Pitch your Adventure Paths set beyond the Inner Sea!

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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In the hopes of hitting the productive parts of another thread without the trouble some of that conversation steered to, I'd like to present this! This thread is for all your ideas set further abroad, so that when Paizo does do them we can all pretend it was your idea.

Leading with my own: a Vidrian-set AP focused on the rebuilding of that new nation as the heroes hunt down remnants of the colonial regime: Sargavan nobles, the Order of the Coil, and the various exploitative trading companies. Easy material for Mwangi natives to thrive, alongside iruxi, orc, -jae elf, and other PCs. Not sure what the big endgame threat it escalates to it; maybe the Darkness the ekujae warn about?

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A Vudra campaign, with Azura’s, Rakshaha’s etc. exploring the mythology of Vudra and the (sub)continent.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well, I'll start with one that'd have to be backdated so we'll never get it:

The Liberation of Vidrian, wherein our PCs must not only toss out the rulers of the colonial power structure, but also decide just how ruthless a revolution they're prepared to lead.

Other ideas:

A hard swing in the other direction; Reuniting some form of the Tien Empire. This one would definitely stick in some craws and play havoc with the alignment constructs, but rebuilding the Empire at the expense of the various successor states could be a hell of a story to be part of. The impetus would be some nasty bad horrible threat that only a united empire could stand against. Will probably ALSO never happen, mostly because it can (and likely would) rapidly turn into a Lawful Evil conquest story...

Here's one that's not quite what's in the OP, but an idea I'd love: An Arcadian Explorers AP. You're Arcadians, and since these friggin' Avistani keep showing up, you have to go explore their weird backwater lands and send reports home about what you find. Insert threat to taste- something stumbled across that threatens both Arcadia and Avistan so the PCs actually deal with it.

The legacy of Old-Mage Jatembe is threatened by ______. Time to see if you have what it takes to become the new Magic Warriors.

Someone is trying to provoke a war between two nations in Southern Garund. Uncover the culprit and secure peace (or alternately, end a war, anywhere along that timeline).

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A campaign that goes to multiple locations in Casmaron dealing with a spawn of Rovagug might be interesting.

Perhaps a campaign can start around Mzali and have Walkena have some sort of evil plan involving a location to the south (awakening a horrible monster, retrieving an artifact, attempting to conquer or ally with a powerful nation in Southern Garund, etc).

Isn't Vidrian part of the Inner Sea region though? Or by Inner Sea do you mean actually bordered by the Inner Sea?

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Not sure what the rest of the plot is, but a boundball tournament in Xopatl would make a fantastic first or second part of an AP.

“Sports drama” is a genre we haven’t hit yet! :p

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How about not only not in the Inner Sea, but not on Golarion? I've been wanting a planet-hopping Sword and Planet style AP for a while. It's probably less likely to happen with Starfinder around though. I was figuring the Dominion of the Black would likely be the big enemies (I was originally thinking this would be around the rundown of the doomsday clocks, but that's done now). You could start on Golarion, but early in the first book, find a portal to the moon and uncover the main plot. Then from there it's generally one planet for each book. Going to Castroval to team up with amazon dino-riders, then to Akiton for some four-armed shenanigans. Book four would probably be on Eox with some undead action. Not entirely certain about book 5. Eventually ending up on Aucturn for the final battle to prevent the evil invasion of evil. There's lots of room here for pulpy fun, the planets were made for it, so lets use them for it. The portal hopping thing is being used for Age of Ashes though, so that is another strike against this.

Also, bonus points if they fit flumphs into this. Because flumphs (yes, they're their own reason). Relatedly, if there isn't some filk out there about flumphs to the tune of The Presidents of the United States of America's Lump, then I'll be very disappointed in nerd culture. It can exist, so it must exist.

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Cole Deschain wrote:
A hard swing in the other direction; Reuniting some form of the Tien Empire. This one would definitely stick in some craws and play havoc with the alignment constructs, but rebuilding the Empire at the expense of the various successor states could be a hell of a story to be part of. The impetus would be some nasty bad horrible threat that only a united empire could stand against. Will probably ALSO never happen, mostly because it can (and likely would) rapidly turn into a Lawful Evil conquest story...

Only if you decide you'd rather betray the world than let the world betray you. With the love of the people and the strength of your sworn brothers, things can turn out very differently!

I'd love to see something like this!

