HexZyle wrote:
https://pacg.fandom.com/wiki/Yzahnum_the_Efreeti ![]()
Interesting question. I honestly don't have an idea what would be the "correct" answer. My opinion is - this check does not have any skill (the rulebook's rule about blessing such a check is needed to tell us what die to add), so I would say that part must be ignored.
To summarize: The first part of Marriage adds 1d6 (per rulebook), the second part about other local character's skill should not add anything. ![]()
Dark Nero wrote: I have doubts regarding these 2 spells, especially regarding Animated Weapon. Damiel's skill is active only "WHILE you play a spell", and "while" is not the same as "while and after". So, as soon as you resolve the spell by playing a weapon, you finish playing the spell and your Arcane and Divine skills are back to normal d4. I believe that under Core rules, you play the cards in the "Determine Which Skill You're Using" step and the check becomes Intelligence-based Craft check that gains the weapon's traits. It does not matter if you do not have Arcane or Divine skills later, as it is a Craft check now and forwver. ![]()
Dark Nero wrote:
I believe the "You may not use a power that doesn’t apply to your current situation. For example, you may not play a card to reduce damage when damage isn’t being suffered" on page 8 of the Core rulebook is the one you seek. If you have no cards in discards, no scourges that could be removed by healing (or if that applies to other local characters), then you may not use the Cure spell. Of course, you might argue that you want to heal yourself for no effect. In that case, do whatever floats your boat and just do it - it's your game; but you are again not allowed to play it during an encounter or check, as it in no way relates to your situation. And, because it goes to a recovery pile first, you can't argue about you needing cards in your discards or deck for other effects. Maybe it would be better to clearly state the situation and then try to disect the meaning and rulings in that particular situation? :)![]()
Dark Nero wrote:
The text in the Anchor card parallels the armors, for which this new rule was created. If you look at any armor, it says "Display. While displayed: When you suffer ... damage, recharge ". You can play any armor whenever it relates to a current situation (Display+Recharge to reduce damage), or when it is outside encounters or checks (there is no condition to Display - if it said "When you encounter a monster, you may display. While displayed:", then you could not display it unless the condition applied). I fail to see the reason why Anchor would need to be already displayed for you to use its power. Acceptable plays are: 1) Before you explore, you decide to display it, fearing that some monster may escape you.2) You fail to defeat a monster, or it has Swarm-like evasion, or is Incorporeal Undead, you should normally shuffle them into the location. At this point, you can display Anchor (display does not count, as you are immediately playing it to reload the monster). However, when you suffer damage from a failed check against a monster (meaning the monster would be undefeated and most probably shuffled into a location later), you can't say "Oh! Before I suffer damage and would have to discard Anchor, I'll just play it instead." - at this point, the condition / timing of "When you would shuffle ..." is not fulfilled. ![]()
Semicolons join the parts that should go together, periods separate powers that should be checked, well, separately. :) Sawtooth Saber:
Horrorbane Heavy Pick:
(It's consistency with other similar weapons and powers - see Scythe and Vicious Scythe that both transform 10s into 12s: would you think that because this weapon is good against Aberrations makes it less capable than a non-magical weapon? Granted, Heavy Pick is pre-Core - that's why I mentioned scythes) ![]()
Hello HexZyle, my opinions that may or may not be valid are shown below: HexZyle wrote: Would I be able to play an Ambrosia to heal a character Drained during that combat check? Provided no other items had been played during that check? During an encounter, you should not be able to heal or remove scourges at all, unless some power specifies it by its timing. For example, Ruan Mirukova allows you to do that. If you wanted to get rid of Drained, then between / before encounters. TTRPG-wise - when you encounter a monster and it is attacking you, it's probably hard to eat some Ambrosia ;). HexZyle wrote:
