Lost hope for AR

Pathfinder Society

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Anyone else lost hope that the additional resources will be updated BEFORE 2nd edition?
They updated in September but that didn't even get the caught all the way up. I personally prefer 1e of over the playtest so far, and am a little annoyed that it seems like the society staff ignores completely what is there main moneymaker currently, for R&D on their next product. When the company that shall not be named switched from 4th to 5th,they stopped making rules for 4th and focused entirely on 5th.
Paizo on the other hand, seems to ignore the fact that they still have a little left in the tank for 1e while putting everything into 2nd.
I know Starfinder society staff is probably smaller by comparison. only putting out a book each quarter I believe, Thursty seems to be upset if things aren't updated within a month of release. There seems to be little communication between pfs staff and the people who play other than saying soon.
Am I out of line or is this a little ridiculous?

Paizo Employee 4/5 Organized Play Lead Developer

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You're not necessarily out of line. We're behind.

We're also consistently juggling a pile of projects at once, for which our publication obligations (i.e. scenarios) are almost always the top priority. If there's ever anything that sets back that schedule—a rough manuscript, unexpected staff outages, scheduling shifts, etc.—it can draw from our other tasks. Even so Additional Resources remains something we're consistently working toward between other projects.

I've been saying "soon" for Additional Resources often enough that it's not something I care to repeat because it starts to feel hollow. I'd rather deliver Additional Resources updates and say "behold" than feel like I'm stringing someone along. That's tiring—for everyone.

Where are we now? We're about done with the May–July products, which include Blood of the Ancients, Distant Realms, and Planar Adventures. "War for the Crown" sanctioning is mostly written, and "Kingmaker" sanctioning is about to start approvals (it's been going through some wrestling to get all of Linda's great ideas to fit cleanly on Chronicle sheets).

Scarab Sages 4/5

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John, understand that the frustration comes from a love of the game. It's difficult to see options that you'd like to use go half a year without being addressed. It adds to the frustration when boons are being released for races from books that aren't sanctioned yet, meaning you've got a nice new boon, but no access to any of the options for that race. Duskwalkers, for example, have several feat options in Plane-Hopper's Handbook, and from your message, it sounds like that won't be included in the next update. So what is one to do with their boon? Use it for the limited time that 1st edition games are guaranteed to be available in the area? Or wait months to see if any of those options open up?

It's been almost 6 months since the May products released, 5 months since the June products. If that remains consistent, Plane-Hopper's Handbook would be added to the AR sometime around February or March, leaving 6 months or so before everything starts shifting to 2nd edition.

I realize that the Additional Resources process became more time consuming as a result of several options being made legal only to cause issues and be subsequently removed. Looking more closely and taking a little extra time before making things legal was a good idea at the time. It has now gone too far in the other direction. I don't think I'm alone in being willing to put up with a few items either being left out if they're questionable or having to be removed at a later time in favor of actually having things available soon after the release of the book they are in.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

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Just chiming in to emphasize how important this is for some of us.

I've played nearly all the PF1 scenarios so basically PF1 IS ending for me a little bit after Gencon 2019. There are 2 characters I REALLY want to build and try out before then (Adaptive Shifter, Warrior Poet Samurai) but time is, as they say, fleeting.

From Paizo's point of view that is 2 products that I haven't yet bought. And won't if they don't make it to AR soon

1/5 * RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

Thank you, John Compton, for the update.

As frustrating as the infrequent AR updates, I understand your team has so many responsibilities with so little time and resources to juggle them all.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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The title of this thread makes me want to don a Princess Leia costume and say:

"Help us, Obi-John Compton! You're our only hope!"


Personally, I would rather have the organized play team take its time and carefully examine new material before adding anything to Additional Resources. Unfortunately, a lot of what Paizo produces is not well thought through, and there's an emphasis on quantity over quality.

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

It's been frustrating to watch this fall further and further behind- I understand that proofreading and checking to see how well something fits PFS play is important, but I honestly can't imagine why it takes 6+ months to do so. I had to cancel my subscriptions as almost all of my gaming is through PFS/SFS rather than home groups. If the book isn't legalized for most of a year, what good is it to own it? It's been a little over a year since I stopped getting Player Companions- apparently, 11 have come and gone without me buying them. That's $165 dollars that I would have gladly supported Paizo with just from those.

I'd say something needs to be done to streamline the process- and hearing things like 'the documents have been sent to the tech team to add to the site' and going a few more weeks before that happens.. it's frustrating. I don't know what kind of sales model PF2 will have, with similar products to 1.. but I don't know that I will be able to justify supporting that either.

