DM Talomyr's Kingmaker Re-Recruitment


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Hello all. My ongoing (albeit at a leisurely pace) Kingmaker game is in need of front line melee combatant. The party is currently level 3 but will soon be level 4 and on their way to face the Stag Lord.

Prior experience with the Kingmaker AP is not a deal breaker as long as you are capable of separating player knowledge from character knowledge. Kingmaker has been out for quite a while and I imagine a lot of folks have played at least pieces of it before. With that being said, I will be altering (and have been altering) enough things here and there that prior knowledge may not necessarily be all that helpful.

Character generation:

Abilities: 25 point buy

Sources Available: Paizo published only. NO 3RD PARTY. Unchained versions only for the Barbarian, Rogue, and Summoner. Monk can be either Unchained or Core. With the Unchained Barbarian being the default, all Rage-like abilities will default to the Unchained Mechanics (i.e. a bloodragers bloodrage etc.)

Traits: Two, one must be a Kingmaker campaign trait. You may take a drawback for an additional trait if you would like, but be prepared to play said drawback.

Races: I have a strong preference for Core races, but may be willing to accept one "oddball". Please feel free to ask about a race in this thread or via PM before spend too much time building a a character of a non-core race.

Alignment: I place minimal emphasis on alignment. That being said, your character should be a good team player, regardless of alignment. I've seen too many games over the years go by the wayside due to party infighting.

Background Skills from Unchained are in play.

We will be using the Kingdom system from Ultimate Campaign / Ultimate Rulership.

The Downtime systems from UC will be in play as desired.

The characters will start at third level and 5,000 gp to equip their characters. No more than half of your money may be spent on any one item.

Completed submissions need to be mechanically complete with a brief background story, short character description (including a few notes about the character's personality).

You will not necessarily need an alias with a completed stat-block unless you are selected.

Map sare handled on a combination of (Combat) and Google Docs (Hex Map and eventually Kingdom Map).

Recruitment will be open for 1 week (closing 8:00 PM CST January 21, 2019), unless sufficient applications are received before then. If recruitment is to be closed early, a 24 hour warning will be given.

Here is a link to the current gameplay thread to see if this game matches your tastes or not before applying.

The party currently consists of:

Human Female Cleric of Erastil
Gnome Male Unchained Rogue
Elf Male Feral Hunter
Human Male Wood Elemental Wizard
Human Male Unchained Scaled Fist Monk/Sorcerer

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask either in this thread or via PM.


Mind if I dot in? New to the boards. Not new to RPGs


You are certainly welcome to dot in and create a submission.

Grand Lodge

How do you feel about the Samurai?

I'm not entirely opposed. Sell me on why a samurai would be in Brevoy/The Stolen Lands.

Thank you. Would you consider a hobgoblin? I am thinking to go Barbarian non-the-less

While I won't say no right off the bat, I do state in the first post that I have a strong preference for the core races. You are welcome to try a hobgoblin, but you will need to come up with a very compelling story for that race choice.

No worries. I'll make a core race barbarian

This is Garidan. He played in another game that died and is looking for new employment. He's a shield bash slayer and trapfinder.

Need to add an updated backstory and check with your Chargen rules.

Grand Archive

I'm interested in applying with a monk of some kind. Do you have a current idea of how to introduce our character? Are they heading to Oleg's trading post as another adventurer or does the party find them somewhere else?

@zer0darkfire - As the group has just returned to Oleg's, I will very likely have the new character meet up with the existing party there. The reasons for the new character to be at Oleg's is something that can be discussed.

How long/short would you like the background of the character to be?

The background doesn't have to be real long, just long enough to get a sense of who the character is. Maybe a paragraph or two would be sufficient.

I'm not going to penalize anyone that wants to write a longer, more detailed background, but it won't necessarily be a benefit either. Looking for quality over quantity.

I understand that you haven't quite reached the whole kingdom management aspect of the game yet, but has the party considered what leadership roles the members want to take?

I'm asking so as to avoid any party friction down the line. Were I to submit a frontlining battle cleric for example, with the intent of him/her eventually becoming high priest of the new nation, that might not jive with the other cleric in the party.

@Red Heat - I don't believe they have discussed that in any sort of detail. I have asked that question of the existing party and will let you know more when I know more.

Grand Lodge

So why the Samurai.

Bohdi came from Tain Xia, once a raw recruit in the nations army. He trained as hard as everyone else, not seeking to be extraordinary but to be as excellent as those around him. Training came easy as he had practiced with a sword for so long with his father and uncle's. Eventually making it into the army Bohdi went on many patrols, once day he came across some bandits with his patrol, Bohdi was sent back for reinforcements, Bodhi was way laid by a spirit in the woods. Another patrol happened upon him as he was heading back to his own patrol, the others thought he helped to ambush his patrol.

