Early reveals

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

So, with Oblivion Oath soon to begin, we are going to have an early look at the final rules. For example, we will finally see what final form the dying rules are going to take, most likely in session 1.

What are you guys looking forward to see?

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I hope someone picks a ranger so we will see how that one plays.

Also I'm curious if there will be a situation where a character has some use for a skill feat. Not one that just saves you from crit fails but a use that is enabled by a skill feat.

Envoy's Alliance

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I'd love to see how spells have changed! I want to see how some staple spells that were missing from the playtest feel like, how durations have been massaged into a better form, and so on.

I'd also like to see how magic items exist without resonance. I did like how resonance allowed us to have a common pool of magic item usages so that we didn't have to track daily use charges on thirty different things. Personally I'd like to see "usable N times per day" to go away.

Also would love to see what they came up with for wands.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Thomas the Gank Engine wrote:
I did like how resonance allowed us to have a common pool of magic item usages so that we didn't have to track daily use charges on thirty different things. Personally I'd like to see "usable N times per day" to go away.

Rabble rabble pitchfork etc.

Thomas the Gank Engine wrote:
Also would love to see what they came up with for wands.

Same here. I really, really wanted to see some kind of "boost certain spells casted with this wand" type thing. Like metamagic rods focused on modifying specific spells.

Thomas the Gank Engine wrote:

I'd love to see how spells have changed! I want to see how some staple spells that were missing from the playtest feel like, how durations have been massaged into a better form, and so on.

I'd also like to see how magic items exist without resonance. I did like how resonance allowed us to have a common pool of magic item usages so that we didn't have to track daily use charges on thirty different things. Personally I'd like to see "usable N times per day" to go away.

Also would love to see what they came up with for wands.

Guaranteed to see some of this, since the 1 char already revealed is a Wizard.

Liberty's Edge

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In theory there might be some reveals from GaryCon this weekend, if anyone happens to sit at one of Jason's tables and posts about it.

Silver Crusade

Shisumo wrote:
In theory there might be some reveals from GaryCon this weekend, if anyone happens to sit at one of Jason's tables and posts about it.

Really hoping something turns up. Also haven't had a chance to watch Erik on tonight's Twitch stream so don't know if we'll learn anything from that

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Joe M. wrote:
Shisumo wrote:
In theory there might be some reveals from GaryCon this weekend, if anyone happens to sit at one of Jason's tables and posts about it.
Really hoping something turns up. Also haven't had a chance to watch Erik on tonight's Twitch stream so don't know if we'll learn anything from that

There wasn't a whole lot of truly new rules stuff from what I recall, but I'm going back right now and quickly skimming to try to remember stuff. I'll probably miss stuff and I'm skipping over what's been announced elsewhere previously. Mostly product lineup info:

  • Work on making it more readable and easier to cross reference.
  • Some of the extra page count going to flavor text, but also making things easier to follow, as well as a lot more options for pretty much everything: spells, feats, treasure, etc.
  • "There's a whole secret chapter in the book I don't really want to talk about."
  • Those are indeed the new kobolds on the bestiary, they're trying to do more of the look redesign like they did early on with Paizo's version of goblins.
  • Says the Lost Omens World Guide might be more like the old Gazateer than the Inner Sea World Guide.
  • The nations are split into 10 regions based on geography and themes.
  • Absalom and it's island gets it's own section just like those other 10 regions
  • Each region has an archetype. Many are versions of things we've seen before, but some aren't.
  • Mwangi Expanse more presented from it's inhabitants instead of outsiders.
  • The two sided poster map has one that has less information and is more artistic, as the Player's Side. And the other is more the GM's side with more exacting placement, usable for travel distances and the like.
    Potential Age of Ashes Spoilers:
    Age of ashes starts in a town that would be on a direct line between Gallowspire and Absalom, implying the Whispering Tyrant helped kick things off by rampaging through. Also that the PCs find a portal network in the basement that goes to places throughout the campaign setting, including to places outside the map that haven't been explored but have been often asked for (my guess is Arcadia). The main plot involves a conspiracy to release a massive flight of dragons loose on the world.

  • Fall of Plaguestone works kind of as an introductory adventure. PCs start as caravan guards and then there's a murder mystery about who killed the caravan master.
  • Fall of Plaguestone also shines a light on alchemy.
  • GM screen is landscape format.
  • Next to the death of dying rules is a picture of Fumbus full of arrows, so goblin haters can see dead goblin.
  • This is a portrait format screen too with different art, but that's a Paizo.com exclusive.
  • Combat pad not much changed, just a few quality of life changes, made to work with the new number ranges and rebrands it for PF2.
  • Character Sheet Pack is different than the Character Folio in that it's got custom sheets for each class instead of being a deep dive into one character.

