Pathfinder Playtest Starting Equipment Question

Doomsday Dawn Player Feedback

Hello there, fellow Pathfinders,

When creating characters for the Doomsday Dawn Adventures, we stumbled upon a question about the starting equipment:

Can one buy scrolls and / or potions as part of the starting equipment? The section in the rulebook references chapter 6, and only talks about armor, weapons and other basic equipment. Yet potions and scrolls are magic items of level 1 and can be of common rarity.

Are there any clarifications regarding those yet?

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Be sure the double check the prices. Starting money is given in silver pieces, but magic item prices are given in gold pieces, so the magic items are more expensive than they appear to be.

But if you can still afford the item after the appropriate conversion, there seems to be nothing to stop you from buying it.

Liberty's Edge

This should probably be in the actual Playtest section ...

(Marking as Thread in Wrong Forum)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Doomsday Dawn page 7 wrote:


The PCs begin with 150 sp each. They can purchase any common gear found in Chapter 6 of the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook, along with any other options they gain access to from their class and feat selections.

As written they cannot, except as allowed by feats. Personally, I wouldn't care too much as the items they can afford are not very powerful.

Grand Lodge

The first adventure limits your gear to what's contained in ch 6 and subsequent adventures have their own guidelines for what you can start with. If players started with potions or something that could certainly change how the adventure went and what feedback was given.

I'd definitely avoid deviating from what the adventure allows so as to make sure feedback is as useful as possible.

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