lemeres |

In the mechanical sense, or the reproductive sense?
For the reproductive sense... I somewhat doubt it (mammals and amphibians, afterall), but then again, who knows in a magic setting. I would lean towards "no, unless there is another factor".
For the mechanical sense... well... I am only going to throw out the word "cloaca", and leave the rest to the imagination.
Generally- there is probably little official answer. Grippili are not a major enough race for the devs to put thought into these side issues, and paizo is usually not that interested in crossbreeding (at least not for player characters; villains get a lot of play through gods like lamashtu and various monsters).

Thunderlord |

Sure. I think the result would be a half-orc with Racial Heritage as its first level. Just because you can do something, it doesn't mean you should do it. A half-orc with prehensile tongue is sure to have a meteor dropped on him.

![]() |
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Grippli are described as Humanoid Tree Frogs. The description of grippli also refer to their children as "Hatchlings" which implies an external egg method.
If they reproduce like most frogs, they fertilize their eggs OUTSIDE their bodies. The female releases the eggs and the male releases his sperm at the same time. There's no "sex" involved in the conventional orc-sense.
I've got no definitive answer for a fantasy setting, but it's hard to imagine an orc having "sex" with a grippli if a grippli reproduces like a frog.

lemeres |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Grippli are described as Humanoid Tree Frogs. The description of grippli also refer to their children as "Hatchlings" which implies an external egg method.
If they reproduce like most frogs, they fertilize their eggs OUTSIDE their bodies. The female releases the eggs and the male releases his sperm at the same time. There's no "sex" involved in the conventional orc-sense.
I've got no definitive answer for a fantasy setting, but it's hard to imagine an orc having "sex" with a grippli if a grippli reproduces like a frog.
The problem is that such such facts will not stop people from trying. It never stops them. I have seen enough deviant art pages to know where this dark, dark road leads.
flee child. flee and never turn back. For your own sake.

Thunderlord |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Grippli are described as Humanoid Tree Frogs. The description of grippli also refer to their children as "Hatchlings" which implies an external egg method.
If they reproduce like most frogs, they fertilize their eggs OUTSIDE their bodies. The female releases the eggs and the male releases his sperm at the same time. There's no "sex" involved in the conventional orc-sense.
I've got no definitive answer for a fantasy setting, but it's hard to imagine an orc having "sex" with a grippli if a grippli reproduces like a frog.
But I already made my ride check.

Mark Hoover 330 |
Wow. Just... wow.
I say if the feat mentioned above, Racial Heritage, exists then mechanically I suppose every kind of coupling is fair game. From an RP standpoint, I can't say my own tastes run that way but to each their own. I mean if a Bing image search under poorly chosen phrases has taught me anything, it's that it takes every kind of people to make the world go round, so who am I to judge.
Just for my own sensitive soul though, I'd like to imagine that there was a chef and some Barry White music involved, and that they really loved each other.

Fuzzy-Wuzzy |

I say if the feat mentioned above, Racial Heritage, exists then mechanically I suppose every kind of coupling is fair game.
No, breeding must be possible, but not necessarily through coupling. As has been stated, frogs don't couple. A female grippli could deposit her eggs and then a male human/orc/what-have-you could, well, deposit some sperm on them, and for some reason that fertilizes the eggs and they later hatch. Neither chef nor Barry White needed.

lemeres |

lemeres wrote:I somewhat doubt it (mammals and amphibians, afterall), but then again, who knows in a magic setting.Owlbears are a thing. Bird + Mammal.
Then we have the Platypus: "Platypuses are members of an extremely unusual order of egg-laying mammals"
Yeah, but owlbears have always been rather explicitly created through mad magical experiments. So mating doesn't necessarily come into this.
Additionally, while platypuses are mammals that lay eggs, that doesn't change, that doesn't change the fact that 'equipment' can vary, quiet wildly, from what we use. Heck, even with species that perform 'tab A to slot B' style mating, the 'tab' might not actually be there. Many birds... lack that equipment. There is a reason why people have trouble telling the gender of some parrots and penguins without the use of surgery.
on that note- if you want a real world animal to use as an example... the duck might be a better one. It has the equipment. Terrifyingly so. Don't google it. Please. Spare yourself.

Thunderlord |

Yeah, but owlbears have always been rather explicitly created through mad magical experiments. So mating doesn't necessarily come into this.Additionally, while platypuses are mammals that lay eggs, that doesn't change, that doesn't change the fact that 'equipment' can vary, quiet wildly, from what we use. Heck, even with species that perform 'tab A to slot B' style mating, the 'tab' might not actually be there. Many birds... lack that equipment. There is a reason why people have trouble telling the gender of some parrots and penguins without the use of surgery.
on that note- if you want a real world animal to use as an example... the duck might be a better one. It has the equipment. Terrifyingly so. Don't google it. Please. Spare yourself.
I pretty sure my party ran across an owl bear cub in our Kingmaker game. Maybe its easier to create owl bears as cubs but there was a mama bear later on... Conjecture is obviously getting us no where, we need an FAQ stat.

avr |

There was a spell in some obscure D&D book (I don't remember which) which could hybridise a couple of creatures. Making owlbear cubs was a listed possible use. Though it's clear that owlbears breed true and continual wizards making the same mistake is not required for their existence.
Rule 34 suggests that some mad creature in this world would make the same mistake though.

Meirril |
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So nobody has problems with a human with the blood of dragons running through his veins but a grippli gives anyone pause? Lets just go ahead and mention half-undead (alive dead...really?) (Dymphires if I have to say the name because someone won't get it), related to Elementals. Seriously, someone in your ancestral line liked rocks way too much. Or fire. Air? Water...water makes...no more sense than the rest.
At least Grippli are organic and alive. Umm...same for half-orcs? No need to just pick on the frogs.
Now if you want this to happen involve a few pilfers and potions and I'm sure the GM can swallow his dignity long enough to let this joyous occasion happen.