Cole Deschain wrote:

Well, I'll start with one that'd have to be backdated so we'll never get it:

The Liberation of Vidrian, wherein our PCs must not only toss out the rulers of the colonial power structure, but also decide just how ruthless a revolution they're prepared to lead.

Other ideas:

A hard swing in the other direction; Reuniting some form of the Tien Empire. This one would definitely stick in some craws and play havoc with the alignment constructs, but rebuilding the Empire at the expense of the various successor states could be a hell of a story to be part of. The impetus would be some nasty bad horrible threat that only a united empire could stand against. Will probably ALSO never happen, mostly because it can (and likely would) rapidly turn into a Lawful Evil conquest story...

Here's one that's not quite what's in the OP, but an idea I'd love: An Arcadian Explorers AP. You're Arcadians, and since these friggin' Avistani keep showing up, you have to go explore their weird backwater lands and send reports home about what you find. Insert threat to taste- something stumbled across that threatens both Arcadia and Avistan so the PCs actually deal with it.

The legacy of Old-Mage Jatembe is threatened by ______. Time to see if you have what it takes to become the new Magic Warriors.

Someone is trying to provoke a war between two nations in Southern Garund. Uncover the culprit and secure peace (or alternately, end a war, anywhere along that timeline).

These sound fun. When you say the Tien Empire you refer to Lung Wa, right? Just want to make sure we're not thinking of two different things. The Arcadia one sounds especially fun, perhaps it could concern Azlant?

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Darth Game Master wrote:
These sound fun. When you say the Tien Empire you refer to Lung Wa, right? Just want to make sure we're not thinking of two different things. The Arcadia one sounds especially fun, perhaps it could concern Azlant?

I suspect so, considering the VERY strong "Three Kingdoms" vibes Lung Wa's successor states give off.

I'd also enjoy an epic qlippoth-busting campaign in Tianjing, but I suspect it'd take a lot of work to make it sufficiently different from Wrath of the Righteous to merit publication.

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A proper high fantasy Arabian Knight style adventure with evil wizards, flying carpets, genies and treasure of princely worth. All set in the heart of the Padishah Empire where you rise from commoner to national hero.

I'd even be quite happy with "a rescue the prince from the evil wizard" adventure (it doesn't have to be a princess, royal young men can get captured too)

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A 'merchant kings' campaign. There's a succession crisis in some Vudran kingdom, with three heirs hoping to earn their father's favor. He asks for a precious artifact from the exotic far west. Each heir sends a caravan to try to acquire it.

Two adventures heading west, trying to get your caravan of precious goods and travelers from Vudra to Nex, the journey filled with rivalries against other merchants and a few detours to find great treasures.

One adventure when you reach Nex and have to corner a market and outcompete the other merchant groups to get some ludicrous sum of money and purchase the artifact.

Two adventures heading back east with the artifact. All the areas you passed through have changed in the months since you were there previously, and you probably friends or enemies you cross paths with again.

During the trip, the heir who backed your caravan does some evil deeds, kills his father, and seizes power. You return to Vudra and either can try to take him down, or have to defend him from the other merchant caravans.

Ideally, the enemy stats would be a little modular, so based on what deals you cut along the way, your foes have access to different resources. Whatever you don't have, they do.

Dark Archive

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So hear me out, how about an AP set in the Windswept Wastes fighting cultists and monsters, working your way into the Pit of Gormuz and finishing in the Dead Vault fighting the Tarrasque and trying to stop Rovagug from being set free

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Cole Deschain wrote:
A hard swing in the other direction; Reuniting some form of the Tien Empire. This one would definitely stick in some craws and play havoc with the alignment constructs, but rebuilding the Empire at the expense of the various successor states could be a hell of a story to be part of. The impetus would be some nasty bad horrible threat that only a united empire could stand against. Will probably ALSO never happen, mostly because it can (and likely would) rapidly turn into a Lawful Evil conquest story...

Only if you decide you'd rather betray the world than let the world betray you. With the love of the people and the strength of your sworn brothers, things can turn out very differently!

I'd love to see something like this!

