[5e] Interest check: What should I run? AKA Are my homies still homie-ing?


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So, most of the games I am playing in have halted to a snails pace. Also, Ive had about a years rest from DMing. That means I'm ripe for some DMing. But what to run? I've been mulling it over for a few months and seek input.

Chult Adventures: ToA wilderness adventure, basically chapter 2 of tomb of annihilation with some Isle of Dread feeling. I've run some AL modules in Chult and this would be a spiritual successor of that most excellent setting. I have promised equally excellent players I would return to this setting at some time. I am eager to return to the dino/zombie jungles indeed.

Spelljammer 2e to 5e conversion: I'm willing to run Wildspace converted into 5e. I realize there is maybe only 1 other person in the universe interested in this, but throwing it out there...I am a humor loving DM and Spelljammer is ripe for some WTF.

Yellow Box 2e to 5e conversion: The yellow box adventures run with 5e. For those not familiar, the yellow box was like the Crypt of the Everflame for 2e, or Mines of Phandelver for 5e. An introductory module for 2e...in 5e it would serve a similar purpose. Main reason is nice colorful isometric maps available and totally nostalgiac feel.

AL Stuff: I am not a fan of the seasonal changes to AL...I stopped playing and DMing after a few experiences with season 8. That said, the modules are pretty fun and are totally quality. Willing to run some for credit.

Courts of the Shadow Fey: I love Faerun, but Kobold Press's Midgard setting is also awesome. This is a 5e module that takes players into the Shadowrealm, which I totally dork out for.

Other Classics Converted: Some other 2e classics I think would be quite nice with 5e. A few I have looked into enough to DM: Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, Castle Amber, or Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. Totally willing for any of those!

Hello! I'm up for some 5e classics, since I've never had the chance to play them to begin with. My GMs were "creative" and played their own, self-made modules. Or they GMd other games.

So, mostly whatever you choose, count on my application!

That said, "dinozombies" sound totally awesome! :P

Hmm, I don't know if you'd call me a homie, but I do like a few of those ideas. In order:

1 - Courts of the Shadow Fey: I have the PF campaign guide, has there been any changes in the 5e version?

2 - Spelljammer: Looks interesting. I have no more than a passing idea of what it's like, but what I do know has my interest. Just a heads up, I may be playing an amnesiac character to play into my ignorance.

3 - Chult Adventures: This sounds fun. I have a couple of ideas.

4 - If you're doing other classics, would you be willing to do Keep on the Borderlands? I have a pathfinder character that I would love to play again that was made for a modified playthrough (The GM was going through a rough time and came back too soon, but it was still a fun game and I loved playing her.)

Funnily enough, I was thinking posting an interest check for a 5e game myself. Not really planning on any modules, but I do have some ideas that I'd like to run.

My vote would go to Courts of the Shadow Fey. That one I would try to join no matter what!

GM infinity running a campaign? I’m in. Court of the shadow fey sounds interesting. But I’m down for near any you listed

Courts of the shadow fey, spelljammer, and classic 2nd Ed.....

I would like to put my name into the hat. I have not played anything in Spelljammer before. But other than that I am game.

My first PbP character was an Elven Ranger (Jungle) in a Chult type setting. Would love the chance to bring him back to life in a different dimension. Otherwise... no feeling of yay or nay...but interested.

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Waves to some old sparring partners :)

I'd be down for any of the suggestions, but Courts of the Shadow Fey and Midgard are highly tempting.

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How there Black Dow. It's been awhile. Here's hoping we both get in. :)

Chult and ToA also sound fun, to be honest.

1. I've not read the PF version cover to cover (nor the 4e version), but looking at both table of contents side by side and comparing the text of the first few scenes its nearly identical...almost word for word but not quite. Some editing here and there it seems. The 5e version is much nicer to look at and read also.

Glad to see some familiar faces and to hear there's some interest for Courts, I'm leaning pretty hard that direction. It starts at 7th so would be a nice change.

I'm thinking you might have underestimated Spelljammer support unless I'm that 1 other person. ;) I have always wanted to play in a Spelljammer game but never got the chance to.

That being said, all of those sounds interesting, and I'd definitely apply for recruitment for any of them.

Liberty's Edge

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HI *waves*

Would love to play some of the classics (Slavers anyone!!) but would also be open to something like Shadow Fey and the likes would be awesome too

Heya Ken, no I was thinking someone else so that makes 3 I guess. :) I'm not an expert on the setting, my old group had the books but we basically just made fun of it all the time. Even today the modules read a bit silly at first, but it soon turns into a rich adventure...seemingly. I'd just commit to Wildspace first though and see how it goes.

