This is the discussion thread for two campaigns:

GM Worg's Gallows of Madness Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Society Subscriber | Venture Agent

Tears at Bitter Manor Gameplay tab can be found here.

I kept the Discussion Tab the same.

Grand Lodge

Human Ranger (Guide) 1/ Wizard (Wood) 7 | AC (17)/13/11| CMD 18 | HP 69/69 | F+9, R+8, ,W+8 | Init+6,Perc +12 | Ranger Focus 1/day |

Ninja dotted the gameplay thread!

Silver Crusade

Male CG Half-Orc (Molthuni) Warpriest of Gorum (Molthuni Arsenal Chaplain) 9 | HP 66/66| AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | CMB +12, CMD 23 | F: +13, R: +9, W: +15 | Init: +1 | Heal +11, Perc: +17, SM: +16 | Speed 20ft | Blessing (War): 7/7 | Sacred Weapon: 9/9 | Spells: 1st 6/6 2nd 5/5 3rd 4/4 | Fervor 8/8 | Reroll 1/1 | Active conditions: None

Upgrading MW cold iron tongi to +1 and MW full plate to +1 reliquary full plate.

Sovereign Court

Female Human, Taldane Marquise Myvanwie Jadrine Keostela Hetherington Swashbuckler 5 / Bard 2 | HP 64 / 64 | AC 25/18/19 | F+9 R+18 W+11 (+4 vs sonic; +2 charmed life) | Init+7 | Perception+11

Oh, yes.

Mivvy did some shopping, I will list ASAP

Mainly a buckler and sword enchanted.

Silver Crusade

Male CG Half-Orc (Molthuni) Warpriest of Gorum (Molthuni Arsenal Chaplain) 9 | HP 66/66| AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | CMB +12, CMD 23 | F: +13, R: +9, W: +15 | Init: +1 | Heal +11, Perc: +17, SM: +16 | Speed 20ft | Blessing (War): 7/7 | Sacred Weapon: 9/9 | Spells: 1st 6/6 2nd 5/5 3rd 4/4 | Fervor 8/8 | Reroll 1/1 | Active conditions: None

That cold iron cost stings a bit, but it's well deserved after that goop.

Sovereign Court

Female Human, Taldane Marquise Myvanwie Jadrine Keostela Hetherington Swashbuckler 5 / Bard 2 | HP 64 / 64 | AC 25/18/19 | F+9 R+18 W+11 (+4 vs sonic; +2 charmed life) | Init+7 | Perception+11

I went for basic cold-iron back up weapon to keep the cost down.

Grand Lodge

Female CG Kitsune Nine-Tailed Heir/6 | AC 13, T 12, FF 11 | 38/38 hp | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +2 | Percep 0 | CMD 13

I'll be doing my scroll shopping later today, I think, but if anyone wants to put in a request, I can afford any scroll I can cast from at this point, and I'm happy to grab anything y'all might find useful!

Grand Lodge

Female CG Kitsune Nine-Tailed Heir/6 | AC 13, T 12, FF 11 | 38/38 hp | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +2 | Percep 0 | CMD 13

Here's what I'm buyin'! Tell me if any of these are Very Bad Ideas, or if there are any Very Good Ideas I'm missing. Thought process being "we usually won't need these, but when we need 'em we'll REALLY need 'em."

Kasumi Scrolls

0th Level

1st Level
Ant Haul
2 Comprehend Languages
Endure Elements
Keep Watch
Magic Weapon
Memory Lapse
Reduce Person
Enlarge Person
Rune Trace
Speak Local Language
Touch of the Sea

2nd Level
Alter Self
Bull's Strength
Make Whole

Liberty's Edge

The Slithering Maps


Why Bull's Strength in particular is my only question.