While I find Luo Guanzhong's fanboying for Zhuge Liang incredibly tiresome (and the fact that he just stops talking about Wu not long after the Battle of Red Cliff), there's no denying that the Three Kingdoms offer plenty of grist for the mill. ;)

Dark Archive

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An Adventure Path actually set in Tian Xia. A bit of spoilers for Jade Regent (An 8 year old story at this point), but you spend the first few books just traveling to Tian Xia, then you kind of bounce around a few places like a tourist on holiday, then arrive at Not Japan in the last book just in time for the grand finale.

Honestly, while I loved Jade Regent, it would be like if the Mummy's Mask spent 5 books trying to get to Not Egypt and you arrived just in time to see some big scary mummy dude doing... mummy things...? (I haven't actually played Mummy's Mask. :O )

Scarab Sages

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Crap, accidental back button nuked my text.

My longtime idea has mostly been thematically consumed by Hell's Rebels and War for the Crown.

-Setting: Urban campaign in Capital of Kelesh Empire and nearby satrapies.
-Background: PCs are scions of noble houses. Emperor has been sliding into authoritarianism, decadence, and blasphemy. Distant satrapies are ignoring orders. Rebellion is afoot!
-Meat: As the party first discovers then gets involved with the rebellion, they eventually uncover that Asuras have replaced the Emperor and much of the court with their own. Kelesh wars with its neighbors, violently puts down dissent in its own lands, bans open Sarenrae worship, and falls into a civilizational decline. Party must stop the Asura, reveal the Emperor as an outsider, and salvage what they can of the floundering government.

The party joins an expedition to Sarusan. They arrive to find the outpost destroyed, and hostile megafauna scavenging among the wreckage. After driving the beasts off, native traders arrive and inform the party that the destruction matches a pattern of recent attacks by "subterranean vampires" who have been raiding local communities. Villages all over are experiencing famine, plague, death, and many are on the brink of war. The party must journey across hostile wilderness, avoid dangerous megafauna, prevent war between the various tribes, gather ancient artifacts, seek out a Yithian scholar, battle flying polyps, negotiate with Serpentfolk, gain the aid of the Munravis, and eventually journey into Abaddon and confront a Horseman of the Apocalypse.

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Doktor Weasel wrote:
How about not only not in the Inner Sea, but not on Golarion? I've been wanting a planet-hopping Sword and Planet style AP for a while. It's probably less likely to happen with Starfinder around though. I was figuring the Dominion of the Black would likely be the big enemies . . .

This was what I wanted to suggest, but I was too slow. The only thing I'd add is that I'd like to see some spaceship travel and not just getting around by gates and interplanetary teleport.

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An AP set in Arcadia where you help a bunch of locals fight off and/or rebel against the Syrinx without trying to come off as a Mighty Whitey.

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Voltron64 wrote:
An AP set in Arcadia where you help a bunch of locals fight off and/or rebel against the Syrinx without trying to come off as a Mighty Whitey.

At the risk of getting back into other thread territory... why not play locals?

keftiu wrote:
Voltron64 wrote:
An AP set in Arcadia where you help a bunch of locals fight off and/or rebel against the Syrinx without trying to come off as a Mighty Whitey.
At the risk of getting back into other thread territory... why not play locals?

Figure I could do half and half with pc constituency, but I also kind of wanted the AP to serve as a full introduction to the continent ala Jade Regent with Tian Xia.

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I want a Lucha Libre themed AP set in Arcadia where the heroes are Luchadors and Luchadoras who rise up to defeat an ancient evil, whose threat unites rudos and technicos alike. Probably something with mummies and/or vampires.

I mean, Blue Demon was in 15 films and Mil Máscaras was in 20 so there's ample source material to mine.

Book 5 of Tyrant's Grasp was like the absolute best thing and I want much more of that sort of thing.

Shadow Lodge

keftiu wrote:
Voltron64 wrote:
An AP set in Arcadia where you help a bunch of locals fight off and/or rebel against the Syrinx without trying to come off as a Mighty Whitey.
At the risk of getting back into other thread territory... why not play locals?

To be fair, there are long-standing white colonies on Arcadia with multi-generation settled populations. They are "local."

So let's fix that! The PCs are Segadan agents attempting to undermine Anchor's End's colonial government in the wake of the 4716 Revolution, and to reintegrate it into Segada.

