DM Brainiac's War for the Crown: Table 2 (COMPLETE!) (Inactive)

Game Master Brainiac

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Female human occultist 18 HP 168, AC 29, Touch 18, FF 22, F20/R14/W15*, CMD 29

"So it appears justice would require putting the mule down -- or perhaps that's just good sense for our community's safety," Katria says, keeping well clear of the animal [1].

[1] Katria had never been all that good with animals, since they were of little use [2] in the studies she had been engaged in her for most of her life since leaving home.

[2] It should be noted that certain animals -- typically ones that have become a familiar to a wizard -- may be more useful in such settings, but as Katria Delaval had never truly mastered that sort of access to arcane magic, she had no familiar, thus this is a point that probably didn't bear elaboration.

M Half-Elf Cleric 18 | HP 165/165 | AC 45 T 19 FF 40 | F+27 R+20 W+27 | Init +16 | Perception +32 | Performance 35/41 Channel 4/6 | Wand CLW 21/50 | Active: Vestment, GMW, Reversion, Contingency, Eaglesoul, Life Bubble, Invoke Deity, Untold Wonder, Frightful, Good Hope

"I think you are right, Katria, from the point of view of public safety. But we should make sure the people understand our reasoning, the evidence, and the fact that Mayne is truly and completely exonerated. He was already unpopular in this town and I do not want things to get worse for him."

Halfling Court Bard 9 | HP 64/66| AC 21, T 16, FF 18 | CMD 18 | F +7, R +12, W +10* | Init +3 | Perc +10
BP 24/26 Rounds, Spells - 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/6, 3rd: 3/4

Maya agrees with her companions, but adds, "I don't know if there's a statute for this, but we should probably give Mayne a minor fine or a short stint in jail for trying to bury Sutor's body without telling anyone. That's got to be obstruction of justice or something similar. He may not like his neighbors, but he needs to at least come to tolerate them, and they him."

M Half-Elf Cleric 18 | HP 165/165 | AC 45 T 19 FF 40 | F+27 R+20 W+27 | Init +16 | Perception +32 | Performance 35/41 Channel 4/6 | Wand CLW 21/50 | Active: Vestment, GMW, Reversion, Contingency, Eaglesoul, Life Bubble, Invoke Deity, Untold Wonder, Frightful, Good Hope

"Good point. Perhaps community service, in the form of helping bury Sutor's body properly?"

Male Human Stalker Vigilante 8 HP 67/67; AC 21, 17 FF, 16 T; Saves +7 Fort, +12 Ref, +10 Will; +4 Init; +18 Per, Active Effects: None

"Also him just deciding to keep the mule after it ate his turnips- that can't be ignored, just deciding what proper repayment would be." Doritan adds.

M Half-Elf Cleric 18 | HP 165/165 | AC 45 T 19 FF 40 | F+27 R+20 W+27 | Init +16 | Perception +32 | Performance 35/41 Channel 4/6 | Wand CLW 21/50 | Active: Vestment, GMW, Reversion, Contingency, Eaglesoul, Life Bubble, Invoke Deity, Untold Wonder, Frightful, Good Hope

"The mule was eating his turnips so Sutor would have had to compensate Mayne... and then Mayne would have to compensate Sutor for the temporary lack of his mule... I actually would call it even."

"I really don't want the people of Stachys coming to us with every little problem, just the big stuff. A dead body? Yes, go get the authorities. But a quibble over turnips and a surly mule? Try to settle it yourselves. Sometimes they will get it wrong and maybe things will turn out badly. That's still better than us running their lives for them."
Liam is showing his CG nature here.

Liam seems to be getting a headache thinking about this.
"The lost turnips and the temporary detaining of a mule are so trivial compared to the death of Sutor. But do whatever you want."

Halfling Court Bard 9 | HP 64/66| AC 21, T 16, FF 18 | CMD 18 | F +7, R +12, W +10* | Init +3 | Perc +10
BP 24/26 Rounds, Spells - 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/6, 3rd: 3/4

Maya nods along with much of what Liam says, but does disagree on one point. "I think it would be ill-advised for us to have Mayne assist in burying Sutor. He wasn't exactly friends with the man or his family. I suppose if they want him to... but probably some more mundane form of community service, like cleaning latrines, or clearing debris from the streets.

"Besides that, I agree that the rest seems trivial. Better to settle the matter and be done with it than have it drag on."

When tell Onora how you're planning to rule, the half-elf scowls. "I agree with your decision, but it's gonna take some fancy words to convince the townsfolk that you're not giving Mayne any 'sepcial treatment.' They're howlin' for his head."

