Mad Beetle |
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So, I just fell in love with an item, and I wanted to hear what all you fine people found in the gear list and thought "Damn, that sounds good/fun/crazy/downright sexy!"
For my part, I played through Sombrefell today, and I had gotten myself the Ring of the Ram as one of my item-picks, and Oh my sweet Pharasma am I in love!
For the un-initiated, the Ring of the Ram makes you able to charge up an force attack of increasing power, the level 5 version that I used can go up to 6d6 force damage on a ranged touch, and then shove the opponent.
Not only did I severly damage a
I just adore the ring, and I can´t see myself not using it more in the future!
So, do any of you guys have some kind of item that you found interesting?

Edge93 |
Holy property reaction is bonkers power wise.
Ring of the ram is nice, but it's also a real RP hog. Charging it up for 6d6 is 3RP...
Actually it's only 1 RP regardless of charge. Unless otherwise specified you pay 1 RP to activate an item regardless of how many actions it takes. So the 3 action version is actually the most RP efficient. XD

Edge93 |
Mad Beetle wrote:6d6 force damage on a ranged touchSo... 21 average damage. Which a fighter type does each hit.
At level 5-7 when the ring comes around, the BEST a Fighter can get without buffs is 2d12+4, average 17. (This drops to 15 or 13 with a d10 or d8 weapon) Plus this is force damage, ranged (Best bow damage at this level is 2d8+2, average 11, and that requires 18 STR), hits touch (So slightly more accurate, though for a non-martial this mostly just makes up for the accuracy disparity but is often a little better), adds on a free Shove, and can be used by anyone with RP.
So, yeah, definitely more than a Fighter does per hit. And yeah a Fighter can make more attacks per round but MAP is killer and if you're comparing ranged attack to ranged attack this definitely still doesn't put Fighter damage on top.
That is to say I definitely think the Ring of the Ram is a good item.

Mad Beetle |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

This is not a discussions of whether it might be cost effective or anything, but it is about enjoyment of the items, and I really love that blessed little ring.
Now, is there anything that you guys have found that you liked?
My hope is to focus on what we enjoy in the current system, so that the dear developers know what is fun with the new system.

Doktor Weasel |
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I haven't actually used any of these in a playtest, so this is all just based on my reading.
The Knappsack of Halflingkind is the standout to me. It's not the most functionally amazing item, but it just drips flavor and fun. I just love this kind of stuff. Great for any character interested in comfort. The Type II bag of holding equivalent gives it utility, the pastries give it some minor healing, as well as breakfast, and the cookware is just a nice convenience when you're camping. You don't even have to do dishes because they disappear afterwords. It still uses Resonance, but thankfully it sounds like that will be gone at least in the final version of PF2.
Doubling Rings look pretty good for a two-weapon character. It does help reduce the cost issue of using two weapons and having to enchant them both. The quality requirements are the main thing keeping it from being just too good, but it's still some impressive savings. At the highest end, you can save 63,500 gp with a 50 gp standard set of doubling rings to make a Legendary weapon count as +5 (assuming you already have a +5) Things can get even more impressive with the greater version and property runes.
The Chest Feather Token is pretty neat. A relatively cheap one-shot extra-dimensional space to haul some loot at low level. Also is a great item for smuggling. And I really like the idea of attaching the key to a bird from the Bird Feather Token to do some moderate-speed deliveries of goods over a long distance.
Boots of bounding are nice, and a vital item for a Rocket Elf. Elf ancestry, nimble, fleet, monk levels and boots of bounding. Tops out at 85 foot movement, if I recall. That's 255 a round with all three actions as movement. So able to do a mile in just over 2 minutes. Less dramatically, at least it could counter the speed penalties for heavy armor.
And the Sky Hammer is impressive. Make your crits even crazier with an extra 12d6 damage in an area of effect. Just don't use it near your friends unless they've got serious fire resistance. 19th level and rare though, plus the fact that it's +4 and not +5 at that level means you're kind of counting on the crit effects and property runes to make up for it's lower damage for normal hits.