Almost all powers that allow you to move (unless allowed by timing) explicitly state that you cannot use them during an encounter, as you mentioned. There has been no FAQ entry about The Desert, so you may probably use it during an encounter? I would probably rule out that it's a mistake on the card, but RAW you can. Nevertheless, it cannot be played on your character so in solo-game (or when everyone else is dead) this power cannot work. HexZyle wrote:
OK. Many different issues here. First, can you play this blessing during an encounter? RAW you probably can, similarly to Pharasma's Knowing; I would probably forbid it anyway. Second, any power that allows you to explore, unless it is in your turn, will fizzle out and is ignored. An interpretation that by playing this during an encounter you get an extra explore (like when defeated barrier says "You may explore") would be also wrong, in my opinion. Third, if you wanted to play this power and you had only 2 or fewer cards in your deck, it would mean death - first you need to draw 3 cards. If you don't have that many, your character is dead. No arguments here. In other order (recharge 3, then draw 3) it would be OK. Again, all these are my interpretations. Feel free to disagree with them and play in whatever way you want :). Edit: Stannis Baratheon would approve? ![]()
Brother Tyler wrote:
OK, understood! My conversion spreadsheet contained also the original powers (pre-Core) that I removed before I shared it with you. If you need that list with some erratas incorporated, I can send it to you as well. But you probably have all of that already. Good luck with this effort! The print on the standard AP cards is truly small - we actually played with those only the RotR, while WotR was played using scripted TTS game, SS with my conversion booklet and we are currently playing MM with my conversion and my friend's flavour text.![]()
Brother Tyler wrote: Where Society play makes it necessary for adventures and scenarios to be played in any order (because you never know who is going to be at the table and where their characters are in APs), de-Societifying everything means that adventures and scenarios are played in order. A counterpoint, perhaps - a "complete these scenarios in any order" instruction is actually present in a non-Society adventure. Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure 5 (with the different undead). Thus it may be acceptable to have some adventures playable in any order, if the scenarios don't really weave a story. ![]()
Hello, Tyler.
I've made a smaller version of my master conversion spreadsheet, which I will send you by Private Message on BGG, along with the password to open it. There are all story banes, support cards, adventure rules etc., an automated sheet with adventure selection that displays everything needed for the setup, but I've excised the pre-conversion wording. If you decide to use any of this, I will be content; if you found errors, some issue or opportunity for improvement, I would be very happy - please let me know. ![]()
I would also love to see this game to continue, even just by fans using their time, effort and resources (provided there is some approval from Paizo and/or Long Shark, of course - it's their IP). Drive Thru Cards or whatever printer company with official approval would be great. Disclaimer: I've never used DTC and don't even know if they ship to Europe and at what costs; I have no experience with marketing or bussiness and no game development besides fan-made stuff. But let me add a few comments of mine. Core versus pre-Core
How it came to be: As an owner of a few sets (S&S, WotR, OA, HV, Ultimate except Combat, PTales, Gunslinger) along with Core and CotC, I wanted to be able to play the older sets with new wording and Core mechanics. It started with MM and S&S, but after I've done those for me and my friend, I wanted to add a few PF Adventures blessings and other cards. As a completitionist, I moved to the sets I wanted to combine with MM, S&S or WotR, then continued with the rest. Now everything is in one monster-excel file ;)
Most sets I have are currently modified with adhesive printed boxes over their powers sections (with Dax font so that they look identical to originals). Additionally, taking the card texts from PACG wiki was insufficient as there are many errors in there, so I had to check every card against its image. Some of those were not available anywhere I searched, especially the newer sets, but I have low-quality to high-quality images for most of the cards as well. Season Sets
Brother Tyler wrote: One thing I noticed, but didn't do anything about, was that Nok-Nok (Tha Fith Gawd) has a hand size 5 □6 □7 □9. I didn't see any discussion on the forums about it. It just seems to me that the 9 should be an 8. Like I said, though, I didn't change the 9. I'm just bringing it up in case anyone knows why the progression skips the 8. I've found just this forum post about Reta (Goblins Fight - so not a promo, I mistook her for the promo Ally Reta Bigbad). https://paizo.com/threads/rzs2tws4?Reta-Hand-Size#1Apparently, this is quite common for our goblin "heroes" and there is a confirmation that is intentional in the post, so I would say that the skip is OK. ![]()