I know there's a lot of people with these frustrations, and I'm not trying to be whiny or angry. I would, though, like to be able to trust that the money I spend will be usable in some way.

5/5 5/55/55/5

I'll get the kaiser rolls

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Any idea of when Heroes from the Fringe will get added to the AR?

4/5 ****

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Zero the Nothing wrote:
Any idea of when Heroes from the Fringe will get added to the AR?

If recent schedules hold true... June 2019 :(

4/5 ****

Don't forget about Seers of the Drowned City.

1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Didn't Sears declare bankruptcy?

Grand Lodge

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I've basically given up any hope of continued support for PFS for 1st edition of any kind. I have been exclusively playing PFS for around 3 years now, and I've started shopping around for some home games since it seems that support for 1st edition is drying up.

Between that and the amount of disappointment I felt from Ultimate Wilderness, I doubt I'll be buying anything else Paizo publishes.

I have zero interest in PF2E, too many of its core systems involve things I really dislike, and short of them basically starting over, there is zero chance of them 'fixing' enough of the stuff I dislike for me to even consider switching.

4/5 **

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Slyme wrote:
I've basically given up any hope of continued support for PFS for 1st edition of any kind.

Well, that's on you. Since they're still publishing season 10 scenarios, modules, flavor books, and AR for previous printings, it's obvious they are still VERY MUCH supporting PFS1e.

Just because they aren't addressing what YOU SPECIFICALLY want them to address doesn't mean they aren't supporting the system.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

Pirate Rob wrote:
Zero the Nothing wrote:
Any idea of when Heroes from the Fringe will get added to the AR?
If recent schedules hold true... June 2019 :(

Seems optimistic ☹️

Grand Lodge 4/5

Slyme wrote:
I've basically given up any hope of continued support for PFS for 1st edition of any kind. I have been exclusively playing PFS for around 3 years now, and I've started shopping around for some home games since it seems that support for 1st edition is drying up.

I'll be honest, I have played for 6 and still have options to play. They aren't many, and a lot of them require more setup than just dropping by the local game store for the latest gameday. But it's still possible.

Grand Lodge

Oh, I still have probably 200+ scenarios I have not played yet, so I'll be able to keep playing PFS1 for years to come...if the local community and or regional conventions continue to host it.

I just don't expect them to actually continue supporting PF1 organized play in any meaningful manner. No more AR updates, no more seasonal faction goal cards, no more featured races changing out to give players fresh options...and of course just no new content at all unless you switch over to PF2.

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I'm getting tired of getting excited about using new options that have been released, and losing that excitement after a few months of waiting for it to become legal. I've been waiting a few years for a Dexterity focused Samurai archetype and we finally have one, but who knows when I'll get to use it. That's not the only thing I'm waiting for, just an example. The cultural stuff for the Osirian dwarves and Jininese & Ekujae elves is really cool too. I thank John and the rest of the Paizo staff for making/working on this game and PFS that I just can't stop loving. I really do appreciate all your effort, guys and gals.

I moved to Clemson a few months ago and there is just not much going on gaming-wise. The one game store that was here closed last year. There is an RPG club here, but no open spots for any of the Pathfinder games. PFS is becoming one of my only options to play and even then I have to drive to another county to do that. I'm not having luck in finding a lot of online PFS either, games are usually something I've played already, not in a tier that I have a character for, or the time slot is when I'm in class or at work.

Grand Lodge

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I'd love to see them make the alternate Ifrit heritages from Plane-Hoppers Handbook legal...but that just came out last month, so it probably won't make it into the AR until after PF2 launches....if ever.

How hard would it be to simply make it part of the writing, development and publishing process to determine if something is going to be PFS legal, so it could be added to the AR as soon as it hits store shelves?

5/5 5/55/55/5

Slyme wrote:

I'd love to see them make the alternate Ifrit heritages from Plane-Hoppers Handbook legal...but that just came out last month, so it probably won't make it into the AR until after PF2 launches....if ever.

How hard would it be to simply make it part of the writing, development and publishing process to determine if something is going to be PFS legal, so it could be added to the AR as soon as it hits store shelves?


writing-I don't think any writer sets out to make anything so overpowered or confusing that it won't go into PFS. Some books though (mythic, book of vile abomonations against nature) you know aren't going to have a lot of legal material from the start.

development- you need to see what it comes out with before you can decide, or at the very least your answer needs to be checked every time you tweak a minor detail. Or in other words, you have to wait till development is done until you know if its something you need to banhammer.

