Revolving Door Alternate |
Ok, I remember seeing this a a PFS table once. However, I don't remember any of the details about the actual build.
A little background story, this guy was irritated that his Half-Orc greataxe fighter (low initiative) was always getting bypassed by the high dex builds. With the fights usually seeming to be in halls and doorways, he was never able to get into melee combat. He had already used his 2 throwing axes. So he heaved his greataxe (yes, massive penalties) but rolled a natural 20 on the die and even managed to confirm the crit. Took down the BBEG with that hit. Everyone thought it was great / hilarious / memorable and the story got talked about quite a bit. So he started carrying extra greataxes and throwing them around. They were just cheap mundane axes, so if he didn't get one back it wasn't that big a deal.
A THW weapon fighter has lots of extra feats so he started taking some to be better at this side path instead of a composite bow. He already had weapon focus. Seems like he said he had throw anything. There was also something to increase the range increment. Seem to remember him also saying something about planning to get fragile shattering weapons.
Now, I know you could just get the Throwing, Returning, and Distance properties added to a +1 weapon. But a +4 weapon is really expensive just to get the basic character concept into operation.
So although I am quite sure it is not an optimal build, I wanted to see if I/we can come up with a character that will be able to throw THW at least halfway decently all through his career. Not just middle of the campaign by spending most of his cash on 1 item. By no means does this have to be a fighter. The options on what I might be willing to play to do this are pretty much wide open.
BTW: this isn't for a PFS character, that is just where I saw it before.
So, any ideas?
Weables |
you want feats like ricochet toss so you can use your main weapon and get it back, taking advantage of all your bonuses on it. I'd suggest two levels of barbarian for the Raging Hurler, which allows you to throw a two handed weapon as a standard action, and with quick draw lets you do it at your normal attack rate.
So, you need: Quick Draw, Throw Anything, Ricochet Toss, and a Rage Power. Ricochet Toss is a Weapon Mastery Feat, so this means either shoving extra feats or Fighter levels. Ideally you want a Fighter with a Barbarian Splash, I think. Or the other way around, potentially a Barbarian Dipping 3 levels of Weapon Master Fighter to grab Weapon Training in Axes or whatever, then you can go on with your bad self, throw your main weapon that you could also use for melee (power attack and done), and you're a great switch hitter. Only need to enchant one weapon, it works for melee and ranged, and your ranged increment is even doubled to twenty feet (Raging Hurler)
avr |
Does it have to be an actual two handed weapon, or would a one handed weapon thrown with two hands qualify? A spear is an OK thrown weapon and if you have a high enough strength it becomes a little better with the two-handed thrower feat.
BTW when you have the cash a sharding weapon is noticeably better than a throwing returning weapon.
Dwarftr |
Weables has a good idea that i will expand on. This is going with a fighter with a barbarian splash. With the gloomblade fighter archetype, u can create any weapon u are proficent with, which includes greataxes, greatswords, polearms... all martial and simple weapons. Take the 2 lvl dip into Raging Hurler and the feat selections Weables suggested and go rest gloomblade fighter. U never have to worry about carrying extra weapons, u always have the weapon u want, and with the gloomblade as long as u are only summoning 1 weapon at a time, u can add enhancements as u lvl up. At 3rd, its a +1 weapon, gaining a +1 per 4 lvls after 2nd. at 7th u can start adding weapon enhancements using those +s.
So it would take a little bit to come online with adding enhancements (9th if 2 lvls of barb) but at 5th u are summoning +1 weapons all day. That by all means doesnt mean u cant have normal weapons to carry around, just more options for ammo, and vs dr/slash/blug/pierce
Isaac Zephyr |
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I made a Makeshift Scrapper Rogue that threw 2H shovels. Not as many feats as a fighter, but the feat path went:
1 Catch Off Guard + Throw Anything (Free from Makeshift Scrapper)
1 Two Handed Thrower
2 Shikigami Style (Rogue Talent - Ninja Trick - Style Master)
3 Shikigami Mimicry
4 Combat Expertise (Rogue Talent - Combat Trick)
5 Improved Disarm
7 Shikigami Manipulation
9 Vital Strike
10 Makeshift Maneuvers (Rogue Talent - Feat)
11 Greater Disarm
12 Improvised Weapon Mastery (Free from Makeshift Scrapper)
13 Devastating Strike
15 Improved Vital Strike
17 Point-Blank Shot
19 Precise Shot
That does pretty good for throwing single, high damage shovels, though the character is more intended for melee. I also made an improvised Brawler Hinyasi who's feat chain went as follows:
1 Throw Anything (Free from Hinyasi)
1 Shikigami Style
3 Shikigami Mimicry
5 Shikigami Manipulation + Point-Blank Shot
7 Precise Shot
8 Improvisational Focus
9 Weapon Specialization (Improvised Weapon)
11 Greater Weapon Focus (Improvised Weapon) + Clustered Shots
13 Greater Weapon Specialization (Improvised Weapon)
14 Deadly Aim
15 Quick Draw
17 Grab and Go + Dodge
19 Close-Quarters Thrower
20 Rapid Shot
The both want Gloves of Improvised Might in order to sub out the need for a magic weapin. The Rogue is single strike with 2h, the Brawler is a Finesse build focused on throwing as many light as he can get away with.
