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Just as a counter to the “dislike” thread....
* Thassilon. Well, the Fall of Thassilon, and that the Varisians and Shoanti are the descendants of the two servitor peoples of Thassilon. Definitely like the Shoanti clans, only ai think there should be a lot more...
* Sarkoris, and anything Kellid, especially all the disparate tribal groups scattered and smattered about. The God-Callers get a special mention. I’m looking for all modules, gazzetteers and scenarios involving Sarkoris and Kellids...
* Fleshwarping and Drow. Ok, so Paizo’s treatment of Drow...it’s a little derivative, but the fleshwarping is nice. Because fleshwarping=nice, right? I need to get all of Second Darkness, just for the Drow and fleshwarping.
Ok, I’ll think of some more...

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I’m looking for all modules, gazzetteers and scenarios involving Sarkoris and Kellids...

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Lots of stuff. Qlippoths, tengus, most deities...
Actually really hard for me to answer because my tastes are SUPER wide. I virtually "like" every country for different reasons :P
(Yes, I "like" Isger for being super generic vassal state whose only notable thing is Goblinblood wars, because I think you need to have "boring" locations around for multiple different reasons)

Mikhail Rekun |
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1) Ustalav and all that is within it, but especially the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye. I started gaming in Ravenloft, and Ustalav feels very much like Ravenloft's hip, modern successor.
2) Taldor, and the mixture of politics, arrogance, history, and genuine albeit faded greatness that it has. If I were to live in Golarion, I would be a Taldan.
3) The Test of the Starstone and the stories of the Ascended Gods (Iomedae, Norgorber, and Cayden Cailean). More than any others, they feel like fully realized and complex characters, while at the same time maintaining that 'mythic' quality to them.
4) Psychopomps. I feel profound sympathy for the put-upon bureaucrats who are just trying to make the universe run properly.

UnArcaneElection |
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The deities DON'T depend upon their worshippers for their survival, so it is possible for some of them to be actually Good, unlike in some other settings. Idols have been introduced that do depend upon worshippers, so that role isn't completely unfulfilled, although it needs to be fleshed out.
And sign me up as a fan of the kitchen sink . . . .

Evan Tarlton |

The deities DON'T depend upon their worshippers for their survival, so it is possible for some of them to be actually Good, unlike in some other settings. Idols have been introduced that do depend upon worshippers, so that role isn't completely unfulfilled, although it needs to be fleshed out.
And sign me up as a fan of the kitchen sink . . . .
Are you sure that gods don't need worshippers? I seem to remember that the reason Baba Yaga doesn't pursue divinity is that she would have to deal with worshippers, and she wants as little contact with quote-unquote normal people as possible. Am I remembering it wrong (which, tbqh, wouldn't be the first time)?

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Are you sure that gods don't need worshippers? I seem to remember that the reason Baba Yaga doesn't pursue divinity is that she would have to deal with worshippers, and she wants as little contact with quote-unquote normal people as possible.
Because worshipers manage to simultaneously be annoying voices niggling at the back of your mind at all hours and ungrateful graspers who always want things from you. Baba Yaga likes her solitude, and she hates doing favors (like granting spells). Her not wanting worshipers has nothing to do with not wanting to be dependent on them.

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I REALLY like the some of the newest stuff I've seen, like that half-elves and half-orcs can now have non-human halfs (with your GM's permission)!
It opens up a HECKUVA lot of potential for romances and families on Golarion! :D
Plus it helps dump some of the unfortunately kinda racist baggage that's plagued fantasy stories and games for years.

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I like the fact that one could extrapolate to half-anything without deviating too much.
Tengu. Kobolds. Strix. Lizardfolk. Ganzi.
Yay kobolds! As Kalindlara do eloquently put it, they are "smol dragon friends who are doing their best!" :D

RangerWickett |
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I like the deities, and how their new tenets and anathema can encourage fun cultural nuances. My last campaign had a whole adventure based around the role in daily life of Shelyn's temple.
I like that the new Lost Omens setting might actually increase the importance of Garund, particularly areas that once just bundled together as 'the Mwangi Expanse.'

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I really like the variety.
From the vast city of Absalom, to the untamed wilderness of the Saga Lands and all of the places we have not even explored yet.
With all of the assortments of gods, there is something for everyone.
Monsters and Creatures. Golarion has some of my favorites.
Endless diversity and potential for adventure and stories.

Edward the Necromancer |
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I like Aroden and Iomedae, not because they are Gods of Law. But because after playing DnD and seeing how every other race has THEIR Gods, literally every species/race gets their own special God focused on them, it is nice to see Humanity get some attention.
Building off that, I DO like how even though there are Racial Gods, these Gods are still willing to branch out. Torag for instance has many human worshipers, dispite the fact that Torag is the head of the Dwarven Pantheon.

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I really love the setting and how they try to pull in nearly all genres
I like how they've kind of compartmentalized the genre elements. Ustalav is as Ravenlofty as it gets, but if you don't care for that, next door are Druma or Mendev or Numeria which are *nothing* like it. Love guns? Alkenstar! Not a fan of guns in your fantasy? They aren't real big outside of Alkenstar. Goblins are whacky fun, and if you don't care for them, there are places all over Golarion where they are practically non-existent, and the local humanoid threats are gnolls or whatever.
That sort of thing really gives the GM some power to pick and choose what elements they like, while also trying to make sure that they've got 'something for everyone,' in a sense.


Numeria. So tropey it's delicious.
Sandpoint. It feels very contained, yet full of possibilities and there's so much support for it, both officially (including one particularly awesome painting of it that was shown off in the blog) and in the RotR forums.
The Harrow. Not an amazing stretch from Tarot-derivative, but still very nice, and it works well in-game.
Uruxi. Finally!

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Building off that, I DO like how even though there are Racial Gods, these Gods are still willing to branch out. Torag for instance has many human worshipers, dispite the fact that Torag is the head of the Dwarven Pantheon.
That seems less like the god branching out and more like worshippers opting in.