Anja of the Inner Iron
Female Human Monk (martial artist) 3
CN Medium Humanoid (human)
Initiative +2; Perception +8
AC 16, Touch 15, Flat-Footed 14 (+2 Dex, +2 Wis, +1 Deflection)
HP 33 (3d8+12+3)
Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +4
Speed 40 ft.
Unarmed Strike: +6 (1d6+4)
Shuriken (reflavored as throwing knives) +4 (1d2+3)
Special Attacks: Flurry of Blows, Stunning Fist (DC 14), Scorpion Style (DC 13), Power Attack
Str 17
Dex 14
Con 16
Int 09
Wis 14
Cha 08
BAB +2,
CMB +6 (+9 Grapple),
CMD 17
{Human} Power Attack: -1 attack, +2 damage for a round.
{Bonus 1st} Improved Grapple: +2 to Grapple, no AoO for attempting.
{Bonus} Stunning Fist: Stun 1 round, DC 10+50% lvl+Wisdom, Monk lvl+25% level times/day.
{1st} Toughness: +3 HP, plus 1 HP/level past 3rd.
{Bonus 2nd} Scorpion Style: Standard Action attack, if it hits, target’s speed becomes 5 for Wis rounds (Fort DC 10+Wis+50% Level).
{3rd} Weapon Focus (unarmed strike): +1 to attacks w/ unarmed strike.
Heavy Hitter (regional): +1 to damage w/ Unarmed Strikes.
Rostlander (campaign): +1 to Fortitude saves.
Skills (Format is name: total (explanation for total) (12 Ranks Total)
Climb: 9 (3 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
Perception: 8 (3 rank, 2 ability, 3 CS)
Sense Motive: 8 (3 rank, 2 ability, 3 CS)
Swim: 9 (3 rank, 3 ability, 3 CS)
BG Lore (fighting traditions): 2 (3 ranks, -1 ability)
BG Lore (gorumite rituals): 2 (3 ranks, -1 ability
Languages: Common
Equipment (On Person): Ring of Protection +1 (_, 2000), Cloak of Resistance +1 (1, 1000), Armbands of the Brawler (1, 500), Bedroll (5, .1), Monk’s Outfit (5, _), Backpack (2, 2), 1 Days’ Rations (1, .5), 10 Shuriken (2.5, 5)
Encumbrance: 17.5 (86/173/260)
Finances: 1,487 Gold, 4 Silver
Race/Class Features
Favored Class (monk): +1 hit points/level
Bonus Feat: Bonus feat at 1st level.
Skilled: +1 skill point/level.
Martial Artist
Bonus Feats: 1, 2, 6, 10, 14, from specific monk list.
Flurry of Blows: -2 to attacks, BAB as monk level, 1 extra attack, +1 additional at 8th and 15th levels.
Stunning Fist: Gain Stunning Fist as a bonus Feat. .
Evasion: No damage on successful Reflex save vs. things that allow half damage on save.
Fast Movement: +10 enhancement bonus to movement.
Maneuver Training: Use level for BAB for Combat Maneuver Bonus.
Pain Points: +1 to confirm crits, +1 to Stunning Fist DC. Replaces Still Mind.