Cantrip confusion

Rules Discussion

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I have a question about cantrips. From reading the book they do not use spell slots, and they auto heighten to half level rounded up of character. From looking at the Wizard it look like they can prepare 5 cantrips per rest and is reflected on the spell progression table.

For spontaneous casters such as the sorcerer who do not use have to prepare spells, but they have the same 5 cantrips on the progression table as the wizard class does. So my question is why does this number signify. I am at a lost, is it perhaps a number of cantrips known period?
The cantrip section under the Sorcerer Spellcasting on page 192 does not clarify what it means, at least in that I can see.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Yes, it is the number of cantrips known period. For spontaneous casters, the numbers on the spell progression tables are both the number of spells known and the number of slots usable per day, with the second usage being explicitly disregarded for cantrips.

Prepares casters can choose which 5 cantrips they want for the day. Possibly swapping around as needed.

Spontaneous casters chose which 5 cantrips they want for the entire game. (Though there are feats to get more).

Both get heightened automatically as you level, can be cast at-will, and don't take spell slots.

Mellored wrote:

Prepares casters can choose which 5 cantrips they want for the day. Possibly swapping around as needed.

Spontaneous casters chose which 5 cantrips they want for the entire game. (Though there are feats to get more).

Both get heightened automatically as you level, can be cast at-will, and don't take spell slots.

Thank you both for your help. That was the way I was leaning, I just wanted to get a second opinion. I wish they used more concise language and clarification on some things.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

i am making a sorcerer for my daughter that wonts to join the are game and she is going to be a elf with the ele bloodline at 8th lvl .at first so she is taking wildborn magic ancestery feat at first lvl,at secound lvl sorc feat cantrip expantionat for+2,at third lvl she is taking the general feat ancestral paragon to take elemental wrath, then at 5th she is taking wildborn adept. my question is how many cantrips does she have access to its 4+1 for class +1 for WBM and +2 for cantrip expantion class feat +1(acidspash)from elemental wrathand 3 from WBA =12 am i adding them right but under spells per day it ways she only has 5 a day

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Arimal wrote:

i am making a sorcerer for my daughter that wonts to join the are game and she is going to be a elf with the ele bloodline at 8th lvl .at first so she is taking wildborn magic ancestery feat at first lvl,at secound lvl sorc feat cantrip expantionat for+2,at third lvl she is taking the general feat ancestral paragon to take elemental wrath, then at 5th she is taking wildborn adept. my question is how many cantrips does she have access to its 4+1 for class +1 for WBM and +2 for cantrip expantion class feat +1(acidspash)from elemental wrathand 3 from WBA =12 am i adding them right but under spells per day it ways she only has 5 a day

Innate spells aren't sorcerer spells so spells per day has nothing to do with them. Cantrip Expansion specifically adds two additional cantrips from your spell list to your repertoire and spells added to your repertoire are available for casting so you get to cast all those cantrips.

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