Bohdi fled the area with all he had, making his way to the western shore, working as a mercenary for a while before gaining passage west. Hearing of these "Stolen Lands" and how Brevory wished to reclaim them, Bodhi made his way there, coming to late for the initial party selecting Bodhi was told to just venture out and find a group to join if possible.

I think the Samurai will fit in because they are honorable and can be a good addition to any party. My character won't be mounted and would find a "tank" roll well.


Strong in body and spirit he is a warrior of his tribe. A protector and hunter. He is tasked to look after those who can not look after themselves. He can be very blunt but he tries to be mindful of what he says. Not that he succeeds often, but he tries. Long black hair, many scars, one of them seems to have almost taken his left eye. He prefers large weapons. And he is always eager to join in on a fight. Be it a brawl or mortal combat. One does not back down from a fight. And having orc blood makes him even more so inclined than most

Wreck hails from the Man-Eater clan, and no, it's not what one would think if you hear the name. Their clan totem is that of a tiger. Strong. Expert hunter and not afraid of his enemies. As a proud warrior of his clan, he was tasked to hunt down the one responsible for ordering a raid on his people. Unsuccessfull as it was, his chief still decreed that even a failed attempt needs to be punished as they take such attacks as an insult and a challenge. And as their Totem Beast does not back down, neither will they

So here he is in what the locals call the stolen lands, trying to find the one called "The Stag Lord"

That reasoning works for me.

As a side note, you may want to have a rank or two in weapon-smith or armorer if you intend to stick with eastern flavored weaponry and armor as you are not too likely to find such things in the Stolen Lands.

Grand Lodge

Which is fair, he would keep the Katana but wear the full plate of the Western countries

can one begin with 1 crafted item?

What is the item in question?

I decided against, but here is the build for Wreck


Half-orc unchained barbarian (invulnerable rager, beast totem) 3 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide, 79, Pathfinder Unchained 8)
CG Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9 (+11 on sight based checks)
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 32 (3d12+6)
Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +5
Defensive Abilities sacred tattoo[APG]; DR 1/—, 2/lethal; Resist extreme endurance
Speed 40 ft.
Melee (L) +1 falcata +5 (2d6+10/19-20/×3) or
. . dagger +6 (1d4+6/19-20)
Ranged mwk orc hornbow +6 (2d6/×3)
Special Attacks rage (13 rounds/day), rage power (lesser beast totem[APG])
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 9
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 19
Feats Endurance, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (falcata), Power Attack
Traits deadeye, fate's favored, pioneer
Skills Acrobatics +2 (+6 to jump), Climb +8, Craft (armor) +8, Handle Animal +5, Knowledge (nature) +6, Perception +9 (+11 on sight based checks), Survival +8, Swim +9
Languages Common, Orc
SQ fast movement, orc blood, unlearned
Other Gear +1 mithral chain shirt, +1 falcata[APG], arrows (20), dagger, mwk orc hornbow, bedroll, belt pouch, canteen[UE], fishhook (2), flint and steel, masterwork armorsmithing tools, masterwork backpack[APG], mug/tankard, sewing needle, signal whistle, small tent, string or twine[APG], thread (50 ft.), trail rations (7), waterskin, whetstone, 6 gp
Special Abilities
Beast Totem, Lesser (Su) Gain 2 d6 claw attacks while raging
Damage Reduction (1/-) You have Damage Reduction against all attacks.
Damage Reduction (2/lethal) You have Damage Reduction against non-lethal damage
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Extreme Endurance (Fire) (Ex) At 3rd level, the invulnerable rager is inured to either hot or cold climate effects (choose one) as if using endure elements. In addition, the barbarian gains 1 point of fire or cold resistance for every three levels beyond 3rd. This ability
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Rage (Unchained, 13 rounds/day) (Ex) As a free action, gain temp hp, bonus to melee att/dam, thrown dam, will saves, but AC penalty and limited actions. 1 min fatigue when ended.
Sacred Tattoo +1 to all saves.
Unlearned (Knowledge [nature]) You cannot attempt untrained checks with knowledge skills other than the one selected.

Silver Crusade

dotting .

Thinking a cavalier, however... would a hellknight of the order of the nail be acceptable? He would still be an aspiring hellknight due to level 4, and he would be LN. His primary goal would be to bring civilization and law to the untamed and wild lands of the stolen land.