You'll have to make a Diplomacy or Perform (oratory) check to satisfy the townsfolk to let Mayne off with a lighter sentence.

Halfling Court Bard 9 | HP 64/66| AC 21, T 16, FF 18 | CMD 18 | F +7, R +12, W +10* | Init +3 | Perc +10
BP 24/26 Rounds, Spells - 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/6, 3rd: 3/4

Maya glances at her companions, then sighs. Sometimes it’s tough being the most loquacious in a group. People always expect you to talk. Such a hard life.

Waving her hands dramatically and occasionally nodding and raising her eyebrows for extra flair, Maya says to the people of Stachys, “Mayne did not commit this murder. Sutor’s own mule did him in. The evidence is conclusive. While there will be a minor punishment for Mayne’s attempt to bury Sutor’s body, that will be the end of it. Your lords and lady have spoken.”

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 19 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 19 + 2 = 31

Some members of the crowd grumble about a "miscarriage of justice," but overall, Maya's words convince the townsfolk to accept the judgment. Mayne grunts in acknowledgement. "Thanks for believing me. I'm happy to do whatever you want me to do to work off my debt to ya."

Overall, the people of Stachys have begun to believe in you as their leaders and wholeheartedly support your efforts to better the town and their lives.

The people of Stachys are now helpful! You have gained 2 Loyalty Points for that feat, as well as another 1 Loyalty Point for concluding the case in a satisfactory manner.

Reply letters arrive from Vort and Bartelby. Vort laments his friend's fate, but unfortunately does not have any resources to spare to try to cure Baron Telus. On the other hand, Bartelby seems concerned about Telus, insofar as the people of his barony are far behind on their tax payments. He has issued you a stipend of 2,000 gp to spend on magic that might remove the baron's curse.

Female human occultist 18 HP 168, AC 29, Touch 18, FF 22, F20/R14/W15*, CMD 29

Katria seems pleased as the town continues to improve, and with the funds from Bartelby.

"I know he's not perfect, but he hardly seems as bad as some we've encountered," she murmurs. "This is enough money to buy both spells we wanted, with a little leftover still..."

Getting the two scrolls is 1,825 gp. Do we want anything else for this mission? And, more importantly, do we want to just start with the divination scroll and hope that gives us more information we need? What question would we want to ask -- something like "Can we find the hags that cursed Baron Telus?" or "Can we find a way to break the curse on Baron Telus?" It's supposed to be about something happening within the week.

M Half-Elf Cleric 18 | HP 165/165 | AC 45 T 19 FF 40 | F+27 R+20 W+27 | Init +16 | Perception +32 | Performance 35/41 Channel 4/6 | Wand CLW 21/50 | Active: Vestment, GMW, Reversion, Contingency, Eaglesoul, Life Bubble, Invoke Deity, Untold Wonder, Frightful, Good Hope

"It is good that he is willing to help. I'll still move against him when the time is right, but I'll try to spare his life and give him a comfortable retirement if possible."

The wording on Divination is "goal, activity, or event that is to occur within one week." If breaking the curse is the goal that we hope to accomplish within one week, that sounds like "How do we break the curse on Baron Telus?" is the better question. I really think the hags are long gone.
The other option is to skip Divination, and dip into our pockets a bit to get two scrolls of Break Enchantment. There is a CL check involved, so it's not guaranteed. Do we have any means of getting a reroll on a CL check? We have no Luck domain cleric, no Fortune hex, no Foresight diviner...

Female human occultist 18 HP 168, AC 29, Touch 18, FF 22, F20/R14/W15*, CMD 29

I like getting the divination, with your question as our option.

Halfling Court Bard 9 | HP 64/66| AC 21, T 16, FF 18 | CMD 18 | F +7, R +12, W +10* | Init +3 | Perc +10
BP 24/26 Rounds, Spells - 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/6, 3rd: 3/4

Maya shakes her head at Katria's naiveté. "Did you see what he was doing to halflings at his party? He's no saint, much less a decent person. All he cares about is getting his money. He probably only views this as a short term investment for a long term gain."

Divination sounds good to me. Speaking of money, might save us the cost of a second scroll if we find an alternate means of freeing him from the curse. If we can't free him, well... it's probably best we handle the situation with more finality.

