Feedback: PFS (2nd edition) Guide to Play

Pathfinder Society

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Robert Hetherington wrote:
You've got to have it figured out then as a player.

But in this case, you're playing a pregen for a character you might not have even rolled yet. How are you expecting someone new to PF2 to have it figured out? Origins is expected to be an intro to PF2, presumably for experienced PF1 players. Why would you straddle them with a decision they aren't in the position to make? How can a player know if they want to craft if they don't have character at level 5?

Sure, I can understand a snap decision at GenCon, but now that we can think about the best process, this does not seem like it.

OP Guide N. Downtime wrote:

Downtime*: Use this section to record how much Downtime your character earned from the adventure and how you spent it.

GM Instructions: Be sure to resolve any Downtime activity that requires a check before the players leave the table. If the player is using an activity that does not require a check, they can record what they are doing and take time between sessions to make the decisions needed to resolve the effect fully. For example, players who want to retrain a feat can record that they are retraining a particular feat, and then decide which new feat they want to take between sessions.

Except GMs aren't doing that. They apply it to the character when it reaches that level. Again, why not use this procedure for players? What if the player wanted to Retrain a feat at that level? You're forcing them to decide between EI and precluding all other activities for a character they don't even have? Why? How is that better for the game? Again, we're talking about a Pregen chronicle...not a normal chronicle.

I guess I'm really not understanding the thought process here.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

My recollection from the GenCon announcement is different. The way I remember it is:

Use the level 5 pregen skills for the downtime check (e.g., Ezren +11 Crafting) vs. Level-2 DC (DC 18 for level 3).

Then apply appropriate income based on the level of the character that the chronicle is applied to. At GenCon, I always assumed that to be a level 1 character, thus using (minimum) task level 0 from Table 4-2. A success gave 4 sp (1/2 sp per day), a critical success gave 16 sp (2 sp/day) and failure gave 8 cp (1 cp/day).

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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N N 959 wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
When I played this (as Fumbus) and applied the credit to my 3rd level character, my GM said the "official" answer was that Campaign Leadership didn't care about the one-time earning bonus potential.

How did you apply a lvl 5 chronicle to a lvl 3 character?

I thought the guide says it has to be to a lvl 1 or the level of the pregen you played?

Nope. Any level up to the level of the Pregen.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

Gary D Norton wrote:

My recollection from the GenCon announcement is different. The way I remember it is:

Use the level 5 pregen skills for the downtime check (e.g., Ezren +11 Crafting) vs. Level-2 DC (DC 18 for level 3).

Then apply appropriate income based on the level of the character that the chronicle is applied to. At GenCon, I always assumed that to be a level 1 character, thus using (minimum) task level 0 from Table 4-2. A success gave 4 sp (1/2 sp per day), a critical success gave 16 sp (2 sp/day) and failure gave 8 cp (1 cp/day).

If they're only getting the reward for the level 0 task, why are you rolling the level 3 DC?


Nefreet wrote:
N N 959 wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
When I played this (as Fumbus) and applied the credit to my 3rd level character, my GM said the "official" answer was that Campaign Leadership didn't care about the one-time earning bonus potential.

How did you apply a lvl 5 chronicle to a lvl 3 character?

I thought the guide says it has to be to a lvl 1 or the level of the pregen you played?

Nope. Any level up to the level of the Pregen.
From the Online Guide wrote:

Apply Credit

You may apply a pregenerated character’s Chronicle sheet to one of your Pathfinder Society characters once your Pathfinder Society character reaches the level of the pregenerated character used to play through it. For example, if you played a 5th-level pregenerated character, you would apply the credit once your character reaches 5th level.