I think the existing group would be reluctant to bring a Hellknight aspirant in, particularly the given the typically over-bearing nature of the Order of the Nail and their thoughts on Chelish culture being superior to everything else.

That being said, if any of my current players would like to dispute those thoughts, feel free to do so.

Grand Archive

If I joined, I'd be bringing in a Monk/Paladin/Champion of Irori, but I think I'm going to be a little too busy to feel comfortable joining. Thanks for the consideration though.

Withdrawing my application

GM, any input on Wreck? Just curious

@BloodPaw - I'll take a closer look later tonight.

At first glance you need to take a drawback to gain a third trait. How did you come across a falcata to train with it in the first place? Not saying you can't have it, but it seems to be an odd weapon choice for a barbarian given the falcata's place as a Taldoran noble's blade in the setting.

I'm building a Human Warpriest (sacred fist) of Gorum. I'm hoping the background will be up tonight or tomorrow morning.

I took the "Unlearned" drawback.

I can add to my story that his father perhaps had a duel or a fight with said noble and the weapon was the prize. As he grew up he trained with said weapon and eventually had one made for him and being still very young, bigger is better

Silver Crusade

hellknights can be a little overbearing, but IIRC nothing says that it has to be chelish civilization, just civilization in general is enough for them (though it is likely they would want a structure similiar to cheliax, or absalom, or even taldane)

If the nail is the crux of the matter, would one of the godclaw work? The members here worship a mix of Abadar, Iomeade, Asmodeous, Torag, and Irori. As before he would seek to instill law and civilization, though now fueled by divine cause rather than the cause of man. again, likely LN.

I'm asking merely because I haven't had a chance to play a hellknight sadly so am a bit itching to try one.

From Archieves of Nethys:

Order of the Nail Hellknights idealize the civilized society of southern Avistan and seek to unite all people in advancing that cultural baseline. In fact, the Order of the Nail’s members preach that anyone who doesn’t embrace Chelish culture is a criminal and heathen who must be destroyed. The order’s members idealize the lifestyles and challenges of frontier settlers, no matter the displacement, indignation, or cruelty they might visit on those who were there before.

Order of the Godclaw would be more palatable, but I will still defer to my existing players on the matter of a Hellknight. I just do not want to get into a situation where I:

1) Drive off an existing player or
2) Tell you a Hellknight is fine and the party makes your life more difficult than need be.

Silver Crusade

see, thats very different than the PFSRD, I don't reference archives either, so likely is why I missed that and I did not recall that bit from reading over them in the inner sea setting book. So I mistook it to be culture as in societal standards, apologies. I can understand the two issues, its precisely why I'm asking and seeing if there is even a chance for it. Though, I'm unsure if an order of the cockatrice cavalier or paladin would be that much better haha.

issue number 1 wouldn't be a problem on my end, as I doubt the hellknight would get the "baron" title, and would for the most part follow any "final" decisions. (assuming that a player gets the "leader" roll)

order of nail PFSRD:

Order of the Nail Hell Knights idealize civilized societies and seek to unite all people in advancing that cultural baseline. In fact, the Order of the Nail’s members preach that anyone who doesn’t embrace their own culture is a criminal and heathen who must be destroyed. The order’s members idealize the lifestyles and challenges of frontier settlers, no matter the displacement, indignation, or cruelty they might visit on those who were there before.

Symbol: thick nails forming a sunburst

Members: frontiersmen, settlers, victims of barbarian and monster attacks

Armor Features: breastplate emblazoned with a fiendish face, horned helm

Favored Weapon: lance or halberd

Reckoning: Pierce your flesh with sharp metal. Gain a +4 bonus on Knowledge (geography) checks. Additionally, if you are trained in Knowledge (geography), you automatically succeed at attempts to use that skill to identify a creature’s ethnicity or accent, as long as you are familiar with that ethnicity or accent.


I will strike against civilization’s foes, braving both thicket and darkness.
I will rid the world of threats to civilization and make it fit for the law to flourish.
I will fear no creature, though the enemies of order are terrible.
I will not be merciful, though the enemies of order may bear familiar guises—and may even be individuals I have considered dear.
I will seek allies and advantage, confounding luck with wisdom.
I will be the face that monsters dread: fierce, sharp, and unflinching.

basically, if you and your players think it possible, I'd write something up for you/them to look over and see if they would fit, if roughly, in. I'd rather godclaw probably at this point.

