!OMG! !OMG! !OMG! It is Coming! You can preorder your tickets for the tour now!!!

Starfinder Society

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/55/55/5

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

So, I just saw this and I am wondering how many other GMs and Players cannot wait for its release.

Starfinder Society Scenario #01-14: Star Sugar Heartlove

I have a player whos character states that they totally ripped off his songs, but failed in his legal battles against the Pop Stars.

Anyone else work them into character backgrounds?

Are you excited to see where this might lead?

Or are you just shaking your head right now?

We totally need Paizo to make us some Tour T-shirts prior to the release so I can show up wearing one to run this scenario.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

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♫ Here we come,
Jettin' down the hall
We get the sunniest looks from
Anyone at all
We’re Strawberry Machine Cake!
And people say we may be too sweet
But we're too busy singing
Huggin’ evr’yone we meet!

We tour any planet we want to
Do what we like to do
We don't have time to get cranky
There's always something new
We’re Strawberry Machine Cake!
And people say we may be too sweet
But we're too busy singing
Huggin’ evr’yone we meet!

We're just tryin' to be friendly
Come and watch us sing and play
We're from Absalom Station
And we've got something to say

Any time,
Or anywhere
Check the cams in your spy drone
Guess who'll be standing there

We’re Strawberry Machine Cake!
And people say we may be too sweet
But we're too busy singing
Huggin’ evr’yone we meet! ♫


♫ We’re Strawberry Machine Cake!
And people say we may be too sweet
But we're too busy singing
Huggin’ evr’yone we meet!

We're just tryin' to be friendly
Come and watch us sing and play
We're from Absalom Station
And we've got something to say

We’re Strawberry Machine Cake!
We’re Strawberry Machine Cake! ♫

[repeat and fade]

[Extra verse:]
♫ We’re Strawberry Machine Cake!
The new generation unfurled
So you'd better get ready
We may be comin' to your world ♫

Original Source Material: “Hey, Hey we’re the Monkees” by the Monkees

Manifold Host 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 *****

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A little pink-haired gnome appears, waving her album.


Not in character background, though Poshkettle Tea will definitely have a concession stand at their concert!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Troy Stevens wrote:

So, I just saw this and I am wondering how many other GMs and Players cannot wait for its release.

Starfinder Society Scenario #01-14: Star Sugar Heartlove

I have a player whos character states that they totally ripped off his songs, but failed in his legal battles against the Pop Stars.

Anyone else work them into character backgrounds?

Are you excited to see where this might lead?

Or are you just shaking your head right now?

We totally need Paizo to make us some Tour T-shirts prior to the release so I can show up wearing one to run this scenario.

I have heard there are Concert Shirts going around for SMC's Lesser known Chocolate Dipped Tour.


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I feel the same way about the Icon for Hire tour.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Germany—Bavaria

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To be honest, all the hype kinda ruined the band for me and I frankly I am more into metal ^^

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 **

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Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
To be honest, all the hype kinda ruined the band for me and I frankly I am more into metal ^^

Have you tried Abysshead?

Wayfinders 5/5

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"Oh my gosh, I look up to Machine Cake so much! Seeing their Marshmallow Hugs set on startube was a huge inspiration for me and my own music. I hope their tour goes really well for them, they deserve it!"

Lynn considers the group to be her rivals and is looking forward to opportunities to sneakily undermine their popularity. Her attempts during SFS 1-01 to sabotage the Star Sugar Heartlove!!! physical release were unsuccessful, but she is not the kind to give up!

With some luck, a flexible GM, and players who don't mind a bit a derailment, I'm hoping Lynn will get a chance to stick it to the superstars while upping her own image.

Exo-Guardians 4/5 5/5 **

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Bill Baldwin wrote:
Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
To be honest, all the hype kinda ruined the band for me and I frankly I am more into metal ^^
Have you tried Abysshead?

Raise your skinny antennae like battlegloves to heaven!

Acquisitives **

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I actually sampled some Abysshead for the album I'm working on to benefit the miners in Tasch. I plan on dropping the single A Night in Nightarch on the infosphere soon to drum up interest for Songs of the Scoured Stars.


Oh, dammit - why does that keep going off?!? I swear I've run the antivirus on my comm unit a dozen times now!

1/5 5/55/55/55/5 **

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You haven't lived until you've been in the pit with a 7 foot Vesk! The Abysshead cover band, Guns 'n' Doshkos plays a pretty good live gig too.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

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Unofficial Abysshead shirt logo

My players can't quit SMC. I'm excited, too, but mostly because Kylex, my Second Seeker shirren envoy, is entirely smitten with Zigvigix.

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