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The original post I read didn't specify what edition, as Pathfinder is my regular go to I tried it here.

I want to thank everyone for actually putting so much though and theory into this. This is exactly why I respect this forum so very much!

Thank you. I know little about playing a Necromancer, but this just sounded off.

I read this on the internet so it must be true....

This is all I read, and of course it's vague. Is this even possible, or cost effective, to do?

1. Be a 14th lvl Necromancer
2. Create a zombie
3. Cast Plane Shift to send zombie to the Negative Energy Plane
4. Cause a Nightwalker to appear
5. Used Command Undead on it. Since this is an undead with poor mental stats this is likely to succeed.
6. On a failure cast Banishment and try again.

Thank you kindly!

When you take two different archetypes for the same class I understand you cant take one that effect the same ability. My question is what if you do not take enough levels in a given class to reach the replaced ability, does it still count against combinable archetypes?

My apologies, this should be an advice question.

An answer from another post made me wonder...

What is the highest fire damaging item?
For example; lamp oil, alchemist's fire, etc?

I'm looking for the best damage options for dowsing a target and a flammable substance and ignite in it. I would assume all options are non-magical, but it's a magical solution exists I'm interested.

Thank you all.

Excellent advice all. Thank you.

Especially blahpers. Fire safety is everyone's responsibility!

How would a target remove a PC using Limb Climber, other than just trying to hit the PC?

Thank you both for the helpful replies.

Using Limb Climber from Vexing Dodger and Human Shadow, a Halfling racial trait.

I'm looking at a concept of climbing the BBE and then using it as cover from its allies attacks.

Exactly what bonus/penalties do you think the climber / climbee would get?

Right, well...I found the Adopted trait, and it sure sounds like it does exactly what I was looking to do!

Is there a way to add Human Shadow (Halfling racial trait) to a Grippli PC race?

I'm thinking about taking the feat Pin Down for my Eidolon. The feat has 2 requirements: Combat Reflexes, and Fighter lvl 11. Can an Eidolon quilify for this? If initially no, is there a work around?

Very interesting. Going to add these ideas for future characters.

Can you use a Rod of Giant Summoning and Feat: Versatile Summon Monster at the same time?

Steve Geddes, thank you for holding this lotto. Examples of this kind of generosity are few and far.

Thank you! I was unaware that both the summoning spell AND the summoned casting creature had to be over to end a summoned creature's spell. That is great to know!!

Thank you both for the answers and suggestion.

Is it possible to give your Unseen Servant the ability to fly for the duration of that spell?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wave 4 arrived in perfect condition!

Steve I always find it amazing that there are actually generous people left in this world.

Thank you every so much.

Hmmm. Just noticed that is a 3rd party thing. That would be a GM call rather than something official.

https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/3rd-party-feats/paizo-fans-united/racial-fea ts-3rd-party-paizo-fans-united/rending-claws-racial/

I would think yes, as one is clearly listed as precision damage and the other is not.

Mules or Donkeys, either way your still sitting on you ass.

(But yes, I'd go with the pony stats. Maybe a bonus to footing on steep and or narrow passes.)

Good grief I feel simple for missing that. Thank you kindly Adjoint.

I just noticed something and wondered if this was an oversight. The Fiery Creature Template does not grant any kind of fire resistance/immunity. It does grant an Untyped DR based on HD, but I can find nothing regarding fire damage. Am I missing something here?

(Link to Template on SRD)
https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/simple-templat e-fiery-creature-cr-0-or-1

Unless you get a Specialized kit and use the one point options from it.

Very interesting.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Very nice! I see this getting some use.

Tagged for easy searching.

Thank you!

This is copied from the Grab special ability;

The creature has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use the part of its body it used in the grab to hold the opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a –20 penalty on its CMB check to make and maintain the grapple, but does not gain the grappled condition itself

With this in mind, would the (grapple-damage-release) combo for each attack suffer the -20? If it does not, then why?

Tagged for further review.
Very interesting work here!

A very good starting point for Summoner histories. They can be so much more than just system.

You can take the monster feat Multi-attack to make the -5 into a -2, but the moment you add a manufactured weapon (axe) to your attack routine all your natural attacks become secondary. However, the weapon attack will still benefit from iterative attacks.

Again very true, and highly effective in the right setting. I am looking for something that works on flying swarms regardless of effective settings, prefferably not class dependant too. Not sure if anything that general exists.

That is true, the first example was for a wasp swarm, but I myself didn't specifically state which.
The bag is interesting, and I did not know of it before this. But it seems to only replace the need for existing plants as part of the spell. It does not appear to be useful against flying targets (swarms), as it states the floating seeds plant themselves in the ground.

This is effective against flying swarms?

Do dare.

So, what could you use to 'Entangle' a swarm? I would have thought Web, but if you go by RAW it causes Grappled and thus a swarm would be immune.

Much better than I expected!

Thank you!

Excellent! Thank you for your help!

I never knew that a earth subtype automatically gave you tremorsense! Cthonic it is! Well worth the loss of 1d6.

One question off of this. If you apply the Cthonic template, does that also grant the earth subtype, or does the creature keep its original subtype?

Thank you Genoin! To answer your questions;

I'm Neutral.

I do not have Summon Good Monster.

Heightened Mount / (Alter) Summoned Monster: I forgot to add that. Below is the combination.
(Quick version) By casting a heightened Mount spell you can then cast Alter Summoned Monster on that mount to change it into a creature from the Nature's Ally/Summon Monster list. Provided you heightened the Mount spell to the level of the creature you wish to change it to (If over lvl 1) This gives you a summoned creature from either list that lasts 2 hours per level.

Cthonic was a close choice with Fiery due to the burrow speed and associated utility that brings. I'm leaning towards Fiery due to the increased damage, but its a tough choice.

Just reached lvl 7 with my current Summoner and I'm torn between 1 of 2 Feats. I will be taking both eventually, one at lvl 7 and the next at lvl 9. My question is which would you suggest for lvl 7, and which for lvl 9...and why?

The Feats in question are;

1: Heightened Spell (metamagic): This is for the Heightened Mount / Summoned Monster combination. (Yes, I'm familiar with the debate, my GM allows it)

2: Versatile Summoned Monster: For Aerial and Fiery templates.

Does the spell Alter Summoned Monster remove any template applied to the summoned creature? For examples; You can apply the Fiendish or Celestial template when you summon certain creatures with Summon monster. Also, Versatile Summon Monster provides additional templates to apply to summoned creatures. Do these templates get removed when Alter Summoned Monster is successfuly cast?

Perhaps a custom magic item that would grant the effect of an Amulet of Mighty Fists to a summoned creature?

UMD Wand of Magic Fang.
The above mentioned feat is good, but only for one monster. Unless you take the feat multiple times.

Easiest option is the Magic Fang spell line.

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