I also had a thought of a hellknight aspirant seeking to found his own lesser order, perhaps one similar to the the nail, but instead of forcing a specific culture, they work to bring order and law, and "culture" to all "uncivilized" lands, they don't care particularly about the people running it, only that strict regulations etc are in place and enforced?

there are already several lesser orders that seem to hint this is possible.

I was thinking of making a paladin for the campaign. What are your feelings about Leadership and the Noble Scion prestige class?

Leadership is fine, in fact I've been kicking around the idea of granting it as a bonus feat to my PCs for this campaign - still undecided on that at the moment.

Noble Scion is fine as long you have the background to match it.

Yeah. The one-sentence background is Paladin of Abadar from Taldor, third son of his house.

Grand Lodge

Bohdi crunch:

Human (Tian-Sing) samurai (sword saint) 3 ( Pathfinder Player Companion: Dragon Empires Primer ,
Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 18)
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +6; Senses Perception +4
AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 19 (+9 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 31 (3d10+9)
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +3
Defensive Abilities resolve 2/day
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)

Melee mwk katana +8 (1d8+4/18-20)

Special Attacks brutal slash, challenge 1/day (+3 damage, gain DR 1/- vs. target), iajutsu strike, weapon expertise (katana)
Str 17, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 16

Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 17

Feats Dazzling Display, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (katana)

Traits brigand, servitor of spirits (tian xia)

Skills Acrobatics -4 (-8 to jump), Climb +4, Diplomacy +9, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (history) +7, Knowledge (local) +4, Knowledge (nobility) +7 (+8 to checks relating to the nobles or politics of your land), Perception +4, Sense Motive +7; Racial Modifiers brigand, honor in all things

Languages Common, Elven, Minatan, Tien

SQ order of the warrior UC

Combat Gear potion of cure light wounds (2), potion of enlarge person ; Other Gear mwk full plate, arrows (20), mwk katana UC, cracked dusty rose prism ioun stone , bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, masterwork backpack APG, mess kit UE, pot, silk rope (50 ft.), soap, torch (4), trail rations (5), waterskin, 283 gp, 3 cp
Special Abilities
Brutal Slash +1 (Ex) Gain a bonus to confirm Iajutsu Strike criticals.

Dazzling Display (Katana) Intimidate check to demoralize can affect those within 30' who see you.

Honor in All Things (1/day) (Ex) Gain +4 morale bonus to Save or Skill check.

Iajutsu Strike +2d6/-4 AC (Full-round) (Ex) Draw sword as strike challenged foe for extra dam, but take
AC penalty for 1 rd. You can use this once per foe, each day.

Resolve (2/day) (Ex) Your resolve can remove effects or reroll saves.

Warrior's Challenge +3 (1/day) (Ex) +3 to damage target, -2 AC vs. others when used, DR 1/- against
attacks from challenge target.

Weapon Expertise (Katana) (Ex) You can quick draw the chosen weapon, and gain +2 to confirm critical hits.

Silver Crusade

well, It was mostly a desire to try out the hellkngiht prestige class more than anything really, though I do enjoy the idea of a more lawbound character. I had considered taking leadership to show him having "founded" his order as well.

Though, if that seems too much for you, I could do it with a cavalier instead? He would be LN, LG, or NG(trending to lawful aspect). If I did this, I have a character that, with minor tweaking, would likely be a good fit. However, would you be okay with me starting with a (non combatant "companion") griffon? With the plan to take monstrous mount at level 5?

The idea was he found it as a baby griffon after its mother was killed by orcs/hobgoblins and has been raising it since and training it. It would be essentially "not there" until we level to 5 though (either him having it be "at home" or some other thing, or fiat if thats your preferred method)

He would seek to found an order named "The Dragoons", a Calvary order/regiment designed to protect the land. In honor of his now destroyed home town, and so that he, being one of the 2 or 3 survivors of the brotherhood would see it continued.

hmm. The more I type, the more I think I'll just do this intead, less conflict for everyone, still the same lawful bound aspect, just sad I can't try the archetype yet XD oh well.

I'd like to dot with a half-elf swordlord.

Seems appropriate for the setting and party.

@Raltus - Looks good.

@rorek55 - I definitely like the cavalier idea you propose more than the Hellknight.

@TheoreticallyYours - Swordlord certainly would be an appropriate option.

I had kinda figured it would, Hellknights likely have the same kind of stigma a paladin does for big ole sticklers and being VERY opinionated. Though perhaps a little worse as hellknights are usually seen as evil, likely due to the name.

Alright, Here is the cavalier, I've added bits for a while, and its gotten rather large (I made him for a level 1 game, then updated and added a bit more background to apply for a level 7 one) So I'll give a brief summary.