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We've had Gothic Horror and Lovecraftian Horror APs. How about a J-horror AP? plenty of spooky stuff in Tian Xia to deal with, and it would be fun to see an AP revolving around Hopping Vampires, shapeshifting spiders, and Yurei.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
MMCJawa wrote:
We've had Gothic Horror and Lovecraftian Horror APs. How about a J-horror AP? plenty of spooky stuff in Tian Xia to deal with, and it would be fun to see an AP revolving around Hopping Vampires, shapeshifting spiders, and Yurei.

Shenmen would be the PERFECT place to set that!

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PossibleCabbage wrote:

I want a Lucha Libre themed AP set in Arcadia where the heroes are Luchadors and Luchadoras who rise up to defeat an ancient evil, whose threat unites rudos and technicos alike. Probably something with mummies and/or vampires.

I mean, Blue Demon was in 15 films and Mil Máscaras was in 20 so there's ample source material to mine.

Book 5 of Tyrant's Grasp was like the absolute best thing and I want much more of that sort of thing.

Yes please. I love this.

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When they do a Xopatl/Razatlan AP, book 1 or 2 absolutely needs to be about the ball game world championship. Paizo has hit a lot of genres, but “divine sports movie” isn’t one of them yet.

Dark Archive

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Cole Deschain wrote:
Here's one that's not quite what's in the OP, but an idea I'd love: An Arcadian Explorers AP. You're Arcadians, and since these friggin' Avistani keep showing up, you have to go explore their weird backwater lands and send reports home about what you find. Insert threat to taste- something stumbled across that threatens both Arcadia and Avistan so the PCs actually deal with it.

I'd love a reversal of that trope, and an all-Arcadian, all-Tian, or all-Mwangi party of PCs end up in the middle of Avistan, dealing with something totally region-specific (much like a bunch of Avistani showing up in Minkai to inexplicably get all involved in that royal succession, or in the Expanse to deal with the Serpent Skull or whatever).

But yeah, not entirely the point of the thread.

I love the idea of an AP set in Southern Garund, or one dealing with the legacy of the Magic Warriors of Old Mage Jatembe, or one involving Vudra (not just Jalmeray, but actual Vudra). Ditto one set in Casmaron, where even a Qadiran visitor is considered an uncultured bumpkin from the provincial hinterlands, let alone one of those barbaric Taldans or Chels...

An all aquatic races AP, with a party of sea elves, gillmen, deep one hybrids, merfolk, locathah, etc. (do they even have koapoacinth/aquatic hobgoblins in Golarion? Or Merrow/aquatic ogres? I don't even know...) could be fun. For me, anyway. :)

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I think a mostly underwater AP dealing with the alghollthus could be cool. Maybe the party reveals the identity of a veiled master in the first adventure and they book it rather than fight an entire city, then in the second adventure they start looking into what it was up to and get wind of a plan to reconquer Golarian by opening a large, persistent portal to the elemental plane of water, flooding the planet over the span of a few years or a few decades, and then the rest involves the party going deeper and deeper into the ocean to deal with that biz.

Not exactly pathfinder, but I would also love to see a Starfinder AP that involves an immortal-but-senile Jatembe resurfacing, maybe in response to the King of Biting Ants rearing his head again on Akiton.

Shadow Lodge

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Set wrote:
I'd love a reversal of that trope, and an all-Arcadian, all-Tian, or all-Mwangi party of PCs end up in the middle of Avistan, dealing with something totally region-specific (much like a bunch of Avistani showing up in Minkai to inexplicably get all involved in that royal succession, or in the Expanse to deal with the Serpent Skull or whatever).

For a laugh:

Your party is a group of Bachuani political advisors smuggled in to agitate in Pezzack.

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
martinaj wrote:
Not exactly pathfinder, but I would also love to see a Starfinder AP that involves an immortal-but-senile Jatembe resurfacing, maybe in response to the King of Biting Ants rearing his head again on Akiton.

Only if you can get Kevin Michael Richardson to voice-act him!

"Oh, I get it. Let's play with the Old-Mage's head, is it? He's half-senile, he'll forget I said anything! Wait, uh, what was this about, anyway?"

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
martinaj wrote:
Not exactly pathfinder, but I would also love to see a Starfinder AP that involves an immortal-but-senile Jatembe resurfacing, maybe in response to the King of Biting Ants rearing his head again on Akiton.

Only if you can get Kevin Michael Richardson to voice-act him!

"Oh, I get it. Let's play with the Old-Mage's head, is it? He's half-senile, he'll forget I said anything! Wait, uh, what was this about, anyway?"


