level + your number of class feats from the Blood Hunter archetype


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Intresting class and good conversion to P2ed.
However there is one thing I dont like and thats the elemental type damage the bloodhunter gets.
I would very much so prefer necrotic damage to its attack and with some flavor maybe poison damage could be included as well

Just my 2 cents

Alexander Keen wrote:
Really like this idea. Small style nitpick - Blood Maledict should state that it gives you an additional focus point up to 3 points in your pool, otherwise as written you get focus spells with no way to cast them.

Since it is a lvl 4 feat, it should work like the druid dedication one.

It will give you 1 point, but only if you have no pool.

Very good work. The archetype is flavorful and seems balanced. The curses are cool!

I like the free casting mechanic of Object Reading. It's unique and has a nice "Leave me alone, I must research this item"-flair at higher levels.

The only thing that might be too strong is Quick Crimson Rite. Dropping the activation from 2 actions to free action is big. Maybe drop it to 1 action?

This is great! Seems a lot better put together than the actual Blood Hunter, haha.

Seconding Masda - one action or at least costing your reaction for the round (is this something even codified in the rules? oh well) - would be much more reasonable.

K1 wrote:
Up to two weapons you are holding gain additional cold, fire, or lightning damage equal to half your level + your number of class feats from the Blood Hunter archetype


Your weapons gain elemental damage equal to half your level + the number of class feats from the BH archetype. What's there to be confused about? At level 2 with just this, you add 2. At level 4 if you take the next one, 4. So on so forth.

Grankless wrote:

This is great! Seems a lot better put together than the actual Blood Hunter, haha.

Seconding Masda - one action or at least costing your reaction for the round (is this something even codified in the rules? oh well) - would be much more reasonable.

K1 wrote:
Up to two weapons you are holding gain additional cold, fire, or lightning damage equal to half your level + your number of class feats from the Blood Hunter archetype


Your weapons gain elemental damage equal to half your level + the number of class feats from the BH archetype. What's there to be confused about? At level 2 with just this, you add 2. At level 4 if you take the next one, 4. So on so forth.

I meant that it is way too strong.

Tell me something with with a lvl 2 feat gives you 10 flat elemental damage of your choice by lvl 20.

Or eventually 20 extra damage, if you perform a double attack with the highest modifier, like twin feint or double slice.

Imagine also with a main barbarian.

What would be the double slice FLAT DMG on s single hit? And what on a crit?

K1 wrote:
Grankless wrote:

This is great! Seems a lot better put together than the actual Blood Hunter, haha.

Seconding Masda - one action or at least costing your reaction for the round (is this something even codified in the rules? oh well) - would be much more reasonable.

K1 wrote:
Up to two weapons you are holding gain additional cold, fire, or lightning damage equal to half your level + your number of class feats from the Blood Hunter archetype


Your weapons gain elemental damage equal to half your level + the number of class feats from the BH archetype. What's there to be confused about? At level 2 with just this, you add 2. At level 4 if you take the next one, 4. So on so forth.

I meant that it is way too strong.

Tell me something with with a lvl 2 feat gives you 10 flat elemental damage of your choice by lvl 20.

Or eventually 20 extra damage, if you perform a double attack with the highest modifier, like twin feint or double slice.

Imagine also with a main barbarian.

What would be the double slice FLAT DMG on s single hit? And what on a crit?

I kind of agree with K1 here. Also, it's unusual in PF2 to have such big bonus damage as a flat bonus instead of extra damage dice (apart from special class features like Rage and Weapon Spec).

Imagine this combined with Certain Strike which only removes damage dice on a miss.
It's definitly very strong. It doesn't even have to scale at all. Compare with Bespell Weapon to which it is similar. Since you can chose your energy type, stronger weaknesses will do the scaling.

K1 wrote:

Tell me something with with a lvl 2 feat gives you 10 flat elemental damage of your choice by lvl 20.

Dangerous Sorcery. And it's level 1. :) (I know, spells are less likely to hit and you only get one a round, I'm just kidding)

It is powerful, yes. But losing 2 HP/level and 2 Fort is pretty harsh on a melee. I think it's okay balance for a homebrew.

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K1 wrote:
It will give you 1 point, but only if you have no pool.