From the Q and A

  • Modified ancestries so you get more out of it at first level.
  • Heritages not tied to the world, but more generic. But later books might have more setting connected ones.
  • Character sheet isn't quite done yet, but close. It's going back to a portrait style sheet. The one in some Oblivion Oath photos is a draft.
  • World guide expected to be released quarterly, 128 page hardcovers.
  • Mostly known monsters in the Bestiary, but some new and variant creatures, like individual write-ups for different Cave Worms such as the Purple Worm, Crimson and Black Worms were the examples given.
  • Rules all still OGLed
  • They aren't 100% sure on the format of a conversion guide, but one is expected.

So yeah, not a whole lot about the rules. Mostly just the brief bit about ancestries getting more, but he followed that by going into Heritages, so I'm not sure if it's changed from the update, or he's just talking about changes form the original version. I'm hoping it's still more at first level than even in the updates.

Liberty's Edge

I wonder about the secret chapter. Maybe a description on how to easily customize the nuts and bolts to better fit your setting or your mood / style of gameplay, such as using the rarity system or getting rid of alignment.

The Raven Black wrote:
I wonder about the secret chapter. Maybe a description on how to easily customize the nuts and bolts to better fit your setting or your mood / style of gameplay, such as using the rarity system or getting rid of alignment.

Yeah. Could be all sorts of things. Off the top of my head I can think of several. A new subsystem that wsn't playtested? Gm advice? Optional/alternative rules? Brief setting overview? A sample adventure? The monster creation rules? The possibilities are so open and the information so limited, that it's hard to say.

It's probably not conversion rules because Mona said he wasn't sure what format those would take, so it sounds like they're not going to be in the CRB. A whole new subsystem of some sort probably not very likely. What would it be? And if it's all new, then why not include it in the playtest? A GM advice section would be useful, but that's a pretty standard kind of thing in RPG books. And traditionally, Paizo has been putting those in other books like the Gamemastery Guide. Setting overview could be useful, but worth the extra page count? Maybe not. So the two I'm thinking are most likely are the Alternative Rules, Monster creation rules or sample adventure/example of play. There are a sizeable number of people who have been unhappy with the direction things are going, so giving some alternative rules to make things feel more like PF1 might be a way to keep them on board. The monster rules are something we know are coming, but from what I recall it's been said that they won't be in the Bestiary, but will come very soon. So maybe in the core book itself. That's soon and not in the Bestiary. And the sample adventure or gameplay example would make sense with the emphasis on making things easy for new players to pick up.

That's my wild speculation. Although given my track record with such things, it's probably something I didn't even think of.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm interested in what was meant by the new version of kobold. Anyone know what that means?

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
WatersLethe wrote:
I'm interested in what was meant by the new version of kobold. Anyone know what that means?

I believe that's just a reference to the way they look in the new art (see the cover of the new Bestiary for an example).

rooneg wrote:
WatersLethe wrote:
I'm interested in what was meant by the new version of kobold. Anyone know what that means?
I believe that's just a reference to the way they look in the new art (see the cover of the new Bestiary for an example).

Yeah. The art style, not some in game change to them. They seem to be making an effort to lock down the "Fathfinder look" of more things, kind of like how they did with goblins and ogres way back in Rise of the Runelords.

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Doktor Weasel wrote:
rooneg wrote:
WatersLethe wrote:
I'm interested in what was meant by the new version of kobold. Anyone know what that means?
I believe that's just a reference to the way they look in the new art (see the cover of the new Bestiary for an example).
Yeah. The art style, not some in game change to them. They seem to be making an effort to lock down the "Fathfinder look" of more things, kind of like how they did with goblins and ogres way back in Rise of the Runelords.

Though the "Pathfinder look" to goblins and ogres was more than just the art design. At least for goblins, it established them as the little psychopaths we've come to love. That wasn't the old D&D take on goblins.

Yeah, in D&D as was, goblins were what you threw at the party when they weren't high enough level to face orcs.

Paizo took goblins and added awesome to make Pathfinder goblins - little red-eyed, oval-headed psychopaths who'll burn down your home for fun while singing about it.

Honestly, it was love at first sight. I bought every module of that AP and never looked back.

3 points. Skill feats, skill feats, and skill feats.

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I think most of these creatures at this point have their tendencies pretty fleshed out on Golarion. Not all of them are as unique as goblins and ogres, though. Like, Golarion hobgoblins don't seem that different from D&D hobgoblins. but they've now done an entire adventure path about them being the consummate LE soldiers. So changing their look a bit may be the only option left to leave the ol' Paizo stamp on them.

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