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A Mercantile campaign beginning in Qadira with a simple caravan route that grows Eastward fleshing out and exploring the Keshian empire as the PCs build their merchant empire and begin butting heads with those with such power such that Absalom appears a backwater.

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Adventure set in Iblydos, the Ancient Greek-ish archipelago that's on the way to Vudra (which lets you toss in a splash of Greco-Indian flavor). Fairly classic set up, there are monsters harassing the local people, PC's slay the monsters, wash/rinse/repeat in a Professional Monster Hunter plot.

However, this is Iblydos. As the PC's grow in power and renown, divinity creeps in. They get followers who spread their stories, generating legend. Larger challenges are thrown at the PC's (whether they like it or not) and they get caught up in the fate their fame has set them on.

The problem lies in the belief of the Iblydosian people themselves. The legends and what people believe of the PC's is becoming true, even if the original belief doesn't match reality. The PC's start getting subconscious urges to act "in character" (which is really more of an exaggeration of who they are). Playing a fighter? Get ready to be labeled the Big Dumb Tank even if you're actually a clever tactician. Playing a bard? You must be the Flirtatious Fool Bard, even if you're more of an insightful actor bard.

Can the PC's fight the power of faith and fate?

Silver Crusade

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Koujow wrote:

An Adventure Path actually set in Tian Xia. A bit of spoilers for Jade Regent (An 8 year old story at this point), but you spend the first few books just traveling to Tian Xia, then you kind of bounce around a few places like a tourist on holiday, then arrive at Not Japan in the last book just in time for the grand finale.

You know, with all the smaller adventures (mostly for PFS) in Tian Xia, it never occurred to me that there's never been an adventure path there.

I was just going to say that the continents of Casmaron and Sarusan have been woefully neglected in Paizo's adventures, so those would be appropriate locations for APs. But Tian Xia probably deserves a full AP first.

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Set wrote:
An all aquatic races AP, with a party of sea elves, gillmen, deep one hybrids, merfolk, locathah, etc. (do they even have koapoacinth/aquatic hobgoblins in Golarion? Or Merrow/aquatic ogres? I don't even know...) could be fun. For me, anyway. :)

That sounds cool. Also reminds me of an idea I had. Mine was a Darklands game with all Darklander races: Caligni instead of Humans, Drow instead of elves, Duergar for Dwarves and Svifneblin for Gnomes. There isn't an exact counterpart for Halflings, but Derro might work. For a non-evil game, the PCs will likely be outcasts of some type, because of the evil lean of several of those cultures. Paizo does seem to be experimenting with themed parties with Extinction Curse featuring an all circus party and I believe Agents of Edgewatch being all city guard. So Something like all aquatics or all darklanders might be something they'd do.

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Iobaria is technically in Casmoron. So I'll cross-post my long-in-development campaign idea. Heavily inspired by Slavic folklore and dark fantasy. What little Slavic themes in the game are greatly appreciated, but as is it's mostly standard European fantasy with a different color pallet. May as well start translating it into P2e. Working title:

Winter of Anarchy

Book 1: Buran's End (Levels 1-4). Adventurers find themselves stranded in a small town of Buran's End, at the edge of wilderness, surrounded by harsh, unnatural weather. Paranoia, fear and despair sets in as monstrous humanoids and sabotage pushes the town to search for alternative means of survival.

Book 2: Winter's wife (Levels 4-7). Adventurers are urged to explore infamous Finadar Forest, in search of a bound spirit, who may be connected to the mysterious weather. Their path and choices will be swayed by the secrets they uncover and new evil, bestirred by ancient Omens coming into life.

Book 3: Feast of adders (Levels 7-10). Old allies and friends will show their true faces as Adventurers fight in a race against time against an army of savage marauders, led by mad cultists, to stop a ritual that can signal their doom.

Book 4: Sea of holly (Levels 10-13). Signs and omens point the party towards an unsettling deal with ruinous powers, for a chance to strike against one of the orchestrator of current events, by entering a shattered demiplane, once a part of the First World.

Book 5: Secrets of Kask-Kirrulthar (Levels 13-16). All plans revealed - adventurers learn they stalled the disaster for but a moment. The party has very little precious time to plan and prepare an assault on Kask-Kirrulthar, knowing very little of what waits them beyond the colossal walls of the greatest of Cyclopean watchtowers in the region, if not whole of Golarion. Faltering may push all Iobaria into a an endless Winter of Anarchy.