He was part of a fairly large town near the hold of Belkzen that was situated on a plain. The town defense was mostly guaranteed by a band of "knights" known to the town as "The dragoons", along with the regular guards. His brother, and his father had been part of the the Dragoons, as well as his grandfather, and he had always aspired to join them as well to gain glory and fame, like the hero's in stories. Eventually he was accepted and he received his horse, whom he named Valere. However, less than a year after that, a large warband that had been gathered by a powerful warlord seeking to unite the orcs of Belkzen turned his attention to the town, lured out half the dragoons, and then attacked the town. It fell, and most everyone in it was killed (around 500 people if that matters) He doesn't know for sure if his sister and brother perished, and he lost contact with the remaining 4 or 5 members left.

After that, his glory seeking was quickly curbed, and he traveled as a mercenary, taking only jobs he deemed good (so, no black work) He came across a baby griffon a year or so ago, saved it, and has been raising it, and lately, trying to train it. He took this job for the reason he did others, It seemed to further good for the decent folk, and would claim more land for civilized society. If by some miracle, he was made baron, or a general or marshal under the new baron, he would take the chance to try and rekindle The Dragoons.

Edit: Role in the kingdom Baron/king, marshal, or general.
In other words, he doesn't particularly desire, or really think he is worthy of the title of baron/king however he would accept it, he would also accept general and or marshal as advisor positions.

Calm, good and kind hearted, patient, friendly, blunt, but knows how to be courtly, confident but not conceited, he always seem to be a little tired. As if the world weighs on him a bit much. He has seen, and been through, some rough times and wants to keep others from going through the same thing. He has very few goals in life at the moment, and so has no real energy and keeps on going through sheer determination and force of will. However, he always keeps ears out for anyone matching his siblings descriptions, and, now, he hopes to rekindle The Dragoons in this new kingdom, and one can tell a bit of actual life has returned to him, especially in his eyes.

Ignore the griffon (silverclaw) stat block, it won't be relevant until level 5, but I don't want to delete it and redo it once we hit 5.

I also will need to de-level him a level, but other than that he should be good to go

I have a couple ideas I'm looking into, but I have a few questions.

1) Please ask your group what kinds of roles they are anticipating. I would hate to have two of us aiming at the 'king' such that someone ends up with hurt feelings. (Almost as bad would be if no one wants to be king.)
2) Anyone of them want to be long time friends / relative / partners who would take teamwork feats together?
3) Looks like everyone has fairly light armor. Are you folks planning on a stealthy group? I can make a stealthy frontliner if so.
4) I see you already have one 'pet' classes like cavalier, hunter, or druid? How would you feel about another?
5) You said you have a preference for Core races. How would you feel about a non-core race that is pretending to be a core race. Tengu, Tieflings, Aasimar, and a few others have things they can take to seem like humans. Not in any plans at this time, just thinking of possibilities.
6) Do you allow VMC and/or Hero Points?

ElterAgo wrote:

I have a couple ideas I'm looking into, but I have a few questions.

1) Please ask your group what kinds of roles they are anticipating. I would hate to have two of us aiming at the 'king' such that someone ends up with hurt feelings. (Almost as bad would be if no one wants to be king.)
2) Anyone of them want to be long time friends / relative / partners who would take teamwork feats together?
3) Looks like everyone has fairly light armor. Are you folks planning on a stealthy group? I can make a stealthy frontliner if so.
4) I see you already have one 'pet' classes like cavalier, hunter, or druid? How would you feel about another?
5) You said you have a preference for Core races. How would you feel about a non-core race that is pretending to be a core race. Tengu, Tieflings, Aasimar, and a few others have things they can take to seem like humans. Not in any plans at this time, just thinking of possibilities.
6) Do you allow VMC and/or Hero Points?

1) I have asked that question of the party and have gotten responses from 3 of 5 so far.

2) I'll let the players answer that one themselves
3) See answer #2
4) The hunter in the group is a feral hunter, meaning that he does not have the animal companion. No concerns about a pet class.
5) While I do have a strong preference for the core classes, I can be sold on a non-core race with a good story reason.
6) VMC is fine. No hero points.

Any questions, thoughts or concerns about Kain are more than welcome, from GM or current players of course!

and if the party is going stealth, I can help abate the issues a cavalier would bring to that.

Alright, here's Anja of the Inner Iron's profile. She's a monk mechanically, but flavorfully, she's a barbarian from the border of Numeria and southern Brevoy who was part of the Cult of Inner Iron, a heretical branch of Gorumites trying to forge, temper, and sharpen the physical body into a weapon worthy of Gorum. She left the cult when their leader died of a simple illness and wandered into the wilderness, eventually finding her way into the Narlmarches. Right now, she's trying to get out before the wolf-bite on her calf gets infected and kills her.