Well, I'd like to add that anything that starts beyond 1st level is always on the lead. I've played enough 1st level characters to have a football team.

I’ve been looking to get into 5e and Spelljammer sounds awesome, so count me interested.

5e anything with you Infinity!

GM Infinity wrote:


1. I've not read the PF version cover to cover (nor the 4e version), but looking at both table of contents side by side and comparing the text of the first few scenes its nearly identical...almost word for word but not quite. Some editing here and there it seems. The 5e version is much nicer to look at and read also.

Cool, I'll have to see if I can swing a 5e copy at some point then. :)

Chult sounds really interesting. I mean... dinosaurs and undead? Undead dinosaurs? You can't go wrong. :)


Grand Lodge

Hey, buddy! Welcome back! I know you aren't a fan of the changes, so you should check out the Season 9 rules, since they start tomorrow. I am not completely sold on them, but they are better... They make things a little easier to parse.

Anyway, it looks like you have a bunch of players chiming in! I'd love to play one of your games again, but honestly it depends on which one you settle on. I would like to get back into AL, we petered out there in Season 8, but with the changes to Season 9, I am intrigued enough to come back in.

If you aren't running AL, I would love to come back to Nanbu if you are going back to Chult, but again, you got a lot of applicants.

Anyway, it is good to see you back in the running!


Liberty's Edge

Would love to bring Molok back from White Plume...with Whelm!!!

Hey Aesh, yeah I read through the season 9 changes. Looked like progress had been made but still...dunno it just seems to be moving in an odd direction. That said, I prefer to experience things rather than just think/critique so will likely give it a go at some point.

Dan, thanks yes he would have a story to tell...getting blasted out the top of the volcano with a sentient hammer that hates the sky. :)

Still mulling the adventure over, but I will try to decide based on this and any further input by the end of the week.

This is scranford. Not really interested in AL, but here's the character I'd like to reskin for a jungle game if it goes that way.

GM Infinity wrote:

Hey Aesh, yeah I read through the season 9 changes. Looked like progress had been made but still...dunno it just seems to be moving in an odd direction. That said, I prefer to experience things rather than just think/critique so will likely give it a go at some point.

Dan, thanks yes he would have a story to tell...getting blasted out the top of the volcano with a sentient hammer that hates the sky. :)

Still mulling the adventure over, but I will try to decide based on this and any further input by the end of the week.

Looking forward to it.

Dark Archive

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Oh, PLEASE run Spelljammer! Doesn't even have to be 5E. I'd play 2E to get back into the phlogiston!

On the subject of classic conversions, Goodman Games has converted both Into the Borderlands (B1 & B2) and Isle of Dread (X1) to 5E and done an awesome job! Their next release is Expedition to the Barrier Peaks (S3) and then The Lost City (B4)!

I'd also be down for Chult and for revisiting classic adventures!

I would second requesting Spelljammer. the setting is amazeballs.

Liberty's Edge

I'd have to read up on Spelljammer, but I have a 5e itch that needs scratching. I remember that there was a 5e conversion for Age of Worms floating around, and I've heard good things about it.
Other than that idea, I'm down for anything.

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So the basic gist of Spelljammer is that each of the classic DND settings are their own (effective) planets, and spelljammers are spaceships powered by magic that move between them. Different races have taken to space than you might normally encounter in a typical game: for example, illithids (mind flayers), gith (yanki and zeri), and beholders are much more commonly encountered and have their own spaceships.

What I really like about is that you aren't stuck in one particular setting: instead, you can just leave (there are some exceptions tothis, however) and go to another setting.

Here is a link to the Spelljammer Wiki that should get you started.

EDIT: with the above being said, I just googled Courts of the Shadow Fey and it sounds amazing. It's got REALLY good reviews, too...

Liberty's Edge

I've read a bit of Spelljammer and it looks fabulous, I'd love a game of that!

WhtKnt, those Goodman Games conversions are definite quality. Eagerly awaiting their Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. I didn't know they were doing Lost City, that's awesome...I hope they flesh out the bottom levels more. I don't mind running 2e at all and actually prefer it to 5e in certain ways, but I thought I could find more players for 5e.

As for Spelljammer, it would be cool if I had time to homebrew some setting hopping stuff, but I would just be running the official line of modules released back in the day starting with Wildspace (Skull & Crossbones, Crystal Spheres, etc).