Brother Tyler wrote: One thing I noticed, but didn't do anything about, was that Nok-Nok (Tha Fith Gawd) has a hand size 5 □6 □7 □9. I didn't see any discussion on the forums about it. It just seems to me that the 9 should be an 8. Like I said, though, I didn't change the 9. I'm just bringing it up in case anyone knows why the progression skips the 8. Reta Runaway Bride has the same thing? Possibly some of the silly promo goblin oddities, I believe. ![]()
Brother Tyler wrote:
Hello Tyler, I've just checked my Linxia role card and you are right that there is the "you may" omitted in the Enforcer role card. Seeing as the cards often have errors and other 2 instances are "you may", I agree that it is most probably a typo. Only very few characters have their base power changed in similar way, if any. ![]()
There are some location cards required to play the Curse, as well as level 0 cards to fill the characters' initial decks. You would also need the proxy cards for henchmen, some generic story banes + the scourges. The remaining cards are not really needed. You could get by without the Core - barely and with a lot of proxying or looking at the cards in https://pacg.fandom.com/wiki/Core_Set - but it's much simpler to use the Core set. ![]()
The Amulet of Fortitude came long before there was even a possibility of having a combat Fortitude check. As it is now, it could indeed be used on combat Fortitude checks, including the OA2 Yoon's first power. The MM Yoon does not use Fortitude, she just adds her Fortitude skill (and not the corresponding trait).
Based on the changes in some fundamental items in Core, the Amulet of Fortitude would state something like this in Core terminology.
Jenceslav's conversion into Core terminology wrote:
However, play it in any way you believe it should be played. If you think it should be used on non-combat checks only, go for it. P.S.: For completeness, my revised powers in question:
Jenceslav's modification of MM Yoon wrote:
Jenceslav's modification of OA2 Yoon wrote:
My point when talking about playing both powers relates to my experience with players. They may think "Oh, I failed an Arcane combat check to defeat a monster, so I reveal the Robes to shuffle two cards into my deck. And I'll also reveal it and discard an item to search for my Sihedron ring in my deck so I can reveal it to prevent the damage."
These are two separate powers and thus, it would be playing the card twice on the same check, which is not allowed. Core cards and some specific pre-Core cards specify that you cannot play those cards to draw / search cards during an encounter (Restoration spell, Errata-ed in FAQ). You should not be playing this card "twice" for the same check.
Timing should be - first reduce the damage by armor, items, whatever, and only when the damage is decided, play Robes of Xin-Shalast. As worded here, it would not be possible to play it together with another item (unless it has You may use another item on this check or "freely").
Well, timewise you suffer both damage types in any order (there is no "then"). There is some discussion of what it means to suffer two damage types at once (there is one monster in Mummy's Mask that does multiple elemental damage) - do you reveal cards sequentially for them? Does playing armor for 1 Cold damage prevent you from playing armor for the other? Still ambiguous even in Core set rules.
When playing pre-Core, try to stick to the latest available rulebook, that is: Mummy's Mask + for things specific to the adventure path, refer to the rulebook. I do not believe there is anything special about RotR gameplay-wise, apart from a single card Runeforged Weapons (at least mechanically). I have not uploaded my translation of pre-Core into Core wording anywhere, especially because I am not sure if there are no possible copyright issues. The original wording is in PACG wiki, but not in an easily searchable database (like e.g. my XLS file). Additionally, it was a tremendous amount of work with possibility of omitting / misinterpreting some interactions - once I publish it anywhere, any mistakes are going to stay ;) I'll think about it. ![]()
I would like to add that the "Cloud"-type spells are somewhat simplified in the Core wording. They no longer have a restriction when they can be played, so you can play the Incendiary Cloud whenever you like - provided you stick with Core wording.