If you have any questions for me, feel free to ask them here, or to PM them to me.

Hope you'll consider Osric Bedegraine, LG human sword 'n board Fighter.


Osric Bedegraine
Male Human Fighter 3
30 Years of Age
LG Medium Humanoid [human]
Init +2; Senses Perception +7; low-light vision
AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 20 [2 Dex + 6 armor + 4 shield]
HP 33 [3d10 + 3 Con mod + 3 FC]
Fort +7 [3 base + 3 mod + 1 magic], Ref +5 [1 base + 2 mod + 1 race + 1 magic], Will +5 [1 base + 1 mod + 1 race + 1 trait + 1 magic]
Speed 30 ft.
Weapon: longsword (m), +6 attack, 1d8+5 Damage, 19-20/x2 crit, slashing
Weapon: sling (m), +6 attack, 1d4+4 damage, 20/x2 crit, bludgeoning
Str 17 (+3), Dex 14 (+2), Con 16 (+3), Int 12 (+1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 9 (-1)
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 18

Feats: Diehard; Endurance; Saving Shield; Shield Focus; Power Attack
Traits: Issian [+1 against mind-affecting]; Indomitable Faith [+1 Will]

Skills - trained (3 per lv.):
Climb +3 [1 rank + 3 class + 3 mod - 4 armor]
Know (nature) +7 [3 ranks + 3 class + 1 mod]
Perception +7 [3 ranks + 3 class + 1 mod]
Ride +2 [1 rank + 3 class + 2 mod - 4 armor]
Swim +3 [1 rank + 3 class + 3 mod - 4 armor]

Skills - untrained (whatever seems most relevant):
Stealth -2 [2 mod - 4 armor]

Skills - background:
Know (nobility) +4 [3 ranks + 1 mod]
Prof (soldier) +7 [3 ranks + 3 class + 1 mod]

Languages: Common, Draconic
Adventuring Gear: chainmail (+6, +2, -5)
Coin: 1720 gp, 9 sp, 8 cp
Chainmail - 150 gp
Cloak of Resistance +1 - 1000 gp
Longsword (m; cold iron) - 330 gp
Heavy steel shield +1 - 1170 gp
Bandages of Rapid Recovery - 200 gp
Sling (m) - 300 gp
Sling bullets (10) - 1 sp
Backpack (m) - 50 gp
Whetstone - 2 cp
Fighter's Kit - 9 gp, 29 lbs
Alchemist's fire - 20 gp - 1 lbs
Potion, cure light wounds - 50 gp

Special Abilities
Class: Fighter feats; Bravery +1; Armor Training; Stamina Pool 6/6
Racial: Bonus Feat; Heart of the Fey


It is hard to imagine the sheer chaos that follows the disappearance of an entire noble house, especially when said house is also the nominal ruler of a nation. Yet this is what befell Brevoy when every member of House Rogarvia vanished seemingly overnight. Without a leadership to answer to, the country's military, civic and governmental power structure folded like so many cards, the only rule now being that of anarchy. Civil war seemed likely, with House Surtova only barely managing to steer the nation away from the brink. In the decade following, much has changed in Brevoy and in many ways the kingdom is still recovering, but the regime that was Rogarvia is wholly gone.

Or so one would think. But any regime, however powerful, is made up of mere people. And those people still inhabit Brevoy, with a very few of them still remaining loyal to the former dragon lords. Osric Bedegraine is one such man.

It is rare to find a person utterly content with their lot in life, but such was the case with Osric Bedegraine ten years ago. The progeny of a respected though not terribly influential family in Issia, Osric served as squire to the knights of House Rogarvia. The young man performed his duties both faithfully and happily, and practiced his swordsmanship with a near religious fervor. He was not the most talented knight-in-training ever seen, but he might be the most dedicated. As well he should be, for there was nothing in this world Osric wanted more than to be a knight. Such was his burning commitment, that both his peers and superiors began to think the young man a bit simple-minded. Still, there was no arguing with results, and in the fifth year of Osric's service as squire he was considered more than worthy to be knighted.