Apply the Chronicle sheets for eligible adventures in the order in which they were played. For each one, add the rewards earned (Experience Points, gold pieces, Fame, boons etc.) to your character, along with any negative effects that weren’t removed from the pregenerated character. This character is also now able to buy any items listed on that Chronicle sheet.
If you apply credit for multiple adventures at once, your Pathfinder Society character might advance multiple levels. The character’s level cannot exceed the tier range of any Chronicle sheets applied to them.
You can apply credit from a higher-tier adventure to a 1st-level Pathfinder Society character. When doing so, you gain only the gold appropriate to a 1st-level character. You do not benefit from any boons until your Pathfinder Society character reaches the minimum level listed on the Chronicle sheet, unless otherwise noted.

Where are you reading that it can be applied to any level?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

My GM quoted something different. I even earned Gold for a 3rd level PC. Perhaps that section of the Guide still needs to be updated.

I did not read this anywhere myself; I have yet to GM PFS2.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Maryland—Baltimore

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N N 959 wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
N N 959 wrote:
Nefreet wrote:
When I played this (as Fumbus) and applied the credit to my 3rd level character, my GM said the "official" answer was that Campaign Leadership didn't care about the one-time earning bonus potential.

How did you apply a lvl 5 chronicle to a lvl 3 character?

I thought the guide says it has to be to a lvl 1 or the level of the pregen you played?

Nope. Any level up to the level of the Pregen.
From the Online Guide wrote:

Apply Credit

You may apply a pregenerated character’s Chronicle sheet to one of your Pathfinder Society characters once your Pathfinder Society character reaches the level of the pregenerated character used to play through it. For example, if you played a 5th-level pregenerated character, you would apply the credit once your character reaches 5th level.

Apply the Chronicle sheets for eligible adventures in the order in which they were played. For each one, add the rewards earned (Experience Points, gold pieces, Fame, boons etc.) to your character, along with any negative effects that weren’t removed from the pregenerated character. This character is also now able to buy any items listed on that Chronicle sheet.
If you apply credit for multiple adventures at once, your Pathfinder Society character might advance multiple levels. The character’s level cannot exceed the tier range of any Chronicle sheets applied to them.
You can apply credit from a higher-tier adventure to a 1st-level Pathfinder Society character. When doing so, you gain only the gold appropriate to a 1st-level character. You do not benefit from any boons until your Pathfinder Society character reaches the minimum level listed on the Chronicle sheet, unless otherwise noted.

Where are you reading that it can be applied to any level?

The chronicle sheet for 1-00 scenario says it can be applied at any level 1-5. It's not the general rule, but it's right in this case.

1-00 Chronicle Sheet wrote:
Special: This adventure was designed for use with pregenerated characters. You can assign this Chronicle sheet to any character of levels 1–5 who does not already have a copy of this Chronicle sheet.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Ah. Thanks for that.

In that case, I hope Campaign Leadership considers making that the general rule.

Everyone was very happy to hear that was how it worked.

2/5 5/5 *****

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Personally, I'd be happiest to see a change/clarification for 1-00 (and by extension any chronicle earned while playing a pre-gen), that it follows the GM guidelines -- roll/spend the downtime when you apply the chronicle. Likely requiring a GM/VO to oversee/initial. Its not perfect, but its a small amount of book-keeping that would likely happen at the first session you attend with the character -- it does mean you might have a small amount of gold you can't pre-spend while building the character.

The other option that feels simple/easy, is when generating a pre-gen based chronicle w/o a built-character ready to receive it, just give an auto-success on earn-income for the level-2 task/reward.


Randy Cronin wrote:

The chronicle sheet for 1-00 scenario says it can be applied at any level 1-5. It's not the general rule, but it's right in this case.

1-00 Chronicle wrote:

Yes, I saw that. However the Society Guide was last updated 9/30/19. The Origins of the Open Road was written some time before that. The Guide is essentially a more recent ruling on how to deal with Pregens and wasn't sure if that trumped the specifics of the scenarios, as newer rules can invalidate older mechanics.

If that's the case then applying Earned Income seems more convoluted. You're telling the GM to sign off on the amount earned at 5h level....but then the player has to figure out what that translates to at some lover level?


