Free Pathfinder books (plus some other bits and pieces)

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Thanks for letting me know about customs. Glad that doesn’t seem to be creating a big issue.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Picked up the wave 1 lot from the post office today. Thanks a bunch Steve!

Glad it arrived safe. :)

Congrats to all the winners so far!

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Wave 1 Package received.

Wave 1 packaged received. Reading as I type. Thanks Steve!

I just realised I accidentally sent my last two private messages via one of my aliases. Sorry if that made things confusing, Steve.

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Bale Fire wrote:
I just realised I accidentally sent my last two private messages via one of my aliases. Sorry if that made things confusing, Steve.

Not a problem - as long as you see the PMs of whichever alias you used. :)

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Wave Three Update

Submissions are still going to be open until Wednesday 25th July. At this stage, I've had 34 expressions of interest for 22 lots and things have slowed to a trickle, so the success rate will hopefully be higher this time!

I'm making one adjustment - hopefully this isn't too confusing:

There are three lots that nobody has expressed interest in. As such, if anyone wants to add any (or all) of the following three lots in addition to your nominated three lots you could be in the running for a kind of "consolation prize".

So - feel free to send me an additional PM adding any of the following three lots. I'll draw the others first and then generate these three last - if you get one of your nominations, then you won't be in the draw for these, but for those who miss out, there might be something of secondary interest (though you'll only be able to win one of the consolation lots).

The consolation lots are:

Lot Two – Player Companion Collection:

  • Heroes of the High Court
  • Knights of the Inner Sea
  • Mythic Origins
  • Dungeoneer’s Handbook

Lot Ten – Player Companion Collection:

  • Animal Archive
  • Adventurer’s Armory
  • Blood of the Sea
  • Haunted Heroes Handbook

Lot Fourteen – Player Companion Collection:

  • Champions of Corruption
  • Dirty Tactics Toolbox
  • Blood of Angels
  • Undead Slayer’s Handbook

If you want to be considered for any or all of these in the case you miss out on your first three options, please send me a PM with the ones you'd be interested in as the subject of the PM. You can list one, two or all three of them but will only be considered if you miss out on your first three selected lots - you'll also only be able to win one of the consolation prizes. This is a 'second chance' draw for three people who miss out.

Let me know if you have any queries.

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Wave one package received!

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I received my Wave One lot yesterday. What a great start to my birthday week! Thanks again, Steve!

Grand Lodge

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Thanks, Steve! My package has passed US customs.

I don’t believe I read if you plan to continue playing the playtest and eventual 2nd edition or if you are moving on.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Wave Two received!

treidenb wrote:

Thanks, Steve! My package has passed US customs.

I don’t believe I read if you plan to continue playing the playtest and eventual 2nd edition or if you are moving on.

I won’t be participating in the playtest, but I’ll certainly be subscribing to everything PF2 related for the first year or two.

Silver Crusade

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Wave Two received yesterday!

Thankies Steve *hugs*

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Rysky wrote:

Wave Two received yesterday!

Thankies Steve *hugs*

{Kermit flails arms} YAYYYY!!!

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Rysky wrote:

Wave Two received yesterday!

Thankies Steve *hugs*

Congrats, Rysky!

I have generated the random numbers, counted off the winners and just sent out all the private messages to those people. If you haven’t got a message from me, I’m afraid it means you were unsuccessful this time around.


Unsurprisingly, Lot One was heavily subscribed (twenty people expressed interest). The other significant lots were lot 17 and lot 22 (both around a dozen people). The rest were pretty spread out - all less than ten and mostly around three or four each.

Forty four people expressed interest in twenty two lots, so you were all pretty much on a coin toss (unless you were down for lots 1, 17 and/or 22).

I’ve stopped keeping track of how many waves people have won in, though I’m pretty sure that nobody has won in all three.

I’m mulling over how to collect expressions of interest for wave four, so please hold off on that.

In the meantime, if you were a winner in wave three, please do get your address to me ASAP. I’d be keen to get them all out the door quickly and move on to the downhill stretch. :)

Okay. I have now received everyone’s addresses for waves one and two. There were a few people who got a note from me at the end of wave three who haven’t yet responded. Please do so as soon as possible so I can get everything packed up and sent on its way.

