Monkeygod |

My buddy Almonihah and I are looking for a GM and group to run/play in Ironfang Invasion.
I've been briefly skimming through the AP for my IRL Broken Golarion game(in which all but a handful of APs have failed) and it seems really freakin awesome!
While I would be absolutely willing to play with any set of character creation rules, I do have several preferred rules. However, none of these are by any means necessary for me to play:
Feat at every level
and the feat tax rule.
Also, Almonihah would like to play an awakened animal, if at all possible.
Finally, not only do I want to play the AP all the way through, but I would dearly love to take on some of the challenges in the 'continuing the adventure section' of the final volume, assuming we survive! lol
I would also like it if 3pp material was allowed, but since I know a lot of GMs aren't fond of 3pp, it's totally not a deal breaker if a perspective GM doesn't want to allow 3pp.

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I might be up to trying my hand at running this. I've ran it before into late book 2, so am a little experienced in that. However, this comes with a few things that need to be said.
1. I cannot promise that I can see it through, only that I will try to. If things go smoothly however, I can certainly see it being finished through.
2. It would likely be a slower game, with an update post about every other day. Though there may be areas where it picks up. ( I do try to keep combats moving quickly)
3. No 3PP. I really just wouldn't feel up to reading and learning it.
4. I have houserules that I would add to the game, for my sake. (as I play and (mostly) GM with them in my F2F game.)
5. I am not sold on the awakened animal. I would need to discuss this further with the player.
as an addendum, regarding your character creation rules-
Gestalt- I've been tinkering with a different version of this, that's slightly less powerful, but hopefully as interesting.
feat tax rules- Definitely
feat every level- I'm ok with this, but only on the grounds that these are mostly not combat or spell enhancing feats (such as metamagic or spell focus etc) or feats that are used to help build a unique character normally not playable.
So, feats I'd like to see being picked up from this bonus-
skill focus, toughness, things like deceitful, maybe a weapon proficiency, hellcat stealth, teamwork feats, Extra "X". etc.

Timeskeeper |

Monkeygod wrote:I would also like it if 3pp material was allowed, but since I know a lot of GMs aren't fond of 3pp, it's totally not a deal breaker if a perspective GM doesn't want to allow 3pp.Any 3pp in particular you're looking for?
I would really like to play the Valkyrie race from that book, which I have and am more than willing to had over to you for reading! I have an idea for a ranger that was killing in battle by hobgoblins.

Monkeygod |

Monkeygod wrote:I would also like it if 3pp material was allowed, but since I know a lot of GMs aren't fond of 3pp, it's totally not a deal breaker if a perspective GM doesn't want to allow 3pp.Any 3pp in particular you're looking for?
For myself, my build is mostly Paizo(I say mostly just cuz there might be feats or spells that aren't). My current plan is playing a a ranger(unsure on archetype) and I *might* take a PrC.
However, I know that a lot of players enjoy 3pp(and I do as well, if not necessarily for this specific concept) so I thought I would include asking for them.

Monkeygod |

as an addendum, regarding your character creation rules-
Gestalt- I've been tinkering with a different version of this, that's slightly less powerful, but hopefully as interesting.
feat tax rules- Definitely
feat every level- I'm ok with this, but only on the grounds that these are mostly not combat or spell enhancing feats (such as metamagic or spell focus etc) or feats that are used to help build a unique character normally not playable.
So, feats I'd like to see being picked up from this bonus-
skill focus, toughness, things like deceitful, maybe a weapon proficiency, hellcat stealth, teamwork feats, Extra "X". etc.
1) That's 100% fair, and I appreciate your honesty.
2) I am definitely okay with a slower game. I'm working on a fairly involved homebrew Golarion setting for an IRL game that's going to be starting soon, but it's going to take a lot of time to get set up.
3) As I said above, my desire for 3pp is mostly for other players, though there might be spells or feats that are 3pp that I might desire. I mostly don't need 3pp material.
4) I am super curious about your houserules!
I'm totally okay with the feats addendum. I usually do something similar like that for my own games(I call them background feats, lol)
Also really curious about your version of 'gestalt'. I doubt I'll have a problem with it, but let's see what you're proposing before I 'give in' to your demands, lol

Cuàn |

I'd really like this one as well.
Basic idea is for a goblin whose hatred of Hobgoblins caused him to overcome his superstition around writing, or at least find a workaround. He'd be a Wizard(an archetype that dumps Scribe Scroll, writing is serious business) and Living Grimoire Inquisitor. I mean, what better way to kill hobs than with the thing they hate and fear most?

