Azure_Zero's Hollow's Last Hope Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Azure_Zero

Pathfinder game

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Hi, I have been on these boards for a while and would like to try my hand at PBP, but I see that most PBP recruitment threads fill up quickly and the novices have a low chance to get in and depending persona; nervous to join a game or even worried about accidentally doing something rude (my personal POV). I have selected "Hollow Last Hope" as it is the smallest Module I know and would be a good starting point.

This PBP is for Novices (that in my books is those with 0 to 4* aliases, or whom have more than 4 aliases, but none are heavily used)
*(I may increase this later)
The party limit is 5, these 5 will be decided by Vote.

Recruitment closes in a weeks time.

I have in real life played as both GM (95% of the time) and Player, so I do not mind running it, but would prefer a chance as player.

Base creation rules:

Stats: 20-point Buy (locked, as it has similar results to my own 16-point buy system)
Traits: None (or if another takes the rains can modify this)
Sources allowed: Core Rule Book, and Other Paizo Material (this requires approval) or if another takes the rains can modify this
Starting Cash: Max (or if another takes the rains can modify this)
Character Background: Ideal, if none I'll assume your a resident of Falcon's Hollow, with a job that best matches your profession/class and that is it.
Must be willing to post at least once a day for 5 days out of the week. (Weekends, I work and am working on a fan made Pathfinder Computer game)

Add-ons (Only Applied if I GM)
->Add feat: Jovian and the Arms and Equipments Guide's "Full Blade."
->This will be decided on by vote, if I add the "Paradox Character Add-on"** which can make for more powerful characters, or weaker ones pending on the match of your choices, and base character build.

**Note the "Paradox Character Add-on" is give and take.

Shadow Lodge

I'm interested. I am deployed at the moment, but I should have time for a game. I have tried a few games that have all died out fairly quickly, so I really do not have much PBp experience, and might actually already have a character.

Hey would like to play will work on character soon as possible

Hey there, I'd be interested in playing but I just want to throw out a warning first so you know what to expect from me.

Firstly, I've only ever played Pathfinder properly once, and that was two weeks ago as a GM. Secondly, I've never played a PbP game either, so this could be interesting =/

I have the Core rules and the APG, so I should be all set in every other respect.

I'm planning on rolling a cleric, any suggestions on how I can flavour his background based on the setting would be appreciated.

I'll apply with this character, created for another Falcon's Hollow game that he didn't get picked for.

Silver Crusade

(from Beckett) An old Character I believe is ready to go. I will double check it just in case. I know nothing about Falcon's Hollow, so let me know if I need to change anything, or alter it for better RP or party reasons.

Out of the characters I can review so far
Janus, Cleared for use.
Ser Demlan Hemlyth, your using a 22 point character, when it's 20 point

Pit Digger, the stats are point-buy*, not dice rolled, refer to core rule book, page 16,
as for background, it will depend on various questions (as the character) like;
what race am I?
Am I a resident of Falcon's Hollow (local town in module)?
if not, where do I come from?
what do I believe in?

*I forgot to mention that my point buy rules, do not allow for stats below 10, you also start with max HP, and when you level up you always get more than half on a hit dice before con mod is added for HP.

And Noting that I have added an extra feat and weapon on top on regular sources.

Jovian feat:
"Jovian" requires human and first level only,, and basical makes them 1.25 taller, 2 times heavier and have some advantages as if they were large creatures, like the bonus on manuver checks, and being swallowed, thou if I were to write it for pathfinder it would look like this:

"You possess a truly impressive stature"

Jovian (feat)

Prerequiste: Human subtype,
special: medium size racial start (to avoid certain templates being applied)

You gain a +2 on ALL CMB, and CMD checks, you carring capacity is 2.00x greater than for a medium creature, your first level land speed is also 1.25x greater than normal (ie 30ft becomes 35ft, 40ft becomes 50ft).
You gain a +1 to intimidate checks, but take a -1 to stealth checks and a -3 on disguise checks.