However, they are both more Improvised users than they are throwers (even though they both throw). Someone using an actual weapon(s) could sub Shikigami Style and its tree for Precise Shot and that earlier. It's only too bad that the Str to attack on thrown feat is 3rd party. (I had actually assumed thrown used Str by default but learned with the shovel tosser that I was wrong.) Otherwise I'd say it works with just Two-Handed Thrower + Throw Anything if you very much wanna toss unusual weapons.
Not needing Shikigami I'd go with Far Shot too, since most uncanny thrown stuff has range increment of 10ft.
Volkard Abendroth |
There was a two-handed throwing hammer in Heroes of the Fringe:
Dwarf fighter 10
LG Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +15 (+17 to notice unusual stonework)
AC 24, touch 12, flat-footed 22 (+12 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 104 (10d10+40)
Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +10 (+3 vs. fear); +4 vs. effects that cause you to lose your grip on weapons, +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities
Defensive Abilities defensive training
Speed 20 ft.
Melee +1 returning adamantine dwarven sphinx hammer +19/+14 (1d10+25/×3) or
Ranged +1 returning adamantine dwarven sphinx hammer +19 (1d10+19/x3) + trip
Special Attacks hatred, weapon trainings (hammers +4, armed bravery)
Str 22, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +10; CMB +16 (+20 trip); CMD 28 (32 vs. bull rush, 32 vs. disarm, 32 vs. sunder, 34 vs. trip)
Feats Dirty Fighting, Greater Trip, Hammer Throw, Improved Hammer Throw, Improved Trip, Point-Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Startoss Style, Weapon Focus (dwarven sphinx hammer), Weapon Specialization (dwarven sphinx hammer)
Traits reactionary, seeker
Skills Acrobatics +2 (-2 to jump), Appraise +0 (+2 to assess nonmagical metals or gemstones), Climb +7, Handle Animal +3, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Perception +15 (+17 to notice unusual stonework), Ride +3, Survival +5, Swim +7; Racial Modifiers +2 Appraise to assess nonmagical metals or gemstones, +2 Perception to notice unusual stonework
Languages Common, Dwarven
SQ armor training 2
Other Gear +3 full plate, +1 returning adamantine dwarven sphinx hammer, dagger, belt of giant strength +4, cloak of resistance +3, gloves of dueling[APG], 303 gp
Special Abilities
Armed Bravery (+3/+6) (Ex) Add bravery bonus to will save, Intim. DC to demoralize you increases by amount shown.
Armor Training 2 (Ex) Worn armor -2 check penalty, +2 max DEX.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Defensive Training +4 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs. monsters of the Giant subtype.
Dirty Fighting Forgo flanking bonus to make combat maneuver not provoke attack of op.
Greater Trip Foes you trip provoke AoO when they are knocked prone.
Greed +2 to Appraise to determine price of nonmagic goods with precious metals or gemstones.
Hammer Throw Stnd act, single ranged attack with bludgeoning wep vs. target no more than one size larger, immediate trip attempt.
Hatred +1 Gain a racial bonus to attacks vs. Goblinoids/Orcs.
Improved Trip You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when tripping.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Power Attack -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Startoss Style +2 (Dwarven sphinx hammer) Gain bonus dmg to thrown weapons.
Stonecunning +2 +2 bonus to Perception vs. unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet.
Weapon Training (Hammers) +4 (Ex) +4 Attack, Damage, CMB, CMD with Hammers
EvilAardvark |
Brawler with Shield Champion archetype is a fun thrown weapons character and you can double-hand throw shields. You do have to wait until 5 before it really comes on line but it is still fun before then.
It is nice, in that you are also a pretty good melee combatant. That removes the full-attack or movement quandary - you get full flurries of attacks each round whether opponents are in melee reach or not... they're fair game.
By level 8 you can also have toppling bash, so you get free trip attacks when you hit things.
May not be the most optimized build out there, but it is a lot of fun to play.