Dragon lifting a PC

Rules Questions

I wan't to put a following situation in Pathfinder rules: A Huge dragon wants to grab a PC with its maw and lift them in the air. The Dragon has more than enough Strength to carry the PC and possess the Flyby Attack feat. What rules should I used for that?

First thing that comes to mind is grapple Combat Maneuver with its bite. But that doesn't seem to allow to move the PC on the round it was caught, and on the following rounds the dragon needs to choose whether it moves or deals damage to the PC with its bite. Moreover, even when its not dealing any damage, it effectively slows down the dragon to 1/4 of his speed (the dragon needs to spend a standard action to maintain the grapple, and then can move up to half of his remaing move speed), all this despite the fact that PC is far below Light Load for the dragon. It just doesn't seem right.

The grapple rules just don't seem to fit well the case when one of the opponents is significantly bigger and stronger.

Are there any other rules that would let me play this out more realistically?

Give the dragons bite the grab ability.

It can then rebite the pc every round to grapple it again for the round.

Snacth is a good feat for a grappling dragon to have.

How does flying with a snatched creature work? Is the speed reduced in comparison to the normal maximum speed (two move actions) and how much?

The way it's worded, snatch doesn't modify the creature's speed at all. The only thing messing with the dragon's speed is the grappled condition, which the dragon can opt to end as soon as it's the dragon's turn. When combined with flyby attack the dragon could repeatedly grab an enemy and drop them causing them to take falling damage in addition to getting bitten.

1. Dragons typically have a pretty high fly speed, so I don't really consider it that big a deal that they can only move half their speed while grappling.

2. Snatch gives the dragon effective grab, which means for a -20 to the CMB check, they don't gain the grappled condition; ergo, they can use their move action to move normally. Since it's moving but also successfully grappling, I'd treat it as attempting to move while clutching any object of a similar size and weight--if it's in their ability to drag/lift/carry it, it will be dragged/lifted/carried.

There are also monster feats like Snatch and drop, which explicitly
"Grab them, fly up, drop them."

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...That feat makes very little sense. 2d6 points of falling damage regardless of the height from which you crash? What if you grab a creature who's already flying 300' in the air, then refuse to drop it?

blahpers wrote:
...That feat makes very little sense. 2d6 points of falling damage regardless of the height from which you crash? What if you grab a creature who's already flying 300' in the air, then refuse to drop it?

Following the link, the last line states that:

If the creature flings a snatched opponent while flying, the opponent takes this amount or falling damage, whichever is greater.

(Emphasis mine)

I think he was refurring to Snatch and Drop

Which states that both creatures take 2d6 falling damagae regardless of height.

Yeah, that one.

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