Attack of Opportunity

Rules Questions

I understand you do not get an Attack of Opportunity when you stand from prone. But say you get knocked unconscious then the foe steps into your box. On your turn because you have the diehard feat you spend resolve points to stabilize and stay in the fight but you are in the foes box. if you get up does the foe get a attack of opportunity for you getting up in its box? But can you even get up in someone's box or do you have to crawl to another box? If so does the crawl provoke Attack of Opportunity.

Liberty's Edge

No, you don't provoke an AOO from standing up.

A crawl would provoke because that is movement from a threatened square unless it was a guarded step.

If you are no longer helpless but find yourself in a square with a bad guy, you would need to move. If you don't move, then you would be "shunted" to the nearest legal square of your choice. This "shunt" would not provoke.

At least that I how I read it.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I suspect you would get shunted the moment you woke up.

Liberty's Edge

To be honest, I could not find (in the short time i had to look) anything about shunting.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This is what I was able to find with a quick search:
Sometimes you may need to end your movement while moving through a space where you’re not allowed to stop. When that happens, you stop in the last legal position you occupied.

I would tend to think you'd need to either use an action to stand (usually a move, but maybe not) and then another action to leave the square. Or crawl before you stand. Basically, before the game starts moving you for being in an illegal space, the onus should be on you to use your actions to not be in an illegal space.

But then, I'd guess you'd provoke for moving out of the initial square?

Liberty's Edge

Ravingdork wrote:

This is what I was able to find with a quick search:

Sometimes you may need to end your movement while moving through a space where you’re not allowed to stop. When that happens, you stop in the last legal position you occupied.

Yea, I found the same thing. It is in the section about a creature moving and it really does not cover what the OP was asking about.

Since "Stay in the Fight" happens at the beginning of the a creature's turn and they can act normally, the creature could take a move action to crawl away (or a Guarded Step to crawl away) and then stand up. If the creature did not move out of the square, then the section quoted would kick in and the character would be moved to the last legal position they were in. Or shunted. GM Call at this point.

Whatever the creature was holding was dropped so that is another action to pick it back up. Which does not provoke an AOO.

Liberty's Edge

Pantshandshake wrote:

I would tend to think you'd need to either use an action to stand (usually a move, but maybe not) and then another action to leave the square. Or crawl before you stand. Basically, before the game starts moving you for being in an illegal space, the onus should be on you to use your actions to not be in an illegal space.

But then, I'd guess you'd provoke for moving out of the initial square?

From what I have been able to find, the rules don't cover this scenario. As a player, I would likely prefer being moved to my last legal position for free instead of using my actions to move away.

Because a lot needs to happen. Anything I was holding I would likely want to pick up. Then I have move away, then I have stand up. That is three actions.

So if I could pickup my dropped item as a Move. Stand up as Standard. Then be moved for free. This is what I would want to do.

But the rules don't really given clarity on this so it is a GM call.

Gary Bush wrote:
Pantshandshake wrote:

I would tend to think you'd need to either use an action to stand (usually a move, but maybe not) and then another action to leave the square. Or crawl before you stand. Basically, before the game starts moving you for being in an illegal space, the onus should be on you to use your actions to not be in an illegal space.

But then, I'd guess you'd provoke for moving out of the initial square?

From what I have been able to find, the rules don't cover this scenario. As a player, I would likely prefer being moved to my last legal position for free instead of using my actions to move away.

Because a lot needs to happen. Anything I was holding I would likely want to pick up. Then I have move away, then I have stand up. That is three actions.

So if I could pickup my dropped item as a Move. Stand up as Standard. Then be moved for free. This is what I would want to do.

But the rules don't really given clarity on this so it is a GM call.

Dont have a rule book in front of me but as I recal they do say explicetly that you can not occupy the same square as another creature (size may be involved) So that tells me that movement must happen and because of these circumstances making it so you have to spend options to avoid an illegal move seems unlikely but I can see how some DMs would rule it that way.

My problem is that you don't need to stand up. Once you stand up, you've made the decision to be in an illegal place, and your last position is no longer legal, because you aren't helpless.

So, either:
A: We expect that rule to put the character back where they were before they were knocked unconscious (it doesn't specify a turn limit, so maybe?)
B: Or we expect that rule to shift us one square away (that's not how its written)
C: Or we have to use our remaining actions to move our character to a legal place.

Pantshandshake wrote:

My problem is that you don't need to stand up. Once you stand up, you've made the decision to be in an illegal place, and your last position is no longer legal, because you aren't helpless.

So, either:
A: We expect that rule to put the character back where they were before they were knocked unconscious (it doesn't specify a turn limit, so maybe?)
B: Or we expect that rule to shift us one square away (that's not how its written)
C: Or we have to use our remaining actions to move our character to a legal place.

this puts it in another perspective. If the movement is optional and you can stay in that square because you are not required to stand up then yes. You have to spend movement to leave the square as part of the price for standing up. I am unaware how the phrasing works so I did not think of it as optional to stay put.

