What's something weird that annoys you?

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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

This is related to flakiness, but it really bothers me when a GM will cancel a game because ONE player won't show up. Oh never mind the rest of us who actually didn't flake, cleared our schedules, and showed up, (or were willing to show up) right? F&++ us - let's pause the story for one person who decided something else was more important last minute.

Guess what happened tonight.


I’m sorry. :(

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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:

This is related to flakiness, but it really bothers me when a GM will cancel a game because ONE player won't show up. Oh never mind the rest of us who actually didn't flake, cleared our schedules, and showed up, (or were willing to show up) right? F#@& us - let's pause the story for one person who decided something else was more important last minute.

Guess what happened tonight.

Oh, crap. That stinks. I try to not let that happen. If three or more of my players can't make it I'll cancel the game but I do my best to get the news out at least a day, usually two, ahead of time. And I'm the one who flakes the most, though it is very rare. I have some health conditions that sometimes cause me to put a game on hold. I hate doing it but I try to make it up to them.

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I think it depends on how many people you have in your game if you got like 3 people and one flakes then I could see a cancel.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Weirdly annoying? The difficulty in finding good documentation for modding the Baldur's Gate series of games.

I haven't looked, but there's nothing on Beamdog's website?

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The Universe at large annoys me. Have you heard about dark matter and dark energy? Why isn't there any dark gravity?

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Dad would ask me why I spent so much time alone in my room instead of watching tv with the family. I told them why and he eventually quit.

Kudos to your dad.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Here's a thing that annoys me. My gaming group. We're all very good friends and have gamed together 3 decades, but boy oh boy. I prepared a loot pile for the last adventure with items I figured they could all use as well as some things that were optional and could be used or sold later. So what does the Sorcerer choose? A Ring of Sustenance over a Headband of Alluring Charisma. She never thinks about how Charisma is so important to a Sorcerer. So thus far the Headband is in the "to sell" pile. *bangs head on desk*

Try renaming it to "Sorcerer's Headband."

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There is a chance they want to save up for a multi-stat headband.

I mean, a ring of sustenance is pretty useful for a caster. Two hour spell recharge is nice.

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The Universe at large annoys me. Have you heard about dark matter and dark energy? Why isn't there any dark gravity?

Maybe we just haven't discovered it yet.

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Andostre wrote:
Try renaming it to "Sorcerer's Headband."

The Barbarian chose it. 0_o

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Andostre wrote:
Try renaming it to "Sorcerer's Headband."
The Barbarian chose it. 0_o


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Thread Title wrote:
What's something weird that annoys you?

Life. Mostly other humans, by and large, but sometimes even without them being involved...life. Our innate desire that it should be a certain way, and the consistent fact that it is not.

And sobriety. That's annoying as hell. I'm pretty sure I'm about two drinks or half a joint knurd by default, and crotchety as a 90 year old bachelor as a result.

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
The Universe at large annoys me. Have you heard about dark matter and dark energy? Why isn't there any dark gravity?
Maybe we just haven't discovered it yet.

Oh! But we have! We call it "gravity" and we understand absolutely nothing about it!

I think I read somewhere a 5th universal force had been discovered. I'll have to go look for that.

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Oh! I've heard of that one! It's called "love! weird sex in a sarcophagus!"

(Or maybe "fifth force" or something, I'unno. Oh, also, and spoiler-alert or whatever.)

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Look, the movie is twenty-one years old. By this point, someone could have been born when the movie was released, grown up, and been a Pathfinder adult for five years. So, no. No spoiler tags for you!

(That's a "Seinfeld" reference, for you youngun's. See, "Seinfeld" was a show that many people once collectively worshiped, and were quite upset by the ending. I found the show and the ending decent - better at some times than others. Better than "Friends," at any rate! Bring it, nerds~!*)

* But, um, don't, you know, actually "bring it," as I value privacy, and also, I don't even know what the, "it," is that you'd actually, you "bring." Also, I don't care enough to have this fight, so, "Yeah, sure, your favorite show was better, or whatever."

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Tacticslion wrote:
Oh! I've heard of that one! It's called "love! weird sex in a sarcophagus!"

I think I'm the only person in the universe who didn't care for "The Fifth Element" at all. I couldn't even finish it.

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No, it was absolutely terrible. I love - LOVE! - Bruce Willis, and that film had almost every aspect that should have made it perfect. But it sucked. And it has a big following! ... because it sucked.

Just like Hudson Hawk. (Though I love me some Hudson Hawk.)

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Quality is not necessary for a sci fi cult following...

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MageHunter wrote:
Quality is not necessary for a sci fi cult following...

Truer words...