Grand Lodge 4/5

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Why wouldn’t you apply the total immediately? You roll the 5th level pregen bonus against the 5th level DCs and then award the failure/success/crit success total for the level of the character receiving it. If it’s being held until the character reaches 5th, it’s the 5th level total, if it’s a 1st level character you apply the 1st level total.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I don't see any long term issues by having specific rulings for specific scenarios.

That's fairly common practice.

It would be nice if the specific ruling for that specific scenario became the general practice.

But if it isn't, it doesn't cause problems for any other scenario.


Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
Why wouldn’t you apply the total immediately? You roll the 5th level pregen bonus against the 5th level DCs and then award the failure/success/crit success total for the level of the character receiving it. If it’s being held until the character reaches 5th, it’s the 5th level total, if it’s a 1st level character you apply the 1st level total.

Uh...I thought you only get to roll for DCs for level -2. And you can choose what level you want to roll at. At 5th level, you can pick a DC for lvl 3, 2, or 1. I'm not sure how you translate that down to a lvl 2 character.

More to the point, you're forcing the player to lock themselves into a decision they might not want to make for 5 levels (that's long time in the PbP timescale) And this is an Intro to PF2, so a player is potentially going to have no clue what they want to do with Downtime for a character they don't have. Alternatively you're saying the only thing you can do with a pregen is rolled Earned Income, which would totally turn me off from playing Pregen-only scenarios.

The most important question that hasn't been answered is why not just do it the same way we do for a GM who has no pregen stats to use? How is that not the most equitable, fair, and new-player friendly way to handle this?

Granted, I think most of the responses are simply trying to apply whats in the Guide book rather than rethink it.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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N N 959 wrote:
The most important question that hasn't been answered is why not just do it the same way we do for a GM who has no pregen stats to use?

*raises hand*

Because the GM has no Pregen stats to use?

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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I really take issue with the claim that this is "forcing the player to lock themselves into a decision".

This is a *bonus* above and beyond what's usually available.

If someone decides not to utilize it, they're not out anything.

It's like showing up to the tail-end of a bake sale, seeing that they're giving away what's left, and not liking what the options are. Nobody's forcing you to eat the coconut macaroons.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

N N 959 wrote:

The most important question that hasn't been answered is why not just do it the same way we do for a GM who has no pregen stats to use? How is that not the most equitable, fair, and new-player friendly way to handle this?

No one who is responding can give you the answer. I think it is fair to say that clarification is needed. I agree with you on how to handle the pregen question.

So can we stop beating this poor dead horse before the local union finds us and wait for the guide to be updated?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

I think it would be easier if GMs and players used the same rule for "held" credit. Deciding how to use downtime and what you earn from it when you apply, not when you assign the chronicle, makes a lot of sense.

Of course in the case of Origins, you would be applying it immediately, and you might not have a character yet. The same applies if you apply pregen credit to a fresh new uncreated L1 character.

Another issue is that someone has to witness the roll. It feels a bit strange to me for the GM to witness their own rolls. I'd be more comfortable using a Take 10 for that.

Another issue is that if you process downtime when you apply a held chronicle, that might be a bunch of held chronicles. For example if you had three chronicles held from when you played a L3 pregen, and you just reach level 3, then you're applying three chronicles. That's a lot of downtime decisions that the GM has to oversee while people are trying to hustle out of the store or to the next slot. But I think most of them could be done "unattended" if you can Take 10 on checks in downtime.

2/5 5/5 **

Lau Bannenberg wrote:
I'd be more comfortable using a Take 10 for that.

Aside from Take 10 not being a mechanic of 2E, that would be an auto-fail for every character with an Int < 12 at 1st, < 14 at 5th, < 16 at 8th, etc. Auto-succeed for the opposite.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Martinsville

The announcement, made rather quickly by John, at Gen Con was to have the Dayjob be for the level of the character that the credit was given to. He quoted the pricing for the level 0 Earned Income with eight days of creds.