Male Human Swashbuckler (Rondelero swashbuckler) 5 (HP: 44/44) (AC:23 FF:17 T:16) (Fort: +2 Ref: +9 Will: +1) (Init: +7) (Perc: +8) (Panache 3/3)

"I wouldn't be so sure, Maya. He seems genuinely worried for the well-being of his friend. As most nobles are today, he is corrupted to the core without even being aware of it, but there is still a shade of humanity to him."

Agree with divination first, to see if there's anything specific we can do to help our chances at breaking the curse. As Liam said, the question should be How to break the curse.

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Once the scroll arrives, Liam casts the spell. The reply comes as follows:

If you wish to break the curse,
Listen closely to this verse:
The spider prince's heart is black
But there's a way to change it back
With true love's kiss, you'll find you can
Restore the monster to a man.

Female human occultist 18 HP 168, AC 29, Touch 18, FF 22, F20/R14/W15*, CMD 29

"True love's kiss? I guess we need to go ask Vort who Telus' true love was?" Katria suggests.

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M Half-Elf Cleric 18 | HP 165/165 | AC 45 T 19 FF 40 | F+27 R+20 W+27 | Init +16 | Perception +32 | Performance 35/41 Channel 4/6 | Wand CLW 21/50 | Active: Vestment, GMW, Reversion, Contingency, Eaglesoul, Life Bubble, Invoke Deity, Untold Wonder, Frightful, Good Hope

"Both Vort and Mosle seemed to be very close friends of the Baron. To still be loyal to him even in his current state strikes me as love, even if not of the romantic kind."
It worked in Frozen...
"If they know of any more conventional 'true love' we can seek them out, but otherwise I think asking one of those two for their assistance is the best option."

Halfling Court Bard 9 | HP 64/66| AC 21, T 16, FF 18 | CMD 18 | F +7, R +12, W +10* | Init +3 | Perc +10
BP 24/26 Rounds, Spells - 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/6, 3rd: 3/4

Maya nods in agreement. She seems to be doing that a lot lately.

“Seems like a good plan. Let’s hope his true love hasn’t disappeared like those hags did.”

You journey back to New Towne to speak to Baronet Vort. The rotund man gasps when you inform him of the way to break the curse. "True love's kiss? Truly? 'Tis something straight out of a play! Alas, I fear that Araig never had somebody so close to his heart. He had many lovers, yes, but none that I would consider 'true.'"

Back in Jambis, Master Mosle accepts the news grimly. "Love, eh? And you believe it's open to interpretation? I have stuck by Baron Telus's side through the worst of times. I would not categorize my feelings towards him as romantic, but yes, I do love the man. I'd do anything to help cure his monstrous state. I'm willing to give this kiss business a try... If you can convince him to allow it without trying to devour me!"

M Half-Elf Cleric 18 | HP 165/165 | AC 45 T 19 FF 40 | F+27 R+20 W+27 | Init +16 | Perception +32 | Performance 35/41 Channel 4/6 | Wand CLW 21/50 | Active: Vestment, GMW, Reversion, Contingency, Eaglesoul, Life Bubble, Invoke Deity, Untold Wonder, Frightful, Good Hope

"I have three ideas, Master Mosle.
First, we could try to freeze him in place for a moment with magic. I can Command him, Maya could Fascinate him with her wit, or Katria could Forbid him to attack.
Second, we could subdue him. Knock him out with attacks that will not truly hurt him. I have magic to that effect, and Doritan can actually scare enemies into submission.
Third, you could approach as a subject, and ask to kiss the ring to demonstrate your continued loyalty and service. Can it be 'true love's kiss' if it involves a necessary deception? If that is the only way to pierce his madness? I hope so but am not sure."

This might be a Bluff, which would mean we have Maya help with the request.
"If a kiss fails to cure him, we can subdue him and try the Break Enchantment scroll."

He turns to the group. "Do any of you have any ideas, or thoughts on my suggestions? My instinct is to try the request first, and if that fails then we turn to magic, and if that fails then we subdue him."

Spells today (can cast Command spontaneously so do not need to prep it):
0 (4): Light, Stabilize, Create Water, Guidance
1 (4+1): Shield (D), Cure Light Wounds (x2), Bless, Liberating Command
2 (3+1): Barkskin (D), Owl's Wisdom, Admonishing Ray (x2)
3 (2+1): Protection from Energy (D), Good Hope, Accept Affliction.

Female human occultist 18 HP 168, AC 29, Touch 18, FF 22, F20/R14/W15*, CMD 29

"I do have something that might put him to sleep for a time, perhaps slipped in his food? I don't know how well it will work, though."