Then, disaster struck. The disappearance of House Rogarvia left their military power without leadership and anyone to answer to. Uncertainty and division festered among the ranks, with many deserting, some seeking service at other noble houses, and others still turning mercenaries. Not Osric though. No, Osric, simple and steadfast as the rock, weathered this troubled time along with those soldiers still loyal to the throne, empty though it might be. These faithful officers were duly rewarded when House Surtova, family through marriage to the Rogarvias, took power and welcomed them into the nation's new order. Ultimately, little changed for the country's military force. The hierarchy remained the same, most commanders kept their posts, knights kept their titles, and even Osric was promised that he was still set to graduate to knighthood. The only thing that truly changed was the man on the throne.

Unfortunately, this was all it took for Osric. When times change, the reasonable man changes with them. And Osric Bedegraine is not a reasonable man. With the conviction only afforded to children and fools, the young squire declared that he had sworn to serve House Rogarvia as a loyal knight and could not answer to any other master. His peers urged him to reconsider, argued that there were no more Rogarvias, and scoffed at the implied insult to their own honor, willing as they were to substitute one master for another. Many mocked him, declaring him the simpleton they had always suspected. But Osric persisted, and in the end had to leave the capital with nothing but his iron principles and shattered dreams of knighthood.

A solid decade later Osric wanders Brevoy as a pseudo-mercenary, still doggedly upholding his ideals of chivalry and duty while righting the wrongs of the land. He is not popular among many, being taciturn and introverted, but those of few means greatly appreciate him. Osric will take on any job as long as the cause is just, not caring for any reward beyond a roof to sleep under and a warm meal. He is also near-suicidal in conviction, taking on overwhelming odds without care for his own safety. No doubt he still mourns his lost ambition and now lives out a self-imposed approximation of his ideals of knighthood. Some call him mad. Many call him a fool. And even his supporters call him unreasonable, as his peers did when he first defected. Then again, it's reasonable men who adapt to the world around them. Only the truly unreasonable try to adapt the world to themselves. Osric knows this. And he will tell you that all progress thusly depends on unreasonable men.

Osric may simply belong on the spectrum. He's quiet, doesn't particularly know how to engage with people and has one interest he pursues to obsession, but this is not to say that's he's outright anti-social. He treasures any connection he manages to make with another person and even longs for such bonds. It's just that he also knows that these bonds usually require titanic effort and time on his part, time that he cannot spare. Osric is perfectly aware of what he is. He knows he's an odd, odd person with the social skills of a damp rock, and has resigned himself to being just that so as not to impose on others. In some way, he considers it selfish of him to desire companionship; after all, any potential friend of his would always offer more to the relationship than he possibly could. Better to just remain his silent self.

This restraint is also evident in his pursuit of the knightly ideal; Osric is too much of a wallflower to be a preacher. Despite his obsession with chivalry and honor, he doesn't really hold others to these ideals. His standards are his own, and he judges himself far more harshly than he does others. In other words, he's not about to admonish the party Rogue for using his class features.

In combat I'm hoping the guy will be a wall for enemies to beat on, keeping his melee allies safe with Saving Shield, all the while dealing out fair damage of his own. Apologies to the party cleric in advance, as I fully intend Osric to have no regard for his own safety; the dude is by no means suicidal, but he does prioritize allies, the mission, and his ideals over his measly life.

Thanks for reading if you've stuck out this far, and should you decide to take me on Osric Bedegraine is easily encountered on his way to the Stag Lord's fort by his lonesome, where he intend to kill the bandits by request from some traveling merchants.

A lot of intriguing characters here. With that, I'm going to move the close of recruitment to 8:00 pm CST on Friday, January 18th.

My intent is to take the weekend to review the submissions (along with taking the opinions of my current players) and have a decision by no later than the original recruitment end-date of Monday, January 21st at 8:00 pm CST.

Those of you who have put forth a submission, thank you all for the interest. For those of you who are still contemplating a submission, you have just over 48 hours from the time of this post.

DM Talomyr - Kingmaker wrote:
ElterAgo wrote:

I have a couple ideas I'm looking into, but I have a few questions.

1) Please ask your group what kinds of roles they are anticipating. I would hate to have two of us aiming at the 'king' such that someone ends up with hurt feelings. (Almost as bad would be if no one wants to be king.)
2) Anyone of them want to be long time friends / relative / partners who would take teamwork feats together?
3) Looks like everyone has fairly light armor. Are you folks planning on a stealthy group? I can make a stealthy frontliner if so.
4) I see you already have one 'pet' classes like cavalier, hunter, or druid? How would you feel about another?
5) You said you have a preference for Core races. How would you feel about a non-core race that is pretending to be a core race. Tengu, Tieflings, Aasimar, and a few others have things they can take to seem like humans. Not in any plans at this time, just thinking of possibilities.
6) Do you allow VMC and/or Hero Points?

