Hero Lab Online Society Data

Pathfinder Society

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Please allow Lone Wolf to release a Society data package for Hero Lab Online. They have said in their forums that they have requested permission but have not received approval.

Thank you


Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative

Hello Ed,

Thanks for your post! I've moved it from the Customer Service forum, since it is a bit outside our wheelhouse. However, I've let the relevant folks know about this post, and hopefully they should be able to work with you on this.


5/5 5/55/55/5

WHat exactly is a society data package?

Grand Lodge

Basically the AR data...so HLO knows what is or is not legal for PFS.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/55/55/5 *** Venture-Captain, Australia—NSW—Greater West

Does it include the society only races? Trying to build a Mormalaw in HLO is painful

Dataphiles 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

I agree with this. Please work this out!

Also, this should be in the SFS forum, please.

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Manager

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We are in discussions with Hero Lab about integrating more Org Play info into HeroLab, but there are quite a few hurdles that need to be jumped on both sides before it can happen. At this point, we've identified some tasks that would need to be accomplished and are waiting for feasibility decisions from all parties involved.

Dataphiles 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

Thanks for the update!

I have been asking Lonewolf for more Society content for years. It started with requests for more PFS Stuff in Hero Lab Classic, but that never materialized.

Grand Lodge 4/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Columbia

Having the opportunity to use HeroLab to construct Society legal characters effortlessly would be wonderful.

4/5 ***** Venture-Lieutenant, Maryland—Hagerstown

The only hard part that I have trouble with is recreating scenario specific items available from chronicles.

Dataphiles 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

Two relevant posts on Lone Wolf's forums about HLO Starfinder and Starfinder Society support...

Product Suggestion: Starfinder Society Season 1:http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=60091

Morlamaw Creation Problems:http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=60627

Vice President, Lone Wolf Development

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Tonya Woldridge wrote:
We are in discussions with Hero Lab about integrating more Org Play info into HeroLab, but there are quite a few hurdles that need to be jumped on both sides before it can happen. At this point, we've identified some tasks that would need to be accomplished and are waiting for feasibility decisions from all parties involved.

Hey Tonya!

If there's something you need from us please let us know, to our knowledge we are still waiting for a decision on the matter from your end, so if we've missed a communication somewhere absolutely reach out and let me know. I'd love to see SFS stuff available in Hero Lab!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Agent, Georgia—Atlanta

Any word on the status of this?

+1 to this. Herolab is so nice to use and being able to use SFS stuff in Herolab would be wonderful!

The Exchange 5/5

I agree, Society play desperately needs to integrated with Hero Lab.

Grand Lodge 4/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Columbia

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Not if HLO is going to charge us for each book and a subscription at the same time.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Florida—Melbourne

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While I like the boon slotting system, it becomes increasing difficult to manage as you accumulate more and more boons throughout your character's career. We desperately need an electronic tool for boon slotting. Allowing Hero Lab to create such a tool would be absolutely fabulous.

Grand Lodge 2/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Well, given that all preview of Chronicles, and the Free RPG one too, have a reprinted "HEROLAB CODE" box, something is afoot...

Scarab Sages 4/5

Xathos of Varisia wrote:
Not if HLO is going to charge us for each book and a subscription at the same time.

Does anyone know what HL's model for PF2 is going to be? I saw they're taking preorders. I would consider signing up, since it won't mean buying a bunch of old sources like with PF1. I could never get past the core set, as I'd have to drop several hundred dollars to get all the sources my PFS1 characters use.

But if PF2 is just going to be a monthly subscription all in, I'd consider that. If it's purchase individual sources, I'll be less likely. And if it's both, as Xathos's message indicates, I'll definitely not be signing up.

4/5 ****

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I think it's both. You need to buy sources and pay a monthly fee to retain access to them.

Grand Lodge

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Currently it is both, that and the fact that it is useless if you don't have internet access means I will never use HLO.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

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I would need to dig into the Community Use Policy (and applicable law) to be sure, but I think enterprising players could build their own electronic boon tracker.

Presuming the “HeroLab Code” box is going to contain a unique identifier for each scenario to make the boons appear for that character, there’s no technical reason a free tracker couldn’t reference the same codes.

Personally I’ll probably stay analog, but a fair amount of people would probably like a digital tracker/slotter.

1/5 5/5

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I had HLO for the better part of a year for Starfinder.

1. It wouldn't print anything remotely decently in Firefox. (A known feature, their 'workaround' was 'well, just use Chrome').

