Mounted Paladin

SilverKnight916's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


Email received with new confirmation number. Thank you.

Good afternoon Customer Service,
I just received order #5095267 in the mail, but it is not correct. Is this the best place to post / contact you?
I ordered the pocket editions of the PRG: Advanced Player's Guide and the PRG: Advanced Class Guide. I received the pocket editions for the PRG: Core Rulebook and PRG: Advanced Class Guide.
Do you want me to ship the Core Rulebook back in the same box? And can I have the PRG: Advanced Player's Guide pocket edition sent to me?
Thank you.

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This was my first PaizoCon and I had a great time. Plan on returning next year.
Highlights for PaizoCon 2018.
Thursday - Met Sam from Customer Service while checking in at the hotel and she immediately made me feel welcome as a first time attendee.
Friday - Played Pathfinder Adventure Card game for first time in the playtest. Watching the "Crypt of the Everflame Finale" was outstanding. Surprised hotel security did not kick us out considering how much noise we made as the Glass Cannon party (with Erik Mona) avoided a TPK with a last second natural 20.
Saturday - The Preview Banquet with Paizo staff Sam from Customer Service and Chris in Accounting.
Sunday - Starfinder "Into the Emerald Star-Spire" with Owen K.C. Stephens. Technically, it was not a TPK because we ran out of time. My Kasathas soldier lost an arm, and yes one of the first comments from the group was "you still have 3 good arms, you are fine."
And the Sunday special "Solstice Scar (Tier 1-2) was fun. Nice touch by Paizo randomly assigning my group to the table run by the PFS contact from my area that I wanted to meet at the convention.
Monday - Starfinder Society "Into the Unknown" was fun and I was able to see space combat for the first time. Monday night watching Greg Vaughan run an adventure in one of the Cascade rooms and wipe out the party. I believe it was the Druid Lini that was the first to fall.
Thanks for the memories.

This will be my first PaizoCon as well. A long time forum reader and finally making it to a PaizoCon.
I have reserved a room at DoubleTree, signed up for games, seminars, Banquet, and set time to be a tourist in Seattle.
Have a few questions before I start a road trip to Seattle. Some games have characters provided, but no mention of this for Solstice Scar. For Tiers 1-2, should I bring a 1st or 2nd level character? Does it have to be made on the PFS site? Is there a number or code for this?
No events are planned for Monday afternoon, so are there pickup games Monday afternoon?
Thanks. Looking forward this.

Here are a few ideas for the Pathfinder Tales Wish List, and many echo previous comments:

• A story in Taldor (have not read "Dagger of Trust")
• A story in Andoran
• Hellknight as main character
• Red Mantis as main character
• Dwarf main character (but not comic relief like too many stories/movies) - maybe exploring the Darklands
• Halfling main character (but not comic relief rogue/thief like too many stories/movies) - maybe a Paladin or good Cleric to really be different
• Story in Varisia with goblins as main villains (areas from RotRL could be revisited)
• Varian and Radovan in a "Raiders of the Lost Ark" type story set in Osirion, Katapesh, and/or Mwangi Expanse
• Novelization of Adventure Paths - It would be great to see the author's take on a party going on the set story line. This was done with classic D&D adventures, and I personally enjoyed reading those stories with the similarities and differences from when I played those adventures.