1) I have asked that question of the party and have gotten responses from 3 of 5 so far.

2) I'll let the players answer that one themselves
3) See answer #2
4) The hunter in the group is a feral hunter, meaning that he does not have the animal companion. No concerns about a pet class.
5) While I do have a strong preference for the core classes, I can be sold on a non-core race with a good story reason.
6) VMC is fine. No hero points.

Update to Question 1:

The existing characters seem to be leaning towards Magister, High Priestess, Marshal, and either Spymaster or Treasurer.

The 5th player who has not responded (for reasons I fully understand at the moment) mechanically would fit as a Ruler, Councilor, or General.

Kain would be happy with General or Ruler if selected, I admit it would be funny if he wound up getting picked and getting that position XD would fit the humble king trope haha.

Just to make a note for kain mechanic/combat wise, While he will focus on mounted combat, I will be striving to make him quite viable even when unmounted and fighting beside his horse/griffon, I know that can be a problem with mounted characters becoming too much of a "one trick pony" pun intended.

I also plan to take leadership to represent him founding The Dragoons when able, Either level 7, or 9. His cohort would be the Second in command, and would be the one to command the knights when Kain can't be there.

I also haven't quite decided on the archtypes, Likely would be gendarme, though I was considering daring general as well. And the Order would differ depending on whether Kain would get the king or general role.

Here's my paladin:

Bassius "Bass" Vibulus
Human (Taldane) Paladin of Abadar 3 (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook)
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +5; Senses Perception +6; Aura (courage, 10 ft.)
AC 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+7 armor, +1 shield, +1 Dex)
hp 29 (3d10+6)
Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +7; Immune disease, fear
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)

Melee mwk falcata +6 (1d8+3/19-20x3)
Ranged heavy crossbow +3 (1d10/19-20/x2)
Special Attacks smite evil 1/day (+4 attack and AC, +3 damage)
Paladin Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +7)
At will—detect evil
Str 15 Dex 12 Con 14, Int 11 Wis 10 Cha 18
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Falcata), Noble Scion (Scion of War), Power Attack
Traits Noble Born, Seeker
Skills Acrobatics -3, Bluff +5, Climb -2, Diplomacy +9, Knowledge (nobility) +6, Perception +6, Ride +3 (+5 to stay in saddle), Sense Motive +5; Racial Modifiers seeker, noble born
Languages Common
SQ aura, lay on hands (1d6, 5/day), mercy (shaken)
Other Gear mwk field plate, mwk falcata, heavy crossbow, mwk buckler (w/silver holy symbol of Abadar, copy of "The Order of Numbers", case of 20 crossbow bolts, ioun torch, signet ring, cold-weather outfit, explorer's outfit, bedroll, medium tent, flint and steel, military saddle, saddlebags, trail rations (5), waterskin, heavy horse (combat trained, name Emperor Stavian) 298 gp, 4 sp
Special Abilities
Aura of Courage (Su) Immune to fear. Grant allies within 10 ft a +4 bonus on saves against fear
Aura of Good (Ex) Aura is equal to paladin level.
Divine Grace (Su) Bonus equal to Charisma mod on all saving throws.
Divine Health (Ex) Immune to Disease

Bassius was born the third son of a mid-level bureaucrat in Oppara, and grew up in the city. He showed more of a martial temperament than his brothers, and rather than try to train the rambunctious boy as a scribe, his father apprenticed him to the temple of Abadar, which allowed him to pay of a debt he owed the church. When Bassius came of age, he was initated as a paladin of the Church, and charged with keeping order in the Grandbridge District of Oppara. He discharged his duties well, until he was entangled in a scandal where he attempted to arrest a diplomat from Cheliax. Partly as punishment, partly to keep the paladin from prying political eyes, the church sent him on an evangelical mission north, to spread order and law in the lawless River Kingdoms. For the past several years, he has travelled from town to town, heading generally north through the River Kingdoms into Brevoy, acting as a local judge, arbiter, and teacher in many small towns.

Bassius still has much of the joviality of his youth. Not particularly quick to make friends, he is absolutely loyal to those he comes to trust. Though he has learned much more about the world since leaving Oppara, he still tends to come off as a little stuck-up, a mix of his upbringing and his training in the Church of Abadar, and is known to make somewhat detached observations about how the principles of civilization apply to situations he finds himself in. He also feels strongly about not accepting goods or services from private citizens (other than party members) for free, and if questioned about it, says that those who take freely without need are drains on the capacity of society.

I am now ready for consideration. See stats and background in the alias.

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