101 Character Concepts before PF2

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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101! Target reached!
NightTrace ended not only Qundle but also this thread. :)

I guess that's it. Funny enough we got to 101 in 100 posts, with post 101 declaring victory.

rainzax wrote:


Jakoby and Ro
Human Criminal Ranger
Eagle Animal Companion
Golfbag of Weapons
Dedicated Spellcaster Disrupter
Plans on Multiclass into Bard

Verdant Wheel

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There more details

Liberty's Edge

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Ancestry and Class Breakdown:


Alchemist: 0
Barbarian: 5
Bard: 14
Champion: 11
Cleric: 11
Druid: 4
Fighter: 10
Monk: 15
Ranger: 6
Rogue: 12
Sorcerer: 6
Wizard: 5


Dwarf: 4
Elf: 17
Gnome: 4
Goblin: 10
Halfling: 4
Human: 42

Half Orc: 6
Half Elf: 1
Lizardfolk: 2


Nine characters were listed without Ancestry, while one was listed without a Class, so these numbers should be off a tad. I may also have missed a character or two entirely.

Half Elf and Half Orc are not counted in the Human total.

I'm surprised by the lack of Alchemists.

Deadmanwalking wrote:

Ancestry and Class Breakdown:


Alchemist: 0
Barbarian: 5
Bard: 14
Champion: 11
Cleric: 11
Druid: 4
Fighter: 10
Monk: 15
Ranger: 6
Rogue: 12
Sorcerer: 6
Wizard: 5


Dwarf: 4
Elf: 17
Gnome: 4
Goblin: 10
Halfling: 4
Human: 42

Half Orc: 6
Half Elf: 1
Lizardfolk: 2


Nine characters were listed without Ancestry, while one was listed without a Class, so these numbers should be off a tad. I may also have missed a character or two entirely.

Half Elf and Half Orc are not counted in the Human total.

I'm surprised by the lack of Alchemists.

Huh... The total lack of Alchemists IS interesting. I don't know if any other data points jumps out as an outlier (for instance, it makes sense that humans would be vastly more popular), but not a single alchemist in a (not enourmously rigorous but decently sized) survey is interesting indeed.


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Oh, I did my alchemist concept back during the playtest character concepts thread. Sorry!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I won't have my books until GenCon and I know Alchemist changed a ton so I left it alone :P

I had alchemist as a multiclass on one of them, though not sure that was counted in the count there. But I'd think no alchemists given the changes to the class, but yeah, was surprised at the lack of them and the lack of half-elves. Literally only 1. Still, very interesting where Ll those numbers landed, and I think 42% humans is a bit better than the 25% we saw earlier for the person who was worried there may not be enough humans in the adventuring party lol

Not enough humans in the adventuring party? As if there aren't already enough humans everywhere! :P

Liberty's Edge

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I didn't count multiclasses, just primary Class.

And it's actually more like 47% Human, as due to several people not posting Ancestries, it's only a sample of 90, rather than 100.

And I can definitely understand wanting to see the final version, I'm just surprised to see zero Alchemists. A few less than other Classes wouldn't have surprised me, but zero did.

The other slightly surprising number was the number of Elves. That's higher than I was expecting (people like Elves a lot, I guess...though apparently not Half Elves). Half Orcs were also a tad higher than I expected. Which is neat for me since I like Half Orcs.

Goblins being as high as they are I more or less expected due to novelty value alone.

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I think people need to play the new Alchemists a bit first before they can imagine concepts.

I'm more baffled by bard losing to monk of all classes! :O

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masda_gib wrote:

I think people need to play the new Alchemists a bit first before they can imagine concepts.

I'm more baffled by bard losing to monk of all classes! :O

As one of the people that threw in a monk character concept earlier in this thread, I definitely feel like monk will *flavorfully* enjoy the three action system the most. Personally it just seemed so easy to picture using actions to go between stances and deliver sweeping kicks into a flurry of attacks before disengaging.

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AvalonRellen wrote:
masda_gib wrote:

I think people need to play the new Alchemists a bit first before they can imagine concepts.

I'm more baffled by bard losing to monk of all classes! :O

As one of the people that threw in a monk character concept earlier in this thread, I definitely feel like monk will *flavorfully* enjoy the three action system the most. Personally it just seemed so easy to picture using actions to go between stances and deliver sweeping kicks into a flurry of attacks before disengaging.

Yeah! I also think that the Monk class will cry tears of joy in PF2. Finally able to be the mobile striker it was always told it is but was sabotaged by the full-attack system.

Honestly Pf2 boosted all the martials quite a bit, like letting fighters move into position for charges, give barbarians all day rages, monks 3 actions, and rangers... well, we'll see. Im surprised at the number of rangers too, which seemed a bit underwhelming in the playtest. But yeah, if you hit things, you've got a good thing going on in pf2.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
TheGoofyGE3K wrote:
Im surprised at the number of rangers too, which seemed a bit underwhelming in the playtest. But yeah, if you hit things, you've got a good thing going on in pf2.

I don't have my book until GenCon pickup, but during the playtest Ranger really jumped out to me as one of the better martial options if you're wanting to multi-class. Either using Ranger as the base platform and MCing elsewhere for pickups or MCing *into* Ranger.

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I want to retroactively add another Entry in honor of my Grandfather who passed just a few hours ago.

Number 102:
Name: Willhelm 'Willy' Wiemann
ABC: Human/Laborer/Bard
He tried always to be cheerful around his companions and wasn't about making a jest now and then on his own expanses. An Incorrigable Sweet tooth even though it was not exactly good for his health.
May his adventures last forever, you will be missed.

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