Character Sheet feedback

General Discussion

Grand Lodge

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Please do not make landscape format the default for character sheets. Folders, binders, books, everything is set up for portrait format.

I really think that character sheets should have more room to tell you what your Feats and Features actually DO, rather than space that shows your math.

I've never quite understood why so many character sheets are designed the way they are. Generally not very good for actually playing the game.

I almost feel like there should be two different sheets - one for character *generation* (that you keep and show your GM, keeping track of how the characters were made, master designed for that purpose).

And a completely different one designed to Play the Game. Organised in the best way possible for ease of play.

You'd copy the important information from the first sheet, onto the second sheet.

Does that make sense?

Liberty's Edge

I wish the character ability scores were arranged like this:


I think it would be easier to read than the current arrangement.

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I love the character sheets from Dyslexic Studios, something like that should be the default.

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Have to say I am not a fan of the layout of the new character sheets. They feel messy and disorganized. I would love to see them changed to look more like PF1 character sheets. Those are some of the best organized character sheets of any RPG.

I much prefer the PF1 sheets. Because you had enough space to actually summarise the rules for your abilities. It's like the new sheet is designed to provide an overview of your character's whole career with little detail, where old one was to provide a snapshot of your character at current level.
I do like that both sheets shows all the workings though. It makes them good tools for learning.

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