Unconscious Rules Question

Rules Discussion

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Page 459 states that when you are unconscious you take a -4 status penalty to AC, Perception, and Reflex saves and you have the blinded and flat-footed conditions.

The Flat-Footed condition (page 620) states you have a -2 circumstance penalty to AC. Does this technically mean you have a total of -6 to AC?

The use of the word and is confusing because page 444 it states "if you have different types of bonuses that would apply to the same roll, you'll add them all." Page 459 states the -4 from being unconscious is a status penalty and the flat-footed condition says it's a circumstance penalty. According to 444-445, this would mean they would stack.

Being unconscious makes you a lot easier to hit, yes. This stacking is very likely intentional, if I remember the scenario where it occurred in Oblivion Oath.

This seems like it might have slipped through the cracks in terms of them trying to remove nested conditions?

Seems clearly intended to me.

Jason did say they tried to keep the nested conditions to a minimum. But that it couldn't be avoided altogether.

Silver Crusade

Stacking seems like a feature, not a bug.

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Also flatfooted also has a abilities that key off of having it like rogue sneak attacks so that's likely why that one still nests

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