Dyslexic Character Sheets

Product Discussion

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I've been working on this since the playtest was announced, and I'm finally ready to preview it. Here's a character sheet for

Dyslexic Character Sheets for Pathfinder Second Edition - Preview

It's still a work in progress, but when it's finished it'll feature:

  • Separate pages for each class (I was doing it before it was cool)
  • Space for your ancestry, background, feats etc
  • Your character portrait, chosen from a long list or upload your own
  • Extra pages for spellbooks, animal companions, etc
  • Minis to cut out and play
  • Pages for GMs: maps, NPCs etc
  • 100% free and open source

Discussion thread in the appropriate forum here

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I like the way you did the proficiency rank indicator! And that it have the same look (shape) as your alignment. :P

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Dotting for when can view on laptop/pc...

Awesome! Glad to know my favorite character sheets will support the new edition.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Excellent, thanks for sharing.

Dark Archive

Nice job. Thanks for sharing.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Here's the second public preview:

Silver Tooth Flynn, Human Monk Pirate

In this case, we have a pirate monk with the dragon stance. The Pirate archetype isn't in the final book, so this is based off the playtest version combined with the official monk.

Q: When will this be available?
There's still a lot of work still to do - I only just got the book, after all. My rough goal is to get it ready by the end of 2019, but that's not a fixed deadline.

Q: Will it cost anything?
No. This is free and open source.

Q: Where can I follow progress on the project?
On Facebook, Patreon or GitHub Patrons get regular previews and behind the scenes access.

Q: Are you still supporting Pathfinder First Edition?
The existing character sheets for 1st Edition aren't going away, but I'm not going to be adding anything new to them either. I just don't have the time to do everything.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Here's the next preview:

Fizzlepop, Gnome Rogue Bard

I'm still rearranging things every few days, so nothing's set in stone yet. Feedback is appreciated, though.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

These are phenominal and I am about 87% sure that I probably used a character sheet from you for PF1 because they also were phenomenal. I can't wait until they are finalized.

Roll20 Community Manager

Oh wow, these are beautiful. Nice job!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm still working on the class-specific details and the mechanism for building your own, but to give you something to play with right now, here's a generic classless character sheet in five colours:

- Magenta - Blue - Teal - Lime - Orange -

Are these actually for people with dyslexia? Or is that just the name?

Loving the character sheets and am excited for the eventual full roll-out.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
John Lynch 106 wrote:
Are these actually for people with dyslexia? Or is that just the name?

It's just a name, but I have looked into what people with dyslexia need, and I continue to try and improve.

For example, I've looked at both the practice and the evidence for dyslexic fonts, and found both lacking. Experiments find that, even when users stated a preference for dyslexic fonts, they didn't show a notable improved reading ability.

The most important thing you can do to make life easier for dyslexic readers is simply to reduce the amount they have to read. This lines up with the approach I've taken all along. Long sections of text are broken down into punchy statements using the minimum number of words. That's good for everyone, not just for dyslexic users.

The new version of the character sheets is planned to offer two accessible modes: High Contrast, which uses strong black on white rather than subtler colours; and Large Print, which makes everything bigger (adjusting layouts and skipping elements if necessary). I may also add a Dyslexic version that turn off the all-caps styles and inverts the header colours to make them easier to read.

Fair enough :)

Scarab Sages

Sweet, can't wait. You make the best character sheets.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The next preview:


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The next preview:


I realise it's been three months since I last posted an update here. That's because I've been hard at work putting in ALL the data. Patrons now have access to all the classes, all the subclasses, all the ancestries and heritages, everything from the core rulebook.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The next preview:

(and in Italian)

The design of these is getting better and better. It's taking a long time, but I really think they're going to be amazing.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks for sharing these great looking sheets!

These look fantastic, I loved your 1E char sheets, and had a hard time finding a replacement for 2E (I eventually found one that I like a lot, but it doesn't have the STYLE that you work has). I'm so glad these are back, and am super excited to get my hands on the finished product

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After 18 months of work, Dyslexic Character Sheets for Pathfinder Second Edition have reached a state I'm happy to call Alpha!

I now want your help finding things to fix. As a preview, here are character sheets for Paizo's 12 pregenerated characters.

Patrons get to build any character they like, but this is the final patrons-only release. The next release will be a public beta, which everyone gets to try.

The Alpha also has the latest Italian translations.

Looking at Sajam's sheet, I found some things that should be changed:

1- There are no Free Action 5-ft steps anymore you can take between actions. There's only the 1-action Step that don't trigger reactions.

2- Stance Savant was corrected in the batch of Errata. It was changed from a Reaction to a Free Action.

3- There's no "Fierce Flurry" 9th level Monk Feature anymore. The only things a monk gains at that level are Metal Strikes, Monk Expertise, Skill Increase and Ancestry Feat.

Otherwise, the character sheet is looking amazing. The Combat Style specially it's even better than before.

Love and use the sheets for PF1, am looking forward to the final PF2 sheets, thanks!

Reference pages say:

< AC/DC - 10 -> critical failure

should be: <= ('less or equal') AC/DC -10 -> critical failure

a 15 on a dc 25 check is a critical failure, there are only 9 steps for regular failure.

charissi wrote:

Love and use the sheets for PF1, am looking forward to the final PF2 sheets, thanks!

Reference pages say:

< AC/DC - 10 -> critical failure

should be: <= ('less or equal') AC/DC -10 -> critical failure

a 15 on a dc 25 check is a critical failure, there are only 9 steps for regular failure.

Are you sure? On p445 it says, "if you fail a check by 10 or more, that's a critical failure."

Aren't you two saying the same thing?

Grankless wrote:
Aren't you two saying the same thing?

Not quite.

The interpretation I've got on the sheet says that, for a DC or AC of 25, values from 15-24 are failures (10 steps) and values from 14 down are critical failures.

Charissi suggests that values from 16-24 are failures (9 steps) and values from 15 down are critical failures.

I'm honestly not certain which is right.

As you point out, page 445 says "if you fail a check by 10 or more"

With a DC of 25, the following are true:
24 is a failure by 1
20 is a failure by 5
15 is a failure by 10 (so is a critical failure)
14 and anything lower is the "or more" part

Because you count downward from the target to determine how many you have failed by.

This has been discussed before - at great length - without much of a conclusion. I really don't want to end up with another five pages of pointless argument here, so please don't chip in unless you have actual evidence from Paizo devs that provides an answer to the question.

So.. is there a specific disagreement you have with anything I stated, or a reason you can explain for why you believe it doesn't match to what is said in the book... or?

25-10=15. 15 is ten less than 25. I literally don't know why anyone has debated this.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Shrink Laureate wrote:
This has been discussed before - at great length - without much of a conclusion. I really don't want to end up with another five pages of pointless argument here, so please don't chip in unless you have actual evidence from Paizo devs that provides an answer to the question.

Looks to me like the very last post in that thread has a conclusive answer from a Paizo dev. In a game that Jason Bulmahn was DMing, for a DC 12 flat check, a 2 would have been considered a critical failure.

25-10=15. 15 is ten less than 25. I literally don't know why anyone has debated this.

The question is whether it's a "<" or a "≤". At only a quick reading, people can be forgiven for coming away with either interpretation, so don't be quick to blame anyone. It takes a more careful reading, and looking for other sources - like a brief mention of it in a random video - to be certain which version is intended, and I've seen both versions used in actual play.

Paizo could have been a lot clearer. But it does look as if they intend it to be "≤", so I've changed the sheet.

Now let's please drop the subject.

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