Core wrote:
vs. RotR wrote: Display this card when a character encounters a monster. While displayed, add 2d6 and the Acid trait to combat checks to defeat monsters. I've converted all of the original cards (from all campaigns and expansions, 3291 boons and banes in total) into self-consistent Core wording, so the Cloud spells have the same template. If you need a RotR excerpt, just let me know ;) ![]()
E-div_drone wrote: Does anyone know where official maps of these can be found? All the maps I've found on my own via google have been wildly inconsistent, and don't site a source (leading me to think many of them are labors of love by fans, rather than official material). Any help on this is appreciated. Some maps of Casmaron and other parts of Golarion can be found here: https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/CasmaronThere is a statement about Paizo's CUP, meaning it should be directly from Paizo. I can't tell, though. :) And truth be told, I believe a part of the Season of Tapestry's Tides PACG campaign happened somewhere around here, or maybe even more to the east in Tian Xia. ![]()
skizzerz wrote:
I'd like to add that it's also relevant if, and only if, you chose the Weretouched role and checked the power feat box in "When you would banish a spell that has the Animal trait (□ or discard an ally that has the Animal trait) for its power, you may instead recharge it." Base Zova does not have this druidic ability. As you correctly stated, this effect should take place, because the "discard this ally" is a power on the Fire Gecko (even though I use the term "trigger" or "condition" in my head to understand the sequence of things, it's not in PACG rules, as you also said :) ).![]()
I used the cost / trigger just as a convenient shorthand (inspired by MtG) that was meant to convey that these two things happen in different steps of an encounter. "Cost" = when you play the card or power, "trigger" = the power on the card that becomes (in this case) active after the final reroll. Maybe I should have said so? :)
Slacker2010 wrote:
OK, I believe you may be talking about two different issues, but maybe I did not understand correctly. Issue 1) It seems your friend suggests that playing the Fire Gecko to add 1d4 for its power prevents you from using it for Zova's power. If that's their opinion, I would tend to disagree. Reveal means it gets back into your hand. Any power that happens later, will happen anyway. If the Fire Gecko were written as: "On your combat check, display to add 1d4. If you fail this check, discard this card; otherwise, draw it." then you would not be able to use for Zova's powers.Similarly, you can reveal reach weapons and they stay in your hand, even though there is a power "you may additionally discard to reroll". You can't reroll at this time (before rolling) and only after the check is failed or succeeded you can use this "waiting" power. This seems very similar to Fire Gecko in principle. But that's my understanding of the rules. It's not a power like pre-Core Alchemical bombs, where you actually have to test Craft to recharge a card so you set the card aside until the time comes to find out what happens with it. Issue 2) What happens when you fail the check - is it discarded from the recharged position? There were several discussions about it and the consensus is that you have to perform the action even though the card is somewhere else. One power says "recharge" as a cost, the other says "recharge" as a trigger, neither of them conflicts each other, so you probably have to discard the Gecko. ![]()
agente_smithx wrote: Could I play a card that buries cards from my hand or like the teamster, that recharges a card from my hand to prevent damage when applied in a matchup? Generally, you can play cards for any power only when some condition/timing occurs, or at any time outside of an encounter when it does not specify timing. When you suffer damage, you cannot play Cure from your hand to heal yourself a bit before you suffer the damage. You can play Cure between explorations, at the start of your turn, in another character's turn, but not during an encounter.If you have a card that says "When you suffer any damage, bury to reduce it to 0", you can of course play (= bury) it for this effect. You should not be able to play Teamster(Core) for its "recharge this card to recharge another card" just to prevent damage. The power must be directly relevant to the situation to be used. In my opinion, there should be a "You may not use this power during an encounter." added - quite a few "draw effects" feature this wording. ![]()
An addition to your 3 questions:
Quinn wrote: For[sic] your check that invokes Finesse, you may recharge (☐ or reload) a card to use Knowledge instead of Acrobatics or Stealth, and add the card's level. This means Quinn plays a Finesse card (weapon) "for your combat check", the check becomes an Acrobatics/Stealth check (Quinn does not have either, so 1d4) and gains the traits from the weapon. He then uses his power and the check becomes an Intelligence Knowledge check, i.e. base die between 1d10+2 to 1d10+6 based on Int skill feats. I am not sure if it retains the Acrobatics/Stealth trait, but I would say that it loses it, as it is "instead of it". Cards that benefit Intelligence checks would have an effect on this check, cards that benefit Strength or Dexterity would not. ![]()
All those are described in some parts of the rulebook, but it can be frustrating to try to find them on your own, so: The only time the traits are added to the check is when you are determining the skill used or when some power says to add a trait or replace a skill.