Edge93 |
I haven't actually used any of these in a playtest, so this is all just based on my reading.
The Knappsack of Halflingkind is the standout to me. It's not the most functionally amazing item, but it just drips flavor and fun. I just love this kind of stuff. Great for any character interested in comfort. The Type II bag of holding equivalent gives it utility, the pastries give it some minor healing, as well as breakfast, and the cookware is just a nice convenience when you're camping. You don't even have to do dishes because they disappear afterwords. It still uses Resonance, but thankfully it sounds like that will be gone at least in the final version of PF2.
Doubling Rings look pretty good for a two-weapon character. It does help reduce the cost issue of using two weapons and having to enchant them both. The quality requirements are the main thing keeping it from being just too good, but it's still some impressive savings. At the highest end, you can save 63,500 gp with a 50 gp standard set of doubling rings to make a Legendary weapon count as +5 (assuming you already have a +5) Things can get even more impressive with the greater version and property runes.
The Chest Feather Token is pretty neat. A relatively cheap one-shot extra-dimensional space to haul some loot at low level. Also is a great item for smuggling. And I really like the idea of attaching the key to a bird from the Bird Feather Token to do some moderate-speed deliveries of goods over a long distance.
Boots of bounding are nice, and a vital item for a Rocket Elf. Elf ancestry, nimble, fleet, monk levels and boots of bounding. Tops out at 85 foot movement, if I recall. That's 255 a round with all three actions as movement. So able to do a mile in just over 2 minutes. Less dramatically, at least it could counter the speed penalties for heavy armor.
And the Sky Hammer is impressive. Make your crits even crazier with an extra 12d6 damage in an area of effect. Just don't use it near your friends unless they've got serious fire...
Oh yeah, doubling rings are nice. That's a great example of something that would've been broken in PF1 but the changed dynamic of TWF makes it perfect here. And the chest token is great too, my group used it in part of DD to great effect.

Anguish |
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At level 5-7 when the ring comes around, the BEST a Fighter can get without buffs is 2d12+4, average 17.
My apologies; my table experience involved someone with a disrupting rune on their weapon, and admittedly undead targets, therefore 20.5 average, which seemed similar enough to disregard.
Of course, lacking undead targets, we could always go with wounding and drop down to the 17 you quote, with 2.5 average persistent bleed until the creature dies or makes its DC 20 flat check. So again, pretty comparable.
Plus this is force damage, ranged (Best bow damage at this level is 2d8+2, average 11, and that requires 18 STR), hits touch (So slightly more accurate, though for a non-martial this mostly just makes up for the accuracy disparity but is often a little better), adds on a free Shove, and can be used by anyone with RP.
Some of this is compelling, but overall doesn't change my opinion.
So, yeah, definitely more than a Fighter does per hit. And yeah a Fighter can make more attacks per round but MAP is killer and if you're comparing ranged attack to ranged attack this definitely still doesn't put Fighter damage on top.
MAP is a killer, except when you compare it to something that already consumed three actions to activate. <Grin>
That is to say I definitely think the Ring of the Ram is a good item.
Sure, yes, it is. That I agree with. It's just good relative to everything else at its level and price-point. Indeed, I might consider picking it up for my caster, because it's clearly better than his spells.

Edge93 |
Edge93 wrote:At level 5-7 when the ring comes around, the BEST a Fighter can get without buffs is 2d12+4, average 17.My apologies; my table experience involved someone with a disrupting rune on their weapon, and admittedly undead targets, therefore 20.5 average, which seemed similar enough to disregard.
Of course, lacking undead targets, we could always go with wounding and drop down to the 17 you quote, with 2.5 average persistent bleed until the creature dies or makes its DC 20 flat check. So again, pretty comparable.
Quote:Plus this is force damage, ranged (Best bow damage at this level is 2d8+2, average 11, and that requires 18 STR), hits touch (So slightly more accurate, though for a non-martial this mostly just makes up for the accuracy disparity but is often a little better), adds on a free Shove, and can be used by anyone with RP.Some of this is compelling, but overall doesn't change my opinion.
Quote:So, yeah, definitely more than a Fighter does per hit. And yeah a Fighter can make more attacks per round but MAP is killer and if you're comparing ranged attack to ranged attack this definitely still doesn't put Fighter damage on top.MAP is a killer, except when you compare it to something that already consumed three actions to activate. <Grin>
Quote:That is to say I definitely think the Ring of the Ram is a good item.Sure, yes, it is. That I agree with. It's just good relative to everything else at its level and price-point. Indeed, I might consider picking it up for my caster, because it's clearly better than his spells.
Yeah, all fair enough. I forgot Wounding was a thing, too. So yeah, maybe not the best item but definitely a fun one. XD