The oil of taggit. I feel like that might be the best first option? I think going in hot might make it much harder. If the poison doesn't work, I like the subterfuge idea (and agree with your general order of things)...

M Half-Elf Cleric 18 | HP 165/165 | AC 45 T 19 FF 40 | F+27 R+20 W+27 | Init +16 | Perception +32 | Performance 35/41 Channel 4/6 | Wand CLW 21/50 | Active: Vestment, GMW, Reversion, Contingency, Eaglesoul, Life Bubble, Invoke Deity, Untold Wonder, Frightful, Good Hope

"That sounds good, Katria. We'll lead with the sedative."

Male Human Stalker Vigilante 8 HP 67/67; AC 21, 17 FF, 16 T; Saves +7 Fort, +12 Ref, +10 Will; +4 Init; +18 Per, Active Effects: None

Doritan watches his companions scheming about getting someone to kiss the spider-monster they had fought.

Halfling Court Bard 9 | HP 64/66| AC 21, T 16, FF 18 | CMD 18 | F +7, R +12, W +10* | Init +3 | Perc +10
BP 24/26 Rounds, Spells - 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/6, 3rd: 3/4

Maya likes the idea of distracting the man while someone comes in for a kiss... but better to be as safe as possible.

"I can try to keep his attention while Katria slips something into his food or places already prepared food near wherever he normally goes to eat. Maybe Mosle can sneak in a kiss while I distract Telus if I'm exceptionally successful."

When you are ready, Mosle unlocks the the three locks keeping Baron Telus trapped in his audience chamber. The doors creak open, and you can hear skittering noises from the gloom within...

Maya can make a Bluff check to keep Telus distracted long enough for you to poison his food.

Female human occultist 18 HP 168, AC 29, Touch 18, FF 22, F20/R14/W15*, CMD 29

Wait, don't we deliver his food every day? Can't we poison it before we ever put it into the room with him? That was my thought, even if we have to wait another day to do so...

Fair enough. You can poison the meat before it is delivered.

Fortitude: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

You hear slobbering and crunching noises as Baron Telus noisily devours the offered meat. The noises continue unabated after several minutes--it's clear the oil of taggit had no effect on him.

Female human occultist 18 HP 168, AC 29, Touch 18, FF 22, F20/R14/W15*, CMD 29

"It doesn't sound like that worked," Katria observes. "I guess we need to try this a harder way? My magic can maybe daze him momentarily, but ... more than that, I don't know."

I can cloud his mind, maybe dazing or staggering him for 1 round, depending on his HD. I can also try forbid action to keep him from attacking.

M Half-Elf Cleric 18 | HP 165/165 | AC 45 T 19 FF 40 | F+27 R+20 W+27 | Init +16 | Perception +32 | Performance 35/41 Channel 4/6 | Wand CLW 21/50 | Active: Vestment, GMW, Reversion, Contingency, Eaglesoul, Life Bubble, Invoke Deity, Untold Wonder, Frightful, Good Hope

"Let's try the request... and we'll be ready to use our magic or other options if it doesn't work."

Liam moves far enough away to not be heard through the door, and casts Barkskin, Owl's Wisdom, and Shield on himself, and Good Hope on the party. He has the scroll of Break Enchantment in one hand and the other free.

Halfling Court Bard 9 | HP 64/66| AC 21, T 16, FF 18 | CMD 18 | F +7, R +12, W +10* | Init +3 | Perc +10
BP 24/26 Rounds, Spells - 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/6, 3rd: 3/4

"I can try fascinating him, if we want to do use that method. Might be more risky than a straightforward request, though. Do you think he'll see someone coming up and trying to kiss him as threatening?"

Male Human Swashbuckler (Rondelero swashbuckler) 5 (HP: 44/44) (AC:23 FF:17 T:16) (Fort: +2 Ref: +9 Will: +1) (Init: +7) (Perc: +8) (Panache 3/3)

"As long as he doesn't know Mosle is approaching to kiss him, it is reasonable he would see anyone coming up to him as threatening. I know I would, especially in this kind of inhumanely greedy and paranoid state."

Female human occultist 18 HP 168, AC 29, Touch 18, FF 22, F20/R14/W15*, CMD 29

"Let's try the request, and see if he'll allow Mosle to kiss his ring and if that works," Katria suggests. "Maybe we can avoid any fighting?"

That said, before entering, Katria casts heightened awareness on herself +2 to Knowledge and Perception checks; will dismiss for a +4 to her initiative roll if it comes to that. She nods to the others to say she's ready to go in.