I’m going to move on to wave four BUT, I’m going to be making one slight change for this wave only. Please read the next post before you express interest…

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WAVE FOUR OPENING (Adjusted rules for expressing interest)

If you could make use of any of the fifteen lots listed in wave four (linked here for your convenience) you can private message me with up to three lots you’d like to be considered for. If there is more than one person interested in a specific lot, I’ll randomly select a winner. I’m going to run this slightly differently from the other waves:

You can be as descriptive/loose as you like in what you’re interested in. So you might say:

“I’d like to be considered for lots 3, 6 and 13” – I’ll mark you down as 3/6/12 just as I have been running the previous waves

“Any lots except 8 and 10” – I’ll assign your 3 “votes” to the lots with the lowest number of interested parties, but not 8 or 10

“I’d like to be considered for Lot 1 and then any two of the others, except lot 14” – I’ll mark you down as 1/x/y where x/y are the least popular lots (but neither will be lot 14).

I figure there may well be people for whom any maps would be useful and this will avoid the problem of heaps of people requesting one lot and nobody asking for another.

Note that if you still want to specify exactly X, Y, Z then you can do so – this new system is likely better for you too (since I’ll divert votes for the popular lots you may be interested in so at least your chance of winning the specific lots you want will improve).

I hope that makes sense. Please do ask if there’s any confusion introduced by the above..

Oh I forgot a closing date. I'm going to keep this wave open until Saturday the 4th of August.

A week is proving sufficient time, I think.

Hmm, yet another disclosure I forgot:

With all of these waves, I don’t have a problem if people sell bits and pieces that are surplus to requirements (barring the free player guides some people received in wave one which shouldn’t be on-sold).

However, in the case of the map packs, I have made reasonably heavy use of these and that included finding a storage solution - A5 sleeved binders. I cut up the original packaging and used the covers as dividers, so I’m afraid you won’t get the original box in a usable form (though I think what you get instead is far superior from a playability perspective).

Steve Geddes wrote:
I don’t have a problem if people sell bits and pieces that are surplus to requirements (barring the free player guides some people received in wave one which shouldn’t be on-sold).

With this being said, I assume it's acceptable for me to ask this here:

Are either of the people that received Ironfang Invasion in wave 1 (Lots 1 & 9) willing to sell the set to me? (Perhaps you were looking to get the other things in the lot?)

Ironfang Invasion is the next AP that I'm going to be running for my group.

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Warped Savant wrote:
]With this being said, I assume it's acceptable for me to ask this here:

Can we please wait until this event has finished before we start posting things that aren't relevant to Steve's announcements?

Or even better: start a different thread and edit your post to include a link to it.

Personally, I'm trying to keep track of the different waves and when Steve opens them, and I don't want to have to check this thread every time something off-topic gets posted.

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Ironfang Invasion is fairly recent, it should still easily be found on Amazon or your local game store.

Dark Archive

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Thanks a ton Steve! Wave 2 package arrived with the contents in good condition.


Some of us like our APs cheap.

Entered, and dotted for wave 5. Congrats to all the winners so far, and thanks Steve for doing this!

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Wave two received! Thank you Steve!

Still a couple of days to go.

This is just a reminder that there were some winners in Wave three who haven't yet sent me their address. Please do get those to me as soon as possible - ideally I'd like to finish one wave before starting to ship the next.

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Wave 2 package received! ...

Steve? Sending out your old books is exceptionally generous, but ... turning down shipping reimbursement from those that offered it is ... startling.

Your suggestion to pay it forward, is noted, and will be done!

Dark Archive

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Wave 3 package received and in pristine condition!

Thank you again Steve for your generosity.

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Wave 3 package received!

Steve: You are an extremely generous person, and a true asset to gaming the community!

As a total aside...

It was "Pathfinder Day" in my mailbox today!

I received your Wave 3 shipment (3 Campaign Setting books), plus my Paizo order of the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook and Doomsday Dawn, plus my regular AP subscription ("War for the Crown" part 6), and a copy of Rule of Fear that I bought from some guy on eBay.

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Wave 3 package received, and, like Haladir, it was also "Pathfinder Day" in my mailbox, as my monthly shipment arrived as well.