If you wish to determine you character's height and weight randomly, your base height is 6'4"(male) or 6'0"(female) and your base weight is 210lb (male), or 170lb (female). Refer to Table 6-6 in the "players handbook" or Table 7-3 in "Pathfinder Core Rulebook". Another method is that you determine the character randomly as if they were not Jovian and then take the height result and times it by 1.25 and take the weight result and times it by 2.

Special: You may only take this feat as a 1st level character.

Full Blade:

Fullblade cost:100gp damage:2d8 Crit:19–20/×2 weight:23 lb. type:Slashing

Fullblade: A fullblade is 18 inches longer than a
greatsword and is too large for a Medium-size creature
to use with two hands without special training;
thus, it is an exotic weapon. (Medium-size creatures
cannot use a fullblade one-handed at all.)
A Large creature could use the fullblade with one
hand, but it would be assessed the standard –4 nonproficiency
penalty on its attack rolls; Large creatures
can use the fullblade in two hands as a martial
weapon. A Large creature with the Exotic Weapon
Proficiency (fullblade) feat can use the fullblade in
one hand, but a Medium-size creature must use both
hands even if it has the relevant feat. A fullblade is
also called an ogre’s greatsword.

The paradox system I will reveal, if their is interest in it and then can be voted on.

PitDigger here, just got a W.I.P. profile up. I assume APG domains are okay?

I'm interested, very much so. These things do fill up quickly.

Profile all done.

Sig is mostly done, please check him out. I need to get skills and feats up, but that's pretty much it.

If you want Azure_Zero I will step in and run this. I'm already running a group through this and its very slow but this was my very first module I ever run in Pathfinder so it always carries a place in my heart. If you want to run it that's fine just thought I would offer you an opportunity to take a break from GMing and let you be a player once.

Just checked Sig's stats, you must have missed this:

DM Azure_Zero wrote:

*I forgot to mention that my point buy rules, do not allow for stats below 10, you also start with max HP, and when you level up you always get more than half on a hit dice before con mod is added for HP.

To be fair, it isn't in the first post.

PitDigger wrote:

Just checked Sig's stats, you must have missed this:

DM Azure_Zero wrote:

*I forgot to mention that my point buy rules, do not allow for stats below 10, you also start with max HP, and when you level up you always get more than half on a hit dice before con mod is added for HP.
To be fair, it isn't in the first post.

I did miss that. It's an easy correction.

Janus, Cleared for use.
Ser Demlan Hemlyth, your using a 22 point character, when it's 20 point
Tamnir Allefort, Cleared for use. APG domains OK
Sig Svensen, 20-point OK, but no stats below 10, as stated in my 2nd post as an appending note to the opening post.

DM Mathpro wrote:
If you want Azure_Zero I will step in and run this. I'm already running a group through this and its very slow but this was my very first module I ever run in Pathfinder so it always carries a place in my heart. If you want to run it that's fine just thought I would offer you an opportunity to take a break from GMing and let you be a player once.

Actually I have a proposal, we both run the module, but as separate games with our own twists (I have already thought of some nice things to add* and things to change). This way we get to both Play and GM, but have to take a little more of a backseat as players and the players can get twice the experience of PBP.

Thou I admit then that all players would need 2 characters, one for each game, this would also give them the chance to experiment with new builds, races and classes if both games progress into the next sequence of modules.

Thou I think not only you and me need to agree on this, but the players as well.

*watch out for my comedic trio of Goblins and more ideas.

If DM Mathpro were to allow stats below 10, I could experiment with two different Sigs. Sig v1 is configured per DM Azure_Zero's parameters and Sig v2 isn't. I'd very much like to see how the two versions compare to one another (both in and out of combat.)

Sig v1
Fighter 1
STR: 16
DEX: 16
CON: 14
INT: 10
WIS: 10
CHA: 10

Sig v2.5
Paladin 1
STR: 14
DEX: 14
CON: 14
INT: 8
WIS: 12
CHA: 16

Two games in parallel? Interesting idea. I'd be happy to do it, gotta think up a new character though.

