DireMerc |
@rorek55 For the class
Also I checked in with some of my old games to see if they would want to continue and while a few players did say they wanted to come back not enough to continue. So by request I will be starting a new game of Iron gods and The Emerald spire superdungeon.
That will give me 4 games total and I am good with that for now.
Souls At War |
-link not working not familiar with young characters
* Sorry, Young Character.
Souls At War |
Soul at war I'm open to just about anything so long as it's not obviously broken or overpowered and very few things are. I've been known to allow characters to even invent their own feats or use things from 3.5 so long as it's not gamebreaking and mostly for flavor/roleplaying
THAT, is some heavy duty "missing the point".
It can be frustrating to show interest and making concepts for a game just for them (interest and concepts) to be killed be the rules later.
Usually, characters creation and other rules should be in the first post of a recruitment thread, unless it started as an interests check.
Edit: 3.5 ... Generic Classes?
DireMerc |
This did start as an interest check and I made a separate recruitment tread with character creation rules for each game.
I don't like restrictions characters on what they can make. But sometimes restrictions are needed. For example it's not a good idea to have a CE necromancer in a party with 3 LG characters but in some situations it can actually work. Common enemy and forced circumstances and good roleplayers can make it work. What I try to avoid is people who are only looking to use obscure material from strange sources that I didn't specifically say was not allowed to make a character that can single handily steamroll the whole adventure. That's only fun for one person. SO to avoid that happening without making a massive 300 page list of things that are allowed and things that are not I just say that everything is allowed until someone tried to use something broken and then I just have them change something to make it not broken while keeping the same concept.
DireMerc |
To recap
* Stats Generation? -20 point buy
* HP after first level? -roll it and re-roll 1's
* Races allowed? -I'm ok with 90% of races I will let you know I have a problem with that you picked
* Classes and archetypes allowed? -no restrictions there
* Traits and Drawbacks? -2 traits no drawbacks
* Starting Gold? -normal starting gold
* Background Skills? nope
* Young Characters? nope
* Ability scores adjustments by age categories? -yes but I do not stack them so bonuses and penalties would be.
-1 physical abilities, +1 mental abilities at middle age
-3 physical abilities, +2 mental abilities at old age
-6 phys +3 mental at venerable
* Templates? -maybe ask me about the template and I will let you know
* any 3rd party stuff allowed? -ask me and I will decided depending on what it is
Generic classes would be a no. That's more like a system overhaul that only works if the hole group is using it and I would only allow it with a small party (IE 2-3 players)