Familiars are worse than useless


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Sir NotAppearingInThisFilm wrote:
I'm sorry if this has been explained somewhere else, but under Master Abilities, the first two regard preparing an additional cantrip and spell, with the requirement of being able to prepare cantrips/spells. Does this mean sorcerers are ineligible for this? Or does the mention of daily preparations under the heightening descriptions mean... preparing? And if sorcerers CAN take these abilities, does that mean an additional cantrip known and an additional spell slot?

For the "You can prepare one additional spell at least 3 levels lower than your highest-level spell; you must be able to prepare level 4 spells to select this master ability" ability they have updated it to allow spontanous casters to use it. Now it reads " “You gain one additional spell slot at least 3 levels lower than your highest-level spell slot; you must be able to cast level 4 spells using spell slots to select this master ability.” So a perpared caster would be able to use that extra slot to perpare an additional spell, and a spontanous caster would be able to use that slot to cast an extra spell.

As far as the Cantrip is concerned, I believe you can still only use it if you prepare cantrips. It does not teach Cantrips, so a Spontanous {or even non-magical charaters with access to familars suchs as Gnomes} would not get an extra cantrip to cast.

Thank you very much!

Scarab Sages

Dragonborn3 wrote:
On the other hand, the weird part is the less versatile a familiar is the better they are as a choice. Toad for instance, likely get to pick two options. Owls only get one.

No, the toad has Amphibious. So they also only get 1 other ability.

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