Just a thought: I wonder if meta-game issues wouldn't arise from playing the same module, in two games, at the same time? Perhaps it would be best for each DM to select 4 different players (and in doing so, allow more people to play?)

Sig Svensen wrote:
Just a thought: I wonder if meta-game issues wouldn't arise from playing the same module, in two games, at the same time? Perhaps it would be best for each DM to select 4 different players (and in doing so, allow more people to play?)

That's why I said we'll add our own twists (I have already glanced through the module and found things I can change quickly and with little notice) An example is changing the location of some of the MacGuffins, and creatures along with what they are.

This idea also will give an alternate timeline feel for the players in both games. Why am I now thinking of the TV series "Sliders."

I do like the idea of playing two slightly different Sigs in parallel universes. Heck, though, in one he should be a Paladin instead of a simple Fighter...

Parallel universes would be fun, I might remake Tamnir as an alchemist or a barbarian for giggles.

PitDigger wrote:
Parallel universes would be fun, I might remake Tamnir as an alchemist or a barbarian for giggles.

you could go further, and change the class-type(melee, skill, arcane, divine), race and or gender*

*In a Sliders episode, one of the main characters runs into a female version of himself in one reality.

I've got an idea for a Ranger who could fit into this. I'll flesh him out and work up some stats.

I'm in one other PbP, but it's only a month or so old, I'll leave it up to you whether that still qualifies as novice.

thejeff wrote:

I've got an idea for a Ranger who could fit into this. I'll flesh him out and work up some stats.

I'm in one other PbP, but it's only a month or so old, I'll leave it up to you whether that still qualifies as novice.

thejeff, your cleared for this PBP

Silver Crusade

I'm ok with either one or two games, personally. I'd like to know a little bit more about Falcon's Hollow, though. Not in the sense of revealing anything, but more along the lines of is it set in Golarian? (If so), do the Factions have any value? Things of that nature, please.

Apologies, I forgot the last Falcon's Hollow game was a 22pt buy. I'll amend appropriately this evening.

Janos the Raven Knight wrote:
I'm ok with either one or two games, personally. I'd like to know a little bit more about Falcon's Hollow, though. Not in the sense of revealing anything, but more along the lines of is it set in Golarian? (If so), do the Factions have any value? Things of that nature, please.

From the module:

"The Town of Falcon’s Hollow
A rough community wholly owned by the
local Lumber Consortium, Falcon’s Hollow
rests on the edge of Darkmoon Vale, a blunt,
sawdust-choked stop on a winding trade
route. Home to fewer than 1,500 humans
and a smattering of other races, most of
the townsfolk care only for the paltry coins
paid for their backbreaking work and what
simple comforts they can buy. A few, however,
understand that what’s bad for one is
bad for all, and so the community thrives on
a tenacious mix of greed, debauchery, and
stubborn self-reliance."

The Darkmoon Vale stands at the northwestern corner of the
democracy of Andoran.

And Factions have no value here.

Any others novice PBP players looking for a game?

if no others in the next 2 days (Saturday At midnight EST (-5:00)), close the entries and hold the vote early.

Got a lot of responses that liked the parallel games idea, but I need DM_Mathpro to agree to it.

And I do hope he agrees to it as it would be very interesting to see the differences in not only character choices and response, but DM styles and twists to the same module as well.

Hey glad to see you on running one AZ!

I am thinking about running another one depends how my current one turns out......



I like darkmoon vale and might make one where the dwarven ruins are replaced by the fallen fortress, same reason for going there as hollows last hope, but a slight and fun change.

Good luck! ;)

KenderKin wrote:

Hey glad to see you on running one AZ!

I am thinking about running another one depends how my current one turns out......

** spoiler omitted **

Good luck! ;)

Thanks KenderKin

And I would like your thoughts on the proposal to DM_Mathpro or if you would be interested in also taking the proposal?