Gary Bush wrote:
N N 959 wrote:

The most important question that hasn't been answered is why not just do it the same way we do for a GM who has no pregen stats to use? How is that not the most equitable, fair, and new-player friendly way to handle this?

No one who is responding can give you the answer.
NN wrote:
Granted, I think most of the responses are simply trying to apply whats in the Guide book rather than rethink it.

Yup. It's taken me a bit to figure this out, but the initial responses all sounded as if people knew the answer.

So can we stop beating this poor dead horse before the local union finds us and wait for the guide to be updated?

I think the more notice John/Tony get on this, the more likely it will be addressed. But I'll try and stop repeating the same talking points if that helps.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

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N N 959 wrote:
I think the more notice John/Tony get on this, the more likely it will be addressed. But I'll try and stop repeating the same talking points if that helps.

Yep. But it is Tonya and Linda. John is no longer in the Organized Play area.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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How about we eliminate the saved chronicle aspect. When you play using a pregen, you receive a chronicle that is prorated for the level of your actual character and immediately applied. The wealth mechanic is now a fixed table. If your character is lower level than the pregen (expected otherwise you would have just played the PC) adjust the rewards to applicable levels. Have the player resolve their earned income or crafting using the assigned character’s stats at their level. Any item access or boons are not available until the character reaches a level which would make them legal to have played the scenario.

This can easily be adapted to the GM as well. They receive the maximum gold award applicable to their actual PC’s level. As a reward for GMing for other people, they receive earned income based on an auto success so they don’t need to resolve someone watching them roll. Same goes fo a crafting check. They auto succeed. They give up the chance for a critical success but avoid a failure or crit fail.

Simple. Easy-peasy.

2/5 5/5 *****

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

That doesn't work for a first time PFS player who is using a pre-gen.


NielsenE wrote:
That doesn't work for a first time PFS player who is using a pre-gen.

Or...a GM who hasn't created the character it is to be assigned, right?

2/5 5/5 **

N N 959 wrote:
NielsenE wrote:
That doesn't work for a first time PFS player who is using a pre-gen.

Or...a GM who hasn't created the character it is to be assigned, right?


1/5 5/55/55/5 **

A question about Player Basics/Table 4 (Sword Items) items.

A level 3 character can select "mistform elixir". Should this be a lesser mistform elixir (level 4 item), or possibly infiltrator's elixir (level 2 item), or something else?

1/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Captain, Australia—WA—

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Hopefully, something will come out in writing. When at Skaalcon I asked Tonya about 1-00 earned income specifically because I had seen and heard multiple variants. She consulted (by phone?) with others on the team and the response when I checked back before issuing chronicles was:
1) If being held to apply at 5th level then roll using the pregen's stats and note it on the chronicle.
2) If applying to a current character then roll using the character's stats for their level. (normal game rules)
3) If applying to a character that does not yet exist, hold and roll with the character's stats when actually applying the chronicle.

I simply noted in the downtime box that they could roll for downtime when applying the character and signed it.

4/5 ****

Oh boy, that's different instruction than at GenCon.


2/5 5/5 *****

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'd love to see that incorporated into some official update to the guide or linkable post from Tonya. It sounds fair and understandable.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***


#1 would be a mess if, by the time you applied the Chronicle, you were already in the middle of Crafting something else.

#2 would be hard to do if you didn't have your character with you (which I did not; the table I was GMing folded and I helped make a 1-00 session legal).

I could have guessed his Crafting bonus, I suppose, but that definitely doesn't sound like a sustainable practice for everyone.

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
Laran wrote:
The limits as to what can be purchased conflict in the Player Basics section and the Organized Play Basics (level or lower in one section, level+2 or lower in the other)

This one is a HUGE problem and came up at my tables today when a third level character had a 4th level item and was able to point to the part of the guide that said (in what I think is a typo) that he could buy anything of his level +2. Even though it says something very different elsewhere as noted in the quote.