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the basic idea for my gestalt is for you to pick one of the following-
Fighter, Rogue, or cavalier, and gestalt that class with one of your choosing.
In other words, you would be required to pick from those 3 to go along with your primary class. (this does not stop you from doing a rogue/fighter or rogue/cavalier) Its just a way for me to "limit" some of the potential ridiculousness of gestalt (one of them being unmonk/sorcerer. Which is a terrifying self-buffing monster that I love, but that level of power is better reserved for different APs IMO.)

Mr. Rattlebones |
the basic idea for my gestalt is for you to pick one of the following-
Fighter, Rogue, or cavalier, and gestalt that class with one of your choosing.In other words, you would be required to pick from those 3 to go along with your primary class. (this does not stop you from doing a rogue/fighter or rogue/cavalier) Its just a way for me to "limit" some of the potential ridiculousness of gestalt (one of them being unmonk/sorcerer. Which is a terrifying self-buffing monster that I love, but that level of power is better reserved for different APs IMO.)
That sounds like a neat system! Would you allow PrCs in the gestalt primary class 'slot'? Would you allow someone to switch between levels in different non-primary gestalt classes?

Sebecloki |
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I might be interested in making some kind of thief/assassin/slayer kind of a character.
A few questions guv'ner:
Would you allow a wererat character?
I'm imagining an Unchained Rogue/Slayer human or an Unchained Rogue/Vivesectionist Alchemist or some variety of Investigator. I would want to confirm you'll let me stack sneak attacks for this build, and would also appreciate clarification whether studied strike and sneak attack could stack.
Can we be evil? I'm thinking lawful evil. If not, neutral.
I'd be interested in being the sneaky melee, skill monkey, and trapfinder if no one else is going to occupy that role.
Thank ye kindly.

Sebecloki |

If you're totally against that -- the other kind of character I like to play is a bard buffer. I'd like to do something like a marshal build with cavalier and bard then.
Can I use 3.5 bard prestige classes and stuff if I go that direction?
I basically only play some kind of skill monkey/ard or rogue character whenever I want to play.
My idea for the bard would be kind of a blonde hair/blue eyed hunk and audacious flirt who was also really sassy.
I'd also want to verify I could use this prestige class: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/apg/battle-herald/

hustonj |
Have you considered Shifter? Grow into the ability?
I admit curiosity on the full set of rules. For the AP in question, and the rules already provided, I'm thinking Druid/Unchained Rogue or Shifter/Unchained Rogue. The other concepts that crossed my mind all fail on the Cavalier/Fighter/Rogue requirement. <shrug>
Maybe a Bard/Fighter?
Not sure.

Sebecloki |

If someone else is going to do the fighting rouge, I'd do a build like this moving towards battle herald -- obviously gestalt would change some details. The character would also be 1/2 Tian-Xia in origins:
PARAGON MARSHAL - Charlemagne-Class
Strategist Cavalier 1 / (Sensei 1/Bard 1/Evangelist 1) / Holy Tactician Paladin 3 / Battle HeraldThis is a pretty serious departure from the other builds, but ends up being deceptively nasty. By dipping only 1 level deep into both Cavalier and your second class, you leave three levels open before you can enter Battle Herald. And it just so happens that not only does Paladin fit by virtue of being a full-BAB Martial, it also has a cute little Archetype called Holy Tactician that plays extremely well into the build.
The first-level ability, Weal's Champion, adds a small bit of Smite-like damage, but the kicker is the third level abilities - one grants a bonus Teamwork Feat, and the second, Battlefield Presence, is not-Tactician; you take a Standard Action and grant every Ally in a 30ft. radius one Teamwork Feat you know, AND you may switch it as a Swift Action. This doesn't have a daily limit nor duration, either. While this doesn't progress with Battle Herald, sadly, it's more than worth the 3-level wade into Paladin territory to make such a useful commander.