Healer's Hands feat and Healer's Kit

Rules Questions

The Healer's Hands feat from Planar adventures says:

Benefit: You can use the Heal skill to treat deadly wounds as a full-round action. You do not take a penalty for not using a healer’s kit when treating deadly wounds this way ...

So I don't need to use a healer's kit. But if I do use one, how many uses are expended?

A) Two uses, because if you use it at all you have to use two uses as per the Heal skill description.

B) One use, because if you don't expend at least one use you can't get the +2 circumstance bonus from the Healer's Kit.

C) Zero uses, because the feat negates that requirement.

For myself, I'd happily house-rule that your healer's kit never gets expended if you have this feat; it's just a set of tools, like a set of masterwork artisan's tools (which grant an identical +2 circumstance bonus at 55gp instead of 50gp).

But I'd like to hear what other people think.

RAW two uses, because the feat doesn't contain any text that alters this. But I might well use your proposed houserule.

You sent take a penalty for not using, but theres no actual decrease
So I'd say 2.

I think that makes sense. Thanks for the sanity check.

Unless you get a Specialized kit and use the one point options from it.

Sounds interesting, but I'm not sure I know what you refer to. My googling has turned up the Healer's Satchel -- which would be handy in this instance -- but nothing called a "specialized healer's kit". Could you elaborate, please?

EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out. Thanks for the tip!

i still don't know what he means.

cuatroespada wrote:
i still don't know what he means.

The healers satchel. It does a great job healing, regens itself after a day for 10 uses a day, and can be specialized to do extra stuff.

1500 or 3k

oh nice! thank you!

There is a vest that has unlimited healer's kits.

Healer's Hands doesn't change how many uses Treat Deadly Wounds requires, so still requires the same number of uses as without the feat.

Without Healing Hands, a player has the option of using:

0 uses, and taking a -4 penalty
1 use, and getting both a +2 bonus and -2 penalty
2 uses, and getting a +2 bonus with no penalty

Healing Hands removes the penalty, but doesn't make any other changes, so a player would have the option of using:

0 uses, with no penalty penalty
1 use, and getting a +2 bonus with no penalty
2 uses, and getting a +2 bonus with no penalty

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