Druid Focus Spells

Rules Discussion

The class says it gets wild morph focus spell for free and the wild shape feat for free (but there's also a wild shape focus spell which is same name but different which I don't quite understand).

I'm not sure how these focus points work, I know I get 1 focus point at level 1. I can use wild morph to use wild claws for 1d6 dmg.

Do I get my focus point back after 10 mins if I use refocus? So I can use focus spells multiple times a day?

When do I gain additional focus points for the druid?

When can I use higher level focus spells?

I'm confused in the focus spell section.

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"The class says it gets wild morph focus spell for free and the wild shape feat for free (but there's also a wild shape focus spell which is same name but different which I don't quite understand)."

The feat grants you access to the spell. It's the only way to get to cast it.

"Do I get my focus point back after 10 mins if I use refocus? So I can use focus spells multiple times a day?"

Yes. Yes.

"When do I gain additional focus points for the druid?"

From Feats that say you do. They seem a little rare for Wild Shapers.

"When can I use higher level focus spells?"

When you take Feats that grant them. They are always heightened to half your level rounded up (like the highest level spell you can cast) so you get to use better animal forms etc.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Also, after you have Refocused, you cannot do so again until you rest or spend Focus. So you can't just Refocus 3 times.

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Pickles Grr wrote:

"When do I gain additional focus points for the druid?"

From Feats that say you do. They seem a little rare for Wild Shapers.

Wors than rare. Try "desperately in need of eratta".

They get 1. You *must* multiclass if you want more than that. Wild order druids reaaaallly need rebalancing.

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BjörnToKill wrote:
Pickles Grr wrote:

"When do I gain additional focus points for the druid?"

From Feats that say you do. They seem a little rare for Wild Shapers.

Wors than rare. Try "desperately in need of eratta".

They get 1. You *must* multiclass if you want more than that. Wild order druids reaaaallly need rebalancing.

You're really only going to be able to wildshape once per fight and even if you did have multiple focus points, you wouldn't be able to refocus more than one of them until level 12. More focus points is definitely not necessary for wildshape druids.

To clarify question one, you get the Wild Morph focus spell, and the Wild Shape feat, and the feat grants you the Wild Shape focus spell. So you get two focus spells in one go, you just pick which you'd like to use in whatever combat you're in.

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BjörnToKill wrote:
They get 1. You *must* multiclass if you want more than that. Wild order druids reaaaallly need rebalancing.

That's not quite true. You can get additional focus points by taking up the focus spell feats of other druid orders via the Order Explorer feat. Which technically isn't multiclassing (more like multi-ordering?) though it can certainly feel that way.

I'm leaning to the opinion that Druids that want to focus on wildshaping are better off starting out as a storm druid.

Storm druids start with 2 focus points, a focus spell that's useful early on and an easier to deal with anathema.

If we feat into the Wild order via order explorer and order magic we get our animal shape *one* level behind a pure wild order druid, and you can kind of bridge the gap at 3 with castings of 'animal form'

Wild morph is frankly terrible from levels 1-3, as a focus point and two actions for what amounts to a pair of short swords (that are missing the versatile trait) isn't a good deal. Spell slots are a more limited resource, but at levels 1-2 Magic weapon and especially Shillelagh completely outshine wild morph.

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