It will be a Bluff check to convince Telus to let Mosle approach under the pretenses of kissing his ring.

M Half-Elf Cleric 18 | HP 165/165 | AC 45 T 19 FF 40 | F+27 R+20 W+27 | Init +16 | Perception +32 | Performance 35/41 Channel 4/6 | Wand CLW 21/50 | Active: Vestment, GMW, Reversion, Contingency, Eaglesoul, Life Bubble, Invoke Deity, Untold Wonder, Frightful, Good Hope

Maya, that's you. You have +2 Morale bonus from Good Hope, and I'll add Guidance for +1 Competence.

Female human occultist 18 HP 168, AC 29, Touch 18, FF 22, F20/R14/W15*, CMD 29

"If you'd like, you can also wear my necklace; it may help ... though I may not be able to use all my magic without it," Katria offers.

I think I can pass off my invested implements, per this sentence (bold part mine): "Each time the occultist invests mental focus into an enchantment implement, the implement grants the following resonant power. The implement's bearer gains the benefits of this power until the occultist refreshes his focus." It doesn't say the occultist gains the benefit, rather the implement's bearer. It would give a +1 competence bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks and ability checks. Without it, I'd need to succeed at a concentration check (+9 modifier) to cast my enchantment spells, such as forbid action (DC = 20 + the spell's level).

I'll allow it, though it's the same type of bonus as guidance so it wouldn't stack.

Female human occultist 18 HP 168, AC 29, Touch 18, FF 22, F20/R14/W15*, CMD 29

Well, if it's the same type of bonus, it makes more sense for me to just hold onto it, since then I don't have to worry about casting my own spells. Never mind, Maya.

Katria waits nervously to see if her silver-tongued companion can again talk their way out of a fight.

Halfling Court Bard 9 | HP 64/66| AC 21, T 16, FF 18 | CMD 18 | F +7, R +12, W +10* | Init +3 | Perc +10
BP 24/26 Rounds, Spells - 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/6, 3rd: 3/4

Unfortunately, the competence bonus from Guidance doesn't stack with the competence bonus from Maya's Envoy Ring either.

Maya cracks her neck and bounces up and down for a few seconds as she readies for another meeting with the spider baron.

Stepping into the room, the bard gives a dramatic bow and says, “O Great Baron Telus! We beseech you to allow our presence once more. Behold your faithful servant, Master Mosle, has come to kiss your ring. May you allow such a loyal act by your divine benevolence!”

Bluff: 1d20 + 12 + 1 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 12 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 32 +1 from Pomp and Pageantry trait, +2 from Liam’s Good Hope, +3 from Envoy Ring.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14

Baron Telus emerges from his webs, mouthparts dripping with bloody meat. "Ah! Frater, my good chum. Come forward and bend the knee. I would delight in such a display of loyalty."

Mosle swallows and nervously approaches the spider-baron. He moves as if to kneel. "My liege... My friend... This is not you. Remember the man you are supposed to be. The man that earned my love." Closing his eyes, he lunges at Telus and wraps his arms around him. Before the baron can react, Mosle presses his lips against his chitinous cheek.

A brilliant golden glow suffuses the baron, and his spiderlike features begin to dwindle away. Fresh skin grows over chitin, and his drooling mandibles shrink back into a normal mouth. Within moments, the arachnid horror has been restored to a rather handsome man!

"Araig!" Mosle gasps in awe.

The baron falls to his knees, sobbing with relief. "Oh, thank the gods! The nightmare is finally over!"

Female human occultist 18 HP 168, AC 29, Touch 18, FF 22, F20/R14/W15*, CMD 29

Katria's eyes grow wide.

"Amazing!" she exclaims.

She doesn't hesitate, immediately silently checking for magic, to try to better understand what happened to the baron. Katria's more interested in the mechanics than the politics still, so even though mechanically this probably won't get her anything, I think it's what she'd do.

"Can you tell us more about what happened? From your perspective?"

Baron Telus recounts a similar tale to the one Mosle told you.

"It was my arrogance and rudeness that pushed those witches to curse me. I am in your debt. Whatever it is I can do for you, you need simply ask. I will need some time to fully recover from the trauma of the past few years, but I swear to make up for my past transgressions and make right what I did wrong."

"And you can count on our support, as well," Mosle says. "We will sing your praises across the county!"

You have gained 4 Loyalty Points!