2. It required a LOT of custom entry for chronicle notes, even moreso than HLC.

3. It didn't work for me because the venues I was at did not have the bandwidth to support the O portion of Online, and my tablet refused to do an off-line version.

4. Others have commented about the Pay, and then Pay Rent issue.

5. When it is easier to write out everything by hand than use the modern resource, something is wrong.

6. The playtest was even more painful.

This is why I stopped using HLO and while not discouraging folks from going for it, I'm definitely not *encouraging* folks to try it.

If it becomes a staple of PFS 2.0, then PFS 2.0 may not be a thing for me, sadly, until it gets HeroLab Classic Support.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Florida—Melbourne

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

I had HLO for the better part of a year for Starfinder.

1. It wouldn't print anything remotely decently in Firefox. (A known feature, their 'workaround' was 'well, just use Chrome').

I don't know why it took them so long to do this, but they have finally gotten the print feature to essentially print PDF character sheets that look just like the character sheets printed by the offline version of Hero Lab, including breaking it down into Character Sheet, Abilities, Spells, etc. This is a major improvement that makes it much easier to use this on a device when you have no online connection as you can at least pull up a readable character sheet on your device if exported the print file while you had access. Though, again, I don't know why it took them over a year to do this.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

At least the Morlamaw problem should be solved when they add Alien Archive 3. Though the picture shown at Paizocon wasn't nearly colorful enough.

3/5 **


1/5 5/5

Huh, haven't received any notification of AA3 yet, and I've a subscription...

4/5 5/5 ***

Alien Archive 3 product page

Dataphiles 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

Posted a mention of this thread on the Hero Lab Online forums on the Lone Wolf site.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

I had HLO for the better part of a year for Starfinder.

1. It wouldn't print anything remotely decently in Firefox. (A known feature, their 'workaround' was 'well, just use Chrome').

It is not Lone wolfs job to fix firefox's print feature. They did end up creating a work around by printing to PDF.


3. It didn't work for me because the venues I was at did not have the bandwidth to support the O portion of Online, and my tablet refused to do an off-line version.

Bandwith requirement is very low, but yeah, if you play where there is no internet you won't find much use, luckily I have never encountered this problem.


4. Others have commented about the Pay, and then Pay Rent issue.

What would be a good alternative to ensure that:

1. Paizo gets paid for the content
2. LW gets paid to create the dataset for the content
3. LW can afford to maintain the servers? (currently $2 month is what it costs)

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Lone wolf makes thier money when they sell us the core for 34.95 and when they sell us the addons that each person has to own for 12.95.. currently With the core and the 2 alien archives and the pact world and the dead suns expansion you will have dropped over 100 dollars per person on hero labs... I am not bashing thier model.. but warning to all... there is zero offline method of using the program... and when the subscription kicks in that will be 100 for the content and 25 a y eq ar just to have access the content you have purchased.. dont want a subscription.. bye bye content... meaning you cant even create characters for offline play with out resubscribing... a lot if people dont mind this model.. just be aware of the cost up front.. it's a good program... just understand there is no offline use and you will have to purchase all content and keep an active subscription or your content goes bye bye.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
msbranin wrote:
Lone wolf makes thier money when they sell us the core for 34.95 and when they sell us the addons that each person has to own for 12.95.. currently With the core and the 2 alien archives and the pact world and the dead suns expansion you will have dropped over 100 dollars per person on hero labs... I am not bashing thier model.. but warning to all... there is zero offline method of using the program... and when the subscription kicks in that will be 100 for the content and 25 a y eq ar just to have access the content you have purchased.. dont want a subscription.. bye bye content... meaning you cant even create characters for offline play with out resubscribing... a lot if people dont mind this model.. just be aware of the cost up front.. it's a good program... just understand there is no offline use and you will have to purchase all content and keep an active subscription or your content goes bye bye.

Yes they make the money when they sell the addons, a portion (half?) goes to Paizo for licensing, but let's say there is a product (like PF1, which is coming to HLO) that will no longer have new products, what pays for the server maintenance for those users in perpetuity?

There really is no way around not charging a subscription fee for an online service, unless you want banner ads...

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The solution for PF1 is simple.. You use classic, It does not require an online service nor does it require an active internet connection, and as you said, No more new products. There always options for not having to go to a nickel and dime you to death online always service. The solution to Starfinder is a bit more difficult but there are other options out there that do not cost an arm and a leg and do not require a monthly service fee just to use your purchased content. My post more is to let others know what they are getting into beforehand. Research and make sure that you know the cost upfront. If you can afford it and do not mind it, then Hero lab is awesome.

