Building some kind of Hero


Hey guys, i'm looking for some help and some ideas to build a funny shape of an hero character. Any advices appreciated!

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Gnomes All Around The Globe wrote:
Hey guys, i'm looking for some help and some ideas to build a funny shape of an hero character. Any advices appreciated!

Yeah. I'm not feeling any inspiration from what you've given. I think you need to fully explain what you've got in mind if you want any kind of satisfaction from this threat. Cuz right now the only thing I have for you is a potato.

Name: Potato (Hero)
Race: Plant Class: None Stats: None

A weak hero, but if (trained) nurtured for 3 months can save a village (from hunger). Not the hero you want, but the hero you deserve.

This reads like a bad google translate. Can you try rewording the question.

Yeah, in 3 days we're gonna start a new campaign, oriented for the most on Roleplay.
The idea of character i had is something like a superhero but on a funny note.

Could be something similar to Deadpool, but i prefer it more like "i don't know how i'm being a superhero"

The vigilante class is the most obvious choice for a super hero. But if you don’t care about secret identities, many classes could fulfill the trope. So, do you want your character to be a wannabe Batman?

If you want to play a "famous" hero, vigilante and to a lesser extent celebrity bard work wonders, as for making your character dead pool like, that's something your going to need RP well for, even if your RP is based in the character functionality. IE: Deadpool is hilarious because death is a non-issue, and his "heroics" revolve around him quickly and easily saving the day, coupled with a snarky comment. So, in short, I would, A. make a character that does a specific task really well and then B. is self aware enough during role play to realize their own gimmick. IE: a shocking grasp katana/rapier/cutlass/kukri magus, that constantly makes jokes about electricity or people being shocked by him etc. I don't know if this what you had in mind with your original thread question but hopefully it helps?

For a serious sort of superhero, you could try the kineticist class. Their class abilities lend themselves well to the concept. On the more humorous side, I played a character in the Villains and Vigilantes game called El Miercoles. El Miercoles was a former professional wrestler with a 6 INT. His only "superpower" was bonuses to hit and damage in melee combat. During combat, I would hit the villains with my folding chair if there were any within reach, and pose for the cameras if there weren't. He actually seemed effective, partly because he wasn't bright enough to recognize when he should be afraid of danger. Sometimes the guy who isn't that strong but doesn't know he's outclassed can perform above his pay grade. You can probably do that sort of thing with most martial classes, particularly if you pick up the ability to use improvised weapons.

Well, some general non-class hints on playing a Pathfinder Superhero.

Alignment: Highly recommend Chaotic Good. It shouldn't be that your hero is against the law. You protect the 'innocent' or you prosecute 'criminals' based on your sense of 'justice'. The part that makes you chaotic is your willingness to break laws in your pursuit of 'justice'.

Think Batman for a bit. Sure he tracks down Mafia bosses, and Super Villains to stop their crimes. Usually by committing trespassing, assault, breaking and entering, and unlawful detainment. Almost nothing Batman does is legal. So he can't be Lawful.

Deadpool is actually Chaotic Neutral. Sure, good intentions. But he does a lot of non-good actions for selfish reasons. You could even call him Chaotic Evil with good tendencies.

So what makes your Pathfinder character a Superhero? A costume, a name, and a reputation. That means go out of your way to create this super hero persona. Generally I suggest waiting until you've gotten some levels and some magic items so its easier to be 'super'. A Hat of Disguise and Flying Boots make the superhero thing much easier to pull off. (a ring of invisibility, or some sort of teleport are great too)

Also only use your Superhero name when you do Superhero stuff. You can be the Superhero constantly if you want, but its probably a lot more impactful if you only use the Superhero ID when you're in civilization helping people. Bonus points for having some ability to sneak away, change costume and suddenly appear where you are 'needed' without the party getting dragged into your one man show.

Or you could do something more normal, instead of being 'Super' you just play up being a 'Hero' ala Hercules or other Greek or Norse heroes. Flawed characters that do bad things, but somehow inspires others to think of them as accomplishing great things.

If things just seem to happen around you in combat it might be worth looking at a psychic spellcaster. Either the psychic class, a sorcerer with the psychic bloodline, or maybe a mesmerist. Take the cunning caster feat and use it all the time.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding.

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