Per the focus spell rules, all features that grants focus spells do this, even if they don't explicitly say so. I might add it in anyways.

worg64 wrote:

Intresting class and good conversion to P2ed.

However there is one thing I dont like and thats the elemental type damage the bloodhunter gets.
I would very much so prefer necrotic damage to its attack and with some flavor maybe poison damage could be included as well

Just my 2 cents

I personally like it from the perspective that they're a hunter that has an assortment of tools at their disposal.

masda_gib wrote:

I kind of agree with K1 here. Also, it's unusual in PF2 to have such big bonus damage as a flat bonus instead of extra damage dice (apart from special class features like Rage and Weapon Spec).

Imagine this combined with Certain Strike which only removes damage dice on a miss.
It's definitly very strong. It doesn't even have to scale at all. Compare with Bespell Weapon to which it is similar. Since you can chose your energy type, stronger weaknesses will do the scaling.

The initial ability has been the hardest part to balance regarding the archetype. I disagree that it doesn't need to scale, I feel like it will get worse at higher levels without scaling, but I'm definitely willing to lower it due to how it interacts actively with weaknesses. I also wasn't actually aware of how modifiers also double on crits, so that definitely changes things. It has to be a powerful ability to make the cost worthwhile, but I'll look it over again soon.

Also, will definitely be changing up Quick Crimson Rite. Probably make it a single action that has to be made on your first turn of combat.

I think this is really quite cool! Some abilities, like Dark Velocity and Fallen Puppet, remain simple while being extremely evocative/flavorful and also feeling powerful which I think is the highest mark you can aim for. (I don't know if these abilities are of your design or just translated well from 5E, but great job nonetheless)

I also believe the dedication damage is way too high. It really, really should not scale - martial damage already scales with level so if you start adding scaling damage on top of that things start spiraling out of control. Strikes and spells are supposed to scale linearly since monster hp scales linearly. A +1d4 to damage is still relevant at level 20 (especially when it can target a weakness).

My suggestion would be to use the rogue multiclass feat "Sneak Attacker" as a frame of reference. Bringing the damage down to 1d4/1d6 at higher levels makes things far more manageable.

In addition, the drained 2 is probably too much of a drawback (assuming decreased damage) and should probably come out alright at drained 1. This has the benefit of making the hp loss calculation really simple, which is nice since you'll probably be using the ability a lot.

That’s awesome, will you add feats to make the different bloodhunter archetypes?

Transmission89 wrote:
That’s awesome, will you add feats to make the different bloodhunter archetypes?

Most likely not. I find that Mutant, Lycan, and Profane Soul are already well supported by the rules (via alchemist, Animal barb, and sorcerer/the upcoming Witch). And I already included some of the Ghostslayer features in the archetype itself.

To add to the discussion of scaling damage balance, I will point out that many/most weaknesses already scale approximately equally with level, so if you target them you will already get increased damage at later levels without adding scaling to the ability itself.

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Been over a month since I last touched this, as I haven't had much time for homebrewing. But I want to get back into it, so here's an update.

The Activate Crimson Rite activity has been changed to the following:

Activate Crimson Rite (2 actions)
(Uncommon, Occult, Necromancy)
You cut into your own skin and enhance your weapon with the power of your blood. You suffer from drained 1, which reduces to 0 as soon as your crimson rite ends but otherwise cannot be reduced in any way. Up to two weapons you are holding gain 1d4 cold, fire, or lightning damage (you choose the damage type when you activate this ability). This action also has the trait of whichever damage type you pick. This effect lasts on a weapon for 1 minute or if the weapon is not in your hand at the end of your turn.

The scaling damage of the original feat was largely due to me being unfamiliar with the fact that modifiers double on a crit and the strength of being able to target weaknesses frequently. I've also lowered the drained condition from 2 to 1 to make up for the smaller bonus.

Also, Quick Crimson Rite has been replaced with Reactive Rite:

Reactive Rite (Reaction) -- FEAT 12
(Archetype, Necromancy, Occult)
Prerequisite Blood Hunter Dedication
Trigger you take damage and have at least one weapon in your hands

You use the pain of an incoming attack to quickly enhance your weapons. You can immediately Activate Crimson Rite.

I wanted to keep the ability to quickly activate your rite at the sign of danger, however this way there's a cost associated with it. If you want to save on action economy, you have to be hit.

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