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hi all,
we recently ran into an evil npc that our party(voted) let go. we are a level 3 party and have a wizard and an oracle that voted to hold him/turn him over to authorities. what options as a wizard(me) and an oracle have to track or keep tabs on this npc as he flees? we just feel that he's going to make problems for the party somewhere down the line...

ty for your suggestions

When a character or creature is flying, and that creature decides to ascend at a 45 degree angle, the rules states that it moves at half speed? Do the rules for diagonal square counting still apply when moving up diagonally in this way?
No. Since the game is generally assumed to be played in two dimensions, even when representing three dimensional combat, the rules for ascending are handled by the speed reduction instead of asking players and GMs to ascertain the diagonal vertical movement.

so this is faq

5ft step upwards diagonal is still a 5ft step and the pc can perform a full-round action?

flying STRAIGHT up?
so moving as a 5ft step upwards at a 45 degree angle is permitted? so, every round you could gain 5 more feet in flight and perform a full-round action every turn?

hi all,
gm wants to find a ruling on a flying pc taking 5ft steps in air while flying and performing full round flurry of bows. i suggested that any movement that increases your height would count as half movement. so, it would seem that 5ft stepping up in height would actually count as 10 feet of movement(not allowed as part of full-round action). the pc could move 5ft to the side or even down and not count as half movement.(allowing full-round action). hover checks at 15dc made before /after? full round action . pc has 10 ranks in fly so it auto-succeed ...

does this sound right? is it a grey area table ruling or solid corebook rules to follow?

ty for help

necro bump
my exploiter wizard was thinking about taking this as a 5th level feat, combined with a metamagic feat to be decided at that time. do we all agree that this exploit(metamixing) is just not available to me?

also, is school understanding worth taking for my exploiter wizard even though my charisma mod is +1 and probably not going to get higher anytime soon... thoughts would be transmutation school?

is that variant? its a bloodrager or new fighter archetype? better to use Enlightened Bloodrager (works better with Primalist) or Myrmidarch Magus ?

curious how he will use spell combat while flying 50 ft over battlefield ? i know at 2nd level eldritch archer can magically imbue his arrows..but for now he's limited. shoot arrow -2 and cast colorspray? i'm sure he's got a plan, but until next level up, he's the starting point of his spells(not his arrows)

10-20 years from now about that time your dwarf turned into a bird and the wild adventures that ensued

we had fun just in the last 3 weeks lol . it was fun having him explain to npcs that he is a DWARF!! the gm had an orc trader offer to buy him from another player (dwarf not amused) the town guards have already shot at him at nighttime ....hey, if he rolls with it and the gm rolls with problem.

all great replies.....

fun is the key element here. i'm sure i'll get the occasional "roll of eyes" when the strix is barrel-rolling around off the grid paper. as one poster said: "no one to blame but himself"

great times ahead

p.s. the player in question just texted us stating the "brokenness of Pathfinder" because he is essentially an arcane archer without the prerequisites. we all don't agree. seems like his multi-classing puts him behind a zen archer,ranged ranger, or a straight up magus. hey, to each they're own......he's playing this character

Kolyarut wrote:
Bran Towerfall wrote:

wow, lol

the gm on the fly (feeling sorry for the deceased) had an npc druid in town cast reincarnation. he told me later he rolled tengu but changed it to strix since we are in a mountainous area. now he has a 60ft fly speed character that is driving him bananas because he leaves combat and starts other fights while the first one is ongoing. lol, its a fun campaign. i guess the gm is worried now that the character in question is just playing so loose and wild that it may cause some problems down the road. the player was given a choice to start a new character but chose to keep the flying dwarf/ strix. i would of thought he would have stayed zen archer...he's going magus eldritch archer/ spire defender.
Dang, the GM really didn't realize what he was getting into by allowing a strix. It sounds like he wants to retroactively institute a no-strix rule, but from the player's perspective I would be pretty upset if the GM gave that to me and then took it away. The GM probably needs to have a discussion with the player and explain that his character is disruptive to the kind of game he wants to run. They should discuss together either changing the character or coming to a compromise on how the character is going to be played.

yup, lol

and strix was on the no race allowed list when we were making our characters. other players have joked about jumping in a pit of acid and waiting to see what race you would wake up funny

wow, lol
the gm on the fly (feeling sorry for the deceased) had an npc druid in town cast reincarnation. he told me later he rolled tengu but changed it to strix since we are in a mountainous area. now he has a 60ft fly speed character that is driving him bananas because he leaves combat and starts other fights while the first one is ongoing. lol, its a fun campaign. i guess the gm is worried now that the character in question is just playing so loose and wild that it may cause some problems down the road. the player was given a choice to start a new character but chose to keep the flying dwarf/ strix. i would of thought he would have stayed zen archer...he's going magus eldritch archer/ spire defender.

