
Rakisan's page

47 posts. Organized Play character for Ascalaphus.


SP 90/120, HP 88/88, RP 11/12 |


Conditions: -


Male Korasha Lashunta Soldier (Blitz, Guard) 12 | Perception +14, darkvision 60ft., blindsense (thought) 90ft. | Initiative +8 | EAC 31, KAC 33 | Fortitude +11 (+2/6 vs poison and disease, depending), Reflex +11, Will +9 |

Strength 22
Dexterity 18
Constitution 16
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 10
Charisma 13

About Rakisan

Boons Slotted
Personal Scoured Stars Survivor (#1-99)
Social Savior of the Scoured Stars (#2-00)
Ally Hireling (Life Science, Mysticism, Physical Science +20)
Faction Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)
Starship Gate of Twelve Suns Veteran (AP5)
Promotional Campaign Coin

Alto Singing Disk (holy, opportunistic +2/+5, called, ghostkiller) +19 / 3d6+21 So, 50ft, confused critical
Standard Taclash (nonlethal, reach, analog, disarm, trip) +19 / 1d6+21 S
Sopranino Singing Disk (called) +19 / 1d4+21 So, 30ft, confused critical
Tactical Arc Emitter (blast, stun, unwieldy) +17 / 1d4+12 E, 15ft.
Aurora Shock Pad (integrated, powered 20/1, stun) +19 / 2d4+21 E, staggered critical

Race - Korasha Lashunta
+2 Str, +2 Cha, -2 Wis
Limited Telepathy 30ft.
1/day - detect thoughts (DC 13)
at will - daze (DC 12), psychokinetic hand
student - +2 to Diplomacy and Engineering

Theme - Icon
Rakisan is a well-known member of the Qabarat Mobile Infantry, appearing on recruitment posters as "the Korasha that could", getting through the university on a GI scholarship and all that. There are persistent rumors that my face appears on "the only good bug is a dead bug" anti-Formian propaganda but that's my grandfather who looks a lot like me. I mean, the war has been over for 30 years now.
Theme knowledge: -5 DC on Profession and Culture checks to know about military icons.
(Mega-)celebrity: people recognize my name with a DC 5 Culture check and out of context a DC 10 Culture check recognizes me by face. I've been on Live Exploration Extreme! I should be able to find a generic fan who has a needed skill within 1d4 hours.

Primary fighting style: Blitz. As a standard action I can charge, and I can choose to make two attacks at the end of a charge at -4 to hit, or to perform a bull rush.
Secondary fighting style: Guard

Gear Boost: Melee Striker Add an additional bonus equal to half your Strength bonus to damage rolls with melee weapons.
Gear Boost: Sonic Resonance When you hit a creature within 30 feet of you using a weapon in the sonic category, the sonic energy continues to resonate within that creature, giving it the flat-footed condition for 1 round. If you hit multiple creatures at the same time (such as with an automatic, blast, or explode weapon), only the creature nearest to you or to the center of the explosion (your choice if multiple creatures are equidistant) is affected.
Gear Boost: Advanced Coordination When you are threatening a foe with a wielded melee weapon, cover it gains from you doesn’t grant it any bonus to AC against your allies’ ranged attacks. The foe still counts as having cover for the purpose of effects such as the Coordinated Shot feat; it simply doesn’t gain any cover bonuses to AC against your allies’ attacks.

Soldier's Onslaught When you make a full attack, you can make up to three attacks instead of two attacks. You take a –6 penalty to these attacks instead of a –4 penalty.

1 Skill Focus Engineering
2b Weapon Focus Advanced Melee Weapons
3 Skill Synergy Diplomacy, Perception
4b Versatile Focus
5 Step Up
6b Step Up And Strike
7 Enhanced Resistance DR level/-
8b Coordinated Shot +1 to hit for allies against enemies I threaten and don't cover; due to Advanced Coordination, if I do cover them, that doesn't hinder allies
9 Psychic Sense This gives me blindsense (thought) with a range equal to my telepathy, which is 90
10b Mobility +4 AC against attacks of opportunity caused by movement
11 Focused Sense As a move action, turn blindsense into blindsight for a round
12b Through the Lines I can charge through allies