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A bit linked to the Inner Sea, but I wouldn't mind Fantasy Metal Gear set in the Mwangi Expanse after a group of Andoran Eagle Knights turn mercenary and flee to Bloodcove, supposedly to assist Cheliax in reclaiming its lost colony as counterinsurgency specialists but in reality raising tensions by playing Taldor, Cheliax, and Andoran against each other by controlling the flow of resources and careful hiring of mercenaries until the three powers erupt erupt into a massive war. Then they will step into and quell the chaos, from which they will forge a nation that lives up to the ideals Andoran hawks and is free from the growing corruption within it.

Of course, most to all of the Path takes place in the Expanse, as the rogue Knights are very much keeping their real plans quiet and manipulating things from afar. Each adventure ends with a boss fight against one of the rogue Knights. With lots of sneaking in the jungle.

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Set wrote:
I'd love a reversal of that trope, and an all-Arcadian, all-Tian, or all-Mwangi party of PCs end up in the middle of Avistan, dealing with something totally region-specific (much like a bunch of Avistani showing up in Minkai to inexplicably get all involved in that royal succession, or in the Expanse to deal with the Serpent Skull or whatever).

While I know you mean this jokingly, but reading through Cult of Cinders I can actually see the Ekujae and their Magaambyan allies getting tired of Kyonin's incompetence, popping over through an aiudara, and putting an end to Treerazer for once and for all. Seems more a module than an adventure path, though.

MMCJawa wrote:
We've had Gothic Horror and Lovecraftian Horror APs. How about a J-horror AP? plenty of spooky stuff in Tian Xia to deal with, and it would be fun to see an AP revolving around Hopping Vampires, shapeshifting spiders, and Yurei.

I would LOVE to see this. An adventure path set in Tian Xia where PCs take on local horrors. Make the kraken that rules Wanshou the campaign's end boss. It could easily threaten Minkai across the sea and give players an update on what's been going on since Ameiko sat on the throne.

I'd also love to see an adventure path inspired by Journey to the West, but adjusted for Golarion's different geography. The party journey across Tian Xia, takes a boat ride to southern Casmaron (possibly hopping through some tropical islands too), and finally travels through Vudra to find the object of their quest -- or to deliver something, or someone, to that place. The details could be anything, really.

Shadow Lodge

Frogliacci wrote:
While I know you mean this jokingly, but reading through Cult of Cinders I can actually see the Ekujae and their Magaambyan allies getting tired of Kyonin's incompetence, popping over through an aiudara, and putting an end to Treerazer for once and for all. Seems more a module than an adventure path, though.

Why should they bother? They don't owe the cowards anything, and having Treerazer occupy their lands is fitting comeuppance for their not having done so for so long.

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zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Frogliacci wrote:
While I know you mean this jokingly, but reading through Cult of Cinders I can actually see the Ekujae and their Magaambyan allies getting tired of Kyonin's incompetence, popping over through an aiudara, and putting an end to Treerazer for once and for all. Seems more a module than an adventure path, though.
Why should they bother? They don't owe the cowards anything, and having Treerazer occupy their lands is fitting comeuppance for their not having done so for so long.

The Mualijae aren’t thrilled a demon is on the Material Plane because hey, it’s a dang demon.

Shadow Lodge

keftiu wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Frogliacci wrote:
While I know you mean this jokingly, but reading through Cult of Cinders I can actually see the Ekujae and their Magaambyan allies getting tired of Kyonin's incompetence, popping over through an aiudara, and putting an end to Treerazer for once and for all. Seems more a module than an adventure path, though.
Why should they bother? They don't owe the cowards anything, and having Treerazer occupy their lands is fitting comeuppance for their not having done so for so long.
The Mualijae aren’t thrilled a demon is on the Material Plane because hey, it’s a dang demon.

If they want to indulge in pointless altruism, there are better people to help.

Dark Archive

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Frogliacci wrote:
Set wrote:
I'd love a reversal of that trope, and an all-Arcadian, all-Tian, or all-Mwangi party of PCs end up in the middle of Avistan, dealing with something totally region-specific (much like a bunch of Avistani showing up in Minkai to inexplicably get all involved in that royal succession, or in the Expanse to deal with the Serpent Skull or whatever).
While I know you mean this jokingly, but reading through Cult of Cinders I can actually see the Ekujae and their Magaambyan allies getting tired of Kyonin's incompetence, popping over through an aiudara, and putting an end to Treerazer for once and for all. Seems more a module than an adventure path, though.