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It can cause a mess if another GM previously allowed it, agreed. But for your session, with conflicting and contradicting rules at hand, you get to adjudicate which rule stands and which one is a typo in your opinion.

As a compromise, I'd probably rule that the game procedes as if the runes aren't on the weapons, while I send the issue "up the ranks" to my VC to adjudicate whether the characters need to sell the runes (at a loss), don't get to use the weapons until the right level, keep them on runestones in the meantime, backtrack and undo the purchase or - possibly - I'm wrong and they get to keep using them in the next adventure.

But for the current adventure, the GMs decision is the decisive one.

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber

I did exactly that but I am the local VC and am no more aware of a solution or intention for this rule than anyone else.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

On a more general note, something is clearly going very wrong at an organizational level in society at the moment that they have been unable to update and fix the still very much beta-looking guide in more than six weeks, with the previous updates also being mostly cosmetic in nature.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I still think the intention was to follow close to how Starfinder works... So I just follow what the guide says in the section the actually describes purchasing rules not other parts of the guide.

Purchasing Guidelines wrote:

You can always purchase the following items so long as you’re in a settlement of at least 5,000 residents (and scenarios may sometimes provide additional allowances or limitations):

  • Any common equipment in sanctioned Pathfinder content with an item level equal to or less than your character’s level (minimum 2).
  • Any uncommon equipment in sanctioned Pathfinder content with an item level equal to or less than your character’s level (minimum 2); your character must have access to this uncommon equipment such as through meeting its Access condition.
  • Any equipment listed on your character’s Chronicle sheets with an item level equal to or less than your character’s level + 2. Some items found on Chronicle sheets are available for purchase only a limited number of times.
  • Any items and services purchased with Fame.
  • Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

    So you can by any item at your level.

    You can buy uncommon items at your level if you have the Access Condition.

    Items on your chronicle sheet can be bought up to your level +2.

    No limit when using fame.


    numbat1 wrote:

    She consulted (by phone?) with others on the team and the response when I checked back before issuing chronicles was:

    1) If being held to apply at 5th level then roll using the pregen's stats and note it on the chronicle.
    2) If applying to a current character then roll using the character's stats for their level. (normal game rules)
    3) If applying to a character that does not yet exist, hold and roll with the character's stats when actually applying the chronicle.


    Nefreet wrote:


    #1 would be a mess if, by the time you applied the Chronicle, you were already in the middle of Crafting something else.


    2 & 3 are essentially the same thing.

    Why does this have to be more complicated than it needs to be? What is the downside of using 3 in all cases?

    Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

    N N 959 wrote:
    That doesn't work for a first time PFS player who is using a pre-gen.

    Sure it does, they get a 1st level chronicle which is appropriate for their character.

    NielsenE wrote:
    Or...a GM who hasn't created the character it is to be assigned, right?

    Same. If you haven’t created a character, then it’s a 1st level chronicle.

    Again, simple. Easy-peasy

    2/5 5/5 *****

    Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    So you're arguing that a GM can't accumulate an un-made GM-blob (or that if they do they get level 1 gold for all of the blob?)

    Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Personally, although I think I already stated this, I believe the rules for #1-00 are the best practice we've probably ever had. Apply to any character within range, and use the Pregen's stats for the Downtime check.

    Avoids "holding" the Chronicle, worrying about character stats, and worrying about interrupting whatever the character might have been in the middle of doing.

    Please, let's do this going forward. The possible extra cash that you might earn by rolling a crit success isn't overpowering, and will help make these pregen scenarios more attractive.


    Nefreet wrote:
    Avoids "holding" the Chronicle, worrying about character stats, and worrying about interrupting whatever the character might have been in the middle of doing.

    I'm not seeing how that's true if you apply it to a character that is currently in a game from either a multi-session module or Play-by-post. .