Instead of a light or one-handed melee weapon, an eldritch archer must use a ranged weapon for spell combat. She doesn't need a free hand for ranged spell combat. The eldritch archer cannot accept an attack penalty to gain a bonus on concentration checks to cast a spell defensively.

This ability modifies spell combat.
so its either flurry bows / spell combat / or a regular attack?

ok, well i need to digest that. his bab using spell combat would be lower since he can't add his 1 monk level to his total attack to hit? as far as i know, the gm allows all bab from all classes to add together like saves. his flurry of bows would stay as a constant? or go up as he levels..adding his bab from new classes? sound right?

hi all, my Gm just called me for advice on another player in our group. He started as a 1st level dwarf ranger and was killed in the second session of our campaign. The gm had a npc druid cast reincarnation on the dwarf and "poof"...he's a strix. dwarf/ strix takes second level in zen archer with his newly acquired 60ft fly speed. Level 3 is now here and he's going to multi-class into magus with the eldritch archer / spire defender (elf mostly, not a prerequisite) dual archtype. It seems to be legal as far as combos and archetype symmetry, but the gm is really regretting giving him the reincarnation since he believes all bets are off with this player's original character concept. Most players thought he wouldn't play a dwarf turned strix with a -4 to his starting con. Any advice i could pass on to my friend and gm going forward? It's already been interesting having combat take place on a Star Trek chessboard with grounded and flying characters. overall a great story and campaign.....

You cannot use Acrobatics to move past foes if your speed is reduced due to carrying a medium or heavy load or wearing medium or heavy armor.

full plate won't work....get a reach weapon

necro bump

my gm is on the fence with using
Alchemical Power Components .......
has anyone played in a game that allowed them? problems? the money spent and the benefits seem small, but my gm thinks they will turn the casters into walking spice racks.
thoughts appreciated

just started playing this ap. i went with exploiter wizard, which as some fellow posters have mentioned is close to a universal school wizard. i feel that i will be a swiss army knife style caster...ready for anything.i was able to take potent magic, quick study, and got my familiar back(scorpion) to gain imp. initiative and awareness. later down the line i think dim. slide and metamagic feats will be taken. traits are a nice boost with transmuter, harrow chosen (human), master illusionist...making transmutation, illusion, and divination spells slightly better with no opposed schools.

don't forget about T'suto too.....
lot's of half-elf goodness there

yeah, need my unarmed to be enchanted for magic and don't want to use neck slot for amulet of mighty fists.

i can see getting celestial armor later when i have a higher dex too

or i'm going to get body wrap of mighty strikes....
i like the brawling enchantment soooo much better though.....

so i should consider elven chainmail if i want to get the brawling enchantment?
Elven Chain
Aura no aura (non-magical); CL —; Weight 20 lbs.; Price 5,150 gp


This extremely light chainmail is made of very fine mithral links. This armor is treated, in all ways, like light armor, including when determining proficiency. The armor has an arcane spell failure chance of 20%, a maximum Dexterity bonus of +4, and an armor check penalty of –2.

avr wrote:

See this FAQ where it specifically disallows brawling on mithral medium armor.

18 dex; that means a maximum ever dex bonus of +7 barring wishes. At some point after ~14-15th level you might want celestial armor then, if using something like standard WBL.

nice catch there...

so you think mithril breastplate is my armor until higher levels?(14/15)

any advantage of taking the med armor prof feat later on? or just concentrate on getting my ac buffs from ring, amulets, jingasa? i'm considering buying an ioun stone(vibrant purple) so the casters in the party can spell store shield or barkskin.

avr wrote:

What is your dex? That'll have a large bearing on what armor is 'better'.

Brawling is light armor only, and the ruling is that mithril medium armor is light only for movement purposes. Still, as a maneuver master you probably actually want to use a weapon - flurry of maneuvers has no limitation to monk weapons only.

i thought mithril breastplate would be considered light armor for everything except proficiency?

dex is high at 18 right now

using fauchard and unarmed combos

my strength will soon be 18 as i hit level 8

hi all,
i have a maneuver master(2) / lore warden ... and currently wearing mithril breastplate. i have the armor expert trait to cancel the +1 acp . as i go forward, i will enchant my armor +1-+5 . i also think that i want to add the brawling enchantment as well so that i can free up my neck slot for an amulet of natural armor instead of amulet of mighty fists.

now, is this the best armor i'll probably have going forward?

with this as my base, should i just concentrate in the future on improving dex, luck bonus to ac, ioun stones, ect..?

is celestial armor worth the investment or mithril same without chance to fly once a day?

at some point should i consider taking medium armor proficiency feat?

thank you for any/all replies..