These spells say (in Core terminology) "Display. While displayed: For your combat check, ..."
Displaying these spells outside of an encounter is great as you can evade losing them as damage, but at the cost of possibly not needing them in that turn. At the end of the turn, it will be discarded (Core:banished=put into recovery pile) anyway. ![]()
Brother Tyler wrote:
If I may add something, wording that I used in my own list of converted cards into Core terminology is: Banish to draw 3 new Divine spells.Bury to display 3 new Divine spells; you may return any of those displayed spells to the vault for its power as if you played it as a spell. At the end of the scenario, banish any that remain. Notice that these are two separate powers. There are 2 similar "codices/tomes" in Occult Adventures and Immortal Dreamstone in Skull&Shackles that work the same way. The Tome of Origami Animals in OccAdv 1 has two powers / paragraphs as well - banish to draw OR bury to display and then banish later. This card is also a part of the Pathfinder Adventures app, where the wording of some cards is improved / modified when compared to the original RotR. There is no "banish to draw" in that version, probably for better understanding.
PF Adventures' Emerald Codex wrote: Bury this card to display three new spells that have the Divine trait. You may play each of these cards as if it is in your hand; after you do, banish it. At the end of the scenario, banish any that remain."
xhaven80 wrote: But the magus is limited as well by these rules too. As it doesn't really matter if you are a true spell caster vs a hybrid you still can only use one card that says for your combat check so what is the point in making a hybrid class? Well, they have powers that allow them some stuff with both spells and weapons. It's what differentiates them from classes that just use whatever they fancy. Some magi in PACG use both weapons and spells at the same time (or one of those, of course): Seltyiel S&S wrote: Choose a weapon that doesn't have the 2-Handed trait and a spell that has the Attack trait. When you play one for your combat check, you may recharge the other (□ or shuffle it into your deck) to add 1d6 (□ 2d6) and that card's traits to the check. Other powers just take advantage of the spells / weapons they have: Seltyiel Magus wrote: You may recharge a weapon (□ or any boon) to succeed at your check to recharge a spell (□ then you may shuffle the recharged spell into your deck instead). PACG is based on Pathfinder, an evolved D&D 3.5, not on some MMORPGs, so characters usually use magic or weapons to their full potential and some classes use any combination to a much lower degree of power. ![]()
Well, Grazzle is a pure spellcaster (that 1 weapon is mostly a support, so you can't expect him to be useful with weapons, just like most video game pure casters). Especially if you look at Combat 40 check. However, note that there ARE spell that can add quite a lot to a character's combat check, such as spells that say "On your combat check" / "On a local combat check". And to be clear - you may use only a single power that says "For your combat check", but it does not limit the number of "On <...> check," powers.