The neat bit here could be that the elves have an inherently divided focus, being split between dealing with stuff going on here, and stuff going on back home on [insert name of Elf homeworld here], which makes them seem kinda hapless (because nobody else knows what all they are dealing with).

Meanwhile, the Mwangi arcanists have decided to show them (and everyone) how the good fight is won, and what the Magaambya stands for, and be a bit pro-active (and perhaps some signs and portents have indicated that now is indeed the time, because if it isn't dealt with *now,* Treerazer is getting close to some sort of apotheosis and becoming a real god, and not just a wannabe).

The Ekujae may want to show up their hoity-toity Kyonin cousins just a tad. "Yeah, you guys cut and ran when going got tough. We stuck around. And here we are, saving your butts. Maybe this world is too tough for you?" :)

looking for a spell to banish him or lock him into that demi plane that was Golarion during Earth fall is far and in between of being completed....

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zimmerwald1915 wrote:
keftiu wrote:
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
Frogliacci wrote:
While I know you mean this jokingly, but reading through Cult of Cinders I can actually see the Ekujae and their Magaambyan allies getting tired of Kyonin's incompetence, popping over through an aiudara, and putting an end to Treerazer for once and for all. Seems more a module than an adventure path, though.
Why should they bother? They don't owe the cowards anything, and having Treerazer occupy their lands is fitting comeuppance for their not having done so for so long.
The Mualijae aren’t thrilled a demon is on the Material Plane because hey, it’s a dang demon.
If they want to indulge in pointless altruism, there are better people to help.

How is “stopping what might be the most powerful demon currently manifested in the world” pointless altruism, exactly?

Shadow Lodge

Set wrote:
The Ekujae may want to show up their hoity-toity Kyonin cousins just a tad. "Yeah, you guys cut and ran when going got tough. We stuck around. And here we are, saving your butts. Maybe this world is too tough for you?" :)

We know Golarion is inimical to the particular elven Ancestry that inhabits Kyonin (its canon name slips my mind). No Ekujae ever became a Drow.

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Signs point to the imminent return of Nex from Refuge. The Council of Three and Nine are scrambling to find a way to cope, some will want to swear allegiance to Nex to secure power and militarize the nation against Geb. Others will want to prevent the return to keep power focused on the council. Meanwhile, Geb is preparing his forces to resume their ancient war. Nexian citizens are already dependent on Geb for food, and Gebbites need access to the Golden Road trade through Nex to maintain their economy. War would be disastrous, and possibly span another millennium. Tensions are high, PCs need to stabilize the region. Maybe they need to unify the Council of Three and Nine, or perhaps unseat them instead. Maybe they need to prevent the return of Nex, or perhaps they need to kill him. Maybe they need to dispose of Geb as well, the old ghost is paranoid and likely won't accept that his nemesis is dead.

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Here is one that would be an extrapolation from the history of my own campaign:

The PCs are agents of the government of Segada who are sent across the mountains to investigate rumors of apparently Avistani explorers who somehow got to the other side. The mystery deepens when the PCs learn that these people entered the region from the northwest rather than any more obvious direction. Needless to say, these people are not the ultimate challenge that the adventurers will face but just the first of many clues to areas that their people had not yet gotten around to exploring.

Obviously, this adventure path would require detailing a large portion of northwestern Arcadia and the wide variety of peoples and creatures likely to be found there.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Paradozen wrote:
Signs point to the imminent return of Nex from Refuge. The Council of Three and Nine are scrambling to find a way to cope, some will want to swear allegiance to Nex to secure power and militarize the nation against Geb. Others will want to prevent the return to keep power focused on the council. Meanwhile, Geb is preparing his forces to resume their ancient war. Nexian citizens are already dependent on Geb for food, and Gebbites need access to the Golden Road trade through Nex to maintain their economy. War would be disastrous, and possibly span another millennium. Tensions are high, PCs need to stabilize the region. Maybe they need to unify the Council of Three and Nine, or perhaps unseat them instead. Maybe they need to prevent the return of Nex, or perhaps they need to kill him. Maybe they need to dispose of Geb as well, the old ghost is paranoid and likely won't accept that his nemesis is dead.