Grand Lodge

Some of the things can easily be determined during writing, a lot of things that are banned from PFS play are done so for flavor, not power.

From the development end, minimal internal testing on some of this stuff would fix a lot of problems, and let them know if it was going to be overpowered in organised play.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Perhaps the AR for PFS1 will become unnecessary. Since they will no longer be producing new product for 1E and Tonya mentioned not updating the Guide for PFS1 anymore (or at least not after Gen Con), perhaps we just say that all Paizo rules and materials are now legal for PFS1. That would probably appease all the people who want to continue playing PFS1 and still have "new" options to try.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Bob Jonquet wrote:
Perhaps the AR for PFS1 will become unnecessary. Since they will no longer be producing new product for 1E and Tonya mentioned not updating the Guide for PFS1 anymore (or at least not after Gen Con), perhaps we just say that all Paizo rules and materials are now legal for PFS1. That would probably appease all the people who want to continue playing PFS1 and still have "new" options to try.

No. People just want the rest of the produced material curated for overpowered options and the reasonable stuff added to additional resources. I really don't want to have to accept synthesist summoners et all at the tables and I don't think too many other people are either.

Grand Lodge

Making PFS1 totally open could be a very double edged sword.

As much as I would love to be able to explore some of the races and options that are not currently available to me in PFS play...some of the stuff in the AR is banned for good reason.

Some of it however, I cannot understand for the life of me why it got banned.

Some things are currently only legal with exceptionally rare and hard to come by boons. Catfolk being so limited is something I don't understand...mechanically they really are not a very strong race, certainly no more powerful than some of the core or featured races.

While on the flip side, you get things like the core summoner...which I don't understand how it even made it to print it is so powerful

5/5 5/55/55/5

Slyme wrote:

Some things are currently only legal with exceptionally rare and hard to come by boons. Catfolk being so limited is something I don't understand...mechanically they really are not a very strong race, certainly no more powerful than some of the core or featured races.

its not a matter of power . For catfolk its just that they really don't have a big/well known presence in golarion, so an entire (swarm? herd?) of catfolk in the society wouldn't make much sense.

While on the flip side, you get things like the core summoner...which I don't understand how it even made it to print it is so powerful

1) The build a bear aspects of the eidolon were intended to have a DM overseeing and approving the build which... isn't really an option in organized play.

2) the spell list was a print error, but its not like you can ban the entire class from pfs and still expect people to buy the brand new book

Grand Lodge

Catfolk are written to be adventurers who would fit right in to the society. Only reason for them not to have a larger presence is someone on Paizo's end chose to make it that way. It's not like every player is going to run right out and make a catfolk character. Not everyone likes cats, or furries. Just like not everyone ran out and made Kitsune and Tengu...sure some did, but once the novelty wore off, only people who genuinely liked those races kept playing them.

The summoner is just one of the things banned in PFS, that if the AR was done away with, could become a big problem.

The AR needs to exist in some form...though I do wholeheartedly agree with the idea of opening up play for PFS1 to allow more character options.

1/5 **

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I feel like the AR is become quite the point of contention for this community. It feels like hardly a week goes by without a thread about it being either started or resurrected. I cant help but think that a lot of this tension comes from how the community concerns are being dealt with. As has already been said, we have been watching the AR creep further and further out of date, and the Society Team has been quite kind in explaining their busy schedule and giving the occasional update. But despite this, it still doesn't feel like the AR, something of great importance to the playerbase, has been made a priority by the development team. While we all understand that the Organized Play Team has a treadmill of content to produce, it feels as though nothing seems to ever change and that is quite frustrating. Its all well and good to say that "the AR isn't a priority right now", but when its months out of date and has been for a while it starts feeling like it never will be a priority, despite its importance to the community.

This whole thing is made even worse by the approaching end of 1E PFS. many players are starting to think of new characters they want to take through to level 12 for 1E PFSs last year, all the wacky new builds they want to try while there is still time, and realizing that they cant use that archetype they like from Planar Adventures despite buying the book 5 months ago.

I really have no idea how the Organized Play Team functions internally, or how the AR are decided, but it feels like this could all be alleviated by dedicating some team members to it. If no one has time because the team is busy with different priorities, maybe its time to bring in new team members to delegate to this task? Again, I don't actually know how this process is performed, but compared to creating a scenario it feels like updating a new book to the AR should be a relatively minor task. I feel that as a community it kinda sucks to see one of the things we care about constantly pushed to the wayside, especially as the end of 1E keeps getting closer, making the AR more important than ever.

