Weapon holy symbol / focus?

Rules Discussion

I have an idea and I'm curious about your thoughts.

As a Cleric, what if I paid the cost of a holy symbol to have a copy of my deity's favored weapon decorated with carvings and inlays to make it a holy symbol and work as the focus? I would just hold up the weapon in front of me and do my chants to cast spells. If I drop or lose that particular weapon I would lose my spellcasting ability until I got either focus components or another holy symbol.
Any issues with this idea? Legality?

Sidenote, is there any good deity with the mace as favored weapon (that would be usable for a PFS2e character)?

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The devs had that idea too :-) You should take the 2nd-level cleric feat Emblazon Armament. Unless I'm misreading, that gets you what you want, plus the weapon gets a +1 status bonus to damage.

Give. That there is a level 2 class ability that grants this, i would assume you'd just take the feat. For PFS anyway

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Ah thank, you, will do. You live, you learn (Creating my first Cleric).

Wolftame wrote:
Sidenote, is there any good deity with the mace as favored weapon (that would be usable for a PFS2e character)?

Currently, no.

In first edition, there were several non-core deities with LG or LN profiles who had the mace (light or heavy) as their favored weapon. You might be able to work with your GM to modify their domains into PF2 domains and make it work.

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My olde gods and magic lists only two gods with maces. One is Asmodeus, who obviously is not good (and not allowed in PFS?), the other is Bolka, the Golden Gift.

Bolka (NG), daughter of Torag and Folgrit, is the dwarf goddess of love and beauty. Her domains where Charm, Good and Healing and her favorite weapon was the mace.

Shelyn looks close, so for PF2 my suggestions for domains would be Family, Healing, Passion and Protection. Divine Skill Diplomacy or Society (arranging marriages). Cleric Spells: 1st Charm, 3rd Enthrall, 4th Suggestion (enchantments to account for her former charm domain). Fav weapon mace.

Ubertron_X wrote:

Bolka (NG), daughter of Torag and Folgrit, is the dwarf goddess of love and beauty. Her domains where Charm, Good and Healing and her favorite weapon was the mace.

This would have been perfect for my good Dwarf Cleric, but I guess not legal for PF2e PFS since it's not in the Core Rule Book (mentioned by name once in Lost Omens World Guide).

Wadjet, Qi Zhong, Bolka, Winlas, Benorus and Dalenydra are all PF1 PFS legal Good gods that have a mace [light and/or heavy] as a favored weapon. As of now for PF2, the only god with a mace is Asmodeus. Torag [LG] uses a warhammer in PF2 and is PFS legal, so that might be an option for a weapon similar to a mace.

graystone wrote:
Wadjet, Qi Zhong, Bolka, Winlas, Benorus and Dalenydra are all PF1 PFS legal Good gods that have a mace [light and/or heavy] as a favored weapon. As of now for PF2, the only god with a mace is Asmodeus. Torag [LG] uses a warhammer in PF2 and is PFS legal, so that might be an option for a weapon similar to a mace.

Thanks. The Warhammer is a martial weapon though and I'm aiming for a simple one (Deadly Simplicity feat).

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Wolftame wrote:
graystone wrote:
Wadjet, Qi Zhong, Bolka, Winlas, Benorus and Dalenydra are all PF1 PFS legal Good gods that have a mace [light and/or heavy] as a favored weapon. As of now for PF2, the only god with a mace is Asmodeus. Torag [LG] uses a warhammer in PF2 and is PFS legal, so that might be an option for a weapon similar to a mace.
Thanks. The Warhammer is a martial weapon though and I'm aiming for a simple one (Deadly Simplicity feat).

Ah, lets see... Nethys isn't Good but allows NG followers and the weapon there is the staff: same with Pharasma and the dagger. Irori has a punch and Abadar the crossbow and both are LN. Other then Irori/abadar though, they have a N alignemt and that's bad for all those 'use your god's alignment' spells like divine lance. That's all the simple weapon as favored weapons we have right now.

If you can get around a N alignment god, a d10 [d6 in 1 hand] staff isn't too bad.

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Wolftame wrote:
graystone wrote:
Wadjet, Qi Zhong, Bolka, Winlas, Benorus and Dalenydra are all PF1 PFS legal Good gods that have a mace [light and/or heavy] as a favored weapon. As of now for PF2, the only god with a mace is Asmodeus. Torag [LG] uses a warhammer in PF2 and is PFS legal, so that might be an option for a weapon similar to a mace.
Thanks. The Warhammer is a martial weapon though and I'm aiming for a simple one (Deadly Simplicity feat).

I'm pretty sure a martial weapon isn't supposed to be outclassed by a simple weapon + Deadly Simplicity. That is, Deadly Simplicity is to let devotees of gods favoring crappy weapons catch up with the others, not surpass them. So the warhammer should do you as well as the mace, unless you need finesse or something.

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Wolftame wrote:
Thanks. The Warhammer is a martial weapon though and I'm aiming for a simple one (Deadly Simplicity feat).

Deadly Simplicity is not meant as a power-up. It is meant to bring simple weapons sort of up to the level of martial weapons, in order to allow clerics and champions to be competitive with their deity's favored weapon even if it is simple.

As a comparison:
Warhammer deals 1d8 damage and has the Shove trait.
Mace normally deals 1d6 damage and has the Shove trait. With Deadly Simplicity, it instead deals 1d8 damage - other than being a Club rather than a Hammer, it is functionally identical.

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