add lunge to the equation too

36. Trap Monkey

insect swarm...You summon a number of swarms of wasps (one per three levels, to a maximum of six swarms at 18th level). The swarms must be summoned so that each one is adjacent to at least one other swarm (that is, the swarms must fill one contiguous area). You may summon the wasp swarms so that they share the area of other creatures. Each swarm attacks any creatures occupying its area. The swarms are stationary after being summoned, and won't pursue creatures that flee.

the daemon is surrounded by a swarm of wasps

he also casted creeping doom with centipedes As a standard action, you can command any number of the swarms to move toward any target within 100 feet of you. You cannot command any swarm to move more than 100 feet away from you, and if you move more than 100 feet from any swarm, that swarm remains stationary, attacking any creatures in its area (but can be commanded again if you move within 100 feet).

creeping doom states the swarm is motionless

insect swarm allows movement of the swarm but at the loss of the daemon standard action.....important to eliminate part of the swarm

Matthew Downie wrote:
Claxon wrote:
Matthew Downie wrote:
Bran Towerfall wrote:
our gm told use that the swarms(4) are all considered on giant swarm with 4x the hitpoints. is that correct?
No. "Larger swarms are represented by multiples of single swarms."
That works out basically the same though. 4 swarms with 60 hp each is basically equivalent to 1 swarm with 240 hp, except that individual portions of the "giant swarm" could die.

That's a fairly significant difference - if you remove three quarters of the super-swarm's hit points, it can still spread out over a wide area and attack the entire group. With four individual swarms, they'll be killed off one at a time.

On top of that, four ordinary swarms are far more vulnerable to a fireball than one super-swarm, since you can damage all four of them at once and do four times as much damage.

i agree with a zen archer with precise shot and targeting the swarm squares closest to our melee fighter....kill at least part of the swarm

paizo is usually good about listing cover/concealment with regards to spells,spell-like abilities, and special conditions. the party was rolling 20% miss chance on every attack whether ranged, reach(out of swarm), or adjacent (inside swarm). i mentioned that the daemon would also have to roll concealment against us but that was dismissed because the daemon had swarmwalking (su)

Swarmwalking (Su)

A derghodaemon is immune to damage or distraction effects caused by swarms.

no problem with it hanging around in it's swarm, just confused why some of us missed when we failed on partial cover(concealment) rolls.

should the zen archer have the option to attack certain squares?
does the swarm covering the daemon offer him concealment vs our attacks?

multiple swarms all the same could be considered working together...just don't know 240 hit point swarm surrounding a cr 12 daemon seems tough..

Secane wrote:
Is this for a homebrew game? Or something like Pathfinder Society?

homebrew but....

we all want RAW to be the rule of the day
some of us didn't understand why we had to roll concealment miss chances since distraction is the only thing swarm traits mention.
some of us didn't think swarms multiply hit points when adjacent to each other

hi all,
we just fought a daemon that had the ability to cast creeping doom.
School conjuration (summoning); Level druid 7
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)/100 ft.; see text
Effect four swarms of insects
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Fortitude partial, see text; Spell Resistance no
This spell summons four massive swarms of biting and stinging insects. These swarms appear adjacent to one another, but can be directed to move independently. Treat these swarms as centipede swarms with the following adjustments. The swarms have 60 hit points each and deal 4d6 points of damage with their swarm attack. The save to resist their poison and distraction effects is equal to the save DC of this spell. Creatures caught in multiple swarms only take damage and make saves once.

the zen archer in our party is wearing a swarmsbane clasp allowing him to deal full damage with his bow. after a full-round action and awesome rolling, the zen archer dealt 108 points of damage. we were all surprised that the swarm stayed intact and didn't at least partially break up.

our gm told use that the swarms(4) are all considered on giant swarm with 4x the hitpoints. is that correct?

could/should the archer been able to target separate sqaures to break or destroy part of the swarm?

our gm said that the 4 swarms could of all moved onto one character(square) and become a "swarm blender" . is this within the rules to have stacking multiple swarms on one square?

the daemon is cr 12 and with this swarm force field surrounding it and making us roll 20% concealment on every attack seemed a bit too much..
maybe yes maybe no...not sure

oh, i'm my own i get it

it's a balance adding enchantment properties to my polearm/unarmed or just bumping it +1..+2..+3 which will also add to my attack/damage and cmb

Imbicatus wrote:

You may be better off adding Allying to your fauchard. You can then simply add the bonus from it to your unarmed strikes as needed, which will stack with the brawling armor.

The Bodywrap is almost always a waste of gold. The only time it's not is if you have a way to generate AoOs, in which case it's not bad to have a fortuitous one that you only use on generated AoOs.

fortuitous is something i might add to my reach weapon which is most likely to provoke aoo's . on my unarmed strikes it's not bad since i have greater trip which will provoke on trip and then add another at -5 to hit prone enemy. if i add vicious stomp in that mix it gets crazy.

allying is interesting....not sure how/when i would choose to use it

Iff wrote:

It depends on the specific item you're wearing. The higher the bonus you want, the higher the price.