Thanks so much.

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Wave three received. Thank you Steve! :)

Very jealous about the playtest. I’m itching to get my copy. :(

I was surprised to see the play test at my local game store.

I didn't get it, I still have a couple of Pathfinder Classic hardcovers I'd rather buy.

Scarab Sages

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Wave two (The Strange) received! Came last week some time, but I was travelling. Thanks again Steve, I'll make sure they're put to good use.

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Wave Three package received safe and sound! After being shipped halfway around the world, it actually arrived in better condition than the book I ordered from Amazon that came from a warehouse halfway across town!

I add my thanks to the others for your generosity, Steve. As Duiker said, the items will be put to good use.

Okay, wave four has now been drawn and the winners have been notified. I think it would be wise to check your PMs even if there isn’t a little red dot at the top of the page, since that feature has been a bit iffy of late. If you don’t have a PM from me, I’m afraid that means you were unsuccessful.

There are also a couple of winners from wave three who haven’t contacted me with their shipping addresses. If you know anyone who might have put in for wave three on a whim, please let them know (none of those winners submitted interest in wave four).

A few stats for those who care about such things:

I had forty seven people express interest in wave four – I was personally quite surprised at that as I was expecting this to be one of the least popular waves. As it is there were more people who put their name down for map packs than player companions.

Lot Ten was the standout popular lot – eleven people nominated that. The others each had anywhere from two to seven people express interest.

Those who asked “please not this” were pretty scattered other than lot fifteen – there were eight people who didn’t want to be considered for that one. The rest were reasonably evenly excluded.

After I’d allocated the non-specified lots, each had seven people barring two with six. So that means, if you nominated three lots you ended up with a 37% chance of winning (or 33% if one of them was lot ten).

I’m no longer keeping an eye on who has won in multiple waves (there were both some new people and some repeat winners but I’m not really tracking that).

One person won two lots.

Congratulations to all of those successful and commiserations to those who weren't.

For those who were successful, please get me your address as soon as possible. Once I’ve shipped all of wave four out, I’ll get the ball rolling for the final wave.

For now, please don’t send me any wave five nominations – I’m trying to quarantine my PMs into batches.


Lantern Lodge

Steve Geddes wrote:
Congratulations to all of those successful and commiserations to those who weren't.

Your sympathy is much appreciated. 4 waves... still no win in sight...

Okay, I've shipped about a third of wave four. I have a third to go out tomorrow and about a third of people haven't yet got back to me with addresses.

I'm also waiting on addresses from one or two winners in wave three.

At this stage, I need to pause and catch up a little so the piles of semi-completed shipments don't get muddled. I won't be taking expressions of interest in the final wave until the weekend.

Please do let me know as soon as possible where you'd like your books/maps shipped if you were a successful winner.

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Steve, the shipment arrived Saturday. Thank you. I shall make very good use of them.

Scarab Sages

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Wave three recieved today! No customs charges, everything in pristine condition.

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Wave 4 arrived in perfect condition!

Steve I always find it amazing that there are actually generous people left in this world.

Thank you every so much.

Thanks for the ongoing notifications (both here and via pm). I'm not replying to them all, but I'm glad things are beginning to arrive in decent shape (I've been going through a fair bit of packing tape and newspaper..)

An update on waves three and four - everyone who has sent me their address should now have received a tracking number as they're all out the door.

I am still waiting on some wave three and wave four winners - I know the little red "PM Notification" dot isn't showing for me on my IPad, so please do check your private messages if you entered either of those waves. I'd hate to move them on to someone else and then get a reply in a few weeks time..

Wave five will open Friday night and run for just a week. (Please hold off on sending me expressions of interest for now so they don't get muddled up in the fulfillment PMs of earlier stages..)

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I got my books in the mail! Thanks again, Steve! I'm excited about the next wave.

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All wave four maps have shipped. I’ve just sent the last, final reminder to winners in wave three who haven’t got back to me. If I don’t hear by the end of this whole process, I’ll be giving them to someone else. So if you entered in wave three and haven’t checked your Private Messages for a few weeks, please do so.

Congrats to the winners of Wave 4!

Setting sights on Wave Five,... ;)

Thank you again for your generosity in this entire process Steve.

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