Acrobatics +2
Athletics +16
Bluff +1
Computers +4
Culture +19
Diplomacy +18
Disguise +1
Engineering +23
Intimidate +5
Life Science +5
Medicine +10
Mysticism +1
Perception +14
Physical Science +5
Piloting +18 (12 ranks, with the right boon slotted counts as 14 ranks)
Profession(Officer) +9
Sense Motive +0
Sleight of Hand +1 (and untrained, so can't attempt most checks)
Stealth +1
Survival +4
I carry all the library chips and a lot of the toolkits as well

2 more

Aegis, Squad
EAC +17, KAC +19, Max Dex +3, ACP -5, Speed -10 feet, 5 upgrade slots, 3 bulk.
(Note that Guard soldier style reduces ACP to -4 and increases Max Dex to +4)
Filtered Rebreather Acid Resistance 5, +2 untyped bonus vs. poison and disease, and fresh air for 12 weeks
Electrostatic Field Mk II Electricity Resistance 10 and anyone hitting me in melee takes 2d6 electricity damage.
Thrower Arms +10 feet range increment on ranged attacks.
Thermal Capacitor Cold and Fire Resistance 5 and expanded temperature range where I don't need to save against environmental discomfort.
Mobility Enhancer Mk I reduces armor speed penalty by 5ft.

Knight's Shield, Field
AC bonus +1/+2, Max Dex +5, ACP -1, Bulk 1, Upgrades 2
Aurora Shock Pad built-in weapon that does 2d4E damage, capacity 20/usage 1 and Stun. Is set to Stun by default.


Alto Singing Disk with Called, Holy, Opportunistic, Ghostkiller fusions.
Sopranino Singing Disk with a Called fusion
Idaran Force Training Baton
Aurora Shock Pad
Tactical Arc Emitter

Worn Magic Items
Telespectrum Mk II Extends the range of limited telepathy by 60 feet, 6 times per day you can use limited telepathy with any creature that knows a language instead of only when you share a language.
Ring of Resistance Mk III which boosts my Reflex save.

Eyes: Darkvision Capacitors, Standard 60ft darkvision.
Throat: Wildwise lets me talk to animals and beasts that are normally too dumb to talk. Can use Diplomacy to influence them.
Skin: Antitoxin Membrane +4 circumstance bonus vs. contact and injury diseases and poisons.
Legs: Complete Speed Suspension 30ft enhancement bonus to speed.
Feet: Force Soles Mk II Let me walk on air as if it was solid footing
Personal Upgrades Magical tattoos that accentuate muscle toning and provide +4 Strength, +2 Dexterity

Total Gear
electrostatic field Mk2 1
filtered rebreather 1
infrared sensors 1
thermal capacitor Mk1 1
thrower arms 1
aegis series, squad armor 1
lashunta ringwear 3 1
wildwise 1
antitoxin membrane 1
darkvision capacitors, standard 1
speed suspension, complete 1
force soles, Mk2 1
called fusion 1
called fusion 1
ghost killer fusion 1
holy fusion on austere bone cestus 1
starstone compass 1
telespectrum circlet, Mk2 1
ring of resistance, Mk3 1
serum of healing, Mk 1 1
backpack, industrial 1
field rations (week) 1
hygiene kit 1
professional clothing (officer) 1
tent, mass produced 1
personal upgrade, Mk 2 (Strength) 1
personal upgrade, Mk1 (Dexterity) 1
field knight's shield 1
binders 1
chemalyzer 1
comm unit, personal 1
fire extinguisher 1
flashlight 1
library chip (culture, engineering, mysticism, life science, physical science) 5
titanium cable, 50ft 1
toolkit, broad-spectrum scanning 1
toolkit, demolitions 1
toolkit, disguise 1
toolkit, engineering 1
toolkit, linguist 1
toolkit, navigation 1
toolkit, profession (officer) 1
toolkit, starship repair 1
toolkit, trapsmith 1
smoke grenade 2
assault hammer 1
aurora shock pad 1
singing disk, alto 1
singing disk, sopranino 1
starknife, tactical 1
taclash, standard 1
austere bone cestus 1
Idaran force training baton 1

[url=]Storm Hammer, Ferromagnetic[/b] 6d6 B&E, Powered 20/2