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MageHunter wrote:
Quality is not necessary for a sci fi cult following...

...or any following, frankly. See also: Rocky Horror Piece of S!%%.


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MageHunter wrote:
Quality is not necessary for a sci fi cult following...

Yo way yo!

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Oh! I've heard of that one! It's called "love! weird sex in a sarcophagus!"
I think I'm the only person in the universe who didn't care for "The Fifth Element" at all. I couldn't even finish it.

I wandered off about 10 minutes in. Life is short.

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Interesting to hear you guys say that.

I hadn't even heard of the movie before I went with my friends to see it, and I enjoyed it immensely, I think in large part because I had no preconceived notions about it (because I'd never heard of it).

Ever since I had that realization, I actively avoided watching trailers and discussions theorizing movies for movies I was interested in.

I don't want to say that Fifth Element changed my life, but....

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I'd only heard of it in that I knew it was a science fiction movie. I didn't really have any expectations. Come to think of it, I still don't. It was only later I mentioned to a friend I'd started watching it.

"Oh god," he said. "You'd hate that."

He knows me well.

That said, I love, love, love David Lynch's Dune, which is a movie that most everyone I know really didn't like. No accounting for taste, I guess.

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I didn't like Dune. The whispering all the time really, really grated on my nerves.

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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
MageHunter wrote:
Quality is not necessary for a sci fi cult following...
...or any following, frankly. See also: Rocky Horror Piece of S$#%.

We're just gonna have to disagree on this one. It's one of my favorite movies ever. I haven't gone to the theater to see it in decades so I don't consider myself part of any cult following. I just think it's great fun. As the poster for the movie said, "Lots of larfs and sex".

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Thread Title wrote:
What's something weird that annoys you?

When I'm slurping up someone's intestines like they're spaghetti noodles and I get blood on my nose. And then someone points it out, and they're like, "how'd you get blood on your nose" and the implication is that I'm some kind of extraordinary slob, for getting it on my nose, like that's something sooooooo sensational that it just has to be pointed at and laughed about.

I also didn't like Dune, had nothing to do with whispers, it's just a terrible movie.

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What annoys me, currently.

Boots that brag that they're "good in temperatures down to 14 degrees!" It was 14 degrees yesterday morning!

So basically, if you buy those boots they're already obsolete for the rest of the season.

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Do you want frostbite! Because that's how you get frostbite!! Barry, you a*&#++%!

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I heart 5th element I can marathon it.

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One question about Dune: I remember a character (several?) saying that Leto had some fundamental flaw which doomed his reign, but I could never pinpoint what that flaw was supposed to be. Thoughts, anyone?

Dark Archive

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Tequila Sunrise wrote:
One question about Dune: I remember a character (several?) saying that Leto had some fundamental flaw which doomed his reign, but I could never pinpoint what that flaw was supposed to be. Thoughts, anyone?

Like Eddard Stark, he expected his enemies (including not just Harkonen but also the Emperor) to act/fight with some semblance of honor, because that's the kind of person *he* was.

Instead bad people did entirely predictable bad things and he died.

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Ads that are disguised as movie trailers.

So this gripping family drama actually catches my attention and... It's an ad for car insurance...


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Rabid fans of XYZ who believe the superiority of XYZ to PDQ makes them superior to fans of PDQ. ( where XYZ and PDQ can be sports teams, movie franchises, car brands, etc.)

Java Man wrote:
Rabid fans of XYZ who believe the superiority of XYZ to PDQ makes them superior to fans of PDQ. ( where XYZ and PDQ can be sports teams, movie franchises, car brands, etc.)

Related: I love that people get excited about things and love their fandoms, but fans can take things too far! Someone saying "42!" and then hysterically laughing turns me off of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and people saying "wibbly wobbly time travel" and then looking at me expectantly for so long that it becomes awkward pretty much ensures that I'll never seek out an episode of Doctor Who.

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Java Man wrote:
Rabid fans of XYZ who believe the superiority of XYZ to PDQ makes them superior to fans of PDQ. ( where XYZ and PDQ can be sports teams, movie franchises, car brands, etc.)

Also: The NFL has probably built their business model around that mentality.

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Sports fans who say "we" annoy the s!~% out of me.

B#%@&, you aren't on the team. You aren't the coach. You aren't a cheerleader. You contribute nothing. YOU didn't do s++~. THEY did. YOU sat on your ass on a comfy couch and watched in retrospect, yelling at a screen that can't hear you.

Unless you receive a paycheck from the NFL (or affiliated sports network for your fandom) you're greatly insulting the people who ARE on or related to the team for the hard work and perseverance and skill it took to get there.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Set wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
One question about Dune: I remember a character (several?) saying that Leto had some fundamental flaw which doomed his reign, but I could never pinpoint what that flaw was supposed to be. Thoughts, anyone?