I don't think it would be unfair to say that this remains a persistent concern for the community not even so much because it hasn't been fixed, but because it doesn't really feel like a fix is even being moved towards.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
2) the spell list was a print error

Do you have a citation for that?

(This isn’t an attempt at a “gotcha!”, I’m genuinely curious what was officially said about this. I always assumed that the sometimes low summoner spell levels were the result of trying to match the summoner character level to the wizard character level - and rounding the wrong way. Resulting in a power gap in actual play. Design error rather than typo.)

5/5 5/55/55/5

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**dig dig dig BONE!*

1. The summoner spell list has been a problem for years. It was supposed to be swapped out back before the book came out and at the time, we were not doing any spot erratas so the wrong list has stuck around. This is our chance to fix it along with the other problems of the class.

4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

BigNorseWolf wrote:

While on the flip side, you get things like the core summoner...which I don't understand how it even made it to print it is so powerful

1) The build a bear aspects of the eidolon were intended to have a DM overseeing and approving the build which... isn't really an option in organized play.

2) the spell list was a print error, but its not like you can ban the entire class from pfs and still expect people to buy the brand new book

The eidolon and spells were never the issue though. It was always the sheer amount of ridiculously goofy and oddball things you could do with summoning and summoning alone which did not change between class revisions. Paizo actively made that aspect even more over powered as time went on. Hell even PFS overseeing the Unchained Eidolon has resulted in wonky stuff.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

BigNorseWolf wrote:
No...I really don't want to have to accept synthesist summoners et all at the tables and I don't think too many other people are either.

Hmmm, interesting. I don't want to see more replay and based on commentary there are a lot of people who agree with me, but based on the recent blogs it seems what "I" want is not what campaign leadership wants. I'd bet that if they started asking people about some of the banned materials, you'd find a measurable number of people in favor of un-banning it.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Slyme wrote:
Catfolk being so limited is something I don't understand...mechanically they really are not a very strong race, certainly no more powerful than some of the core or featured races.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
its not a matter of power . For catfolk its just that they really don't have a big/well known presence in golarion, so an entire (swarm? herd?) of catfolk in the society wouldn't make much sense.

Does it make sense that there are "swarms" of ifrit, kitsune, nagaji, oread, sylph, tengu, undine, or wayang? I don't really see much narrative cannon to indicate that any of those races exist on Golarion in any more meaningful numbers than catfolk, aasimar, or tieflings yet the latter three are restricted.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Bob Jonquet wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
No...I really don't want to have to accept synthesist summoners et all at the tables and I don't think too many other people are either.
Hmmm, interesting. I don't want to see more replay and based on commentary there are a lot of people who agree with me, but based on the recent blogs it seems what "I" want is not what campaign leadership wants.

The problem is that you are AGAIN strawmanning another posters reasonable request into something completely unreasonable that they did not say rather than addressing their concerns. In this case, "Hey can we this stuff thats 6 months behind added to additional resources" is in no way shape or form "RELEASE THE HOUNDS! OPEN THE FLOODGATES!" . It completely negates any possibility of rational discourse or discussion when you're not actually talking about what the other person said.

I'd bet that if they started asking people about some of the banned materials, you'd find a measurable number of people in favor of un-banning it.

1) I'm betting you would find vastly more opposed to opening the floodgates than keeping them where they are (sans the stuff that hasn't been looked over yet)

2) Opening the flood gates is not necessary for PFS to continue in any meaningful fasion. Replays so people can make tables is. You've had more than ample opportunity to make a counter argument to that and you can't. People still having games left does not equal tables going off on a viable scale.

Grand Lodge

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I'm all for relaxing SOME of the limitations of the AR. Such as allowing more of the uncommon races, without having to jump through hoops or attend larger cons (which are prohibitively expensive for a lot of people, which means a lot of PF1 players will never get the opportunity to play with those options).

I would love to see Paizo give the AR a thorough examination before locking it down to a final version and switching their focus solely to PF2 and SF. Maybe open up more of the uncommon races, relax a few of the restrictions on some other things, etc.

Making PFS1 completely unrestricted kind of defeats the purpose of organized play...at that point you are just playing home game rules and reporting the results.