Grand Lodge

Female CG Kitsune Nine-Tailed Heir/6 | AC 13, T 12, FF 11 | 38/38 hp | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +2 | Percep 0 | CMD 13

Good question! Combination of factors, there:

-Our STR-oriented characters get a nice, sturdy buff to attack, damage (especially if they decide to 2H something), breaking down doors, carrying stuff (though Ant Haul kind of covers that one), etc. for about the length of a combat (or maybe 2 combats, if we're "lucky")
-DEX is a nice one (and with Mivvy and Fen, probably not a bad idea!), good boost to AC and Reflex; probably just as valid as Bull's Strength, tbh
-If I'm using CON for the temp HP, there are better ways to do that, and it's a weird roundabout way of getting a higher Fort save otherwise
-Not sure any of the mental scores are worth a level 2 scroll for a momentary boost

BUT if I'm terribly wrong on this, let me know!

Grand Lodge

Female CG Kitsune Nine-Tailed Heir/6 | AC 13, T 12, FF 11 | 38/38 hp | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +2 | Percep 0 | CMD 13

Oh, now I remember! Dex bonus is all well and good but wouldn’t apply to AC for those who are already at the limits of their armor!

Sovereign Court

Female Human, Taldane Marquise Myvanwie Jadrine Keostela Hetherington Swashbuckler 5 / Bard 2 | HP 64 / 64 | AC 25/18/19 | F+9 R+18 W+11 (+4 vs sonic; +2 charmed life) | Init+7 | Perception+11

I'm not sure about enlarge person on a scroll: I guess it can give reach vs enemies with reach and lots of AoO.

Otherwise, it's a standard combat spell rather than a utility option.

Grand Lodge

Female CG Kitsune Nine-Tailed Heir/6 | AC 13, T 12, FF 11 | 38/38 hp | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +2 | Percep 0 | CMD 13

I actually meant to run that by the group—does anyone want to be enlarged on the regular? I’ll admit that the size change spells are personal favorites of mine, but this group doesn’t have anyone that makes me go, “Oh, OBVIOUSLY this girl is begging to be a giant woman.”

Silver Crusade

Male CG Half-Orc (Molthuni) Warpriest of Gorum (Molthuni Arsenal Chaplain) 9 | HP 66/66| AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | CMB +12, CMD 23 | F: +13, R: +9, W: +15 | Init: +1 | Heal +11, Perc: +17, SM: +16 | Speed 20ft | Blessing (War): 7/7 | Sacred Weapon: 9/9 | Spells: 1st 6/6 2nd 5/5 3rd 4/4 | Fervor 8/8 | Reroll 1/1 | Active conditions: None

As you said, it's handy, but Urzaia has plenty of buffs without it.

Liberty's Edge

HP 33 l AC 20 (T 15/FF 15) l F +6, R +8, W+8 (+2 vs enchantments) l Ini +8 l Perc +13

A Large Urzala would be interesting for sure, a bit of a lowered AC but that can be off set with a Cat's Grace

Grand Lodge

Female CG Kitsune Nine-Tailed Heir/6 | AC 13, T 12, FF 11 | 38/38 hp | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +2 | Percep 0 | CMD 13

Or a casting of... one of those various Shield spells. Would be cheaper, I think!

Grand Lodge

Female CG Kitsune Nine-Tailed Heir/6 | AC 13, T 12, FF 11 | 38/38 hp | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +2 | Percep 0 | CMD 13

That Quarterstaff is on my list... as soon as this wand runs dry. Which might be around the same time as I can afford it :P (not even sure I can buy it right yet with Fame requirements, but soon!)

Liberty's Edge

The Slithering Maps

I put that staff on my character I put all the Gallows Chronicles on as a Cleric of Nethys Aasimar with negative channeling.

Because he is an Aasimar, the build is entirely offensive without disrupting the party. Took the feats for Channeled Force, which allows me to single target with my channel and push or pull my target 5ft/2 dice of channel each time they fail.

Tactic; Long range with the staff, buff the team, fly overhead and blast bad guys with channel to force them up 10ft (eventually) and drop them.

