Treat Wounds DC shouldn't be tied to Level

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
Hmm should it start at one person at a time and be a skill feat to do 6 at once?

The reason they have it as 6 is so the party does not feel it needs to all invest in medicine.

This was a good move on Paizo's part.

Hmm fair enough.

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
graystone wrote:
I guess you can take it and not crit fail when you're untrained and taking ACP from plate... [like with farmhand background]. Not sure what that gets you through.
I took the farmhand background on a fighter in part because I kind of wanted the feat. I was going to be maxing athletics anyway (to get my break grapple DC way up there) and was going to be wearing heavy armor, so I figured "being able to climb the thing without worrying about ACP" might come in handy and being able to auto-trip/grapple/disarm enemies below my level at certain points might be handy.

How often in the dungeon of certain death does your 17th level character find a plain old rope to climb to use with the feat? And if he did, would you expect the DM to ask for a roll? Kind of the same with maneuver type rolls: with the inflated numbers monsters have I have to wonder how often auto-maneuvers would actually be a thing and if they do happen, how often is it preferable to maneuver vs a lower level foe vs killing them.

Out of curiosity, if you played the character how often did it work and/or was useful?

Data Lore wrote:

Ive said it before in other threads, it should not be some scaling DC. Instead, a player should just roll medicine. He should then consult the 10-2 table and call out the "level" that coincides with their result (for medium, or hard if thats too generous - maybe the DM can call out the difficulty column based on situation).

No critical effect but keep a 1 as an auto fail/bolstered.

The patients then heal the called out number times thier con mod.

This way healing always gets better.

Maybe limit healing hp from Treat Wounds to once an hour.

Its an easy fix.

The reason why the scaling exists is because the characters get more healing as their level increases. If the characters just got back their con bonus, then not increasing the DC would make sense. But if the level 10 fighter with +3 con bonus is getting back 30 hp a roll, that needs to be scaled. As it is, since it doesn't bolster, in any time non-sensitive situation, healing becomes fairly trivial. Which is great for the warriors and rogues and such, but it makes the offensive caster types even more limited in resources since they will be expecting even more fights/ day.

I like the new out of combat healing rules. I think they are well balanced with difficulty to reward and make it so every group doesn't always feel like they need a cleric or that whatever class they have with healing magic doesn't feel like that is the only spells they should be ready to cast.

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So instead of having the DC arbitrarily increase in a level appropriate manner, why not have an objective DC that grants more healing for every 5 points you beat the DC?

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