Arimal's page

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber
Berhagen wrote:
graystone wrote:
Berhagen wrote:
You do realize that horses are usually a lot bigger and heavier than almost any kind of bear?

Tiger and raptor are on small too. And the bears they list range from 130 lbs to 1000. Getting at least some medium animals would have been nice.

Berhagen wrote:
I agree alternate mounts would be preferable, but the size of a horse does make sense
I don't think anyone has said otherwise: it's more that all the small sizes don't make the same kind of sense. Your smallest adult polar bears are 5.5' long and 330 lbs and a 8 month old cub is 100 pounds.
Didn’t realize the bear was at small...... indeed that does not make sense........

f you are playing a champion,druid or ranger, by 8th lvl your companion can be large if you spend 3 class feats on it. 1st will be animal companion for druid or rangers or mount dedication for champions, 2nd mature animal companion or loyal warhorse 3rd take incredible companion at 6th lvl as a druid or ranger. you know have a ride able companion mount that is large in size

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

i am making a sorcerer for my daughter that wonts to join the are game and she is going to be a elf with the ele bloodline at 8th lvl .at first so she is taking wildborn magic ancestery feat at first lvl,at secound lvl sorc feat cantrip expantionat for+2,at third lvl she is taking the general feat ancestral paragon to take elemental wrath, then at 5th she is taking wildborn adept. my question is how many cantrips does she have access to its 4+1 for class +1 for WBM and +2 for cantrip expantion class feat +1(acidspash)from elemental wrathand 3 from WBA =12 am i adding them right but under spells per day it ways she only has 5 a day

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

i am making a sorcerer for my daughter that wonts to join the are game and she is going to be a elf with the ele bloodline at 8th lvl .at first so she is taking wildborn magic ancestery feat at first lvl,at secound lvl sorc feat cantrip expantionat for+2,at third lvl she is taking the general feat ancestral paragon to take elemental wrath, then at 5th she is taking wildborn adept. my question is how many cantrips does she have access to its 4+1 for class +1 for WBM and +2 for cantrip expantion class feat +1(acidspash)from elemental wrathand 3 from WBA =12 am i adding them right but unser spells per day it ways she oly has 5 a day

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

one thing i am having a hard time raping my head around is bulk. it says on page 272 under estimating an items bulk that as a general rule an item that weights 5 to 10 Lbs is 1 bulk. now here is where i say things are heaver in this edition then first or even and other game, a long sword in this edition is 1 bulk so between 5 to 10 lbs. in first PF1 a long sword is only 4 lbs, that is not even one bulk. but a full water skin is L bulk but holds .5 gallon of water so 4lbs. and a great sword is 2 bulk in PF2 so 15 to 20 lbs and in PF1 its only 8 lbs. now these weights have been contestant over several platforms over more then 30 years its been constant. why the change. and full plate gets lighter in PF2 4 bulk (40 lbs) PF1 50 lbs. to me this math makes no sense.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

my group is having problems with the crafting/ lore for making alcohol beer and spirits. the current crafting does not cover any crafting dc's of items. i am looking for help with creating a list of beer / sprites and dc's for crafting them. and recommendations for prices on recipes and prices for finished product. would really appreciate any and all input

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

the pdf was available on the 3rd of this month. my Amazon book is supposed to be here on the 24th of this month. i could not wait so i got the dpf to have assess to it early

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

I have dm'ed partys that size and bigger biggest being 12 players. I usally add more mods at 1.5 to 2 times what the modual says ther will be make shere that u have what they are going to do. set up before the ecounter starts and adjust depening on what pc's . just rember to have fun. and play the mods as your toons you can always change weapons and spells to give your own tough