Sovereign Court

Female Human, Taldane Marquise Myvanwie Jadrine Keostela Hetherington Swashbuckler 5 / Bard 2 | HP 64 / 64 | AC 25/18/19 | F+9 R+18 W+11 (+4 vs sonic; +2 charmed life) | Init+7 | Perception+11

My plan for Mivvy has allways been for her to gradually change from CN to CG. With this more heroic module, I think she will be ready soon.

Do I have to re-train to change alignment?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Slithering Maps

No, just piss me off the right way and I'll force feed it :P lol
GM can change someone's alignment based on how they act.

Silver Crusade

Male CG Half-Orc (Molthuni) Warpriest of Gorum (Molthuni Arsenal Chaplain) 9 | HP 66/66| AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | CMB +12, CMD 23 | F: +13, R: +9, W: +15 | Init: +1 | Heal +11, Perc: +17, SM: +16 | Speed 20ft | Blessing (War): 7/7 | Sacred Weapon: 9/9 | Spells: 1st 6/6 2nd 5/5 3rd 4/4 | Fervor 8/8 | Reroll 1/1 | Active conditions: None

We have one door left down here, assuming it doesn't lead into anything. Hit that, then upstairs?

Grand Lodge

Female CG Kitsune Nine-Tailed Heir/6 | AC 13, T 12, FF 11 | 38/38 hp | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +2 | Percep 0 | CMD 13

Works for me!

Grand Lodge

Female CG Kitsune Nine-Tailed Heir/6 | AC 13, T 12, FF 11 | 38/38 hp | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +2 | Percep 0 | CMD 13

So, this sucks!

Sovereign Court

Female Human, Taldane Marquise Myvanwie Jadrine Keostela Hetherington Swashbuckler 5 / Bard 2 | HP 64 / 64 | AC 25/18/19 | F+9 R+18 W+11 (+4 vs sonic; +2 charmed life) | Init+7 | Perception+11

We are totally cramped up. Hopefully we can overwhelm Red and Kasumi can 5ft step out of flanking.
Then we can use the cramped conditions to shield the vulnerable characters and turn the flanking tables.

Liberty's Edge

The Slithering Maps

Munches popcorn.

Silver Crusade

Male CG Half-Orc (Molthuni) Warpriest of Gorum (Molthuni Arsenal Chaplain) 9 | HP 66/66| AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | CMB +12, CMD 23 | F: +13, R: +9, W: +15 | Init: +1 | Heal +11, Perc: +17, SM: +16 | Speed 20ft | Blessing (War): 7/7 | Sacred Weapon: 9/9 | Spells: 1st 6/6 2nd 5/5 3rd 4/4 | Fervor 8/8 | Reroll 1/1 | Active conditions: None

Everyone remembered their oils, right?

Grand Lodge

Female CG Kitsune Nine-Tailed Heir/6 | AC 13, T 12, FF 11 | 38/38 hp | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +2 | Percep 0 | CMD 13

I have a single scroll of Magic Weapon, if we can smuggle me out of AoO range a bit.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Society Subscriber | Venture Agent

Hey everyone. Just letting you all know tomorrow I will be getting my eyes checked to determine if there is or isn't a tumor. May be partially blind for a while. Will not be posting tomorrow.

Grand Lodge

Female CG Kitsune Nine-Tailed Heir/6 | AC 13, T 12, FF 11 | 38/38 hp | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +2 | Percep 0 | CMD 13

Oh snap—May everything go as well as it possibly can!

Sovereign Court

Female Human, Taldane Marquise Myvanwie Jadrine Keostela Hetherington Swashbuckler 5 / Bard 2 | HP 64 / 64 | AC 25/18/19 | F+9 R+18 W+11 (+4 vs sonic; +2 charmed life) | Init+7 | Perception+11

Oh, man... I hope that goes well.

