Your PaizoCon 2018 Highlights!

PaizoCon General Discussion

Typing this in the SeaTac airport while waiting for my flight home, Monday morning.

This was my first PaizoCon, and I had a total BLAST!!

Everyone I met, from the staff to the guests to the other attendees, was so incredibly nice, positive, and friendly.

I thought it would be fun if attendees shared some of their highlights!

Here are mine...

  • Playing in James Jacobs' Unspeakable Futures game. James is an amazing GM, and I really loved the game's world and background. All of the other players were great, and we even managed to win. Best Move: Throwing a malfunctioning robot off the roof of a ruined skyscraper.
  • My first Society games: Both PFS and SFS! Thanks so much to Hmm for being the GM for my first real PF Society game ever, and to the rest of that group. I could not imagine a better GM or table for putting up with all the newbie questions and for really making me feel welcome.
  • Getting talked into participating in the "Inspire Courage" Bardic Performance event, following the Banquet. I loved Benjamin Loomis' performance of a song he wrote about his party's TPK; for Joie's (the organizer's) performance of "Strawberry Machine Cake," for Hmm's amazing filk song lyrics, and for the audience being kind enough not to pelt me with rotten fruit for the world premiere performance of my filk song, "Hail Ye Chelish Lords".
  • In a Starfinder delve, GMed by Owen KC Stephens, [url=]dropping a robo-battle-tank onto the bad guy[/i]. The player who came up with the idea was about 7 years old.
  • Running one of the few PCs actually killed in the PF2e Delve. (Sorry, Merisiel.)
  • The swag. Oh, by the Old Gods and the New... the swag!
  • Finally meeting people I know from the boards, from Paizo staff, honored guests, and other people I only knew from the boards. I'd love to list them, but I'm afraid I'd forget someone.
  • Meeting a lot of new people, all united by the love of the game.
  • Handing out all of my Sihedron rune vinyl stickers. I wish I'd brought more!
  • Buying WAY too much stuff.

The staff at the Doubletree were also very nice and accommodating.

I really, really want to go back next year... and I plan to actually stay at the con for the Monday events next time.

Anyone I met at the con but didn't manage to get their email address: Please PM me so that we can exchange contact info.

I am also really feeling that PaizoCon has rekindled my passion for gaming in general and Pathfinder in particular.

So... what were your highlights?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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My highlight was someone else telling ME that THEIR highlight of the convention was the Goblin Pirates scenarios that David, Randy and I ran in the afternoon slots. I had a FANTASTIC time and can't wait to go back next year and be there for the release of the new Core ACG set!

ACG Open.

Husband and I participate and it is always an amazing experience win or loose. Really makes you look at the game a whole new way when your under a time crunch with some insane custom rules.

And also Sunday Star Sugar Heartlove. The chaos oh the glorious chaos!

My highlight this year was definitely all the fantastic players I ran for and shared tables with. PaizoCon players are almost always a step up, but this year really felt like everyone came with fantastic positive attitudes and fun characters galore!

Also... I faced off with Gulgacench! Thanks Neil!

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In general, my favorite parts are just hanging out with folks and chatting. It was great to see old friends and make a bunch of new ones.

Game-wise, I had a lot of fun in everything I played. I think the following two are highlights I will tell stories of, however:
* In the Legendary Planet special, we were in the final battle, and trapped between space Nazis on one side and a horribly mythic, mutated, irradiated purple worm on the other. We managed to win the day by THROWING the space Nazis at the purple worm, doing enough damage to kill everyone and let us head off to the banquet alive and victorious. Hilarious fun!

* Facing off in a Starfinder delve run by Joe Pasini who revealed that the d810 sniper rifle in one product that everyone thought was a typo was in fact NOT. We took several hits from it as we tried to get close enough to the thief to reclaim it. Joe kept complaining he couldn't even get above average damage -- it was all in the 200s and 300s, though that was enough still more than enough to take down our 1st-level pregens.

Playing Altronus, I worked my way forward through the space station and finally closed. I got one hit in but not enough to take the thief down. I winced as Joe raised the rifle and took a shot with that d810 gun -- and took 8 hp damage! Much cheering and laughter as I stayed on my feet and we were able to eventually win the delve!


As with last year (my first), this was a great time and I'm already looking forward to going back next year.

Paizo Employee RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

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It was, as always, awesome to hang out with my friends from Freelance Forge (including some I hadn't met yet)! I spent a lot of time sitting in the lobby and bar, catching up, and meeting new people. Can't believe I have to wait a year to see some of them again!