Shadow Lodge

I was just curious how much alteration from the original character we are talking about (guidelines) for the other game? Is it essentually a different character, or are you wanting basically the same individual (same ability scores, race, and such things) but with different class make ups, feat/skill choices, etc. . .?

Obviously a different DM will have some different character creation rules, but I mean more what is the idea you are wanting to experement with?

Beckett wrote:

I was just curious how much alteration from the original character we are talking about (guidelines) for the other game? Is it essentually a different character, or are you wanting basically the same individual (same ability scores, race, and such things) but with different class make ups, feat/skill choices, etc. . .?

Obviously a different DM will have some different character creation rules, but I mean more what is the idea you are wanting to experiment with?

It is your choice from the Exact same character* to a completely different character (everything is different, race, class, build, etc..).

*(two copies, to keep exp separate)

I saw one attempt at connected parallel games that failed miserably in that attempt.

PBP are fraught with problems....

You get all the PCs in one place at one time....
....they role-play and interact Good!
....they do not interact with each other
....they do not want to interact with NPCs
....each PC only wants to interact with the DM
....Use ooc thread to ask questions rather than having the character ask questions in charcter.

You (as DM) move the story forwards
......The PCs tell what they are doing in this circumstance Good!
.....One PC decides he/she did not go with the others
Ie I stayed in bed that day, I am still at the Inn
.....I had a question for such and so NPC Really? that NPC was posted for 3 days before I moved things forwards

The PCs need to make a plan
.....sometimes they work out the details compare intel and formulate strategy Good!

.....They just wait for the DM to Post they are there for the assualt and expect to have everything they would have packed had they planned.

The PCs do not do those things and then....
.....They leave the game unannounced
.....they can't get into character
.....They look for a new PBP

Thanks for your observations, KenderKin.
Hopefully I use it well.

I am still going to do PBP's!

Here's the Ranger I'd mentioned before.

Not a whole lot of background, but he's a local. He hasn't had any adventures yet. I could probably expand on the family if you wanted. Or you can. Just providing a couple places to sink the plot hooks in.:)

I'm not to excited by the parallel adventure idea. I'm sure there will be differences, which would be interesting to see, but there will also be much duplication. It might also get confusing, trying to keep straight what has happened in which game.

If there are enough people, I'd rather just play in one version and let someone else have the slot in the other.

Bertrand Wilhelm wrote:

Here's the Ranger I'd mentioned before.

Not a whole lot of background, but he's a local. He hasn't had any adventures yet. I could probably expand on the family if you wanted. Or you can. Just providing a couple places to sink the plot hooks in.:)

I'm not to excited by the parallel adventure idea. I'm sure there will be differences, which would be interesting to see, but there will also be much duplication. It might also get confusing, trying to keep straight what has happened in which game.

If there are enough people, I'd rather just play in one version and let someone else have the slot in the other.

You do bring up a good point about cross-game-referencing which could cause problems.

So I might "Can" the parallel games idea, since DM mathpro has not agreed to it (assuming), but then the other character can act as your back up character should he/she die (rare, but still possible)

And I can run with all those here (5, I believe, which was the limit)

25 Hours to go before I close the entries.

8 Hours to go before I close the entries.

4 Hours to go before I close the entries.

1.5 Hours to go before I close the entries.

Hey it should be closed now!

Did I make it?

You should have, we didn't have any applications over the limit of five, so I assume we'll be running with this group.

PitDigger wrote:
You should have, we didn't have any applications over the limit of five, so I assume we'll be running with this group.


Well, that was succinct. Care to elaborate on how we're going to start this, Azure? =P

The next step is me opening the PBP game thread and posting the link in this thread so you can get to it.

And you will speak and act in character when posting in that thread,

a party of 3 melees and 2 clerics

The game will start tomorrow as right now I have a KILLER freaking headache, yay thunder storms and solar flares.

I'll check back tomorrow.

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