Grand Lodge

Human Ranger (Guide) 1/ Wizard (Wood) 7 | AC (17)/13/11| CMD 18 | HP 69/69 | F+9, R+8, ,W+8 | Init+6,Perc +12 | Ranger Focus 1/day |

Thoughts to you, GM! Hope everything turns out good!

Silver Crusade

Male CG Half-Orc (Molthuni) Warpriest of Gorum (Molthuni Arsenal Chaplain) 9 | HP 66/66| AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | CMB +12, CMD 23 | F: +13, R: +9, W: +15 | Init: +1 | Heal +11, Perc: +17, SM: +16 | Speed 20ft | Blessing (War): 7/7 | Sacred Weapon: 9/9 | Spells: 1st 6/6 2nd 5/5 3rd 4/4 | Fervor 8/8 | Reroll 1/1 | Active conditions: None

Best of luck to you

Liberty's Edge

HP 33 l AC 20 (T 15/FF 15) l F +6, R +8, W+8 (+2 vs enchantments) l Ini +8 l Perc +13

So that imposes a 50% miss chance? Good luck man hopefully you get the All Clear.

Grand Lodge

Female CG Kitsune Nine-Tailed Heir/6 | AC 13, T 12, FF 11 | 38/38 hp | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +2 | Percep 0 | CMD 13

Would Magic Weapon bypass the DR in this case? I've never been high enough level to worry about this before :P

Silver Crusade

Male CG Half-Orc (Molthuni) Warpriest of Gorum (Molthuni Arsenal Chaplain) 9 | HP 66/66| AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | CMB +12, CMD 23 | F: +13, R: +9, W: +15 | Init: +1 | Heal +11, Perc: +17, SM: +16 | Speed 20ft | Blessing (War): 7/7 | Sacred Weapon: 9/9 | Spells: 1st 6/6 2nd 5/5 3rd 4/4 | Fervor 8/8 | Reroll 1/1 | Active conditions: None

Kasumi, in this case the weapon can be no magical as long as it is either silver or good.

Good is just harder to do without magic.

Grand Lodge

Female CG Kitsune Nine-Tailed Heir/6 | AC 13, T 12, FF 11 | 38/38 hp | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +2 | Percep 0 | CMD 13

"Good" mostly just means "A Paladin is swinging it," as far as nonmagic weapons go, yeah?

So if, say, you had bog-standard dagger, and I used my Scroll of Magic Weapon on it, would it bypass that DR?

And if so, who forgot their Oil of Bless Weapon and needs Auntie Kasumi to throw a little arcane force on their rapier/whip/cool axe thing/greatsword/whatever Riti uses?

Liberty's Edge

HP 33 l AC 20 (T 15/FF 15) l F +6, R +8, W+8 (+2 vs enchantments) l Ini +8 l Perc +13

I will be applying it to my Whip because it is slashing

Silver Crusade

Male CG Half-Orc (Molthuni) Warpriest of Gorum (Molthuni Arsenal Chaplain) 9 | HP 66/66| AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | CMB +12, CMD 23 | F: +13, R: +9, W: +15 | Init: +1 | Heal +11, Perc: +17, SM: +16 | Speed 20ft | Blessing (War): 7/7 | Sacred Weapon: 9/9 | Spells: 1st 6/6 2nd 5/5 3rd 4/4 | Fervor 8/8 | Reroll 1/1 | Active conditions: None

Unfortunately just adding magic and being a good person isn't enough. The weapon itself had to be good. Something like bless weapon, holy, or a celestial blood rage power is needed.

Grand Lodge

Female CG Kitsune Nine-Tailed Heir/6 | AC 13, T 12, FF 11 | 38/38 hp | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +2 | Percep 0 | CMD 13

Gotcha-- wasn't sure if it'd bypass the Silver requirement instead.

Time for fanciness, then!