Speaking of Combat 40 checks, that is the WotR insanity-level difficulty combined with mythic roles coming into play. If you have a mythic role that can boost your Strength, then you get +number_of_mythic_charges on the check and you can turn some dice into d20s by expending them. And lastly, if you want to see how a spellcasting and martial character can fight, look at the Magus class (Seltiyel, Ahmotep, other characters from Magus class decks). Generally, as a spellcaster, you need to look at the secondary powers of the weapon you can add to your deck. Core weapon Wyrmsmite is a shield as well, MM weapon Torch lets you explore and so on. Light crossbows and slings or daggers (appropriate to casters in PF) can assist you and other characters freely. ![]()
Additionally, if you would love some class / character deck to add into the Core set (for example, Occult Adventures or Ultimate Intrique or whatever you desire), I have converted every single card in those "older" decks as well as the original four adventure paths AND the Seasons 0-5 into Core wording. I have overlay texts that can be printed out on an adhesive tape and thus glued to the original cards.
RAILYARDgamesJames wrote:
some references to help you in that reading: Traits: Core Set Rulebook, page 11, Determine which skill you're using, paragraphs 5-7.Proficiency: page 19, Proficiencies (5th paragraph) Recovery: page 7, section Banish in Playing Cards; then read page 6, End Your Turn Also, you can learn the basics for the slightly outdated "pre-Core" PACG edition in a very buggy and unsupported/abandoned app Pathfinder Adventures (Android, iPhone, Steam). It has a good tutorial and the first free adventure; however, do not bother buying other stuff in there, it is not worth it due to bugs (and I am speaking as one who plays the app relatively often). ![]()
Great overview from Whipstitch.
Suppose Valeros has a Longsword, a Dagger, and Poison Blast in his hand. For his combat check, he can use either of these to set the skill for the combat check, replacing the standard "combat = Strength or Melee". If he plays the Longsword, he can actually use all 3 cards for one check:
The final combat roll would be: 1d10+2+3d8+1d4 and it would have the Melee, Sword, Slashing traits (from Longsword), Strength trait (Valeros' Melee skill is Strength-based) as well as Attack, Magic, and Poison traits (from Poison Blast).
RAILYARDgamesJames wrote:
Valeros has several options for combat - first, each character can use Strength or Melee for the combat check. Thus, you can roll 1d10 + 2 (assuming Valeros does not have any skill feat in strength). If you want to use the item Acid Flask, Valeros can use it to replace the combat check with Dexterity (1d8), Craft (1d4 as he does not have the skill) or Ranged (1d8+1) check and add 2d6. Each of them is considered a combat check as well, Ranged is also a Dexterity check as for this Valeros Ranged=Dex+1.If he were to use the Acid Arrow, he can replace the combat check with Arcane check. He does not have any magic abilities, so his Arcane is an unmodified 1d4. It does not count as any other skill type, so cards that help Intelligence checks cannot be played on his Arcane check. Seoni has an Arcane = Charisma + X, Ezren = Intelligence + X, but Valeros does not. In effect, he can use both cards (Acid Flask or Arrow), but he would roll 1d8+2d6, 1d4+2d6, or 1d8+2d6+1 for his combat check for the former, and 1d4+2d4 for the latter. In both cases, the attack cards will be banished to the vault, as he is not proficient with either card. ![]()
RAILYARDgamesJames wrote:
Yes, it is - the Core Set has the full campaign Curse of the Crimson Throne available, which was published the same year. There are some PF Society adventures available (PDF through Paizo shop) that are mainly intended for Organized Play, but nothing in them prevents you from using those in your play at home or with friends. A campaign Year of Rotting Ruin, a half-sized campaign Year of Reborn Strife, and several smaller stand-alone adventures like We Be Heroes! Fangwood Thieves, A night at Bloodthorne Manor. I would recommend trying those only when you finish Dragon's Demand and feel comfortable around how it is played.There are 4 long, full-blown PACG campaigns in the "previous edition (pre-Core)", but these are slightly different in some ways and require some conversion for you to enjoy it in Core rulings (or a little bit of switch for you to learn the older rules). Plus there are 6.5 "Season" campaigns for Organized Play. :) So a lot of content. ![]()