M Half-Elf Cleric 18 | HP 165/165 | AC 45 T 19 FF 40 | F+27 R+20 W+27 | Init +16 | Perception +32 | Performance 35/41 Channel 4/6 | Wand CLW 21/50 | Active: Vestment, GMW, Reversion, Contingency, Eaglesoul, Life Bubble, Invoke Deity, Untold Wonder, Frightful, Good Hope

"Gods and goddesses be praised! It worked! Mosle, thank you for trusting us. That was an incredibly dangerous and brave thing you did.

Araig, I am glad you are safely restored to your true form. We all make mistakes, but the punishment should be proportionate to the crime.

We will let Baronet Vort know that you are yourself again, and that the people of New Towne may return to Jambis. Once we have cleared out any remaining spiders."

Male Human Stalker Vigilante 8 HP 67/67; AC 21, 17 FF, 16 T; Saves +7 Fort, +12 Ref, +10 Will; +4 Init; +18 Per, Active Effects: None

Doritan stands off to the side, surprised that their plan had actually worked.

Female human occultist 18 HP 168, AC 29, Touch 18, FF 22, F20/R14/W15*, CMD 29

"I guess it's lesson learned then," Katria says. "We should probably get back home..."

Head to New Towne to talk to Vort and then back to Stachys, I guess.

Halfling Court Bard 9 | HP 64/66| AC 21, T 16, FF 18 | CMD 18 | F +7, R +12, W +10* | Init +3 | Perc +10
BP 24/26 Rounds, Spells - 1st: 5/7, 2nd: 3/6, 3rd: 3/4

Maya smiles as their plan actually works. It almost seems too easy in hindsight. Still, the halfling wouldn't mind finding those hags one day and giving them a piece of her mind.

The bard nods gratefully to Baron Telus and Mosle as the pair sing the group's praise. "The heirs are glad to have been able to assist you, and I'm pleased to have accompanied them. If you want to visit Stachys sometime, I can probably find the time to show you around time."

Agree with Katria - New Towne, then home.

Male Human Swashbuckler (Rondelero swashbuckler) 5 (HP: 44/44) (AC:23 FF:17 T:16) (Fort: +2 Ref: +9 Will: +1) (Init: +7) (Perc: +8) (Panache 3/3)

"Don't rush it, though," Bernal adds to Maya's proposal. "There is much to be done for Jambis now that its righteous Baron has returned, and we can handle Stachys ourselves well enough."
The duelist smiles at Telus and Mosle, the rush of excitement from seeing their plan work and the Baron transformed still pulsing in his heart. "But we offer any assistance you might need, and that we can provide, in restoring your realm to glory."

You return to New Towne to inform the people that the situation in Jambis has been resolved. Baronet Vort and his citizens are overjoyed to be able to return to their old home (and its better soil) and begin rebuilding. They promise to remember everything you have done for them.

You have gained 1 Loyalty Point!


When you get back to Stachys, you find two letters waiting for you. The first is from Baroness Voinum, inviting you to visit her in Voinairis at your earliest convenience to discuss matters of business. The second is from Baron Okerra, also inviting you to his estate in Pensaris, though the reason for this invitation is uncharacteristically vague.


The night after you return to Stachys, the soft shifting of silk on carpet awakens you from your slumber. You open your eyes to see a figure standing by your bed—Duchess Veleto Lotheed!

"Hello, sweet thing. I have missed you. I've thought of nothing but your embrace since the night we shared our dance." She shrugs her shoulders, and her silken nightgown falls to the floor. "Perhaps we can share something more intimate tonight?"

Female human occultist 18 HP 168, AC 29, Touch 18, FF 22, F20/R14/W15*, CMD 29

Katria looks from one letter to the other.

"Well, this is unexpected. Do we split up and go to both? If not, which do we respond to first? It's unusual for Baron Okerra to not be more specific. Could something be wrong there?" she asks the others.

M Half-Elf Cleric 18 | HP 165/165 | AC 45 T 19 FF 40 | F+27 R+20 W+27 | Init +16 | Perception +32 | Performance 35/41 Channel 4/6 | Wand CLW 21/50 | Active: Vestment, GMW, Reversion, Contingency, Eaglesoul, Life Bubble, Invoke Deity, Untold Wonder, Frightful, Good Hope

"I would visit the Baroness first. She could be rather prickly if you recall, and I wouldn't want to keep her waiting. She did specify 'at our earliest convenience.' I would hope that Baron Okerra would have let us know if it were urgent."

Liam will read the Baron's letter closely for any hint of a coded message.
Sense Motive +9 or Linguistics +7.

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