Sorry, I need to be more clear. You can remain helpless, and unconscious, and stay in your square. Nothing is forcing you to spend resolve to get back in the fight. Just because you *can* do that, it doesn't mean its a good decision at that particular time.

Which is also why I think the player would need to get of the square on their own. Mechanics to prevent illegal moves shouldn't step in and save a player who made a bad choice.

Pantshandshake wrote:

Sorry, I need to be more clear. You can remain helpless, and unconscious, and stay in your square. Nothing is forcing you to spend resolve to get back in the fight. Just because you *can* do that, it doesn't mean its a good decision at that particular time.

Which is also why I think the player would need to get of the square on their own. Mechanics to prevent illegal moves shouldn't step in and save a player who made a bad choice.

Shouldnt and cant are different. While I agree that standing up for free in an adjacent suqare is a pretty big upside to what is otherwise a bad day. The fact remains that the rules seem to be very specific that you cant be there (still cant look this up) the fix for this in many other systems is shunting the player to a legal space.

If the player can remain prone (even when awake) and not violate this rule then the rules can be very clear as to what you need to do to move. If they do not allow you to remain prone then something must give. it's a loophole but one that keeps a design choice in tact.

I do not believe you can be prone, and conscious, and share a place with any other character. I could be wrong, but if it turns out to be a legal option, then sure, you can do that.

However, I do agree with you at least part of the way. If you have enough actions to stand up, but not enough actions to get to a legal placement, then yes, there should be a rule or game mechanic to handle getting you to a legal placement.

But, if you have enough actions to get yourself to a legal place, I think you have to spend those actions to do it. If this means you take an AoO or can't pick up your dropped gear... well, that's tough. The game shouldn't save you from those eventualities.

Pantshandshake wrote:
But, if you have enough actions to get yourself to a legal place, I think you have to spend those actions to do it. If this means you take an AoO or can't pick up your dropped gear... well, that's tough. The game shouldn't save you from those eventualities.

I feel such a stance might be abused by players. As a GM I'd probably shunt everyone without action cost that is in an illegal position and just be done with it.

I could imagine creative players using Deep Slumber, and then intentionally standing on enemies to get more AoOs. Especially if there are other awake enemies that would have woken them up anyways.

Pantshandshake wrote:

I do not believe you can be prone, and conscious, and share a place with any other character. I could be wrong, but if it turns out to be a legal option, then sure, you can do that.

However, I do agree with you at least part of the way. If you have enough actions to stand up, but not enough actions to get to a legal placement, then yes, there should be a rule or game mechanic to handle getting you to a legal placement.

But, if you have enough actions to get yourself to a legal place, I think you have to spend those actions to do it. If this means you take an AoO or can't pick up your dropped gear... well, that's tough. The game shouldn't save you from those eventualities.

So that ruling depends on how much you want to punish a player. In a tactic based strategy game that is exactly how they tend to rule (with one exception that comes glarlingly to mind).

However in many RPGs the player who was already knocked out does not need to be further punished and this is how many of those have ruled in past. To explain the logic further nothing ruins a player experience like not getting to play and being out of play for x turns is bad enough without also having to spend an extra turn to get up (at considerable risk)

As I said in my original post I can see why some DMs (like yourself) would rule that it would be this way so I do get it.

The trick here seems to be that you are willing to conceide it would happen as clearly as stated if the player in question does not have resources.

So hopefully that means you can see as well why a rule in this somewhat outlier case would eliminate the need to determine RAI either way. I was just pointing out that simple and clean would be the player stands up in a shunted space because it streamlines play and has significant precident in other similar games.

My DM says that an AOO takes a single melee action, which is true. He proceeds to state that if I take my AOO then that signal attack uses up my attack action the next round. Now if I have multiple attacks next round I lose one of them to make this AOO the round before. I have always understood you get 1 free AOO a round unless you have combat reflexs or a similar feat or ability. Who is correct me or him?

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Kismet1243 wrote:
My DM says that an AOO takes a single melee actionif I take my AOO then that signal attack uses up my attack action the next round.

A character in Starfinder gets a Swift, move, and a Standard during their turn in a round. They also get, once per round, a Reaction.

If you take an Attack of Opportunity vs. an opponent who provoked on their turn, you are consuming your Reaction, NOT your next turn's Standard Action.

There are no rules for what happens when you're in a square legally that later becomes illegal to stand in. The result shouldn't be someone getting an AOO.

Kismet1243 wrote:
My DM says that an AOO takes a single melee action, which is true. He proceeds to state that if I take my AOO then that signal attack uses up my attack action the next round. Now if I have multiple attacks next round I lose one of them to make this AOO the round before. I have always understood you get 1 free AOO a round unless you have combat reflexs or a similar feat or ability. Who is correct me or him?

Your GM didn't read the rules well at all if he came to that conclusion.

Attacks of Opportunity use your reaction for the round. Nothing else.

You get one reaction per round.

Your standard, move, and swift action are unaffected whether or not you used your reaction.

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