Escout wrote: I noticed that the dice provided with the core set are unorthodox. What the? You are right, I did not notice that. My universe just collapsed! It seems that Paizo is at least consistent, as my Skull&Shackles dice (from 2014) have the same arrangement as Core dice, which you just described. Maybe they have some reason for it, but I have no clue what reason it would be other than affecting the value distribution across the faces. I would use (preferrably) the Sum=(n+1) convention, so either avoid the original dice and use the "normal ones", or switch any Paizo die with a normal die when resolving the Carnival. Due to many many dice required in some rolls, I have PACG dice mixed up with standard dice to beef up their amount - and replacing normal dice with PACG dice does not seem very easy ;) ![]()
foxoftheasterisk wrote:
Hello fox, if you want to play it that way, perhaps in a difficult setting (H or L), no one can stop you. :-D It is hard to tell what is the intention here. You can support the sun totem at your location, so unless you move, you are fine. The totem pile (to my understanding) is a way how to mechanically implement that you are trying to keep more totems upright than the number of people - that seems to be the challenge.I would not go as far as saying there is no other reason to care about totem pile at your location, if all locations are occupied. The barrier Treacherous Tunnels can move you anywhere at random - and if you happen to examine the Pack Landshark in another location, you have to move to it. Oops - if you did not care about your location's totem or have no way of moving back, you have to scramble to save the day. ![]()
That's completely fine, Pyrocat. You can do whatever you want with your game :) We solved the "referring to a sheet" by printing the converted powers onto adhesive paper and pasting it over the cards' power box. It took a LOT of manual work, but we have both S&S and MM "converted" into Core terminology.
No, reveal powers turned into "draw this card" on displayed armors. Compare e.g. the Magic Full Plate in Core and RotR:
Hello pyrocat, my own conversion rule when converting pre-Core armors into Core terminology was:
Recharge a card to display is an interesting approach, but changes the functionality too much, if you e.g. have a pre-Core chainmail and Core chainmail... ![]()
After some detailed reading of both Mummy's Mask rules and Core rules, I believe Skizzers is right, even though there was no explanation given. The rule is one card / power per check or step, but the "Determine the skill you are using" is described in both current rules as an "action", not a "step" of a check.
TLDR, RAW: You can either change the skill to Stealth, or add 1d6, not both. I would probably allow to use both in this instance, but RAW you cannot do it. ![]()
Norby wrote:
2. I believe you can only get reduction by 2+adv# by banishing a single monster, as character and card powers can activate only once. If the power allowed banishing multiple monsters, the wording would be different ~ "any number of monsters; for each banished monster, reduce it by 2 plus their adventure deck number, if any" 1. Ok, so these are three powers bundled up in one. You can use this power once during each step or check. Say you encounter a barrier that does not list Stealth in its check to defeat and have 2 monsters in hand + all power boxes checked. One of the steps is ~ determine the skill of the check. Here, you can use this power to say "this barrier can be defeated by Stealth". Later, another step is ~ attempt the check. It is a different step, so you should be able to use Zetha's power again - and only once. So you banish another monster to add 1d6 to the Stealth check => the check to defeat is Stealth + 1d6.
Is it understandable? Resident rules experts, please correct me if I am wrong. :) ![]()
My experience with the simple boxes, dividers and foam blocks in Core box was much much better than trying to fit all of the S&S into the S&S insert when it is sleeved, even with very thin KMC PafuekutoSaizu :) sleeves. Accordingly, I made a few extra boxes for my S&S.
Longshot11 wrote: Тhat's *exactly* why you do NOT check backwards - if you lose your role, you lose all the feats you gained after acquiring the role. I stand corrected - I remembered it completely wrong. Sorry about it ;) I just checked all 5 rulebooks and there is no mention of backward checking, so it isn't possible that I remembered a rule from some previous rulebook. Not that it mattered for our single WotR playthrough even though the scary Umbral Dragon stole our role cards. Thank you for correcting me, Longshot! |