Monkeygod |

I've been thinking about this for awhile now, and I would really love a GM well-versed in either Golarion or Faerun lore to run an evil game set within one of those two settings.
I'm looking for a game that will let the PCs mingle, befriend, fight and otherwise interact with canonical NPCs. I want to be able to explore the setting, lore and history as much as be evil bad guys doing evil bad guy stuff.
I have a few concepts in mind for each setting. They are all brief, so as not to as for too much from a prospective GM(though I am obviously willing to work with the GM if they want more input from me).
While I would prefer the game to be gestalt(or possibly even tristalt), I have no problem with normal single classes. I do however, request the game be open to 3pp material, as appropriate.
Finally, while it might seem like this is asking for a solo game, this is actually a request for a normal group game. I'm just throwing out some ideas of what I would love to be a a part of.
A game where either the PCs start out as members of the Blood Lords of Geb, and are looking to expand their personal power base, as well as possibly expanding Geb's borders.
Alternatively, the PCs are looking to become new Blood Lords, possibly taking down/out several of the current ones.
2) Evil Kingmaker, which since we're evil, would include conquering other River Kingdoms, and perhaps neighboring countries as well.
3) Release of the Runelords, ie, the PCs are seeking to release/revive, the Runelords, perhaps to take their place and become new ones.
4) A Tian-Xia game, exploring more Eastern themes of evil/tyranny. Bloodstained samurai, heartless ninja, poisonous courtiers, deceitful yokai, etc.
Forgotten Realms:
Zhentarim agents, either starting low level, and working our way up into the heights of power, or starting higher and being agents out amongst the world.
2) All Drow game, heavy politics/intrigue likely set fully(or mostly) in the Underdark.
3) City of Shade game. Ie, the PCs are all Shades, and starting in the City, but ideally moving out into the world later on.
Obviously, a few of the games would likely start at a higher level, but that can be discussed or left up to the GM.

Simling |
I have to admit to being curious about this. Not to play, but just the logistics.
Golarion has Clerics and Oracles and Deities who are very active in their flock. They also have Wizards who can summon Dretches who will gleefully go in to detail about how you will spend eternity being consumed in the lower intestine of a greater Daemon for following evil, and there are very easily cast spells that will quite happily tell you whether you are evil(And thus going to be consumed by demons for all eternity) or good(In which case you can go make a nice cuppa).
How do you handle the very clear existential crisis any sane person would have in such a world, knowing that you are about to face an eternity of suffering and, even if you become Undead, that you will 'Only be immortal for a little while' and then suffer eternally?
I would find that a jarring game to play. "What? I'm evil?" "Yep. Spell said so, man." "But I love my mother!" "So did Orcus, man. Spell doesn't lie. You evil."