I actually have an idea similar to this!

The premise is that a conspiracy between Arclords of Nex and Bloodlords of Geb have been working together towards some nefarious goal -- ascension to godhood, some other form of ultimate power, destroying Nex and Geb forever and taking their place, etc. To do so, they would need to conduct a ritual that sacrifices tens of thousands, and they want to do so by restarting a war so that they could justify using the resources of their respective nations and allay suspicion. The adventure path starts when the conspiracy figured out a way to stabilize magic in the Mana Wastes for a brief while at a time, and convinced the forces of both Geb and Nex to attempt annexation of Alkenstar. The plan is to center the ritual in Alkenstar during the most brutal of battles, and sacrifice its citizens in the ritual.

Players are natives of Alkenstar defending their nation from conquering mages on both sides. Throughout the campaign, PCs would venture through war zones to secure allies from Mana Wastes ghorans, Jalmeray, the Mwangi Expanse, as well as pacifist factions in Nex that have been branded traitor -- all the while learning about and thwarting the plots of the conspiracy everywhere they go. Political intrigue in the courts of Nex and Geb is a given, and with luck and skill PCs could even change the power dynamics in these two places. The final confrontation would see them liberating Alkenstar from a magically enabled siege, helped by their newfound allies, and they must race against the clock to stop the conspiracy from performing the ritual and turning their home into ash.

Frogliacci wrote:
Paradozen wrote:
Signs point to the imminent return of Nex from Refuge. The Council of Three and Nine are scrambling to find a way to cope, some will want to swear allegiance to Nex to secure power and militarize the nation against Geb. Others will want to prevent the return to keep power focused on the council. Meanwhile, Geb is preparing his forces to resume their ancient war. Nexian citizens are already dependent on Geb for food, and Gebbites need access to the Golden Road trade through Nex to maintain their economy. War would be disastrous, and possibly span another millennium. Tensions are high, PCs need to stabilize the region. Maybe they need to unify the Council of Three and Nine, or perhaps unseat them instead. Maybe they need to prevent the return of Nex, or perhaps they need to kill him. Maybe they need to dispose of Geb as well, the old ghost is paranoid and likely won't accept that his nemesis is dead.

I actually have an idea similar to this!

The premise is that a conspiracy between Arclords of Nex and Bloodlords of Geb have been working together towards some nefarious goal -- ascension to godhood, some other form of ultimate power, destroying Nex and Geb forever and taking their place, etc. To do so, they would need to conduct a ritual that sacrifices tens of thousands, and they want to do so by restarting a war so that they could justify using the resources of their respective nations and allay suspicion. The adventure path starts when the conspiracy figured out a way to stabilize magic in the Mana Wastes for a brief while at a time, and convinced the forces of both Geb and Nex to attempt annexation of Alkenstar. The plan is to center the ritual in Alkenstar during the most brutal of battles, and sacrifice its citizens in the ritual.

Players are natives of Alkenstar defending their nation from conquering mages on both sides. Throughout the campaign, PCs would venture through war zones to secure allies from Mana Wastes ghorans, Jalmeray, the Mwangi Expanse, as well...

I love both of these ideas! They're both in the Inner Sea Region though. I guess the Impossible Lands technically don't touch the Inner Sea, but I assumed the thread was about adventure paths in areas outside of those detained in the Inner Sea and Lost Omens world guides.

Dark Archive

David knott 242 wrote:

Here is one that would be an extrapolation from the history of my own campaign:

The PCs are agents of the government of Segada who are sent across the mountains to investigate rumors of apparently Avistani explorers who somehow got to the other side. The mystery deepens when the PCs learn that these people entered the region from the northwest rather than any more obvious direction. Needless to say, these people are not the ultimate challenge that the adventurers will face but just the first of many clues to areas that their people had not yet gotten around to exploring.

Obviously, this adventure path would require detailing a large portion of northwestern Arcadia and the wide variety of peoples and creatures likely to be found there.

Having said people being Ulfen who travelled there by ship from some circuitous northern passage (that only clears from being ice-blocked a few months of the year, and is generally thought impassable, and hasn't unfrozen since, leaving the dozen Ulfen longships trapped, and forced to set up a colony), could be funky (sort of aping the Pathfinder movie, which had nothing to with Pathfinder, the game).

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