I got to play Sanctuary of Drowned Delight with the author, Kate Baker, as GM. I played the latest Solstice Scar special and learned a few new things about being a fun GM.I played Pathfinder 2E for the first time and I'm completely sold on it.

I finally killed Joe Kondrak's character in the Emerald Spire. (You were warned!)

I ran a panel for the first time. I hope "Freelancing 101" helped some aspiring freelancers learn how to get started.

I got in some board games with freelancer friends and Paizo staff, and I supported an artist or two.

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This was my first PaizoCon, and I had a wonderful time. I live in Renton, only about 10 minutes from the hotel, so it was very convenient to be able to go home and take a breather, walk and feed my dogs, and then put my blue shirt back on and head back into the chaos.

I ran two sessions of Skittershot, the upcoming Starfinder Free RPG Day adventure, and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. My favorite bit was when Gazagaz the Envoy decided that, since the AI aboard ship thought the skittermanders were pets, the obvious solution was to jump on the shoulders of Dakoyo the Mystic, cover both of them up with Gazagaz's cape, and don a pair of sunglasses and a hat to disguise as a "distinguished gentleman." We also got into some starship combat in the second run-through, which was good practice for me.

I also got to participate in the "Making Dungeons" panel, after we had some last minute cancellations. I sat between Ron Lundeen and Stephen Radney-MacFarland, two brilliant professionals, and I learned a lot from both them and the audience in the room. And it was all live-streamed! Which was cool.

Definitely looking forward to next year. In the meantime, on to GenCon!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Will those panels and the banquet be put up on the Paizo twitch channel? There have been some videos from what appears to be the first day up there for a few days now, but nothing from the other days.

I've just checked and I can see videos on the Twitch channel now: two videos from the 25th, three from the 26th (one of which is the banquet), and two from the 27th. Granted it's a little hard to find something in particular in the middle of a 2-4 hour stream.

My highlight was getting to observe the news coming out live at the banquet through the magic of the internet, where I never could have done that before. And all that while lounging around in my pajamas!

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This was my first PaizoCon as well, and it was amazing!

My highlights were:

  • I was also able to play in James Jacobs' Unspeakable Futures game. James is so good at describing the setting I could feel and picture his post apocalyptic world. He definitely left me wanting to see more of that world. Best Move: Me getting pulled out of the clutches of the robot just before it fell to a fiery, explosive destruction.
  • The next day I got to play in Greg Vaughn's Vengence in the Hollow Hills. I got to play the badass gnome fighter, Farkle Hurp. Greg is an amazing writer and an even better GM. Everything about this game was fun and entertaining. After spending 30 to 45 minutes to try and figure out how to sneak into the complex to rescue the prisoners, we ended up setting off two huge fiery explosions, one of which incinerated the monk and burned the prisoners to death*Shrugs* This 6 hour game turned into an 8 hour game which flew by way too fast and possibly would have gone longer if everyone didn't have other events to go to.
  • Just before Greg's game, I played the Delve Starfinder game, which was full of laughs. It was fun making Joe Pasini scratch is head a bit when I greased his big bad gun and his kasatha couldn't hold on to it to fire it.
  • Monday morning's SFS Save the Renkrodas game was a lot of fun. Amanda Plageman was a fantastic GM (and we gave her a run for her money). Going on our 4th day of gaming we were all a little punchy. The scenario was a lot of fun, and Amanda is very creative, quick witted, and did a great job dealing with our shenanigans.
  • With the SFS game finishing early I got to get into one last Delve Pathfinder 2e Playtest with none other than John Compton as the GM. John was great. He really has a way of explaining the new rules so that everyone understands, he's extremely engaging, and had a ton of energy even on the last playtest on the last day of the con.
  • I met so many people and everyone was great. From the other attendees to the contributers to the staff. But one person that stands out for sure is Larry Wilhelm. I had a really good conversation with him after [i]Unspeakable Futures[i] (I suppose us both having kids the exact same age helps connect a bit).
  • Yes, the swag! Oh, the swag!

    A big thank you to everyone involved. I had a lot of fun, and I can't wait to tell the Boise folks about the event and drag as many of them along next year as possible. Can't wait for PaizoCon 2019.