Like Eddard Stark, he expected his enemies (including not just Harkonen but also the Emperor) to act/fight with some semblance of honor, because that's the kind of person *he* was.

Instead bad people did entirely predictable bad things and he died.

Seems more of a movie spin...

In the book he knows full well he's in a trap and that the gloves are off... he just didn't realize that Yueh had been cracked- because the Harkonnens were actually the first to pull that off, breaking a Suk School Doctor's conditioning.

In addition, the Emperor loaning the Harkonenns actual Sardarkaur gave them one hell of an edge in the assault on House Atreides- but even if Leto had known, there wasn't a heck of a lot he could have done about it.

If Leto had a flaw, I personally think it was more... inflexibility.

That which submits rules. ... The willow submits to the wind and prospers until one day it is many willows — a wall against the wind. This is the willow's purpose.

He couldn't just run off and become a Renegade House, he couldn't marry Jessica, he couldn't do a lot of things... because he wouldn't let himself bend to it. Not pride, exactly, but it comes close, if a one-word flaw is desired...

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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Unless you receive a paycheck from the NFL (or affiliated sports network for your fandom) you're greatly insulting the people who ARE on or related to the team for the hard work and perseverance and skill it took to get there.

Claiming insult on behalf of someone else for people being excited on behalf of someone else is at least 10,000 spoons' worth of irony.

And the "we" is a figure of speech. They're role-playing their game. It's not that different from me saying "we took over Thornkeep last week" even though all I did was roll dice and eat Cheetos...

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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It really annoys me when people confuse nominative versus objective pronouns, but it especially irritates me when people "correct" what SHOULD be the objective to the nominative thinking it makes them sound smarter. GRRRR!

/grammar nerd

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DeathQuaker wrote:

It really annoys me when people confuse nominative versus objective pronouns, but it especially irritates me when people "correct" what SHOULD be the objective to the nominative thinking it makes them sound smarter. GRRRR!

/grammar nerd

Confession: Sometimes I'll say "whom" even when it's wrong, just because I like sounding like an Ent.

Also, have you seen The Oatmeal's take on who/whom?

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Nice. :) The explanation might have been overwrought, but I liked the funny pictures and the bourbon. Especially the bourbon. :)

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quibblemuch wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Unless you receive a paycheck from the NFL (or affiliated sports network for your fandom) you're greatly insulting the people who ARE on or related to the team for the hard work and perseverance and skill it took to get there.

Claiming insult on behalf of someone else for people being excited on behalf of someone else is at least 10,000 spoons' worth of irony.

And the "we" is a figure of speech. They're role-playing their game. It's not that different from me saying "we took over Thornkeep last week" even though all I did was roll dice and eat Cheetos...

I'll admit to the irony, but PF is a game and you DO control the players. Watching the NFL you can wish for a hail mary all you want, if the coach calls a run, they run.

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The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
quibblemuch wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Unless you receive a paycheck from the NFL (or affiliated sports network for your fandom) you're greatly insulting the people who ARE on or related to the team for the hard work and perseverance and skill it took to get there.

Claiming insult on behalf of someone else for people being excited on behalf of someone else is at least 10,000 spoons' worth of irony.

And the "we" is a figure of speech. They're role-playing their game. It's not that different from me saying "we took over Thornkeep last week" even though all I did was roll dice and eat Cheetos...

I'll admit to the irony, but PF is a game and you DO control the players. Watching the NFL you can wish for a hail mary all you want, if the coach calls a run, they run.

I can tell you this much, we would've won the super bowl if that loser had called a f#!+ing run, I tell you what.

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Geekyjockhips, Quarterback Guru wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
quibblemuch wrote:
The Vagrant Erudite wrote:
Unless you receive a paycheck from the NFL (or affiliated sports network for your fandom) you're greatly insulting the people who ARE on or related to the team for the hard work and perseverance and skill it took to get there.

Claiming insult on behalf of someone else for people being excited on behalf of someone else is at least 10,000 spoons' worth of irony.

And the "we" is a figure of speech. They're role-playing their game. It's not that different from me saying "we took over Thornkeep last week" even though all I did was roll dice and eat Cheetos...

I'll admit to the irony, but PF is a game and you DO control the players. Watching the NFL you can wish for a hail mary all you want, if the coach calls a run, they run.
I can tell you this much, we would've won the super bowl if that loser had called a f$%#ing run, I tell you what.

I would have won the big game in high school if I hadn't rolled a natural 1 on that hail mary!

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