This is a tough choice!

Shal would definitely be up for more adventures in Chult, but you've got a lot of good choices.

For more Midgard goodness you could also try Tales of the Old Margreave. A group of shorter adventures in a forest setting. Most sections are independent of each other, but can also be woven together if you want something longer form. It might not be quite as much of a time commitment as Courts of the Shadow Fey. Just a thought.

Can heartily recommend Tales of the Old Margreave - I ran a Kingmaker campaign that intertwined the Tales to give the whole campaign a dark Slavic twist.

Its one I hope to return back to as it had so much promise :)

Grand Lodge

Don't over tax yourself, buddy, but if you decide to run an AL game, I am totally down! We really pulled back on Season 8. We played the Season 8 modules up until the last of the Tier 2s, then really stopped.

Anyway, have fun, that's what's important! ^_^

Dark Archive

I'm good with the Spelljammer modules (I own them, but it's been a long while since I have read through them, and I never got a chance to use them). I'm even willing to help with the conversion to 5E if you decide to go this route.

Black Dow wrote:

Can heartily recommend Tales of the Old Margreave - I ran a Kingmaker campaign that intertwined the Tales to give the whole campaign a dark Slavic twist.

Its one I hope to return back to as it had so much promise :)

If you do start that up again, I'm definitely game!

Also, I visited the Kobold Press store to see about getting that for a game I'm running over Discord and roll20 and the next thing I know, I have cart with about $200 of PDfs in it. No idea how that happened. Nope, none at all. </s>

All the Kobold Press stuf is great, and Midgard is one of my favorite settings. I got to admit I don't have a lot of love for Spelljammer. It always seemed to be missing the focus I like in a setting, but if we go with any of the others I'd be very interested.


Hehe, indeed they make the checkout process quite simple. One is surely not alone in such happenstances.

Shal, I'll check out Tales. I was hesitant to look through the Midgard adventures because I wasn't really sure which you were running for Reavers, if any.

scranford wrote:
It always seemed to be missing the focus I like in a setting

I think that, at least for me, is the appeal of the setting. You get a chance to try out the flavor of the various dnd settings, you get the chance to change up your standard enemies you encounter on a regular basis, and you get the chance to be space pirates if you want.

space pirates in dnd.

Infinity, don't worry about duplicating anything from Reavers. I've mostly been winging it or grabbing bits and pieces from various places that seem to fit with the party or general atmosphere of the adventure. But either way, we left the original module behind pretty much from the start.

Black Dow wrote:

Can heartily recommend Tales of the Old Margreave - I ran a Kingmaker campaign that intertwined the Tales to give the whole campaign a dark Slavic twist.

Its one I hope to return back to as it had so much promise :)

AdamWarnock wrote:
If you do start that up again, I'm definitely game!

Its a very tempting notion - perhaps one I'll belay until the New Year as I'd need to get my ducks in a row for it. Should I retread those wyld paths once again you'll have a seat at the virtual table hombre :)

@Black Dow: :D Looking forward to it.

@GM Infinity: If you do run Courts of the Shadow Fey, what setting would you have us from? Midgard?

AdamWarnock, that's right. It starts in Zobeck, which is a fairly generic crossroads/cultural melting pot...although kobolds and gearforged have more of a presence than other settings' major cities.

If we go that route, it would help if your character had a reason to care about Zobeck...some affiliation with a faction, the man who stole your first love, a favorite shady tree to relax under, etc.

That I can do. :)

If we are going Courts of the Shadow Fey, then we will be starting at a higher level... correct? I'll have to look through my Zobeck stuff for inspiration. Perhaps it's time to finally bite the bullet and think about a Clockwork character.

BTW if anyone uses Hero Lab they have the Midgard stuff on there as well.

scranford, also correct. 7th and ending up 10 and some change, possibly 11. So yeah, your character can have some renown and popularity/notoriety if you'd like. That's a lot of xp to explain...been on a minor campaign already, etc.

Wowowow, too many things I don't know about... Which is cool, since whatever you choose to DM I'll enjoy to its full (if you pick me, that is).

Does anyone have a link to information about Zobeck? I'd like to make a character who is tied into the setting.

Vrog, there's a tad on the Kobold Press Website.

Liberty's Edge

Ok so we are going to play the Midgard game then? Are you going to start a new recruitment or is this it? Also what specifics are you looking for (races, classes etc)
Sounds cool. I will be looking up all the kobold press stuff I can find. Lol

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