Changing ancestries (race) in PF2

Prerelease Discussion

In Pathfinder 1 you pretty much couldn't change your race post character creation. Reincarnate exists but it won't let you change into any of the more interesting races such as a merfolk or a centaur. I think it would be super cool if I could roleplay "Reverse Ariel" in PF2.


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I'm sorta curious how the reincarnate spell is going to work. Since if I was a dwarf, and was especially resistant to poisons because of a heritage feat I chose, and I get reincarnated as an elf, do I lose that feat? Can I replace it with another one?

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Fuzzypaws wrote:

It's not lasting. It feels more like a Halloween costume than an actual character change.

It wouldn't be hard to create a potion of race change. Make sure you price it high enough that players don't chug them down every 2 minutes and you're good to go. There's no real meaningful power increase by changing race, so long as it's a "once or twice across 20 levels" thing rather than a "before every combat" kind of thing. Although to keep it properly balanced you would need to change mental stats as well as physical stats. Perhaps different races have different brain chemistry.

Nauseated condition for 24-CON hours as 'transformation illness', using the lower CON score of the two forms in question?

That'd do it.

That sounds a little like a character taking a level of Sorcerer later in their career. Turns out, you have a bloodline! To change to a landwalker, you'd just need to go up a level and move some feats around.

As an added dis-incentive to 'pile it on', add an additional 24 to each subsequent 'dosage' used?

So the first one would be 24-CON using the lower of the two cons, but until the Nauseated condition is cleared via natural means, any subsequent consumption would add an additional 24 hours to the duration of the condition?

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