I'm avoiding FAWTL

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

I suggest we make a test. Each FaWtL member start a thread: 1 character, then 2, then 3, etc.

Do we have enough members to get up to 192,834?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Are you saying I need to seriously ramp up my alias creation...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is each alias a separate Fawtl'r?

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Sure, whatever pads the ballot box.

Dark Archive

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NobodysHome wrote:

I suggest we make a test. Each FaWtL member start a thread: 1 character, then 2, then 3, etc.

Do we have enough members to get up to 192,834?

CY's alignment just changed to CE. I am so proud of you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Game Hamster wrote:

Is each alias a separate Fawtl'r?

Are you gonna make captain do THAT much work? he would be at it for weeks.

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He was already volunteering, I just made him confirm it.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Thus begins Thread Titles are Way Too Long!!!

Somewhere, somewhen, IssacX just felt a grave disturbance in the Internet...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Oh, it won't be any work.

Just stick two words together, rinse, repeat, cash the f$++ing check.

Look at me! I'm like Ron Moore!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

TTaWtL? I can get behind that.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just let me know when the FAWTL/TTAWTL annual basketball game/cookout/orgy is. I will show up and dominate at at least one of those events.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

{gates in, looks around, frowns} I should smite this thread for reckless Chaos-ing, jaywalking, and the unauthorized removal of mattress tags.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You want mattress tags?

Mail me check tomorrow and I'll send you mattress tags in the mail next week.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Stay safe from the impending storm!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Glad to read you and yours are well, Tac. We've missed you! :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Welp, there go my standars.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Look, guys, I’m definitely not saying, suggesting, hinting, or even outright stating that I intentionally picked a fight with a 6’2” ex-military dude trained in multiple styles of personal combat.

And I’m also not saying or any of that other stuff, both that I lost said fight and also had my pinky knuckle fractured.

Out loud.

EDIT: just because it could technically be read by English-readers doesn’t mean it should be. I have standars, you know. Oh, wait, no, those were taken away. Never mind!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Because that would be both stupid and preposterous.

EDIT: bogus, both, what’s a little autocorrect among friends.

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But I made him think twice about coming back!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

(Also, I walked away with the silver, so, WORTH.)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

((Also, he’s actually super-nice, and I hope I get to face him next year, too! And the judges were actually gushing about how good a fight it was.))

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CrystalSeas wrote:
I applaud you having standars.

Well, I never said they were worthwhile...

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tacticslion wrote:

Look, guys, I’m definitely not saying, suggesting, hinting, or even outright stating that I intentionally picked a fight with a 6’2” ex-military dude trained in multiple styles of personal combat.

And I’m also not saying or any of that other stuff, both that I lost said fight and also had my pinky knuckle fractured.

Out loud.

EDIT: just because it could technically be read by English-readers doesn’t mean it should be. I have standars, you know. Oh, wait, no, those were taken away. Never mind!

*slow clap*

That's why your mom told you not to pick fights with people bigger then you!

The Exchange

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Learning from Vanykyre because he sets bad examples...

You're not allowed to sit in a different thread. Get back to FAWTL!

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Anyway TL, hope you did see a doctor about your finger and have it in a cast. Try not to move it too much, and really, next time try to figure out where your limits are?

Oh, yeah; Injust got my cast today, two-and-half weeks after the fracture!

... I’m good at health; you guys!

Just a Mort wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:

Look, guys, I’m definitely not saying, suggesting, hinting, or even outright stating that I intentionally picked a fight with a 6’2” ex-military dude trained in multiple styles of personal combat.

And I’m also not saying or any of that other stuff, both that I lost said fight and also had my pinky knuckle fractured.

Out loud.

EDIT: just because it could technically be read by English-readers doesn’t mean it should be. I have standars, you know. Oh, wait, no, those were taken away. Never mind!

*slow clap*

That's why your mom told you not to pick fights with people bigger then you!

Tacticslion wrote:
CrystalSeas wrote:
I applaud you having standars.
Well, I never said they were worthwhile...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

But, look, I do know my limits. All I’m saying, though, is next tile they need to send more dudes. (I didn’t have nearly enough of the crap beaten out of me.)

(But seriously, I was disappointed when I ran out of matches. I was so ready to go! Anyway, then I removed my glove and noticed something might be wrong due to my hand. I can say, though, that I got swole, so that’s a good thing! XD)

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I think you're enjoying your broken pinky too much. I have a wickedly low pain threshold, which you'd think I'd have gotten used to by living with chronic pain, but no. I'd still be howling about a broken pinky.. lol

The Exchange

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Issue is probably adrenaline. Like while you're running you feel so pumped that the fatigue doesn't catch up with you until you stop. Been there, done that, in the running sense, not walloping people. Cats have more sense!