Silver Crusade

Male CG Half-Orc (Molthuni) Warpriest of Gorum (Molthuni Arsenal Chaplain) 9 | HP 66/66| AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | CMB +12, CMD 23 | F: +13, R: +9, W: +15 | Init: +1 | Heal +11, Perc: +17, SM: +16 | Speed 20ft | Blessing (War): 7/7 | Sacred Weapon: 9/9 | Spells: 1st 6/6 2nd 5/5 3rd 4/4 | Fervor 8/8 | Reroll 1/1 | Active conditions: None

Ah. Nope, need a +3 enhancement bonus for a weapon to bypass silver and cold iron. +4 for adamantine. +5 for alignments.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Society Subscriber | Venture Agent

So my vision is back, but posting takes some patience. Staring at white screens of Excel and of Paizo's site hurts my still sensitive bleached eyes. Posting may be slower, but will resume today.

Grand Lodge

Female CG Kitsune Nine-Tailed Heir/6 | AC 13, T 12, FF 11 | 38/38 hp | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +2 | Percep 0 | CMD 13

We completely understand if you need to take a break!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Society Subscriber | Venture Agent

I appreciate the patience.

Liberty's Edge

HP 33 l AC 20 (T 15/FF 15) l F +6, R +8, W+8 (+2 vs enchantments) l Ini +8 l Perc +13

Fen will offer rest and recuperation in the house of Calistria

Sovereign Court

Female Human, Taldane Marquise Myvanwie Jadrine Keostela Hetherington Swashbuckler 5 / Bard 2 | HP 64 / 64 | AC 25/18/19 | F+9 R+18 W+11 (+4 vs sonic; +2 charmed life) | Init+7 | Perception+11

Good news, Worg. Take your time: health is much more important.

Silver Crusade

Male CG Half-Orc (Molthuni) Warpriest of Gorum (Molthuni Arsenal Chaplain) 9 | HP 66/66| AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | CMB +12, CMD 23 | F: +13, R: +9, W: +15 | Init: +1 | Heal +11, Perc: +17, SM: +16 | Speed 20ft | Blessing (War): 7/7 | Sacred Weapon: 9/9 | Spells: 1st 6/6 2nd 5/5 3rd 4/4 | Fervor 8/8 | Reroll 1/1 | Active conditions: None

Favored class bonus finally pays off next level. I'm debating between these two to go with Vital Strike.

Grand Lodge

Female CG Kitsune Nine-Tailed Heir/6 | AC 13, T 12, FF 11 | 38/38 hp | Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +6| Init +2 | Percep 0 | CMD 13

As much as I love winter and ice-themed abilities, I'd say the Faerie Strike option is very much useful.

Might be biased based on recent events, though...

Sovereign Court

Female Human, Taldane Marquise Myvanwie Jadrine Keostela Hetherington Swashbuckler 5 / Bard 2 | HP 64 / 64 | AC 25/18/19 | F+9 R+18 W+11 (+4 vs sonic; +2 charmed life) | Init+7 | Perception+11

Faerie Strike

Winter Strike


Winter Strike is only useful if you don't want them to run away.

Or, if you can find a way to stack another fatigue to make them exhausted.

Faerie Fire is much more useful to shut down invisibility, blur etc.

Silver Crusade

Male CG Half-Orc (Molthuni) Warpriest of Gorum (Molthuni Arsenal Chaplain) 9 | HP 66/66| AC 25 T 11 FF 24 | CMB +12, CMD 23 | F: +13, R: +9, W: +15 | Init: +1 | Heal +11, Perc: +17, SM: +16 | Speed 20ft | Blessing (War): 7/7 | Sacred Weapon: 9/9 | Spells: 1st 6/6 2nd 5/5 3rd 4/4 | Fervor 8/8 | Reroll 1/1 | Active conditions: None

Urzaia is aiming for all sorts of vital Strike fun. I have a handful of feats tagged to go with it.

Liberty's Edge

HP 33 l AC 20 (T 15/FF 15) l F +6, R +8, W+8 (+2 vs enchantments) l Ini +8 l Perc +13

I have never noticed those feat chains before, that winter one would be fun with a magus to do some crazy conditions.

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