    Please, let's do this going forward. The possible extra cash that you might earn by rolling a crit success isn't overpowering, and will help make these pregen scenarios more attractive.

    I disagree. It's more attractive if I can earn the chronicle and applying it without having to make a decision about Downtime until I actually apply it. If people don't have the character, how are they suppose to know what they want to do with the Downtime?

    Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

    Multi-session module or AP isn't a thing right now. There's only Campaign Mode.

    Play-by-Post, yes, you'd have to hold it, but you're going to know what Downtime you're doing, because you roll for that when you sign-in.


    Nefreet wrote:
    Multi-session module or AP isn't a thing right now. There's only Campaign Mode.

    But there's no reason not to future proof the process.

    Play-by-Post, yes, you'd have to hold it, but you're going to know what Downtime you're doing, because you roll for that when you sign-in.

    Where are you getting that?

    I must admit that I'm kind of confused as to why you want to people to have to roll Downtime immediately on pregens.

    Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

    I take it you don't do much PbP?


    lol. 99% of my gaming is PbP

    2/5 5/5 **

    Nefreet wrote:
    Play-by-Post, yes, you'd have to hold it, but you're going to know what Downtime you're doing, because you roll for that when you sign-in.

    You are not going to be holding a Chronicle for a character in PbP because you're in PbP because you cannot run the same character number in two simultaneous sessions. I.e. you cannot be running 2001 in a PbP run of 1-02 and while in the middle of that play 1-03 at a Con with a pregen for credit to be assigned to your 2001.

    EDIT: I just realized what thread I was in. This discussion on this specific topic of downtime on pregens/held chronicles should go to it's own thread so this remains focused on feedback for the guide in function.


    Blake's Tiger wrote:
    You are not going to be holding a Chronicle for a character in PbP because you're in PbP because you cannot run the same character number in two simultaneous sessions. I.e. you cannot be running 2001 in a PbP run of 1-02 and while in the middle of that play 1-03 at a Con with a pregen for credit to be assigned to your 2001.

    Yes, you can be in a situation where you are holding a chronicle. Here's is what the PF2 Guide says:

    Pregens per the PF2 Guide wrote:
    Credit for playing a higher-level pregenerated character must be assigned to a Pathfinder Society character of a lower level than the pregenerated character.

    This means I can play a level 5 Pregen and assign it to a lvl 4 character. When that character reaches lvl 5, the chronicle is applied. That means, if I am crafting something at the end of level 4 and I now apply a level 5 chronicle that I had to roll for Earned Income credit (like months ago) , it could disrupt the crafting or retraining or whatever. But, if I determine the Downtime when I apply the chronicle (as suggested by Lau) then this problem goes away. "Easy-peasy"

    This solution also addresses another problem. If you look at the lvl 1 Pregens, the Crafting/Lore skills are as low as +3 for Harsk and as high as +7 for Ezren. It's not really fair to let the people who play Ezren have double the bonus on the Earned Income check. It makes perfect sense for them to roll using the skills of the character the chronicle is applied to.

    EDIT: I just realized what thread I was in. This discussion on this specific topic of downtime on pregens/held chronicles should go to it's own thread so this remains focused on feedback for the guide in function.

    The fact that the Guide doesn't clearly address this situation is giving feedback on the Guide.

    2/5 5/5 **

    Too large and broken up to quote.

    The situation Nefreet was describing and that I responded to is different than the situation you're describing.

    Bringing up that the guide doesn't address it is appropriate. But we now have 44+ posts specifically on how best it should be implemented, which derails this thread.

    Grand Lodge

    Lau Bannenberg wrote:
    Olav Cleemann wrote:
    When can we expect to have "Pathfinder Lost Omens World Guide" appear on the "Character Options" page - r-options/ ?
    It's still undergoing review. Expect it to take at the very least a couple more weeks. Things are unfortunately a bit hectic.

    Theese weeks have come and gone several times over now. Does anyone have any further insights into this matter?

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