But I can believe in any form of vigorous activity you can get it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
DungeonmasterCal wrote:
I think you're enjoying your broken pinky too much. I have a wickedly low pain threshold, which you'd think I'd have gotten used to by living with chronic pain, but no. I'd still be howling about a broken pinky.. lol

Pain sensitivity (how quickly you feel pain) is different from pain tolerance (how long you can tolerate the pain)

Building up tolerance doesn't change your sensitivity. And there are some measurable differences between tolerance of cutaneous pain and tolerance of deep muscle pain as well.

It's complicated.

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NobodysWife's claims to fame:

  • Hopping from a bike path 60' to a car with an ankle so badly broken it had to be screwed back together in several places (think "ankle at 90° from normal")
  • Arriving at the hospital for Impus Major's birth and being told, "You're obviously not really in labor because you're still able to speak normally," followed by quite a few expletives when they realized they were only a couple of minutes away from having a baby on the floor
  • Accidentally having a totally natural birth for Impus Minor (no painkillers whatsoever; not even an aspirin), yet being able to talk through the whole thing
  • And yet stubbing her toe debilitates her with pain.

    CrystalSeas is right. I can take a punch to the face or a broken bone, but a simple nikkyo sends me into convulsions of agony.


    Also, good stuff, and important to remember, not just applicable to YouTube, but pretty much anything on the internet - including creators here on Paizo!

    4 people marked this as a favorite.
    NobodysHome wrote:

    NobodysWife's claims to fame:

  • Hopping from a bike path 60' to a car with an ankle so badly broken it had to be screwed back together in several places (think "ankle at 90° from normal")
  • Arriving at the hospital for Impus Major's birth and being told, "You're obviously not really in labor because you're still able to speak normally," followed by quite a few expletives when they realized they were only a couple of minutes away from having a baby on the floor
  • Accidentally having a totally natural birth for Impus Minor (no painkillers whatsoever; not even an aspirin), yet being able to talk through the whole thing
  • And yet stubbing her toe debilitates her with pain.

    CrystalSeas is right. I can take a punch to the face or a broken bone, but a simple nikkyo sends me into convulsions of agony.



    7 people marked this as a favorite.

    1,667 new posts???!!!

    Okay, I’m gonna need to use this thread for a while, TL... cause I’m in the same boat. Can’t not read all the posts, can’t possibly catch up anytime soon....

    Had to take time off to deal with kidlet’s health crisis and its aftermath. Will catch up slowly as I am able

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    WOO HOO! Welcome back! Let LM know; she was worried about you!

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    Welcome back, lynora. I hope that kidlet is feeling better. Just remember that you have to have standars to post here. ~grins and runs~

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Hope everything is getting back on track with the kidlet.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    Well, the kidlet survived all the makeup work and managed to get through the end of ninth grade, so that’s awesome! But we had to delay treatment for a while to make that happen. So that’s not ideal. But now we can focus on helping the kidlet get better. Today was the first day after school ended and also the first day without a seizure. Not a coincidence, they’re triggered by stress. But hey, I’ll take it. :)
    Edit: nope, obviously jinxed it. Decision making still a trigger. No matter how trivial the decision. :/

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Seizures suck. My mom had one right in front of me due to her cancer reaching her brain. On the plus side, it helped us catch it real early, so that is a plus. Good luck lynora.

    The Exchange

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    WB Lynora! Please don't feel the need to catch up with FAWTL. Everyone knows there's no catching up with that thread, Woran says it grows faster then weeds in his garden!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Thanks Sharoth. And I hope your mom is doing well now

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:
    WB Lynora! Please don't feel the need to catch up with FAWTL. Everyone knows there's no catching up with that thread, Woran says it grows faster then weeds in his garden!

    Lol, I know, but I’ve read every post in every fawtl thread since the beginning so now my stubborn brain insists that the pattern must not be broken! :P

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    My brother has epilepsy, so yeah, seizures suck ass! Glad he's done with school, hopefully you can find some relative normalcy.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Im just glad to hear you are doing okay. Or at least better than before. My best to your son.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    So many posts....I made it through two pages! Pretty sure that’s the equivalent of treading water at the rate posts get added ;)

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    You will need to average 3 pages a day to get caught up. On a average day they create 2 pages. I suggest doing a lot of skimming.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    lynora wrote:

    1,667 new posts???!!!

    Okay, I’m gonna need to use this thread for a while, TL... cause I’m in the same boat. Can’t not read all the posts, can’t possibly catch up anytime soon....

    Had to take time off to deal with kidlet’s health crisis and its aftermath. Will catch up slowly as I am able

    I’m pretty sure I opened this thread up to whatever at one point, but please feel free! I’m happy to see you!

    5 people marked this as a favorite.
    Just a Mort wrote:
    WB Lynora! Please don't feel the need to catch up with FAWTL. Everyone knows there's no catching up with that thread, Woran says it grows faster then weeds in his garden!

    You do not know the POWER STUBBORNNESS of the DARK SIDE of the force lynora and I!

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