  • @Eric Sklavos I was the Dwarf Fighter, Drebb, in Greg Vaughn's game. That session was definitely a highlight for me as well. That whole session was a hoot. From the constant haranguing of Greg (good naturedly, of course) to the fact that we got 2 bonus hours of game. I hope to play with you again next year!

    Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
    Elinnea wrote:

    I've just checked and I can see videos on the Twitch channel now: two videos from the 25th, three from the 26th (one of which is the banquet), and two from the 27th. Granted it's a little hard to find something in particular in the middle of a 2-4 hour stream.

    My highlight was getting to observe the news coming out live at the banquet through the magic of the internet, where I never could have done that before. And all that while lounging around in my pajamas!

    Oh, okay, so those were videos from all of the days. Seems that the specific panel about adventure paths wasn't included, then. Or I just did not find it, though I went through all the videos. Thanks for the info, nonetheless!

    My highlights included running a roller derby mini-game in the Dungeon of Dis-dress, playing a silly blue-caped Vigilante in Eric Keith's "Plucker and Gale vs Evil", hearing such a great variety ot talent in Inspire Courage: Open Bardic Performance, Getting to perform our "Star Sugar Heartlove" song for the author, Eleanor Ferron (and it being well recieved), GCP live (and meeting the cast) the know direction adventurous live broadcast, and most of all, seeing all the friends I've made over the last 4 years of Paizocon.

    Paizo Employee Developer

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    I posted my highlights in visual form here—a couple have already been mentioned in this thread ;)

    Also, it was really great to finally meet so many freelancers in person, all of whom were as wonderful as I expected from our correspondence!

    Paizo Employee Managing Developer

    magnuskn wrote:
    Elinnea wrote:

    I've just checked and I can see videos on the Twitch channel now: two videos from the 25th, three from the 26th (one of which is the banquet), and two from the 27th. Granted it's a little hard to find something in particular in the middle of a 2-4 hour stream.

    My highlight was getting to observe the news coming out live at the banquet through the magic of the internet, where I never could have done that before. And all that while lounging around in my pajamas!

    Oh, okay, so those were videos from all of the days. Seems that the specific panel about adventure paths wasn't included, then. Or I just did not find it, though I went through all the videos. Thanks for the info, nonetheless!

    Only one out of the three seminar rooms was rigged with A/V equipment, so we streamed the seminars that took place in that room.

    Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    That explains that. Thanks, Adam. :)

    I got to get James Jacobs to sign my copy of Red Hand of Doom, and also got to find out awesome bits of information about two of my favorite villains of the setting, both of whom will be influencing Return of the Runelords. Then I got to sit at a table with Jason Buhlman and Erik Mona during the Banquet, which was awesome.

    Oh, and getting to try the playtest Delve and the Rose Street Revenge adventure with the playtest. 'twas awesome.

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    Another highlight: It's been four days since I left the con, and I am showing no signs of con crud!

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    This was my first PaizoCon and I had a great time. Plan on returning next year.
    Highlights for PaizoCon 2018.
    Thursday - Met Sam from Customer Service while checking in at the hotel and she immediately made me feel welcome as a first time attendee.
    Friday - Played Pathfinder Adventure Card game for first time in the playtest. Watching the "Crypt of the Everflame Finale" was outstanding. Surprised hotel security did not kick us out considering how much noise we made as the Glass Cannon party (with Erik Mona) avoided a TPK with a last second natural 20.
    Saturday - The Preview Banquet with Paizo staff Sam from Customer Service and Chris in Accounting.
    Sunday - Starfinder "Into the Emerald Star-Spire" with Owen K.C. Stephens. Technically, it was not a TPK because we ran out of time. My Kasathas soldier lost an arm, and yes one of the first comments from the group was "you still have 3 good arms, you are fine."
    And the Sunday special "Solstice Scar (Tier 1-2) was fun. Nice touch by Paizo randomly assigning my group to the table run by the PFS contact from my area that I wanted to meet at the convention.
    Monday - Starfinder Society "Into the Unknown" was fun and I was able to see space combat for the first time. Monday night watching Greg Vaughan run an adventure in one of the Cascade rooms and wipe out the party. I believe it was the Druid Lini that was the first to fall.
    Thanks for the memories.

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    My highlight was definitely the spontaneous Sunday afternoon special. I GM'd it, and it was an incredible experience and time. The frenzy and enthusiasm shown by everyone involved made the whole thing quite memorable.

    A big shout-out to Arc, Tonya and the Overseer who made it all possible.

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