The Exchange 1/5 5/5 ***

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I like HLO. Its has been great for Starfinder and the longer its out, like anything, the more user friendly and polished it has become. I'm excited to get my PF2 stuff switched from Playtest. Can't wait!

Grand Lodge

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I currently use HLC for PF1 and PCGen for Starfinder.

PCGen isn't as refined, but it is free, and does a pretty good job for the price.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

From the outside, it looks like Lone Wolf Development is trying to move to a different business model. Instead of selling character creation tools to individual players one-by-one they want to be a one-stop shop for a gaming group to get all their campaign management tools.

It might be a good business model, and might be a good deal for a fair number of groups, but it’s rubbing people who just want the character creation tools (many PFS/SFS players) the wrong way.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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Or you could just grab a piece of paper, a pencil and your math skills and manage your character with the truly classic program. It’s free and doesn’t need online access, though it can suffer from bouts of drunken system crashes and the need for the occasional restroom break. Otherwise, it has been pretty damn efficient for 45 years.

1/5 5/5

Bob Jonquet wrote:
Or you could just grab a piece of paper, a pencil and your math skills and manage your character with the truly classic program. It’s free and doesn’t need online access, though it can suffer from bouts of drunken system crashes and the need for the occasional restroom break. Otherwise, it has been pretty damn efficient for 45 years.

Also may run into concerns of 'bad math skills', 'poor reading comprehension skills', and the ever popular 'What was I working on again?'

That being said, it does help curb the alt-itis a bit. :>

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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Its certainly the perspective of an ol' grognard who may be known to yell at minors to "get off my lawn" but maybe we wouldn't have so many bad math skills, and reading comprehension problems if people weren't addicted to using technology as a crutch. Don't ask people when was the last time you read a book without pictures or did long division. You might be mildly shocked and disappointed at the range of answers. :-D

Bob Jonquet wrote:
Or you could just grab a piece of paper, a pencil and your math skills and manage your character with the truly classic program. It’s free and doesn’t need online access, though it can suffer from bouts of drunken system crashes and the need for the occasional restroom break. Otherwise, it has been pretty damn efficient for 45 years.

Of course the system it was most used with for at least the first 20 or so of those years had a lot less moving parts for character design. Much simpler to do by hand.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Florida—Melbourne

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Well, certainly if we hadn't moved away from using stone tablets and cuneiform we would have stronger hand muscles and we wouldn't have to worry about the dog eating our character sheets.

Dark Archive 4/5 Venture-Captain, Online—VTT

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As part of the Online region and a big proponent of the benefits that technology can bring to our hobby, especially in terms of access to other players, I'd simply note that there's a world of difference between a tool and a crutch. I'll avoid speculating too deeply as to why parts of the world have issues with math whilst other parts don't but I suspect investment in school systems might be more likely a culprit than anything else.

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It's also not generally basic math skills that drive me to use chargen software.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Richard Lowe wrote:
As part of the Online region and a big proponent of the benefits that technology can bring to our hobby, especially in terms of access to other players, I'd simply note that there's a world of difference between a tool and a crutch. I'll avoid speculating too deeply as to why parts of the world have issues with math whilst other parts don't but I suspect investment in school systems might be more likely a culprit than anything else.

Despite aspersions cast on certain educational systems (which tend to fall into the damned lies parts of statistics more than anything else) the problem isn't adding 1.5 X + something it's tracking down where all the numbers are coming from and what they mean.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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Sheesh folks, let’s not forget the little smiling emoticon at the end of the comment. Obviously it was meant to poke a little fun. Not be a hard line condemnation of our society. Ease up and laugh a little. :-D

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Bob Jonquet wrote:
Sheesh folks, let’s not forget the little smiling emoticon at the end of the comment. Obviously it was meant to poke a little fun. Not be a hard line condemnation of our society. Ease up and laugh a little. :-D

But we want to hate on you Bob! It is fun!

Dataphiles 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

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July check in on ... HLO improvements and Society Data packages. I want to pay people money for this, to make my life easier.

Silver Crusade 3/5 **

This would be helpful/

3/5 Venture-Agent, Georgia—Atlanta

Following. Sure would like HLO to support not just Additional Resources but chronicle boons.


Any headway on this? I got me a walrus Solarian to make. Coo-Coo-Cachoo

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