As for replays...I think they should give at least some replays. Definitely not just unlimited replays...something around the 12 per year/1 per month range feels about right to me. Gives the weekly players the option to still jump in on games, without just granting everyone unlimited access to everything. Maybe some sort of gating...like 1 replay for every so many games played? The average person who wants replays doesn't want them for meta-game purposes, they just want to be able to play. I know several people locally who frequently can't play at a lot of tables, since they have both played and GMed the scenario being run.

4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

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Bob Jonquet wrote:
Slyme wrote:
Catfolk being so limited is something I don't understand...mechanically they really are not a very strong race, certainly no more powerful than some of the core or featured races.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
its not a matter of power . For catfolk its just that they really don't have a big/well known presence in golarion, so an entire (swarm? herd?) of catfolk in the society wouldn't make much sense.
Does it make sense that there are "swarms" of ifrit, kitsune, nagaji, oread, sylph, tengu, undine, or wayang? I don't really see much narrative cannon to indicate that any of those races exist on Golarion in any more meaningful numbers than catfolk, aasimar, or tieflings yet the latter three are restricted.

Yes actually it does. Wayangs are really the only oddish race in that regard but all the other ones have had massive plot reasons why as to why they exist in large droves.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Bob Jonquet wrote:

Does it make sense that there are "swarms" of ifrit, kitsune, nagaji, oread, sylph, tengu, undine, or wayang? I don't really see much narrative cannon to indicate that any of those races exist on Golarion in any more meaningful numbers than catfolk, aasimar, or tieflings yet the latter three are restricted.

The tien races showed up a few years after the society started poking around in Tien more.

The elemental races showed up right after pathfinders started plane hopping.

So its pretty apparent what pathfinders are doing in their downtime while they're visiting (recruiting.. definitely.. recruiting.)

Grand Lodge

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Aasimar and Tieflings were both freely available for a while...I don't remember some large event suddenly wiping out their entire populations to explain them no longer being available.

The Tien races, yep...before I started doing PFS, but I've heard about the society wide goals that were met to unlock them and such.

The elemental races have been 'featured' races for like 4 seasons now...all the major plane hopping has only really been going on for 2 seasons hasn't it? I started PFS at the beginning of season 8, seems like seasons 9 and 10 have been the heavy elemental planes focused scenarios.

The Pathfinders don't just recruit in their downtime...they recruit in the middle of a mission sometimes. :)

The whole boon restriction thing for uncommon races has always been one of the things that annoyed me about PFS. When I first was introduced to organized play, the very first thing I asked was "Can I play a Catfolk Rogue"...which I was disappointed to learn I could not, and likely would never be able to (At that point, the only Catfolk boon in existence was from a charity auction which happened prior to my joining). In fact, the race restrictions in Starfinder Society completely killed my enthusiasm for the game when I learned you would not be able to play any of the "Legacy" races without having to play a 'Core' race through specific adventures to unlock them. (That restriction has finally been lifted, so I may give it another chance)

Not everyone has the ability to go to large scale conventions and GM for most of a weekend. On the rare occasion that I am able to even attend something like GenCon, I don't get to play, let alone GM anything.


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So I base 98% of everything I buy from Paizo on the AR document. If something isn’t legal I don’t care because I only play Society, just not enough support for me to do a home campaign. It sucks but it happens. I have been waiting on the Blood of the Ancients, for what seems like an eterinity.

I get that 2nd edition is a HUGE project, but it shouldn’t take from something that has been in place for YEARS. I think Paizo screwed themselves with Society and the amount of crap they put out. They out so much crap out, most is subpar or never touched again that they make us wait 3+ months to get everything legal. The quantity vs quality is absurd. I hope second edition IS better with this.

My biggest issue right now is similar to that of Microsoft. Let’s look at Windows 7 - Windows 8. We take the most used OS in the world and completely change what the users are familiar with. It’s a huge gamble that doesn’t always pay out. I understand the want to break from the 3.5 model and be there own thing. You should have slowly transition into something new. Unchained was definelty in the right step. I hope the monthly release of companions is done with in second edition. I like what we are doing with Starfinder and hopefully 2Ed does the same.


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Slyme wrote:

Aasimar and Tieflings were both freely available for a while...I don't remember some large event suddenly wiping out their entire populations to explain them no longer being available.

The Tien races, yep...before I started doing PFS, but I've heard about the society wide goals that were met to unlock them and such.

The elemental races have been 'featured' races for like 4 seasons now...all the major plane hopping has only really been going on for 2 seasons hasn't it? I started PFS at the beginning of season 8, seems like seasons 9 and 10 have been the heavy elemental planes focused scenarios.