Slot body; Price 3,000 gp (+1), 12,000 gp (+2), 27,000 gp (+3), 48,000 gp (+4), 75,000 gp (+5), 108,000 gp (+6), 147,000 gp (+7); Weight 1 lb. wrap-of-mighty-strikes

So, with a +2 body wrap and BAB +6, two of your attacks would get a +2 bonus. it

and with a brawling enchantment it would be higher as they stack since brawling is untyped
+3 attack/damage and +3 to unarmed combat maneuvers

Ragoz wrote:
They do stack because Brawling is an untyped bonus. I don't think the body wraps themselves are that great because they only give one attack a bonus per round per bab.

yeah, it could be better....but, my bab is 7 so i could apply the bonus twice in a round and add it to combat maneuvers or attacks.

may add an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on one attack and damage roll for an unarmed strike..

is the "up to +5" bonus split on two attacks?
if not, why would you ever add less then 5?

leaning toward brawling enchantment to free up my neck slot for amulet of nat armor. the body wraps look interesting too but i wonder if they stack with brawling?

hi all,
i have a maneuver master(2)/lore warden(6) who has been specializing in battle control and martial debuffing with reach weapon(fauchard) and unarmed strikes. i am currently using a +1 fauchard and about to add the keen enchantment. i want to add magical properties to my unarmed attacks and i'm wondering which route is the best way to go.

The wearer of brawling armor gains a +2 bonus on unarmed attack and damage rolls, including combat maneuver checks made to grapple. Her unarmed strikes count as magic weapons for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. These bonuses do not apply to natural weapons. This special ability does not prevent the wearer's unarmed strikes from provoking attacks of opportunity or make the wearer's unarmed strikes count as armed attacks. The brawling ability can be applied only to light armor.
This long cloth is wrapped around the chest multiple times like a bandage.

Once per round, the wearer may add an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on one attack and damage roll for an unarmed strike or natural attack (for one specific attack, not all attacks made with an unarmed strike that round). The wearer may use this item an additional time per round when his BAB reaches +6, +11, and +16.
i am also looking into the dueling enchantment(society field guide) to add in the mix with weapon and/or unarmed. i might also need my neck slot for amulet of natural armor.

any suggestions would really help........ty all

DM_Blake wrote:
Gilarius wrote:
Unless your GM modifies the daemon/disapproves of metagaming - or does your PC have sufficient knowledge/you asked your GM in advance if you could look it up and seek forum help?

Is the OP a player in this game?

If so, not cool, not cool...

Well, I suppose maybe his character already knows what the fight will be and what the daemon's powers are, in which case, no harm, no foul. But if not, then definitely not cool.

well, i don't like it either but this is what the gm wants. A big boss fight with no escape. lots of info was found out about this boss during dungeon crawl. know checks in the thirties made once we see it and ends the session. he wants us to use our knowledge to form tactics.

sry, got to play the hand the gm gives me

i agree it takes the fun out of it

Gilarius wrote:

The damage would be cumulative, but the fatigue wouldn't progress further.

Unless your GM modifies the daemon/disapproves of metagaming - or does your PC have sufficient knowledge/you asked your GM in advance if you could look it up and seek forum help?

no lol,

gm finished session with this thing coming towards party. know checks made high. gm said we could all read up and plan our tactics in this fight.

hi all,
fighting a daemon tonight and want to know if it's power.....

Consumptive Aura (su)

A meladaemon radiates an aura of hunger to a radius of 20 feet. Every round a creature begins its turn within this aura, it must succeed on a DC 22 Fortitude save or take 1d6 nonlethal damage and become fatigued from extreme hunger. Creatures that do not need to eat are immune to this effect. The save DC is Constitution-based.

will stack on two failed saves to make our front line fighters EXHAUSTED?

i know under natural conditions you could go from fatigued to exhausted

magic (su) stack?

Gisher wrote:
You are welcome. Since you are looking at weapon enhancements and special abilities, I will point out that I have posted a list of ways to temporarily add them to manufactured weapons.


good read....

Gisher wrote:
What part is confusing? It might help if you tell us what you are trying to accomplish.

no, lol i'm good

didn't see both our comments linked together

ty all

now im

Gisher wrote:
Bran Towerfall wrote:
An amulet of mighty fists does not need to have a +1 enhancement bonus to grant a melee weapon special ability.
True, but without an enhancement bonus the defending property would only be able to increase your AC by +0.

good call there!!!

ty for your help

An amulet of mighty fists does not need to have a +1 enhancement bonus to grant a melee weapon special ability.

ty i got it but,...

if this was put on an amulet of mighty fists? the enchantment would be considered +1, but you would not be getting a +1 to attacks/damage with your non-magical unarmed strikes?