The Pathfinders don't just recruit in their downtime...they recruit in the middle of a mission sometimes. :)

The whole boon restriction thing for uncommon races has always been one of the things that annoyed me about PFS. When I first was introduced to organized play, the very first thing I asked was "Can I play a Catfolk Rogue"...which I was disappointed to learn I could not, and likely would never be able to (At that point, the only Catfolk boon in existence was from a charity auction which happened prior to my joining). In fact, the race restrictions in Starfinder Society completely killed my enthusiasm for the game when I learned you would not be able to play any of the "Legacy" races without having to play a 'Core' race through specific adventures to unlock them. (That restriction has finally been lifted, so I may give it another chance)

Not everyone has the ability to go to large scale conventions and GM for most of a weekend. On the rare occasion that I am able to even attend something like GenCon, I don't get to play, let alone GM anything.

I understand to a degree on the restrictions. I agree with the large scale convention comment. I myself despise the concept of convention exclusives, for any game. This is punishing to people that CAN’T make it. Especially because of financial reasons, I probably will never be able to attend Gencon and thus can’t get those boons. I saw a boon I wanted on the trading list, and wanted to trade. This guy had 20+ boons. I had one on his high priority list. So I made and offer for the trade. He came back an said no because it will be in the RSP in a few months. Really, people are greedy and when you have that many boons and to pull that. I about decided to stop supporting Paizo all together. And other issue with the Society around me. I finally got my Dhampir and one of the possible Archetypes I want to play prob won’t be legal for another 6+ months. Assuming I can still play any scenarios to level him up.


BigNorseWolf wrote:

1) I'm betting you would find vastly more opposed to opening the floodgates than keeping them where they are (sans the stuff that hasn't been looked over yet)

2) Opening the flood gates is not necessary for PFS to continue in any meaningful fasion. Replays so people can make tables is.

As we say in the survey business, I strongly agree with this two statements.

Micheal Smith wrote:
I get that 2nd edition is a HUGE project, but it shouldn’t take from something that has been in place for YEARS. I think Paizo screwed themselves with Society and the amount of crap they put out. They out so much crap out, most is subpar or never touched again that they make us wait 3+ months to get everything legal. The quantity vs quality is absurd. I hope second edition IS better with this.

I think this is also spot on, and why I’ve argued that Paizo both saved and then destroyed D&D3.x. As I see it, Paizo broke PF1e and then rather than fix it, they’re tossing it in the garbage in favor of a radically new PF2e (which I for one don’t particularly like).

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

Slyme wrote:

Aasimar and Tieflings were both freely available for a while...I don't remember some large event suddenly wiping out their entire populations to explain them no longer being available.

They were commonly available while we were dealing with the worldwound, as there were many of both races as part of the crusade. Once that was dealt with, there wasn't as high a concentration to recruit from.

Anyone thinking we might get some AR updates for Christmas?

Grand Lodge


1/5 5/5

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Well, Starfinder might see some AR luvin' in the next week or so?

...tries to find positivity...


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I thought AR meant Aroden Reckoning and I was wondering what calendar plot was unfolding.

I'd be really interested to know the process the Paizo staff utilizes in approving rules text for the AR

Is it more complex than reading and putting notes or flags next to certain things? If you make a firearms using archetype, wouldn't you just go ahead and give the PFS team a heads up? Or something Drow related for auto-banning.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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FYI: There was a similar question recently on the Pathfinder Society Facebook Page.

Official PFS Facebook Page wrote:

Kyle Hallberg: Is there an idea on when Planar Adventures will become PFS legal?

Michael Sayre: Linda and I already knocked out the AR notes for Planar Adventures, so it should be just a matter of final review and getting in the upload schedule.

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There have also been similar posts recently about Seers of the Drowned City, and other documents. We just saw Kingmaker get sanctioned. From that I am inferring that further AR updates are coming and certainly in progress.




Zero the Nothing wrote:

I'd be really interested to know the process the Paizo staff utilizes in approving rules text for the AR

Is it more complex than reading and putting notes or flags next to certain things? If you make a firearms using archetype, wouldn't you just go ahead and give the PFS team a heads up? Or something Drow related for auto-banning.

There are three parts to allowing new stuff. In terms of mechanics and balance the largest issue is finding which existing allowable mechanic would turn the new thing into an unbalanced/overpowered mechanic. With hundreds of archetypes, hundreds of feats, thousands of magic item, however many erratas, and the multitude of variables a combos of these existing mechanics create, it is a monumentally complex task.

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